%0 Journal Article %K Kelly BBB %K B.U.T. 6 %K footpad dermatitis %K organic farming %B Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift %C Hannover %D 2017 %G English %I Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG %P 250-257 %R 10.2376/0005-9366-15111 %T Evaluation of footpad health and live weights in two lines of turkey hens kept under organic husbandry conditions in Germany %V 130 %1 {"oldId":105303,"title":"Evaluation of footpad health and live weights in two lines of turkey hens kept under organic husbandry conditions in Germany","topline":"","teaserText":"Evaluation der Fu\u00dfballengesundheit und der Lebendgewichte von Putenhennen zweier Linien unter \u00f6kologischen Haltungsbedingungen in Deutschland","content":"

Within the frame of this project, footpad health and live weights of 15 British United Turkeys 6 (B.U.T. 6) and eleven Kelly Broad Breasted Bronze (Kelly BBB) flocks, kept under organic husbandry conditions in Germany were assessed. Data collection was carried out on 50 turkey hens each within two farm visits, in the first eight weeks of life and during the late fattening period. An additional 200 pairs of feet per flock were collected at the slaughterhouse if possible. Within the 14th to 17th week the mean \u00b1 SD footpad score calculated for the B.U.T. 6 flocks (2.64 \u00b1 0.436) was significantly higher (P lt; 0.001) compared to Kelly BBB (1.52 \u00b1 0.484). Similar results were determined for the end of the fattening period, when B.U.T. 6 flocks (2.53 \u00b1 0.360) were scored 1.5-fold higher than Kelly BBB (1.7 \u00b1 0.431). These line differences so far were traced to the higher body weight of B.U.T. 6 compared to Kelly BBB turkeys. The mean live weights of B.U.T. 6 and Kelly BBB flocks, however, did not differ significantly (P gt; 0.05) between the 16th and 18th week of life. While none of the B.U.T. 6 flocks reached the goal weights given by the breeding company under commercial conditions, most of the Kelly BBB flocks even exceeded the performance objectives until the end of the fattening period. The results indicate other factors than the body weight as the main cause of differences in footpad health among the organically kept Kelly BBB and B.U.T. 6 flocks examined in the present study.<\/p>

Kelly BBB, B.U.T. 6, footpad dermatitis, organic farming<\/p>

Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wurden die Fu\u00dfballengesundheit und Lebendgewichte von 15 British United Turkeys 6 (B.U.T. 6) und elf Kelly Broad Breasted Bronze (Kelly BBB) Herden, unter \u00f6kologischen Haltungsbedingungen in Deutschland erfasst. Die Datenerfassung wurde an jeweils 50 Putenhennen im Rahmen von zwei Betriebsbesuchen, in den ersten acht Lebenswochen und in der sp\u00e4ten Mastperiode durchgef\u00fchrt. Soweit m\u00f6glich, wurden weitere 200 Fu\u00dfpaare je Herde am Schlachthof gesammelt. Innerhalb der 14. bis 17. Lebenswoche war der f\u00fcr die B.U.T. 6-Herden berechnete mittlere Fu\u00dfballenscore signifikant (P lt; 0.001) h\u00f6her (2,64 \u00b1 0,436) im Vergleich zu den Fu\u00dfballenscores der Herden der Linie Kelly BBB (1,52 \u00b1 0,484). \u00c4hnliche Ergebnisse wurden am Ende der Mastperiode ermittelt, wobei die B.U.T. 6-Herden (2,53 \u00b1 0,360) 1,5-fach h\u00f6her beurteilt wurden als Kelly BBB (1,7 \u00b1 0,431). Diese Linienunterschiede wurden bisher auf das h\u00f6here K\u00f6rpergewicht von B.U.T. 6- gegen\u00fcber Kelly BBB-Puten zur\u00fcckgef\u00fchrt. Die mittleren Lebendgewichte der B.U.T. 6- und Kelly BBB-Herden unterschieden sich in der vorliegenden Studie jedoch nicht signifikant (P gt; 0.05) zwischen der 16. und 18. Lebenswoche. W\u00e4hrend keine der B.U.T. 6-Herden die vom Zuchtunternehmen angegebenen Zielgewichte unter konventionellen Haltungsbedingungen erreichte, \u00fcberschritten die meisten der Kelly BBB-Herden die Leistungsziele bis zum Ende der Mastperiode sogar. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf andere Faktoren als das K\u00f6rpergewicht als die Hauptursache f\u00fcr Unterschiede in der Fu\u00dfballengesundheit zwischen den in der vorliegenden Studie \u00f6kologisch gehaltenen Kelly BBB- und B.U.T. 6-Herden hin.<\/p>

Kelly BBB, B.U.T. 6, Fu\u00dfballenentz\u00fcndung, \u00f6kologischer Landbau<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Nov 12, 2017 8:58:50 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/evaluation-of-footpad-health-and-live-weights-in-two-lines-of-turkey-hens-kept-under-organic-husbandry-conditions-in-germany\/150\/3130\/105303"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/evaluation-of-footpad-health-and-live-weights-in-two-lines-of-turkey-hens-kept-under-organic-husbandry-conditions-in-germany\/150\/3130\/105303\/","doiSource":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift 130, Heft 5\/6 (2017), Seiten 250\u2013257","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-15111","doiFirstPage":"250","doiLastPage":"257","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Habig C, Spindler B, Beyerbach M, Kemper N","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2017_05_06_0250.pdf","title":"BMW_2017_05_06_0250.pdf","description":"Evaluation of footpad health and live weights in two lines of turkey hens kept under organic husbandry conditions in Germany"},"authors":[{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"Habig"},{"firstName":"B","middleName":"","lastName":"Spindler"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Beyerbach"},{"firstName":"N","middleName":"","lastName":"Kemper"}],"contentOptimised":"

Within the frame of this project, footpad health and live weights of 15 British United Turkeys 6 (B.U.T. 6) and eleven Kelly Broad Breasted Bronze (Kelly BBB) flocks, kept under organic husbandry conditions in Germany were assessed. Data collection was carried out on 50 turkey hens each within two farm visits, in the first eight weeks of life and during the late fattening period. An additional 200 pairs of feet per flock were collected at the slaughterhouse if possible. Within the 14th to 17th week the mean \u00b1 SD footpad score calculated for the B.U.T. 6 flocks (2.64 \u00b1 0.436) was significantly higher (P lt; 0.001) compared to Kelly BBB (1.52 \u00b1 0.484). Similar results were determined for the end of the fattening period, when B.U.T. 6 flocks (2.53 \u00b1 0.360) were scored 1.5-fold higher than Kelly BBB (1.7 \u00b1 0.431). These line differences so far were traced to the higher body weight of B.U.T. 6 compared to Kelly BBB turkeys. The mean live weights of B.U.T. 6 and Kelly BBB flocks, however, did not differ significantly (P gt; 0.05) between the 16th and 18th week of life. While none of the B.U.T. 6 flocks reached the goal weights given by the breeding company under commercial conditions, most of the Kelly BBB flocks even exceeded the performance objectives until the end of the fattening period. The results indicate other factors than the body weight as the main cause of differences in footpad health among the organically kept Kelly BBB and B.U.T. 6 flocks examined in the present study.<\/p>

Kelly BBB, B.U.T. 6, footpad dermatitis, organic farming<\/p>

Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wurden die Fu\u00dfballengesundheit und Lebendgewichte von 15 British United Turkeys 6 (B.U.T. 6) und elf Kelly Broad Breasted Bronze (Kelly BBB) Herden, unter \u00f6kologischen Haltungsbedingungen in Deutschland erfasst. Die Datenerfassung wurde an jeweils 50 Putenhennen im Rahmen von zwei Betriebsbesuchen, in den ersten acht Lebenswochen und in der sp\u00e4ten Mastperiode durchgef\u00fchrt. Soweit m\u00f6glich, wurden weitere 200 Fu\u00dfpaare je Herde am Schlachthof gesammelt. Innerhalb der 14. bis 17. Lebenswoche war der f\u00fcr die B.U.T. 6-Herden berechnete mittlere Fu\u00dfballenscore signifikant (P lt; 0.001) h\u00f6her (2,64 \u00b1 0,436) im Vergleich zu den Fu\u00dfballenscores der Herden der Linie Kelly BBB (1,52 \u00b1 0,484). \u00c4hnliche Ergebnisse wurden am Ende der Mastperiode ermittelt, wobei die B.U.T. 6-Herden (2,53 \u00b1 0,360) 1,5-fach h\u00f6her beurteilt wurden als Kelly BBB (1,7 \u00b1 0,431). Diese Linienunterschiede wurden bisher auf das h\u00f6here K\u00f6rpergewicht von B.U.T. 6- gegen\u00fcber Kelly BBB-Puten zur\u00fcckgef\u00fchrt. Die mittleren Lebendgewichte der B.U.T. 6- und Kelly BBB-Herden unterschieden sich in der vorliegenden Studie jedoch nicht signifikant (P gt; 0.05) zwischen der 16. und 18. Lebenswoche. W\u00e4hrend keine der B.U.T. 6-Herden die vom Zuchtunternehmen angegebenen Zielgewichte unter konventionellen Haltungsbedingungen erreichte, \u00fcberschritten die meisten der Kelly BBB-Herden die Leistungsziele bis zum Ende der Mastperiode sogar. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf andere Faktoren als das K\u00f6rpergewicht als die Hauptursache f\u00fcr Unterschiede in der Fu\u00dfballengesundheit zwischen den in der vorliegenden Studie \u00f6kologisch gehaltenen Kelly BBB- und B.U.T. 6-Herden hin.<\/p>

Kelly BBB, B.U.T. 6, Fu\u00dfballenentz\u00fcndung, \u00f6kologischer Landbau<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Within the frame of this project, footpad health and live weights of 15 British United Turkeys 6 (B.U.T. 6) and eleven Kelly Broad Breasted Bronze (Kelly BBB) flocks, kept under organic husbandry conditions in Germany were assessed. Data collection was carried out on 50 turkey hens each within two farm visits, in the first eight weeks of life and during the late fattening period. An additional 200 pairs of feet per flock were collected at the slaughterhouse if possible. Within the 14th to 17th week the mean \u00b1 SD footpad score calculated for the B.U.T. 6 flocks (2.64 \u00b1 0.436) was significantly higher (P lt; 0.001) compared to Kelly BBB (1.52 \u00b1 0.484). Similar results were determined for the end of the fattening period, when B.U.T. 6 flocks (2.53 \u00b1 0.360) were scored 1.5-fold higher than Kelly BBB (1.7 \u00b1 0.431). These line differences so far were traced to the higher body weight of B.U.T. 6 compared to Kelly BBB turkeys. The mean live weights of B.U.T. 6 and Kelly BBB flocks, however, did not differ significantly (P gt; 0.05) between the 16th and 18th week of life. While none of the B.U.T. 6 flocks reached the goal weights given by the breeding company under commercial conditions, most of the Kelly BBB flocks even exceeded the performance objectives until the end of the fattening period. The results indicate other factors than the body weight as the main cause of differences in footpad health among the organically kept Kelly BBB and B.U.T. 6 flocks examined in the present study.<\/p>

","keywords":["Kelly BBB","B.U.T. 6","footpad dermatitis","organic farming"],"zusammenfassung":"Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wurden die Fu\u00dfballengesundheit und Lebendgewichte von 15 British United Turkeys 6 (B.U.T. 6) und elf Kelly Broad Breasted Bronze (Kelly BBB) Herden, unter \u00f6kologischen Haltungsbedingungen in Deutschland erfasst. Die Datenerfassung wurde an jeweils 50 Putenhennen im Rahmen von zwei Betriebsbesuchen, in den ersten acht Lebenswochen und in der sp\u00e4ten Mastperiode durchgef\u00fchrt. Soweit m\u00f6glich, wurden weitere 200 Fu\u00dfpaare je Herde am Schlachthof gesammelt. Innerhalb der 14. bis 17. Lebenswoche war der f\u00fcr die B.U.T. 6-Herden berechnete mittlere Fu\u00dfballenscore signifikant (P lt; 0.001) h\u00f6her (2,64 \u00b1 0,436) im Vergleich zu den Fu\u00dfballenscores der Herden der Linie Kelly BBB (1,52 \u00b1 0,484). \u00c4hnliche Ergebnisse wurden am Ende der Mastperiode ermittelt, wobei die B.U.T. 6-Herden (2,53 \u00b1 0,360) 1,5-fach h\u00f6her beurteilt wurden als Kelly BBB (1,7 \u00b1 0,431). Diese Linienunterschiede wurden bisher auf das h\u00f6here K\u00f6rpergewicht von B.U.T. 6- gegen\u00fcber Kelly BBB-Puten zur\u00fcckgef\u00fchrt. Die mittleren Lebendgewichte der B.U.T. 6- und Kelly BBB-Herden unterschieden sich in der vorliegenden Studie jedoch nicht signifikant (P gt; 0.05) zwischen der 16. und 18. Lebenswoche. W\u00e4hrend keine der B.U.T. 6-Herden die vom Zuchtunternehmen angegebenen Zielgewichte unter konventionellen Haltungsbedingungen erreichte, \u00fcberschritten die meisten der Kelly BBB-Herden die Leistungsziele bis zum Ende der Mastperiode sogar. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf andere Faktoren als das K\u00f6rpergewicht als die Hauptursache f\u00fcr Unterschiede in der Fu\u00dfballengesundheit zwischen den in der vorliegenden Studie \u00f6kologisch gehaltenen Kelly BBB- und B.U.T. 6-Herden hin.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Kelly BBB","B.U.T. 6","Fu\u00dfballenentz\u00fcndung","\u00f6kologischer Landbau"],"translatedTitle":"Evaluation der Fu\u00dfballengesundheit und der Lebendgewichte von Putenhennen zweier Linien unter \u00f6kologischen Haltungsbedingungen in Deutschland","abstractE":"Within the frame of this project, footpad health and live weights of 15 British United Turkeys 6 (B.U.T. 6) and eleven Kelly Broad Breasted Bronze (Kelly BBB) flocks, kept under organic husbandry conditions in Germany were assessed. Data collection was carried out on 50 turkey hens each within two farm visits, in the first eight weeks of life and during the late fattening period. An additional 200 pairs of feet per flock were collected at the slaughterhouse if possible. Within the 14th to 17th week the mean \u00b1 SD footpad score calculated for the B.U.T. 6 flocks (2.64 \u00b1 0.436) was significantly higher (P lt; 0.001) compared to Kelly BBB (1.52 \u00b1 0.484). Similar results were determined for the end of the fattening period, when B.U.T. 6 flocks (2.53 \u00b1 0.360) were scored 1.5-fold higher than Kelly BBB (1.7 \u00b1 0.431). These line differences so far were traced to the higher body weight of B.U.T. 6 compared to Kelly BBB turkeys. The mean live weights of B.U.T. 6 and Kelly BBB flocks, however, did not differ significantly (P gt; 0.05) between the 16th and 18th week of life. While none of the B.U.T. 6 flocks reached the goal weights given by the breeding company under commercial conditions, most of the Kelly BBB flocks even exceeded the performance objectives until the end of the fattening period. The results indicate other factors than the body weight as the main cause of differences in footpad health among the organically kept Kelly BBB and B.U.T. 6 flocks examined in the present study.","date":{"year":2017,"date":"11\/2017","accepted":"2017-11-12"},"volume":"130","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"250-257","redirects":["evaluation-of-footpad-health-and-live-weights-in-two-lines-of-turkey-hens-kept-under-organic-husbandry-conditions-in-germany\/150\/3130\/105303"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} %7 5/6 %8 11/2017