%0 Journal Article %K Digital dermatitis %K Mortellaro %K salicylic acid paste %K tetracycline %K washing %K cattle %B Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift %C Hannover %D 2015 %G English %I Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG %P 326-334 %R 10.2376/0005-9366-128-326 %T Effectiveness of salicylic acid paste for treatment of digital dermatitis in dairy cows compared with tetracycline spray and hydrotherapy %V 01 %1 {"oldId":88699,"title":"Effectiveness of salicylic acid paste for treatment of digital dermatitis in dairy cows compared with tetracycline spray and hydrotherapy","topline":"","teaserText":"Wirksamkeit der Salizyls\u00e4urepaste zur Behandlung der Dermatitis digitalis bei Milchk\u00fchen im Vergleich mit Tetrazyklinspray und Hydrotherapie","content":"

The effectiveness of salicylic acid paste (PASTE) was tested for topical treatment of 25 acute and 25 chronic digital dermatitis (DD) lesions. Control groups with the same number of acute and chronic DD lesions were treated with topical oxytetracycline spray (SPRAY) and by washing only with water (HYDRO) respectively. The therapeutic effects were evaluated using a pain score, the healing rate, the lesion size and other parameters. Pre-treatment and control examinations were carried out on day 0, 4, 14 and 21. In the PASTE group, 72.0% of acute DD lesions were pain free and 24.0% of acute DD lesions were healed on day 21 showing a normal skin surface (M0). Only 28.0% of acute DD lesions treated with SPRAY and 12.0% treated with HYDRO had healed on day 21. A significantly higher healing rate was revealed in acute lesions for the PASTE compared to the HYDRO group (p lt; 0.05) for all three re-checks, and for the PASTE group compared with the SPRAY group (p lt; 0.05) for day 4 and day 14. Healing rates of chronic DD lesions were higher in the PASTE group with 44.0% on day 14 and \ufeff2.0% on day 21, compared with 12.0% in the SPRAY and \ufeff2.0% in the HYDRO group on day 14, and 20.0% (SPRAY) and 28.0% (HYDRO) on day 21 respectively. The recurrence rate of lesions after they had healed during the study period was 14.5% in total. Digital dermatitis lesions treated with salicylic acid paste and a wrap showed significantly higher healing rates within the study period, odds ratios for healing of acute lesions with PASTE were 4.5 to 2.7 times higher than with SPRAY, and 9.\ufeff to \ufeff2.4 higher compared with HYDRO.<\/p>

Digital dermatitis, Mortellaro, salicylic acid paste, tetracycline, washing, cattle<\/p>

Die therapeutische Wirksamkeit der lokal applizierten Salizyls\u00e4urepaste (PASTE) wurde bei 25 akuten und 25 chronischen Dermatitis digitalis (DD) L\u00e4sionen \u00fcberpr\u00fcft. Die Kontrollgruppen mit derselben Anzahl akuter und chronischer DD L\u00e4sionen wurden lokal mit Oxytetrazyklinspray (SPRAY) bzw. mit ausschlie\u00dflicher Reinigung mittels Wasser (HYDRO) therapiert. Der therapeutische Effekt wurde mittels eines Schmerzscores, der Abheilungsrate, der Gr\u00f6\u00dfe der L\u00e4sion und anderer Parameter \u00fcberpr\u00fcft. Erst- und Kontrolluntersuchungen wurden am Tag 0, 4, 14 und 21 durchgef\u00fchrt. In der Gruppe PASTE waren am Tag 21 72,0 % der akuten DD L\u00e4sionen schmerzfrei und 24,0 % der akuten DD L\u00e4sionen abgeheilt, d. h. mit normaler Haut bedeckt (M0). Hingegen waren am Tag 21 in der Gruppe SPRAY nur 28,0 % und in der Gruppe HYDRO nur 12,0 % der akuten L\u00e4sionen abgeheilt. Akute DD L\u00e4sionen der Gruppe PASTE zeigten signifikant bessere Heilungsraten im Vergleich zu jenen der Gruppe HYDRO (p lt; 0.05) bei allen drei Kontrolluntersuchungen, und ebenso an den Kontrolltagen 4 und 14 im Vergleich zu denen der Gruppe SPRAY (p lt; 0.05). Die Heilungsrate bei den chronischen DD L\u00e4sionen war in der Gruppe PASTE mit 44,0 % am Tag 14 und \ufeff2,0 % am Tag 21 h\u00f6her, verglichen mit 12,0 % in der Gruppe SPRAY und \ufeff2,0 % in der Gruppe HYDRO am Tag 14 bzw. mit 20,0 % (SPRAY) und 28,0 % (HYDRO) am Tag 21. Die Rezidivrate von w\u00e4hrend der Beobachtungszeit abgeheilten L\u00e4sionen (akut und chronisch) betrug 14,5 %. DD L\u00e4sionen, welche mit Salizyls\u00e4urepaste und Verband behandelt worden waren, zeigten signifikant h\u00f6here Heilungsraten w\u00e4hrend des Beobachtungszeitraumes, Odds ratios f\u00fcr Abheilung akuter DD L\u00e4sionen mit PASTE-Behandlung waren 4,5- bis 2,7-fach h\u00f6her als mit SPRAY-Behandlung sowie 9,\ufeff- bis \ufeff2,4-fach h\u00f6her verglichen mit HYDRO-Therapie.<\/p>

Dermatitis digitalis, Mortellaro, Salizyls\u00e4ure Paste, Tetrazyklin, Waschung, Rind<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Jul 7, 2015 10:00:00 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/effectiveness-of-salicylic-acid-paste-for-treatment-of-digital-dermatitis-in-dairy-cows-compared-with-tetracycline-spray-and-hydrotherapy\/150\/3130\/88699"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","doiDocumentUri":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschr 128, 326\u2013334 (2015) ","doiSource":"http:\/\/cf01.vetline.schluetersche.de\/effectiveness-of-salicylic-acid-paste-for-treatment-of-digital-dermatitis-in-dairy-cows-compared-with-tetracycline-spray-and-hydrotherapy\/150\/3130\/88699\/","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-128-326","doiFirstPage":"326","doiLastPage":"334","doiTransmitted":false,"doiAuthor":"Kofler J, Innerebner C, Pesenhofer R, Hangl A, Tichy A","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2015_07_08_0326.pdf","title":"BMW_2015_07_08_0326.pdf","description":"Effectiveness of salicylic acid paste for treatment of digital dermatitis in dairy cows compared with tetracycline spray and hydrotherapy "},"authors":[{"firstName":"J","middleName":"","lastName":"Kofler"},{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"Innerebner"},{"firstName":"R","middleName":"","lastName":"Pesenhofer"},{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Hangl"},{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Tichy"}],"contentOptimised":"

The effectiveness of salicylic acid paste (PASTE) was tested for topical treatment of 25 acute and 25 chronic digital dermatitis (DD) lesions. Control groups with the same number of acute and chronic DD lesions were treated with topical oxytetracycline spray (SPRAY) and by washing only with water (HYDRO) respectively. The therapeutic effects were evaluated using a pain score, the healing rate, the lesion size and other parameters. Pre-treatment and control examinations were carried out on day 0, 4, 14 and 21. In the PASTE group, 72.0% of acute DD lesions were pain free and 24.0% of acute DD lesions were healed on day 21 showing a normal skin surface (M0). Only 28.0% of acute DD lesions treated with SPRAY and 12.0% treated with HYDRO had healed on day 21. A significantly higher healing rate was revealed in acute lesions for the PASTE compared to the HYDRO group (p lt; 0.05) for all three re-checks, and for the PASTE group compared with the SPRAY group (p lt; 0.05) for day 4 and day 14. Healing rates of chronic DD lesions were higher in the PASTE group with 44.0% on day 14 and \ufeff2.0% on day 21, compared with 12.0% in the SPRAY and \ufeff2.0% in the HYDRO group on day 14, and 20.0% (SPRAY) and 28.0% (HYDRO) on day 21 respectively. The recurrence rate of lesions after they had healed during the study period was 14.5% in total. Digital dermatitis lesions treated with salicylic acid paste and a wrap showed significantly higher healing rates within the study period, odds ratios for healing of acute lesions with PASTE were 4.5 to 2.7 times higher than with SPRAY, and 9.\ufeff to \ufeff2.4 higher compared with HYDRO.<\/p>

Digital dermatitis, Mortellaro, salicylic acid paste, tetracycline, washing, cattle<\/p>

Die therapeutische Wirksamkeit der lokal applizierten Salizyls\u00e4urepaste (PASTE) wurde bei 25 akuten und 25 chronischen Dermatitis digitalis (DD) L\u00e4sionen \u00fcberpr\u00fcft. Die Kontrollgruppen mit derselben Anzahl akuter und chronischer DD L\u00e4sionen wurden lokal mit Oxytetrazyklinspray (SPRAY) bzw. mit ausschlie\u00dflicher Reinigung mittels Wasser (HYDRO) therapiert. Der therapeutische Effekt wurde mittels eines Schmerzscores, der Abheilungsrate, der Gr\u00f6\u00dfe der L\u00e4sion und anderer Parameter \u00fcberpr\u00fcft. Erst- und Kontrolluntersuchungen wurden am Tag 0, 4, 14 und 21 durchgef\u00fchrt. In der Gruppe PASTE waren am Tag 21 72,0 % der akuten DD L\u00e4sionen schmerzfrei und 24,0 % der akuten DD L\u00e4sionen abgeheilt, d. h. mit normaler Haut bedeckt (M0). Hingegen waren am Tag 21 in der Gruppe SPRAY nur 28,0 % und in der Gruppe HYDRO nur 12,0 % der akuten L\u00e4sionen abgeheilt. Akute DD L\u00e4sionen der Gruppe PASTE zeigten signifikant bessere Heilungsraten im Vergleich zu jenen der Gruppe HYDRO (p lt; 0.05) bei allen drei Kontrolluntersuchungen, und ebenso an den Kontrolltagen 4 und 14 im Vergleich zu denen der Gruppe SPRAY (p lt; 0.05). Die Heilungsrate bei den chronischen DD L\u00e4sionen war in der Gruppe PASTE mit 44,0 % am Tag 14 und \ufeff2,0 % am Tag 21 h\u00f6her, verglichen mit 12,0 % in der Gruppe SPRAY und \ufeff2,0 % in der Gruppe HYDRO am Tag 14 bzw. mit 20,0 % (SPRAY) und 28,0 % (HYDRO) am Tag 21. Die Rezidivrate von w\u00e4hrend der Beobachtungszeit abgeheilten L\u00e4sionen (akut und chronisch) betrug 14,5 %. DD L\u00e4sionen, welche mit Salizyls\u00e4urepaste und Verband behandelt worden waren, zeigten signifikant h\u00f6here Heilungsraten w\u00e4hrend des Beobachtungszeitraumes, Odds ratios f\u00fcr Abheilung akuter DD L\u00e4sionen mit PASTE-Behandlung waren 4,5- bis 2,7-fach h\u00f6her als mit SPRAY-Behandlung sowie 9,\ufeff- bis \ufeff2,4-fach h\u00f6her verglichen mit HYDRO-Therapie.<\/p>

Dermatitis digitalis, Mortellaro, Salizyls\u00e4ure Paste, Tetrazyklin, Waschung, Rind<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"The effectiveness of salicylic acid paste (PASTE) was tested for topical treatment of 25 acute and 25 chronic digital dermatitis (DD) lesions. Control groups with the same number of acute and chronic DD lesions were treated with topical oxytetracycline spray (SPRAY) and by washing only with water (HYDRO) respectively. The therapeutic effects were evaluated using a pain score, the healing rate, the lesion size and other parameters. Pre-treatment and control examinations were carried out on day 0, 4, 14 and 21. In the PASTE group, 72.0% of acute DD lesions were pain free and 24.0% of acute DD lesions were healed on day 21 showing a normal skin surface (M0). Only 28.0% of acute DD lesions treated with SPRAY and 12.0% treated with HYDRO had healed on day 21. A significantly higher healing rate was revealed in acute lesions for the PASTE compared to the HYDRO group (p lt; 0.05) for all three re-checks, and for the PASTE group compared with the SPRAY group (p lt; 0.05) for day 4 and day 14. Healing rates of chronic DD lesions were higher in the PASTE group with 44.0% on day 14 and \ufeff2.0% on day 21, compared with 12.0% in the SPRAY and \ufeff2.0% in the HYDRO group on day 14, and 20.0% (SPRAY) and 28.0% (HYDRO) on day 21 respectively. The recurrence rate of lesions after they had healed during the study period was 14.5% in total. Digital dermatitis lesions treated with salicylic acid paste and a wrap showed significantly higher healing rates within the study period, odds ratios for healing of acute lesions with PASTE were 4.5 to 2.7 times higher than with SPRAY, and 9.\ufeff to \ufeff2.4 higher compared with HYDRO.<\/p>

","keywords":["Digital dermatitis","Mortellaro","salicylic acid paste","tetracycline","washing","cattle"],"zusammenfassung":"Die therapeutische Wirksamkeit der lokal applizierten Salizyls\u00e4urepaste (PASTE) wurde bei 25 akuten und 25 chronischen Dermatitis digitalis (DD) L\u00e4sionen \u00fcberpr\u00fcft. Die Kontrollgruppen mit derselben Anzahl akuter und chronischer DD L\u00e4sionen wurden lokal mit Oxytetrazyklinspray (SPRAY) bzw. mit ausschlie\u00dflicher Reinigung mittels Wasser (HYDRO) therapiert. Der therapeutische Effekt wurde mittels eines Schmerzscores, der Abheilungsrate, der Gr\u00f6\u00dfe der L\u00e4sion und anderer Parameter \u00fcberpr\u00fcft. Erst- und Kontrolluntersuchungen wurden am Tag 0, 4, 14 und 21 durchgef\u00fchrt. In der Gruppe PASTE waren am Tag 21 72,0 % der akuten DD L\u00e4sionen schmerzfrei und 24,0 % der akuten DD L\u00e4sionen abgeheilt, d. h. mit normaler Haut bedeckt (M0). Hingegen waren am Tag 21 in der Gruppe SPRAY nur 28,0 % und in der Gruppe HYDRO nur 12,0 % der akuten L\u00e4sionen abgeheilt. Akute DD L\u00e4sionen der Gruppe PASTE zeigten signifikant bessere Heilungsraten im Vergleich zu jenen der Gruppe HYDRO (p lt; 0.05) bei allen drei Kontrolluntersuchungen, und ebenso an den Kontrolltagen 4 und 14 im Vergleich zu denen der Gruppe SPRAY (p lt; 0.05). Die Heilungsrate bei den chronischen DD L\u00e4sionen war in der Gruppe PASTE mit 44,0 % am Tag 14 und \ufeff2,0 % am Tag 21 h\u00f6her, verglichen mit 12,0 % in der Gruppe SPRAY und \ufeff2,0 % in der Gruppe HYDRO am Tag 14 bzw. mit 20,0 % (SPRAY) und 28,0 % (HYDRO) am Tag 21. Die Rezidivrate von w\u00e4hrend der Beobachtungszeit abgeheilten L\u00e4sionen (akut und chronisch) betrug 14,5 %. DD L\u00e4sionen, welche mit Salizyls\u00e4urepaste und Verband behandelt worden waren, zeigten signifikant h\u00f6here Heilungsraten w\u00e4hrend des Beobachtungszeitraumes, Odds ratios f\u00fcr Abheilung akuter DD L\u00e4sionen mit PASTE-Behandlung waren 4,5- bis 2,7-fach h\u00f6her als mit SPRAY-Behandlung sowie 9,\ufeff- bis \ufeff2,4-fach h\u00f6her verglichen mit HYDRO-Therapie.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Dermatitis digitalis","Mortellaro","Salizyls\u00e4ure Paste","Tetrazyklin","Waschung","Rind"],"translatedTitle":"Wirksamkeit der Salizyls\u00e4urepaste zur Behandlung der Dermatitis digitalis bei Milchk\u00fchen im Vergleich mit Tetrazyklinspray und Hydrotherapie","abstractE":"The effectiveness of salicylic acid paste (PASTE) was tested for topical treatment of 25 acute and 25 chronic digital dermatitis (DD) lesions. Control groups with the same number of acute and chronic DD lesions were treated with topical oxytetracycline spray (SPRAY) and by washing only with water (HYDRO) respectively. The therapeutic effects were evaluated using a pain score, the healing rate, the lesion size and other parameters. Pre-treatment and control examinations were carried out on day 0, 4, 14 and 21. In the PASTE group, 72.0% of acute DD lesions were pain free and 24.0% of acute DD lesions were healed on day 21 showing a normal skin surface (M0). Only 28.0% of acute DD lesions treated with SPRAY and 12.0% treated with HYDRO had healed on day 21. A significantly higher healing rate was revealed in acute lesions for the PASTE compared to the HYDRO group (p lt; 0.05) for all three re-checks, and for the PASTE group compared with the SPRAY group (p lt; 0.05) for day 4 and day 14. Healing rates of chronic DD lesions were higher in the PASTE group with 44.0% on day 14 and \ufeff2.0% on day 21, compared with 12.0% in the SPRAY and \ufeff2.0% in the HYDRO group on day 14, and 20.0% (SPRAY) and 28.0% (HYDRO) on day 21 respectively. The recurrence rate of lesions after they had healed during the study period was 14.5% in total. Digital dermatitis lesions treated with salicylic acid paste and a wrap showed significantly higher healing rates within the study period, odds ratios for healing of acute lesions with PASTE were 4.5 to 2.7 times higher than with SPRAY, and 9.\ufeff to \ufeff2.4 higher compared with HYDRO.","date":{"year":2015,"date":"07\/2015","accepted":"2015-07-07"},"volume":"01","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"326-334","redirects":["effectiveness-of-salicylic-acid-paste-for-treatment-of-digital-dermatitis-in-dairy-cows-compared-with-tetracycline-spray-and-hydrotherapy\/150\/3130\/88699"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} %7 7/8 %8 07/2015