%0 Journal Article %K young camels %K acid-base metabolism %K strong ion difference (SID3) %K Acid total (Atot) %K reference values %K NH4Cl-load %B Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift %C Hannover %D 2010 %G English %I Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG %P 153-159 %R 10.2376/0005-9366-123-153 %T Studies on acid-base status (Stewart’s model) of young camels ( Camelus dromedarius ) after acid-load with NH 4 Cl %V 123 %1 {"oldId":70933,"title":"Studies on acid-base status (Stewart\u0092s model) of young camels ( Camelus dromedarius ) after acid-load with NH 4 Cl","teaserText":"The identification of the reference values of Stewart variables and the changes inthe acid-base status of the blood and urine in relation to the age after acid-loadwere studied in desert species of camels.14 healthy young camels (age: 3\u00961 ...","content":"

\r\n\r\nThe identification of the reference values of Stewart variables and the changes in\r\nthe acid-base status of the blood and urine in relation to the age after acid-load\r\nwere studied in desert species of camels.\r\n14 healthy young camels (age: 3\u00961 months) and 22 adult camels (age: 1\u00968 years)\r\nwere used to provide the reference and percentile ranges of the Stewart variables.\r\nIn the experiments, 24 healthy young camels (age: 4Cl solution (dose: 1.0 ml\/kg) through a permanent intravenous\r\ncatheter. Venous blood and urine samples were collected before infusion\r\n(0 hours). After the start of infusion, venous blood samples were collected at 2, 4,\r\n6, 8 and 24 hours, and urine samples were collected at 8, 24 and 48 hours. Blood\r\nand urine samples were used for the determination of the various acid-base\r\nparameters, including the non-respiratory Stewart variables.\r\nThe reference range of serum-[strong ion difference = SID3<\/span>] was 39\u009612 mmol\/l\r\nfor all age groups. The reference values of serum-[acid total = A-] were between\r\n10\u009617 mmol\/l for all age groups. Serum-[Atot-protein<\/span>] and -[Atot-albumin<\/span>] showed a\r\nreference range of 19\u009624 mmol\/l and 20\u009628 mmol\/l, respectively.\r\nBy 2\u00968 hours after the NH4<\/span>Cl-<\/span>load, the Stewart variables (serum-[SID3<\/span>] and\r\nserum-[Atot-protein<\/span>]) decreased significantly, and as a consequence, the blood pH\r\ndecreased. Generally, the loaded young camels showed a transient moderate\r\nhyperchloraemic acidosis with a slight hypoproteinaemic alkalosis. These malfunctions\r\nwere accompanied by increased renal fractional excretion of chloride\r\nand sodium and decreased urine pH.\r\nConclusion: The identified reference values of the Stewart variables can be used\r\nfor the clinical diagnosis of acid-base disturbances in camels. With the assistance\r\nof the non-respiratory Stewart variables ([SID3<\/span>] and [Atot<\/span>]), we can detect the\r\ndetermining influence of strong electrolytes (Na+<\/span>, K+<\/span> and Cl-<\/span>) and weak acids (proteins,\r\nPi) on the physiological and pathological acid-base status of the animals.\r\n\r\n\r\n

\r\n\r\nyoung camels, acid-base metabolism, strong ion difference (SID3<\/span>),\r\nAcid total (Atot<\/span>), reference values, NH4<\/span>Cl-<\/span>load\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

\r\nBeim Kamel wurden die Referenz- und Perzentilbereiche der nichtrespiratorischen\r\nStewart-Variablen des S\u00e4uren-Basen-Status (SBS) sowie weiterer SBS-Parameter\r\nin Blut und Harn nach experimenteller S\u00e4ure-Belastung in Abh\u00e4ngigkeit vom\r\nLebensalter der Tiere untersucht.\r\nZuerst wurden Referenzwerte bei 14 gesunden jungen Kamelen (Alter:\r\n3\u00961 Monate) und 22 adulten Probanden (Alter: 1\u00968 Jahre) ermittelt. Danach\r\nerhielten 24 gesunde junge Kamele (Alter: 4Cl-<\/span>L\u00f6sung (Dosis:\r\n1,0 ml\/kg). Vor sowie mehrmals bis 24 bzw. 48 h nach Infusionsbeginn wurden\r\nvon den Tieren Blut- bzw. Harnproben gewonnen und darin die Parameter des\r\nSBS einschlie\u00dflich der nichtrespiratorischen Stewart-Variablen ermittelt.\r\nF\u00fcr alle Altersgruppen betrugen die Referenzbereiche f\u00fcr Serum-[SID3<\/span>]\r\n39\u009612 mmol\/l, f\u00fcr Serum-[A-] 10\u009617 mmol\/l, f\u00fcr Serum-[Atot-protein<\/span>] 19\u009624 mmol\/l\r\nund f\u00fcr Serum-[Atot-albumin<\/span>] 17\u009628 mmol\/l.\r\nIm Zeitraum 2 bis 8 Stunden nach Infusionsbeginn mit der NH4<\/span>Cl-<\/span>L\u00f6sung\r\nverminderten sich bei allen Altersgruppen signifikant die Serumwerte f\u00fcr [SID3<\/span>]\r\nund [Atot-protein<\/span>] und au\u00dferdem sank der Blut-pH. Demnach existierte bei den\r\nKamelen post infusionem eine transiente moderate hyperchlor\u00e4mische Azidose\r\nsowie eine geringe hypoprotein\u00e4mische Alkalose. Zur Beseitigung der Funktionsst\u00f6rungen\r\nerfolgte in den Nieren eine erh\u00f6hte fraktionelle Exkretion von Chlorid\r\nund Natrium sowie ein Absinken des Harn-pH.\r\nSchlussfolgerung: Das Stewart-Modell des SBS ist bei Kamelen f\u00fcr die klinische\r\nDiagnostik des physiologischen und pathologischen SBS gut geeignet. Nur mit\r\nHilfe der nichtrespiratorischen Stewart-Variablen kann der bestimmende Einfluss\r\nder starken Elektrolyte (Na+<\/span>, K+<\/span>, Cl-<\/span>) und der schwachen S\u00e4uren (Protein, anorganisches\r\nPhosphat) auf den SBS des Organismus ermittelt werden.\r\n

\r\nJunge Kamele, S\u00e4uren-Basen-Stoffwechsel, starke Ionendifferenz\r\n(SID3<\/span>), Gesamtkonzentration schwacher S\u00e4uren (Atot<\/span>), Referenzwerte,\r\nNH4<\/span>Cl-<\/span>Belastung<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Mar 10, 2010 12:00:00 AM","toDate":"Dec 31, 2050 12:00:00 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/young-camels-acid-base-metabolism-strong-ion-difference-sid3\/150\/3130\/70933"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"Online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr.","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/young-camels-acid-base-metabolism-strong-ion-difference-sid3\/150\/3130\/70933","doiSource":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr. 123: 3-4, 153-159 (2010)","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-123-153","doiFirstPage":"153","doiLastPage":"159","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Elkhair NM, Hartmann H","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/bmtw_2010_03_0153.pdf","title":"bmtw_2010_03_0153.pdf","description":"Studies on acid-base status (Stewart\u0092s model) of young camels (Camelus dromedarius<\/i>) after acid-load with NH4<\/sub>Cl


\n\nThe identification of the reference values of Stewart variables and the changes in\nthe acid-base status of the blood and urine in relation to the age after acid-load\nwere studied in desert species of camels.\n14 healthy young camels (age: 3\u20131 months) and 22 adult camels (age: 1\u20138 years)\nwere used to provide the reference and percentile ranges of the Stewart variables.\nIn the experiments, 24 healthy young camels (age: 4Cl solution (dose: 1.0 ml\/kg) through a permanent intravenous\ncatheter. Venous blood and urine samples were collected before infusion\n(0 hours). After the start of infusion, venous blood samples were collected at 2, 4,\n6, 8 and 24 hours, and urine samples were collected at 8, 24 and 48 hours. Blood\nand urine samples were used for the determination of the various acid-base\nparameters, including the non-respiratory Stewart variables.\nThe reference range of serum-[strong ion difference = SID3] was 39\u201312 mmol\/l\nfor all age groups. The reference values of serum-[acid total = A-] were between\n10\u201317 mmol\/l for all age groups. Serum-[Atot-protein] and -[Atot-albumin] showed a\nreference range of 19\u201324 mmol\/l and 20\u201328 mmol\/l, respectively.\nBy 2\u20138 hours after the NH4Cl-load, the Stewart variables (serum-[SID3] and\nserum-[Atot-protein]) decreased significantly, and as a consequence, the blood pH\ndecreased. Generally, the loaded young camels showed a transient moderate\nhyperchloraemic acidosis with a slight hypoproteinaemic alkalosis. These malfunctions\nwere accompanied by increased renal fractional excretion of chloride\nand sodium and decreased urine pH.\nConclusion: The identified reference values of the Stewart variables can be used\nfor the clinical diagnosis of acid-base disturbances in camels. With the assistance\nof the non-respiratory Stewart variables ([SID3] and [Atot]), we can detect the\ndetermining influence of strong electrolytes (Na+, K+ and Cl-) and weak acids (proteins,\nPi) on the physiological and pathological acid-base status of the animals.\n\n\n

\n\nyoung camels, acid-base metabolism, strong ion difference (SID3),\nAcid total (Atot), reference values, NH4Cl-load\n\n\n\n

\nBeim Kamel wurden die Referenz- und Perzentilbereiche der nichtrespiratorischen\nStewart-Variablen des S\u00e4uren-Basen-Status (SBS) sowie weiterer SBS-Parameter\nin Blut und Harn nach experimenteller S\u00e4ure-Belastung in Abh\u00e4ngigkeit vom\nLebensalter der Tiere untersucht.\nZuerst wurden Referenzwerte bei 14 gesunden jungen Kamelen (Alter:\n3\u20131 Monate) und 22 adulten Probanden (Alter: 1\u20138 Jahre) ermittelt. Danach\nerhielten 24 gesunde junge Kamele (Alter: 4Cl-L\u00f6sung (Dosis:\n1,0 ml\/kg). Vor sowie mehrmals bis 24 bzw. 48 h nach Infusionsbeginn wurden\nvon den Tieren Blut- bzw. Harnproben gewonnen und darin die Parameter des\nSBS einschlie\u00dflich der nichtrespiratorischen Stewart-Variablen ermittelt.\nF\u00fcr alle Altersgruppen betrugen die Referenzbereiche f\u00fcr Serum-[SID3]\n39\u201312 mmol\/l, f\u00fcr Serum-[A-] 10\u201317 mmol\/l, f\u00fcr Serum-[Atot-protein] 19\u201324 mmol\/l\nund f\u00fcr Serum-[Atot-albumin] 17\u201328 mmol\/l.\nIm Zeitraum 2 bis 8 Stunden nach Infusionsbeginn mit der NH4Cl-L\u00f6sung\nverminderten sich bei allen Altersgruppen signifikant die Serumwerte f\u00fcr [SID3]\nund [Atot-protein] und au\u00dferdem sank der Blut-pH. Demnach existierte bei den\nKamelen post infusionem eine transiente moderate hyperchlor\u00e4mische Azidose\nsowie eine geringe hypoprotein\u00e4mische Alkalose. Zur Beseitigung der Funktionsst\u00f6rungen\nerfolgte in den Nieren eine erh\u00f6hte fraktionelle Exkretion von Chlorid\nund Natrium sowie ein Absinken des Harn-pH.\nSchlussfolgerung: Das Stewart-Modell des SBS ist bei Kamelen f\u00fcr die klinische\nDiagnostik des physiologischen und pathologischen SBS gut geeignet. Nur mit\nHilfe der nichtrespiratorischen Stewart-Variablen kann der bestimmende Einfluss\nder starken Elektrolyte (Na+, K+, Cl-) und der schwachen S\u00e4uren (Protein, anorganisches\nPhosphat) auf den SBS des Organismus ermittelt werden.\n

\nJunge Kamele, S\u00e4uren-Basen-Stoffwechsel, starke Ionendifferenz\n(SID3), Gesamtkonzentration schwacher S\u00e4uren (Atot), Referenzwerte,\nNH4Cl-Belastung<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"The identification of the reference values of Stewart variables and the changes in\nthe acid-base status of the blood and urine in relation to the age after acid-load\nwere studied in desert species of camels.\n14 healthy young camels (age: 3\u20131 months) and 22 adult camels (age: 1\u20138 years)\nwere used to provide the reference and percentile ranges of the Stewart variables.\nIn the experiments, 24 healthy young camels (age: 4Cl solution (dose: 1.0 ml\/kg) through a permanent intravenous\ncatheter. Venous blood and urine samples were collected before infusion\n(0 hours). After the start of infusion, venous blood samples were collected at 2, 4,\n6, 8 and 24 hours, and urine samples were collected at 8, 24 and 48 hours. Blood\nand urine samples were used for the determination of the various acid-base\nparameters, including the non-respiratory Stewart variables.\nThe reference range of serum-[strong ion difference = SID3] was 39\u201312 mmol\/l\nfor all age groups. The reference values of serum-[acid total = A-] were between\n10\u201317 mmol\/l for all age groups. Serum-[Atot-protein] and -[Atot-albumin] showed a\nreference range of 19\u201324 mmol\/l and 20\u201328 mmol\/l, respectively.\nBy 2\u20138 hours after the NH4Cl-load, the Stewart variables (serum-[SID3] and\nserum-[Atot-protein]) decreased significantly, and as a consequence, the blood pH\ndecreased. Generally, the loaded young camels showed a transient moderate\nhyperchloraemic acidosis with a slight hypoproteinaemic alkalosis. These malfunctions\nwere accompanied by increased renal fractional excretion of chloride\nand sodium and decreased urine pH.\nConclusion: The identified reference values of the Stewart variables can be used\nfor the clinical diagnosis of acid-base disturbances in camels. With the assistance\nof the non-respiratory Stewart variables ([SID3] and [Atot]), we can detect the\ndetermining influence of strong electrolytes (Na+, K+ and Cl-) and weak acids (proteins,\nPi) on the physiological and pathological acid-base status of the animals.","keywords":["young camels","acid-base metabolism","strong ion difference (SID3)","\nAcid total (Atot)","reference values","NH4Cl-load"],"zusammenfassung":"Beim Kamel wurden die Referenz- und Perzentilbereiche der nichtrespiratorischen\nStewart-Variablen des S\u00e4uren-Basen-Status (SBS) sowie weiterer SBS-Parameter\nin Blut und Harn nach experimenteller S\u00e4ure-Belastung in Abh\u00e4ngigkeit vom\nLebensalter der Tiere untersucht.\nZuerst wurden Referenzwerte bei 14 gesunden jungen Kamelen (Alter:\n3\u20131 Monate) und 22 adulten Probanden (Alter: 1\u20138 Jahre) ermittelt. Danach\nerhielten 24 gesunde junge Kamele (Alter: 4Cl-L\u00f6sung (Dosis:\n1,0 ml\/kg). Vor sowie mehrmals bis 24 bzw. 48 h nach Infusionsbeginn wurden\nvon den Tieren Blut- bzw. Harnproben gewonnen und darin die Parameter des\nSBS einschlie\u00dflich der nichtrespiratorischen Stewart-Variablen ermittelt.\nF\u00fcr alle Altersgruppen betrugen die Referenzbereiche f\u00fcr Serum-[SID3]\n39\u201312 mmol\/l, f\u00fcr Serum-[A-] 10\u201317 mmol\/l, f\u00fcr Serum-[Atot-protein] 19\u201324 mmol\/l\nund f\u00fcr Serum-[Atot-albumin] 17\u201328 mmol\/l.\nIm Zeitraum 2 bis 8 Stunden nach Infusionsbeginn mit der NH4Cl-L\u00f6sung\nverminderten sich bei allen Altersgruppen signifikant die Serumwerte f\u00fcr [SID3]\nund [Atot-protein] und au\u00dferdem sank der Blut-pH. Demnach existierte bei den\nKamelen post infusionem eine transiente moderate hyperchlor\u00e4mische Azidose\nsowie eine geringe hypoprotein\u00e4mische Alkalose. Zur Beseitigung der Funktionsst\u00f6rungen\nerfolgte in den Nieren eine erh\u00f6hte fraktionelle Exkretion von Chlorid\nund Natrium sowie ein Absinken des Harn-pH.\nSchlussfolgerung: Das Stewart-Modell des SBS ist bei Kamelen f\u00fcr die klinische\nDiagnostik des physiologischen und pathologischen SBS gut geeignet. Nur mit\nHilfe der nichtrespiratorischen Stewart-Variablen kann der bestimmende Einfluss\nder starken Elektrolyte (Na+, K+, Cl-) und der schwachen S\u00e4uren (Protein, anorganisches\nPhosphat) auf den SBS des Organismus ermittelt werden.","schluesselwoerter":["Junge Kamele","S\u00e4uren-Basen-Stoffwechsel","starke Ionendifferenz\n(SID3)","Gesamtkonzentration schwacher S\u00e4uren (Atot)","Referenzwerte","\nNH4Cl-Belastung"],"translatedTitle":"","abstractE":"The identification of the reference values of Stewart variables and the changes inthe acid-base status of the blood and urine in relation to the age after acid-loadwere studied in desert species of camels.14 healthy young camels (age: 3\u00961 ...","date":{"year":2010,"date":"03\/2010","accepted":"2010-03-10"},"volume":"123","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"153-159","redirects":["young-camels-acid-base-metabolism-strong-ion-difference-sid3\/150\/3130\/70933"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} %8 03/2010