%0 Journal Article %B Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift %C Hannover %D 2007 %G English %I Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG %P 391-401 %R 10.2376/0005-9366-120-391 %T Antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli from swine, horses,dogs and cats as determined in the BfT-GermVet moni-toring program 2004-2006 %V 120 %1 {"oldId":70445,"title":"Antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli from swine, horses,dogs and cats as determined in the BfT-GermVet moni-toring program 2004-2006","teaserText":"DOI 10.2376\/0005-9366-120-391","content":"

A total of 417 isolates of Escherichia coli collected from five animal species\/organ System combinations from swine [urinary\/genital tract (UGT) incl.mastitis metritis agalactia syndrome], horses [genital tract (GT)] and dogs\/cats [respiratory tract (RT), UGT and gastrointestinal tract (GIT)] were analysed guantitatively for their susceptibility against different antimicrobial agents by determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations. Regardless of which animal species the strains origi-nated from, resistance appeared most freguently against sulfamethoxazole (18-59 %),tetracycline (14-54%), and ampicillin (14-39%). High percentages of intermediate isolates were observed for cephalothin (39-46 %). In general, low prevalences of resistance were detected for amoxicillin\/clavulanic acid (1-4 %), gentamicin (1-9 %), and cefazolin (0-11 %).Generally speaking,the antimicrobia resistance Situation among E.coli isolates from horses and small animals is rela-tively good.

Insgesamt wurden 41 7 Escherichia coli Isolate aus f\u00fcnf Indikationen von Schwein [Urogenitaltrakt (UGT) inkl. Mastitis-Metritis-Agalaktie Komplex], Pferd [Genitaltrakt, (GT)] und Hund und Katze [Respirationstrakt (RT), UGT und Gastrointestinal-trakt (GIT)] auf ihre Empfindlichkeit gegen\u00fcber verschiedenen antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen getestet. Unabh\u00e4ngig von der Herkunft der St\u00e4mme konnten am h\u00e4ufigsten Resistenzen gegen Sulfamethoxazol (18-59 %),Tetracyclin (14-54%) und Ampicillin (14-39 %) festgestellt werden. F\u00fcr Cephalothin wurden hohe Raten intermedi\u00e4rer Isolate beobachtet (39-46 %). Die Resistenzraten f\u00fcr Amoxi-cillin\/Clavulans\u00e4ure (1-4%),Gentamicin (1-9 %) und Cefazolin (0-11 %) waren allgemein im niedrigen Bereich. Im Allgemeinen ist die Resistenzlage von E coli-Isolaten von Pferden und Kleintieren in Deutschland als g\u00fcnstig einzusch\u00e4tzen.<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Sep 1, 2007 12:00:00 AM","toDate":"Jan 1, 2030 12:00:00 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/17082857\/150\/3130\/70445"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"Online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr.","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/17082857\/150\/3130\/70445","doiSource":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr. 120: 9-10, 391-401 (2007)","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-120-391","doiFirstPage":"391","doiLastPage":"401","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Grobbel M, L\u00fcbke-Becker A, Alesik E, Schwarz S, Wallmann J, Werckenthin C, Wieler L H","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/bmtw_2007_09_0391.pdf","title":"bmtw_2007_09_0391.pdf","description":"Antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli from swine, horses,dogs and cats as determined in the BfT-GermVet moni-toring program 2004-2006


A total of 417 isolates of Escherichia coli collected from five animal species\/organ System combinations from swine [urinary\/genital tract (UGT) incl.mastitis metritis agalactia syndrome], horses [genital tract (GT)] and dogs\/cats [respiratory tract (RT), UGT and gastrointestinal tract (GIT)] were analysed guantitatively for their susceptibility against different antimicrobial agents by determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations. Regardless of which animal species the strains origi-nated from, resistance appeared most freguently against sulfamethoxazole (18-59 %),tetracycline (14-54%), and ampicillin (14-39%). High percentages of intermediate isolates were observed for cephalothin (39-46 %). In general, low prevalences of resistance were detected for amoxicillin\/clavulanic acid (1-4 %), gentamicin (1-9 %), and cefazolin (0-11 %).Generally speaking,the antimicrobia resistance Situation among E.coli isolates from horses and small animals is rela-tively good.

Insgesamt wurden 41 7 Escherichia coli Isolate aus f\u00fcnf Indikationen von Schwein [Urogenitaltrakt (UGT) inkl. Mastitis-Metritis-Agalaktie Komplex], Pferd [Genitaltrakt, (GT)] und Hund und Katze [Respirationstrakt (RT), UGT und Gastrointestinal-trakt (GIT)] auf ihre Empfindlichkeit gegen\u00fcber verschiedenen antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen getestet. Unabh\u00e4ngig von der Herkunft der St\u00e4mme konnten am h\u00e4ufigsten Resistenzen gegen Sulfamethoxazol (18-59 %),Tetracyclin (14-54%) und Ampicillin (14-39 %) festgestellt werden. F\u00fcr Cephalothin wurden hohe Raten intermedi\u00e4rer Isolate beobachtet (39-46 %). Die Resistenzraten f\u00fcr Amoxi-cillin\/Clavulans\u00e4ure (1-4%),Gentamicin (1-9 %) und Cefazolin (0-11 %) waren allgemein im niedrigen Bereich. Im Allgemeinen ist die Resistenzlage von E coli-Isolaten von Pferden und Kleintieren in Deutschland als g\u00fcnstig einzusch\u00e4tzen.<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"A total of 417 isolates of Escherichia coli collected from five animal species\/organ System combinations from swine [urinary\/genital tract (UGT) incl.mastitis metritis agalactia syndrome], horses [genital tract (GT)] and dogs\/cats [respiratory tract (RT), UGT and gastrointestinal tract (GIT)] were analysed guantitatively for their susceptibility against different antimicrobial agents by determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations. Regardless of which animal species the strains origi-nated from, resistance appeared most freguently against sulfamethoxazole (18-59 %),tetracycline (14-54%), and ampicillin (14-39%). High percentages of intermediate isolates were observed for cephalothin (39-46 %). In general, low prevalences of resistance were detected for amoxicillin\/clavulanic acid (1-4 %), gentamicin (1-9 %), and cefazolin (0-11 %).Generally speaking,the antimicrobia resistance Situation among E.coli isolates from horses and small animals is rela-tively good.","zusammenfassung":"Insgesamt wurden 41 7 Escherichia coli Isolate aus f\u00fcnf Indikationen von Schwein [Urogenitaltrakt (UGT) inkl. Mastitis-Metritis-Agalaktie Komplex], Pferd [Genitaltrakt, (GT)] und Hund und Katze [Respirationstrakt (RT), UGT und Gastrointestinal-trakt (GIT)] auf ihre Empfindlichkeit gegen\u00fcber verschiedenen antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen getestet. Unabh\u00e4ngig von der Herkunft der St\u00e4mme konnten am h\u00e4ufigsten Resistenzen gegen Sulfamethoxazol (18-59 %),Tetracyclin (14-54%) und Ampicillin (14-39 %) festgestellt werden. F\u00fcr Cephalothin wurden hohe Raten intermedi\u00e4rer Isolate beobachtet (39-46 %). Die Resistenzraten f\u00fcr Amoxi-cillin\/Clavulans\u00e4ure (1-4%),Gentamicin (1-9 %) und Cefazolin (0-11 %) waren allgemein im niedrigen Bereich. Im Allgemeinen ist die Resistenzlage von E coli-Isolaten von Pferden und Kleintieren in Deutschland als g\u00fcnstig einzusch\u00e4tzen.<\/p>","translatedTitle":"DOI 10.2376\/0005-9366-120-391","abstractE":"A total of 417 isolates of Escherichia coli collected from five animal species\/organ System combinations from swine [urinary\/genital tract (UGT) incl.mastitis metritis agalactia syndrome], horses [genital tract (GT)] and dogs\/cats [respiratory tract (RT), UGT and gastrointestinal tract (GIT)] were analysed guantitatively for their susceptibility against different antimicrobial agents by determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations. Regardless of which animal species the strains origi-nated from, resistance appeared most freguently against sulfamethoxazole (18-59 %),tetracycline (14-54%), and ampicillin (14-39%). High percentages of intermediate isolates were observed for cephalothin (39-46 %). In general, low prevalences of resistance were detected for amoxicillin\/clavulanic acid (1-4 %), gentamicin (1-9 %), and cefazolin (0-11 %).Generally speaking,the antimicrobia resistance Situation among E.coli isolates from horses and small animals is rela-tively good.","date":{"year":2007,"date":"09\/2007","accepted":"2007-09-01"},"volume":"120","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"391-401","redirects":["17082857\/150\/3130\/70445"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} %8 09/2007