%0 Journal Article %B Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift %C Hannover %D 2007 %G English %I Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG %P 402-411 %R 10.2376/0005-9366-120-402 %T Antimicrobial susceptibility of Klebsiello spp.and Proteus spp.from various organ Systems of horses,dogs and cats as determined in the BfT-GermVet monitoring program 2004-2006 %V 120 %1 {"oldId":70029,"title":"Antimicrobial susceptibility of Klebsiello spp.and Proteus spp.from various organ Systems of horses,dogs and cats as determined in the BfT-GermVet monitoring program 2004-2006","teaserText":"DOI 10.2376\/0005-9366-120-402","content":"

A total of 120 isolates of Klebsiella spp.and Proteus spp.collected from horses and small animals (dogs and cats) were screened for their susceptibility to 24 different antimicrobial agents. Klebsiella spp. were included from infections of the genita tract (GT) of horses (36 isolates) and the urinary\/genital tract (UGT) from dogs and cats (17 isolates), while Proteus spp. were from small animal (dogs and cats) infections of the UGT (37 strains) and the skin (incl.ear\/mouth) (30 isolates). In Klebsiella spp. resistance appeared most freguently to ampicillin (53-67 %), sul-famethoxazole (19-29 %) and potentiated sulfonamides (trimethoprim\/sul-famethoxazole 1\/19 combination) (19-24%).A further 29 % of enrofloxacin resis-tant Klebsiella isolates were observed for the UGT of small animals. From the GT of horses for this antimicrobial agent there was no isolate detected with a comparably high minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value. In Proteus spp. highest percentages of resistance occurred against tetracycline (90-92 %). Due to drug efflux proteins, high MIC values against this antimicrobial agent have been freguently reported in literature. In Proteus spp. relevant resistance percentages also occurred for potentiated sulfonamides (27-37 %), sulfamethoxazole (24-37 %) and chloramphenicol (24-37 %).

Ingesamt 120 Isolate von Klebsiella spp. und Proteus spp. von Pferden und Kleintieren (Hunden und Katzen) wurden auf ihre Empfindlichkeit gegen\u00fcber 24 verschiedenen antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen untersucht. Klebsiella spp. wurden f\u00fcr die Tierart\/Organsystem Kombinationen Pferd Genitaltrakt (36 Isolate) und Hund\/Katze Urogenitaltrakt (1 7 Isolate) gepr\u00fcft, ebenso Proteus Isolate aus Infektionen des Urogenitaltrakts (37 Isolate) und der Haut (inkl. Ohr\/Maul) (30 Isolate) von Kleintieren. Bei Klebsiella spp. konnten die h\u00f6chsten Resistenzraten gegen\u00fcber Ampicillin (53-67 %), Sulfamethoxazol (19-29 %) und potenzierten Sulfonami-den (Trimethoprim\/Sulfamethoxazol 1\/19 Kombination) (19-24%) festgestellt werden. Des Weiteren wurden bei Klebsiella spp.aus dem Urogenitaltrakt von Kleintieren 29 % Enrofloxacin-resistente Isolate beobachtet. \u00c4hnlich hohe MHK-Werte konnten f\u00fcr diesen Wirkstoff bei keinem Isolat aus dem Genitaltrakt von Pferden nachgewiesen werden. Proteus spp. wiesen gegen\u00fcber Tetracyclin mit 90-92 % die h\u00f6chsten Resistenzraten auf. Diese hohen MHK-Werte sind in der Literatur h\u00e4ufig beschrieben worden und durch Efflux-Proteine begr\u00fcndet. Weiterhin ergaben sich nicht zu vernachl\u00e4ssigende Resistenzraten gegen\u00fcber potenzierten Sulfonamiden (27-37 %), Sulfamethoxazol (24-37 %) und Chloram-phenicol (24-37 %).<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Sep 1, 2007 12:00:00 AM","toDate":"Jan 1, 2030 12:00:00 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/17083346\/150\/3130\/70029"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"Online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr.","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/17083346\/150\/3130\/70029","doiSource":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr. 120: 9-10, 402-411 (2007)","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-120-402","doiFirstPage":"402","doiLastPage":"411","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Grobbel M, L\u00fcbke-Becker A, Alesik E, Schwarz S, Wallmann J, Werckenthin C, Wieler L H","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/bmtw_2007_09_0402.pdf","title":"bmtw_2007_09_0402.pdf","description":"Antimicrobial susceptibility of Klebsiello spp.and Proteus spp.from various organ Systems of horses,dogs and cats as determined in the BfT-GermVet monitoring program 2004-2006


A total of 120 isolates of Klebsiella spp.and Proteus spp.collected from horses and small animals (dogs and cats) were screened for their susceptibility to 24 different antimicrobial agents. Klebsiella spp. were included from infections of the genita tract (GT) of horses (36 isolates) and the urinary\/genital tract (UGT) from dogs and cats (17 isolates), while Proteus spp. were from small animal (dogs and cats) infections of the UGT (37 strains) and the skin (incl.ear\/mouth) (30 isolates). In Klebsiella spp. resistance appeared most freguently to ampicillin (53-67 %), sul-famethoxazole (19-29 %) and potentiated sulfonamides (trimethoprim\/sul-famethoxazole 1\/19 combination) (19-24%).A further 29 % of enrofloxacin resis-tant Klebsiella isolates were observed for the UGT of small animals. From the GT of horses for this antimicrobial agent there was no isolate detected with a comparably high minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value. In Proteus spp. highest percentages of resistance occurred against tetracycline (90-92 %). Due to drug efflux proteins, high MIC values against this antimicrobial agent have been freguently reported in literature. In Proteus spp. relevant resistance percentages also occurred for potentiated sulfonamides (27-37 %), sulfamethoxazole (24-37 %) and chloramphenicol (24-37 %).

Ingesamt 120 Isolate von Klebsiella spp. und Proteus spp. von Pferden und Kleintieren (Hunden und Katzen) wurden auf ihre Empfindlichkeit gegen\u00fcber 24 verschiedenen antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen untersucht. Klebsiella spp. wurden f\u00fcr die Tierart\/Organsystem Kombinationen Pferd Genitaltrakt (36 Isolate) und Hund\/Katze Urogenitaltrakt (1 7 Isolate) gepr\u00fcft, ebenso Proteus Isolate aus Infektionen des Urogenitaltrakts (37 Isolate) und der Haut (inkl. Ohr\/Maul) (30 Isolate) von Kleintieren. Bei Klebsiella spp. konnten die h\u00f6chsten Resistenzraten gegen\u00fcber Ampicillin (53-67 %), Sulfamethoxazol (19-29 %) und potenzierten Sulfonami-den (Trimethoprim\/Sulfamethoxazol 1\/19 Kombination) (19-24%) festgestellt werden. Des Weiteren wurden bei Klebsiella spp.aus dem Urogenitaltrakt von Kleintieren 29 % Enrofloxacin-resistente Isolate beobachtet. \u00c4hnlich hohe MHK-Werte konnten f\u00fcr diesen Wirkstoff bei keinem Isolat aus dem Genitaltrakt von Pferden nachgewiesen werden. Proteus spp. wiesen gegen\u00fcber Tetracyclin mit 90-92 % die h\u00f6chsten Resistenzraten auf. Diese hohen MHK-Werte sind in der Literatur h\u00e4ufig beschrieben worden und durch Efflux-Proteine begr\u00fcndet. Weiterhin ergaben sich nicht zu vernachl\u00e4ssigende Resistenzraten gegen\u00fcber potenzierten Sulfonamiden (27-37 %), Sulfamethoxazol (24-37 %) und Chloram-phenicol (24-37 %).<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"A total of 120 isolates of Klebsiella spp.and Proteus spp.collected from horses and small animals (dogs and cats) were screened for their susceptibility to 24 different antimicrobial agents. Klebsiella spp. were included from infections of the genita tract (GT) of horses (36 isolates) and the urinary\/genital tract (UGT) from dogs and cats (17 isolates), while Proteus spp. were from small animal (dogs and cats) infections of the UGT (37 strains) and the skin (incl.ear\/mouth) (30 isolates). In Klebsiella spp. resistance appeared most freguently to ampicillin (53-67 %), sul-famethoxazole (19-29 %) and potentiated sulfonamides (trimethoprim\/sul-famethoxazole 1\/19 combination) (19-24%).A further 29 % of enrofloxacin resis-tant Klebsiella isolates were observed for the UGT of small animals. From the GT of horses for this antimicrobial agent there was no isolate detected with a comparably high minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value. In Proteus spp. highest percentages of resistance occurred against tetracycline (90-92 %). Due to drug efflux proteins, high MIC values against this antimicrobial agent have been freguently reported in literature. In Proteus spp. relevant resistance percentages also occurred for potentiated sulfonamides (27-37 %), sulfamethoxazole (24-37 %) and chloramphenicol (24-37 %).","zusammenfassung":"Ingesamt 120 Isolate von Klebsiella spp. und Proteus spp. von Pferden und Kleintieren (Hunden und Katzen) wurden auf ihre Empfindlichkeit gegen\u00fcber 24 verschiedenen antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen untersucht. Klebsiella spp. wurden f\u00fcr die Tierart\/Organsystem Kombinationen Pferd Genitaltrakt (36 Isolate) und Hund\/Katze Urogenitaltrakt (1 7 Isolate) gepr\u00fcft, ebenso Proteus Isolate aus Infektionen des Urogenitaltrakts (37 Isolate) und der Haut (inkl. Ohr\/Maul) (30 Isolate) von Kleintieren. Bei Klebsiella spp. konnten die h\u00f6chsten Resistenzraten gegen\u00fcber Ampicillin (53-67 %), Sulfamethoxazol (19-29 %) und potenzierten Sulfonami-den (Trimethoprim\/Sulfamethoxazol 1\/19 Kombination) (19-24%) festgestellt werden. Des Weiteren wurden bei Klebsiella spp.aus dem Urogenitaltrakt von Kleintieren 29 % Enrofloxacin-resistente Isolate beobachtet. \u00c4hnlich hohe MHK-Werte konnten f\u00fcr diesen Wirkstoff bei keinem Isolat aus dem Genitaltrakt von Pferden nachgewiesen werden. Proteus spp. wiesen gegen\u00fcber Tetracyclin mit 90-92 % die h\u00f6chsten Resistenzraten auf. Diese hohen MHK-Werte sind in der Literatur h\u00e4ufig beschrieben worden und durch Efflux-Proteine begr\u00fcndet. Weiterhin ergaben sich nicht zu vernachl\u00e4ssigende Resistenzraten gegen\u00fcber potenzierten Sulfonamiden (27-37 %), Sulfamethoxazol (24-37 %) und Chloram-phenicol (24-37 %).<\/p>","translatedTitle":"DOI 10.2376\/0005-9366-120-402","abstractE":"A total of 120 isolates of Klebsiella spp.and Proteus spp.collected from horses and small animals (dogs and cats) were screened for their susceptibility to 24 different antimicrobial agents. Klebsiella spp. were included from infections of the genita tract (GT) of horses (36 isolates) and the urinary\/genital tract (UGT) from dogs and cats (17 isolates), while Proteus spp. were from small animal (dogs and cats) infections of the UGT (37 strains) and the skin (incl.ear\/mouth) (30 isolates). In Klebsiella spp. resistance appeared most freguently to ampicillin (53-67 %), sul-famethoxazole (19-29 %) and potentiated sulfonamides (trimethoprim\/sul-famethoxazole 1\/19 combination) (19-24%).A further 29 % of enrofloxacin resis-tant Klebsiella isolates were observed for the UGT of small animals. From the GT of horses for this antimicrobial agent there was no isolate detected with a comparably high minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value. In Proteus spp. highest percentages of resistance occurred against tetracycline (90-92 %). Due to drug efflux proteins, high MIC values against this antimicrobial agent have been freguently reported in literature. In Proteus spp. relevant resistance percentages also occurred for potentiated sulfonamides (27-37 %), sulfamethoxazole (24-37 %) and chloramphenicol (24-37 %).","date":{"year":2007,"date":"09\/2007","accepted":"2007-09-01"},"volume":"120","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"402-411","redirects":["17083346\/150\/3130\/70029"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} %8 09/2007