%0 Journal Article %B Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift %C Hannover %D 2007 %G English %I Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG %P 431-441 %R 10.2376/0005-9366-120-431 %T Quantitative resistance level (MIC) of Escherichio coli isolated from calves and pigs suffering from enteritis: National Resistance Monitoring by the BVL 2004/2005 %V 120 %1 {"oldId":69869,"title":"Quantitative resistance level (MIC) of Escherichio coli isolated from calves and pigs suffering from enteritis: National Resistance Monitoring by the BVL 2004\/2005","teaserText":"DOI 10.2376\/0005-9366-120-431","content":"

National Resistance Monitoring of the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), which was put into Service in 2001, has made it possible to implement a valid and representative database on the basis of which the resistance Situation, development and spread in animal pathogens can be evaluated. Escherichia coli (E.coli) strains originating from calves and pigs suffering from enteritis were first included in the investigations in the 2004\/2005 study. A total of 258 bovine and 492 porcine E coli strains were tested using the broth microdilu-tion method to determine the in vitro susceptibility (minimum inhibitory concen-tration) to 23 (fattening pigs) and 28 (calves, piglets, weaners) different antimicro-bial substances.Considerable prevalences of resistance were found for some antimicrobials.The strains originating from both animal species displayed high prevalences of resistance for tetracycline,trimethoprim, trimethoprim\/sulfa-methoxazole, doxycycline and ampicillin. Reduced susceptibility was detected particularly in the E coli strains from calves.The data reveal that the resistance level of E.coli strains isolated from cases of enteric disease in calves and pigs is altogether higher than has so far been reported in pathogens causing different diseases and in other food-producing animal species. Based on the results pres-ented, it is possible to assess the current resistance Situation for E coli strains in calves and pigs in Germany.This in turn helps to deduce the necessary manage-ment measures that can be taken in order to minimise resistance to antibiotics. Furthermore, the data help to decide on adeguate therapy of E.coli infections of the intestinal tract in calves and pigs and encourage the responsible use of antibiotics in the interests of animal health and consumer protection.

Das seit 2001 im Bundesamt f\u00fcr Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) implementierte repr\u00e4sentative Nationale Resistenzmonitoring erm\u00f6glicht es, auf der Basis valider Daten die Resistenzsituation,-entwicklung und -Verbreitung bei tierpathogenen Erregern zu beurteilen. In der Studie 2004\/2005 wurden erstmals Escherichia coli (Ecoli)-St\u00e4mme von an Enteritis erkrankten K\u00e4lbern und Schweinen in die Untersuchungen einbezogen. Es wurden 258 bovine und 492 porcine f.co\/\/-St\u00e4mme mittels der Bouillon-Mikrodilutions-Methode auf ihre in vitro Empfindlichkeit (minimale Hemmkonzentration) gegen\u00fcber 23 (Mastschweine) und 28 (K\u00e4lber, Ferkel, L\u00e4ufer) antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen z. T. nicht unerhebliche Resistenzraten. Bei den St\u00e4mmen von beiden Tierarten wurden hohe Resistenzraten gegen\u00fcberTetracyclin,Trimethoprim, Trimethoprim\/Sulfamethoxazol, Doxycyclin und Ampicillin ermittelt. Eine herabgesetzte Empfindlichkeit wurde insbesondere bei den \u00a3co\/\/-St\u00e4mmen von K\u00e4lbern festgestellt. Die Daten weisen f\u00fcr \u00a3co\/\/-St\u00e4mme aus enteritischen Erkrankungen bei K\u00e4lbern und Schweinen insgesamt ein h\u00f6heres Resistenzniveau aus, als dies f\u00fcr tierpathogene Erreger anderer Lebensmittel liefernder Tierarten und anderer Erkrankungen bisher berichtet wurde. Aufgrund der vorgelegten Ergebnisse ist eine Einsch\u00e4tzung der aktuellen Resistenzsituation von enterischen\u00a3. co\/\/-St\u00e4mmen von K\u00e4lbern und Schweinen in Deutschland m\u00f6glich. Hieraus k\u00f6nnen Managementma\u00dfnahmen zur Minimierung der Antibiotikaresistenz abgeleitet werden.Zudem liefern die Daten Hinweise zurTherapie von E.coli-nfektionen des Intestinaltraktes bei K\u00e4lbern und Schweinen und k\u00f6nnen den verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit Antibiotika im Sinne der Tiergesundheit und des Verbraucherschutzes unterst\u00fctzen.<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Sep 1, 2007 12:00:00 AM","toDate":"Jan 1, 2030 12:00:00 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/17084543\/150\/3130\/69869"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"Online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr.","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/17084543\/150\/3130\/69869","doiSource":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr. 120: 9-10, 431-441 (2007)","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-120-431","doiFirstPage":"431","doiLastPage":"441","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Schr\u00f6er U, Kasparj\u00fcrgen Wallmann H","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/bmtw_2007_09_0431.pdf","title":"bmtw_2007_09_0431.pdf","description":"Quantitative resistance level (MIC) of Escherichio coli isolated from calves and pigs suffering from enteritis: National Resistance Monitoring by the BVL 2004\/2005

"},"authors":[{"firstName":"U","middleName":"","lastName":"Schr\u00f6er"},{"firstName":"H","middleName":"","lastName":"Kasparj\u00fcrgen Wallmann"}],"contentOptimised":"

National Resistance Monitoring of the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), which was put into Service in 2001, has made it possible to implement a valid and representative database on the basis of which the resistance Situation, development and spread in animal pathogens can be evaluated. Escherichia coli (E.coli) strains originating from calves and pigs suffering from enteritis were first included in the investigations in the 2004\/2005 study. A total of 258 bovine and 492 porcine E coli strains were tested using the broth microdilu-tion method to determine the in vitro susceptibility (minimum inhibitory concen-tration) to 23 (fattening pigs) and 28 (calves, piglets, weaners) different antimicro-bial substances.Considerable prevalences of resistance were found for some antimicrobials.The strains originating from both animal species displayed high prevalences of resistance for tetracycline,trimethoprim, trimethoprim\/sulfa-methoxazole, doxycycline and ampicillin. Reduced susceptibility was detected particularly in the E coli strains from calves.The data reveal that the resistance level of E.coli strains isolated from cases of enteric disease in calves and pigs is altogether higher than has so far been reported in pathogens causing different diseases and in other food-producing animal species. Based on the results pres-ented, it is possible to assess the current resistance Situation for E coli strains in calves and pigs in Germany.This in turn helps to deduce the necessary manage-ment measures that can be taken in order to minimise resistance to antibiotics. Furthermore, the data help to decide on adeguate therapy of E.coli infections of the intestinal tract in calves and pigs and encourage the responsible use of antibiotics in the interests of animal health and consumer protection.

Das seit 2001 im Bundesamt f\u00fcr Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) implementierte repr\u00e4sentative Nationale Resistenzmonitoring erm\u00f6glicht es, auf der Basis valider Daten die Resistenzsituation,-entwicklung und -Verbreitung bei tierpathogenen Erregern zu beurteilen. In der Studie 2004\/2005 wurden erstmals Escherichia coli (Ecoli)-St\u00e4mme von an Enteritis erkrankten K\u00e4lbern und Schweinen in die Untersuchungen einbezogen. Es wurden 258 bovine und 492 porcine f.co\/\/-St\u00e4mme mittels der Bouillon-Mikrodilutions-Methode auf ihre in vitro Empfindlichkeit (minimale Hemmkonzentration) gegen\u00fcber 23 (Mastschweine) und 28 (K\u00e4lber, Ferkel, L\u00e4ufer) antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen z. T. nicht unerhebliche Resistenzraten. Bei den St\u00e4mmen von beiden Tierarten wurden hohe Resistenzraten gegen\u00fcberTetracyclin,Trimethoprim, Trimethoprim\/Sulfamethoxazol, Doxycyclin und Ampicillin ermittelt. Eine herabgesetzte Empfindlichkeit wurde insbesondere bei den \u00a3co\/\/-St\u00e4mmen von K\u00e4lbern festgestellt. Die Daten weisen f\u00fcr \u00a3co\/\/-St\u00e4mme aus enteritischen Erkrankungen bei K\u00e4lbern und Schweinen insgesamt ein h\u00f6heres Resistenzniveau aus, als dies f\u00fcr tierpathogene Erreger anderer Lebensmittel liefernder Tierarten und anderer Erkrankungen bisher berichtet wurde. Aufgrund der vorgelegten Ergebnisse ist eine Einsch\u00e4tzung der aktuellen Resistenzsituation von enterischen\u00a3. co\/\/-St\u00e4mmen von K\u00e4lbern und Schweinen in Deutschland m\u00f6glich. Hieraus k\u00f6nnen Managementma\u00dfnahmen zur Minimierung der Antibiotikaresistenz abgeleitet werden.Zudem liefern die Daten Hinweise zurTherapie von E.coli-nfektionen des Intestinaltraktes bei K\u00e4lbern und Schweinen und k\u00f6nnen den verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit Antibiotika im Sinne der Tiergesundheit und des Verbraucherschutzes unterst\u00fctzen.<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"National Resistance Monitoring of the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), which was put into Service in 2001, has made it possible to implement a valid and representative database on the basis of which the resistance Situation, development and spread in animal pathogens can be evaluated. Escherichia coli (E.coli) strains originating from calves and pigs suffering from enteritis were first included in the investigations in the 2004\/2005 study. A total of 258 bovine and 492 porcine E coli strains were tested using the broth microdilu-tion method to determine the in vitro susceptibility (minimum inhibitory concen-tration) to 23 (fattening pigs) and 28 (calves, piglets, weaners) different antimicro-bial substances.Considerable prevalences of resistance were found for some antimicrobials.The strains originating from both animal species displayed high prevalences of resistance for tetracycline,trimethoprim, trimethoprim\/sulfa-methoxazole, doxycycline and ampicillin. Reduced susceptibility was detected particularly in the E coli strains from calves.The data reveal that the resistance level of E.coli strains isolated from cases of enteric disease in calves and pigs is altogether higher than has so far been reported in pathogens causing different diseases and in other food-producing animal species. Based on the results pres-ented, it is possible to assess the current resistance Situation for E coli strains in calves and pigs in Germany.This in turn helps to deduce the necessary manage-ment measures that can be taken in order to minimise resistance to antibiotics. Furthermore, the data help to decide on adeguate therapy of E.coli infections of the intestinal tract in calves and pigs and encourage the responsible use of antibiotics in the interests of animal health and consumer protection.","zusammenfassung":"Das seit 2001 im Bundesamt f\u00fcr Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) implementierte repr\u00e4sentative Nationale Resistenzmonitoring erm\u00f6glicht es, auf der Basis valider Daten die Resistenzsituation,-entwicklung und -Verbreitung bei tierpathogenen Erregern zu beurteilen. In der Studie 2004\/2005 wurden erstmals Escherichia coli (Ecoli)-St\u00e4mme von an Enteritis erkrankten K\u00e4lbern und Schweinen in die Untersuchungen einbezogen. Es wurden 258 bovine und 492 porcine f.co\/\/-St\u00e4mme mittels der Bouillon-Mikrodilutions-Methode auf ihre in vitro Empfindlichkeit (minimale Hemmkonzentration) gegen\u00fcber 23 (Mastschweine) und 28 (K\u00e4lber, Ferkel, L\u00e4ufer) antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen z. T. nicht unerhebliche Resistenzraten. Bei den St\u00e4mmen von beiden Tierarten wurden hohe Resistenzraten gegen\u00fcberTetracyclin,Trimethoprim, Trimethoprim\/Sulfamethoxazol, Doxycyclin und Ampicillin ermittelt. Eine herabgesetzte Empfindlichkeit wurde insbesondere bei den \u00a3co\/\/-St\u00e4mmen von K\u00e4lbern festgestellt. Die Daten weisen f\u00fcr \u00a3co\/\/-St\u00e4mme aus enteritischen Erkrankungen bei K\u00e4lbern und Schweinen insgesamt ein h\u00f6heres Resistenzniveau aus, als dies f\u00fcr tierpathogene Erreger anderer Lebensmittel liefernder Tierarten und anderer Erkrankungen bisher berichtet wurde. Aufgrund der vorgelegten Ergebnisse ist eine Einsch\u00e4tzung der aktuellen Resistenzsituation von enterischen\u00a3. co\/\/-St\u00e4mmen von K\u00e4lbern und Schweinen in Deutschland m\u00f6glich. Hieraus k\u00f6nnen Managementma\u00dfnahmen zur Minimierung der Antibiotikaresistenz abgeleitet werden.Zudem liefern die Daten Hinweise zurTherapie von E.coli-nfektionen des Intestinaltraktes bei K\u00e4lbern und Schweinen und k\u00f6nnen den verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit Antibiotika im Sinne der Tiergesundheit und des Verbraucherschutzes unterst\u00fctzen.<\/p>","translatedTitle":"DOI 10.2376\/0005-9366-120-431","abstractE":"National Resistance Monitoring of the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), which was put into Service in 2001, has made it possible to implement a valid and representative database on the basis of which the resistance Situation, development and spread in animal pathogens can be evaluated. Escherichia coli (E.coli) strains originating from calves and pigs suffering from enteritis were first included in the investigations in the 2004\/2005 study. A total of 258 bovine and 492 porcine E coli strains were tested using the broth microdilu-tion method to determine the in vitro susceptibility (minimum inhibitory concen-tration) to 23 (fattening pigs) and 28 (calves, piglets, weaners) different antimicro-bial substances.Considerable prevalences of resistance were found for some antimicrobials.The strains originating from both animal species displayed high prevalences of resistance for tetracycline,trimethoprim, trimethoprim\/sulfa-methoxazole, doxycycline and ampicillin. Reduced susceptibility was detected particularly in the E coli strains from calves.The data reveal that the resistance level of E.coli strains isolated from cases of enteric disease in calves and pigs is altogether higher than has so far been reported in pathogens causing different diseases and in other food-producing animal species. Based on the results pres-ented, it is possible to assess the current resistance Situation for E coli strains in calves and pigs in Germany.This in turn helps to deduce the necessary manage-ment measures that can be taken in order to minimise resistance to antibiotics. Furthermore, the data help to decide on adeguate therapy of E.coli infections of the intestinal tract in calves and pigs and encourage the responsible use of antibiotics in the interests of animal health and consumer protection.","date":{"year":2007,"date":"09\/2007","accepted":"2007-09-01"},"volume":"120","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"431-441","redirects":["17084543\/150\/3130\/69869"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} %8 09/2007