%0 Journal Article %K Hepatitis contagiosa canis %K HCC %K infectious canine hepatitis %K ICH %K epizootic fox encephalitis %K wild carnivores %B Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift %C Hannover %D 2019 %G English %I Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG %R 10.2376/0005-9366-18071 %T Molecular epidemiology of canine adenovirus type 1 (CAdV-1) in free-ranging small carnivores in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, Germany. A preliminary study %V 132 %1 {"oldId":110775,"title":"Molecular epidemiology of canine adenovirus type 1 (CAdV-1) in free-ranging small carnivores in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, Germany. A preliminary study","topline":"","teaserText":"Molekulare Epidemiologie des caninen Adenovirus Typ 1 (CAdV-1) in wildlebenden kleinen Karnivoren in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg, Deutschland. Eine einleitende Studie","content":"

To date, there is no actual knowledge about the molecular epidemiology of canine adenovirus type 1 (CAdV-1) in free-ranging small carnivores in the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany. However, serological data collected in this region (1991\u20131995) indicate that CAdV was at least endemic in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes<\/span>) with a seroprevalence of 3.5 %. In our preliminary study, we examined relevant tissues (liver, kidney, brain) from 98 red foxes and 16 raccoons (Procyon lotor<\/span>) submitted in the context of the national rabies monitoring program by real-time PCR, histopathology and immunohistochemistry. CAdV-1-specific genome sequences were detected in the tissues of 13 out of the 98 red foxes (13.3 %) with ct-values ranging between 16.0 and 35.8. Immunohistochemically, CAdV-specific antigen was found in the brain of three red foxes, mainly in endothelial cells. These red foxes had a non-suppurative meningoencephalitis indicative of epizootic fox encephalitis by the presence of typical adenoviral intranuclear inclusion bodies. All raccoons were negative for CAdV-1 and all red foxes and raccoons were negative for CAdV-2 in the real-time PCR. Our study confirmed the enzootic occurrence of CAdV-1 in red foxes in the Berlin-Brandenburg region of Germany emphasizing the need for continuation of the vaccination of susceptible carnivores kept as pets or in zoological gardens. The actual detection rate by PCR was considerably higher than by serology in a previous study. However, the relevance of this finding has to be evaluated by future serological and molecular investigations.<\/p>

Hepatitis contagiosa canis, HCC, infectious canine hepatitis, ICH, epizootic fox encephalitis, wild carnivores<\/p>

\u00dcber die molekulare Epidemiologie des caninen Adenvirus Typ 1 (CAdV-1) in wildlebenden kleinen Karnivoren in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg liegen derzeit keine aktuellen Erkenntnisse vor. Durch eine serologische Studie (1991\u20131995) ist bekannt, dass CAdV in dieser Region zumindest in Rotf\u00fcchsen (Vulpes vulpes<\/span>) mit einer Seropr\u00e4valenz von 3,5 % verbreitet war. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden relevante Organe (Leber, Niere, Gehirn) von 98 Rotf\u00fcchsen und 16 Waschb\u00e4ren (Procyon lotor<\/span>) aus dem nationalen Tollwutmonitoringprogramm mittels real-time PCR, Histopathologie und Immunhistochemie untersucht. CAdV-1-spezifische Genomsequenzen wurden in den Organen von 13 der 98 untersuchten Rotf\u00fcchse (13,3 %) mit ct-Werten zwischen 16,0 und 35,8 nachgewiesen. CAdVspezifisches Antigen war immunhistochemisch im Gehirn von drei Rotf\u00fcchsen, \u00fcberwiegend in Endothelzellen, vorhanden. Diese Tiere wiesen histopathologisch eine nicht-eitrige Meningoenzephalitis mit intranukle\u00e4ren, adenoviralen Einschlussk\u00f6rperchen, charakteristisch f\u00fcr die epizootische Fuchsenzephalitis, auf. Alle Waschb\u00e4ren waren in der real-time PCR negativ f\u00fcr CAdV-1 und alle Rotf\u00fcchse und Waschb\u00e4ren waren negativ f\u00fcr CAdV-2. Durch die vorliegende Studie wurde best\u00e4tigt, dass CAdV-1 aktuell immer noch endemisch in Rotf\u00fcchsen in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg vorkommt und daher die Vakzinierung von ansteckungsgef\u00e4hrdeten Kaniden, welche als Heimtiere oder in Zoologischen G\u00e4rten gehalten werden, weiterhin notwendig ist. Die derzeitige Detektionsrate mittels PCR liegt wesentlich h\u00f6her als die in der serologischen Studie aus den 1990er Jahren. Die Relevanz dieses Ergebnisses ist bisher unklar und muss durch zuk\u00fcnftige serologische und molekularbiologische Studien abgekl\u00e4rt werden.<\/p>

Hepatitis contagiosa canis, HCC, infekti\u00f6se kanine Hepatitis, ICH, epizootische Fuchsenzephalitis, Wildkarnivoren<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Mar 11, 2019 2:13:31 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/molecular-epidemiology-of-canine-adenovirus-type-1-cadv-1-in-free-ranging-small-carnivores-in-the-berlin-brandenburg-region-germany-a-preliminary-study\/150\/3130\/110775"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochensch","doiDocumentUri":"https:\/\/vetline.de\/files\/smfiledata\/7\/5\/0\/6\/0\/1\/BMTW_AOP_18071_Schulze.pdf","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschc","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-18071","doiFirstPage":".","doiLastPage":"..","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Schulze C, Schatz J, Dohrmann E, Wohlsein P","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMTW_AOP_18071_Schulze.pdf","title":"BMTW_AOP_18071_Schulze","description":"Molecular epidemiology of canine adenovirus type 1 (CAdV-1) in free-ranging small carnivores in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, Germany. A preliminary study"},"authors":[{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"Schulze"},{"firstName":"J","middleName":"","lastName":"Schatz"},{"firstName":"E","middleName":"","lastName":"Dohrmann"},{"firstName":"P","middleName":"","lastName":"Wohlsein"}],"contentOptimised":"

To date, there is no actual knowledge about the molecular epidemiology of canine adenovirus type 1 (CAdV-1) in free-ranging small carnivores in the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany. However, serological data collected in this region (1991\u20131995) indicate that CAdV was at least endemic in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes<\/em>) with a seroprevalence of 3.5 %. In our preliminary study, we examined relevant tissues (liver, kidney, brain) from 98 red foxes and 16 raccoons (Procyon lotor<\/em>) submitted in the context of the national rabies monitoring program by real-time PCR, histopathology and immunohistochemistry. CAdV-1-specific genome sequences were detected in the tissues of 13 out of the 98 red foxes (13.3 %) with ct-values ranging between 16.0 and 35.8. Immunohistochemically, CAdV-specific antigen was found in the brain of three red foxes, mainly in endothelial cells. These red foxes had a non-suppurative meningoencephalitis indicative of epizootic fox encephalitis by the presence of typical adenoviral intranuclear inclusion bodies. All raccoons were negative for CAdV-1 and all red foxes and raccoons were negative for CAdV-2 in the real-time PCR. Our study confirmed the enzootic occurrence of CAdV-1 in red foxes in the Berlin-Brandenburg region of Germany emphasizing the need for continuation of the vaccination of susceptible carnivores kept as pets or in zoological gardens. The actual detection rate by PCR was considerably higher than by serology in a previous study. However, the relevance of this finding has to be evaluated by future serological and molecular investigations.<\/p>

Hepatitis contagiosa canis, HCC, infectious canine hepatitis, ICH, epizootic fox encephalitis, wild carnivores<\/p>

\u00dcber die molekulare Epidemiologie des caninen Adenvirus Typ 1 (CAdV-1) in wildlebenden kleinen Karnivoren in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg liegen derzeit keine aktuellen Erkenntnisse vor. Durch eine serologische Studie (1991\u20131995) ist bekannt, dass CAdV in dieser Region zumindest in Rotf\u00fcchsen (Vulpes vulpes<\/em>) mit einer Seropr\u00e4valenz von 3,5 % verbreitet war. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden relevante Organe (Leber, Niere, Gehirn) von 98 Rotf\u00fcchsen und 16 Waschb\u00e4ren (Procyon lotor<\/em>) aus dem nationalen Tollwutmonitoringprogramm mittels real-time PCR, Histopathologie und Immunhistochemie untersucht. CAdV-1-spezifische Genomsequenzen wurden in den Organen von 13 der 98 untersuchten Rotf\u00fcchse (13,3 %) mit ct-Werten zwischen 16,0 und 35,8 nachgewiesen. CAdVspezifisches Antigen war immunhistochemisch im Gehirn von drei Rotf\u00fcchsen, \u00fcberwiegend in Endothelzellen, vorhanden. Diese Tiere wiesen histopathologisch eine nicht-eitrige Meningoenzephalitis mit intranukle\u00e4ren, adenoviralen Einschlussk\u00f6rperchen, charakteristisch f\u00fcr die epizootische Fuchsenzephalitis, auf. Alle Waschb\u00e4ren waren in der real-time PCR negativ f\u00fcr CAdV-1 und alle Rotf\u00fcchse und Waschb\u00e4ren waren negativ f\u00fcr CAdV-2. Durch die vorliegende Studie wurde best\u00e4tigt, dass CAdV-1 aktuell immer noch endemisch in Rotf\u00fcchsen in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg vorkommt und daher die Vakzinierung von ansteckungsgef\u00e4hrdeten Kaniden, welche als Heimtiere oder in Zoologischen G\u00e4rten gehalten werden, weiterhin notwendig ist. Die derzeitige Detektionsrate mittels PCR liegt wesentlich h\u00f6her als die in der serologischen Studie aus den 1990er Jahren. Die Relevanz dieses Ergebnisses ist bisher unklar und muss durch zuk\u00fcnftige serologische und molekularbiologische Studien abgekl\u00e4rt werden.<\/p>

Hepatitis contagiosa canis, HCC, infekti\u00f6se kanine Hepatitis, ICH, epizootische Fuchsenzephalitis, Wildkarnivoren<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"To date, there is no actual knowledge about the molecular epidemiology of canine adenovirus type 1 (CAdV-1) in free-ranging small carnivores in the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany. However, serological data collected in this region (1991\u20131995) indicate that CAdV was at least endemic in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes<\/em>) with a seroprevalence of 3.5 %. In our preliminary study, we examined relevant tissues (liver, kidney, brain) from 98 red foxes and 16 raccoons (Procyon lotor<\/em>) submitted in the context of the national rabies monitoring program by real-time PCR, histopathology and immunohistochemistry. CAdV-1-specific genome sequences were detected in the tissues of 13 out of the 98 red foxes (13.3 %) with ct-values ranging between 16.0 and 35.8. Immunohistochemically, CAdV-specific antigen was found in the brain of three red foxes, mainly in endothelial cells. These red foxes had a non-suppurative meningoencephalitis indicative of epizootic fox encephalitis by the presence of typical adenoviral intranuclear inclusion bodies. All raccoons were negative for CAdV-1 and all red foxes and raccoons were negative for CAdV-2 in the real-time PCR. Our study confirmed the enzootic occurrence of CAdV-1 in red foxes in the Berlin-Brandenburg region of Germany emphasizing the need for continuation of the vaccination of susceptible carnivores kept as pets or in zoological gardens. The actual detection rate by PCR was considerably higher than by serology in a previous study. However, the relevance of this finding has to be evaluated by future serological and molecular investigations.<\/p>

","keywords":["Hepatitis contagiosa canis","HCC","infectious canine hepatitis","ICH","epizootic fox encephalitis","wild carnivores"],"zusammenfassung":"\u00dcber die molekulare Epidemiologie des caninen Adenvirus Typ 1 (CAdV-1) in wildlebenden kleinen Karnivoren in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg liegen derzeit keine aktuellen Erkenntnisse vor. Durch eine serologische Studie (1991\u20131995) ist bekannt, dass CAdV in dieser Region zumindest in Rotf\u00fcchsen (Vulpes vulpes<\/em>) mit einer Seropr\u00e4valenz von 3,5 % verbreitet war. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden relevante Organe (Leber, Niere, Gehirn) von 98 Rotf\u00fcchsen und 16 Waschb\u00e4ren (Procyon lotor<\/em>) aus dem nationalen Tollwutmonitoringprogramm mittels real-time PCR, Histopathologie und Immunhistochemie untersucht. CAdV-1-spezifische Genomsequenzen wurden in den Organen von 13 der 98 untersuchten Rotf\u00fcchse (13,3 %) mit ct-Werten zwischen 16,0 und 35,8 nachgewiesen. CAdVspezifisches Antigen war immunhistochemisch im Gehirn von drei Rotf\u00fcchsen, \u00fcberwiegend in Endothelzellen, vorhanden. Diese Tiere wiesen histopathologisch eine nicht-eitrige Meningoenzephalitis mit intranukle\u00e4ren, adenoviralen Einschlussk\u00f6rperchen, charakteristisch f\u00fcr die epizootische Fuchsenzephalitis, auf. Alle Waschb\u00e4ren waren in der real-time PCR negativ f\u00fcr CAdV-1 und alle Rotf\u00fcchse und Waschb\u00e4ren waren negativ f\u00fcr CAdV-2. Durch die vorliegende Studie wurde best\u00e4tigt, dass CAdV-1 aktuell immer noch endemisch in Rotf\u00fcchsen in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg vorkommt und daher die Vakzinierung von ansteckungsgef\u00e4hrdeten Kaniden, welche als Heimtiere oder in Zoologischen G\u00e4rten gehalten werden, weiterhin notwendig ist. Die derzeitige Detektionsrate mittels PCR liegt wesentlich h\u00f6her als die in der serologischen Studie aus den 1990er Jahren. Die Relevanz dieses Ergebnisses ist bisher unklar und muss durch zuk\u00fcnftige serologische und molekularbiologische Studien abgekl\u00e4rt werden.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Hepatitis contagiosa canis","HCC","infekti\u00f6se kanine Hepatitis","ICH","epizootische Fuchsenzephalitis","Wildkarnivoren"],"translatedTitle":"Molekulare Epidemiologie des caninen Adenovirus Typ 1 (CAdV-1) in wildlebenden kleinen Karnivoren in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg, Deutschland. Eine einleitende Studie","abstractE":"To date, there is no actual knowledge about the molecular epidemiology of canine adenovirus type 1 (CAdV-1) in free-ranging small carnivores in the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany. However, serological data collected in this region (1991\u20131995) indicate that CAdV was at least endemic in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) with a seroprevalence of 3.5 %. In our preliminary study, we examined relevant tissues (liver, kidney, brain) from 98 red foxes and 16 raccoons (Procyon lotor) submitted in the context of the national rabies monitoring program by real-time PCR, histopathology and immunohistochemistry. CAdV-1-specific genome sequences were detected in the tissues of 13 out of the 98 red foxes (13.3 %) with ct-values ranging between 16.0 and 35.8. Immunohistochemically, CAdV-specific antigen was found in the brain of three red foxes, mainly in endothelial cells. These red foxes had a non-suppurative meningoencephalitis indicative of epizootic fox encephalitis by the presence of typical adenoviral intranuclear inclusion bodies. All raccoons were negative for CAdV-1 and all red foxes and raccoons were negative for CAdV-2 in the real-time PCR. Our study confirmed the enzootic occurrence of CAdV-1 in red foxes in the Berlin-Brandenburg region of Germany emphasizing the need for continuation of the vaccination of susceptible carnivores kept as pets or in zoological gardens. The actual detection rate by PCR was considerably higher than by serology in a previous study. However, the relevance of this finding has to be evaluated by future serological and molecular investigations.","date":{"year":2019,"date":"03\/2019","accepted":"2019-03-11"},"volume":132,"openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"","redirects":["molecular-epidemiology-of-canine-adenovirus-type-1-cadv-1-in-free-ranging-small-carnivores-in-the-berlin-brandenburg-region-germany-a-preliminary-study\/150\/3130\/110775"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} %8 03/2019