%0 Journal Article %K MALDI-TOF MS %K 16S rDNA %K 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region %K gene tuf %B Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift %C Hannover %D 2017 %G English %I Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG %P 161-164 %R 10.2376/0005-9366-16026 %T Actinomyces hyovaginalis associated with chronic suppurative arthritis in an adult giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata) %V 130 %1 {"oldId":101297,"title":"Actinomyces hyovaginalis associated with chronic suppurative arthritis in an adult giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata)","topline":"","teaserText":"Actinomyces hyovaginalis \u2013 isoliert von einer chronisch-eitrigen Arthritis einer adulten Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata)","content":"

To date Actinomyces (A.) hyovaginalis has only been reported from infections of pigs, sheep and goats. We would like to report the isolation of this organism from an adult 17 year old giraffe from Frankfurt Zoo, with chronic arthritis that led to euthanasia of the animal. The strain was unambiguously identified as A. hyovaginalis by phenotypic properties, by MALDI-TOF MS analysis and by amplification and sequencing of the molecular targets 11S rDNA, 11S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region and gene tuf encoding the elongation factor tu. However, the source and route of infection of the organism remains unclear.<\/p>

MALDI-TOF MS, 16S rDNA, 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region, gene tuf<\/p>

In der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnte ein Actinomyces (A.) hyovaginalis-Stamm, eine Bakterienspezies die bislang nur bei Infektionen von Schwein, Schaf und Ziege nachgewiesen wurde, bei einer chronischen Arthritis einer adulten 17 Jahre alten Giraffe isoliert werden. Die Arthritis f\u00fchrte zur Euthanasie des Tieres. Der Bakterienstamm konnte durch ph\u00e4notypische Eigenschaften, durch MALDI-TOF MS Analyse und durch Amplifizierung und Sequenzierung der 11S rDNA, der 11S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region und des den Elongationsfaktor tu kodierenden Gens tuf eindeutig als A. hyovaginalis identifiziert werden. Die Herkunft und der Infektionsweg, der zur Erkrankung der 17 jahre alten Giraffe im Frankfurter Zoo f\u00fchrte, ist allerdings bislang noch unklar.<\/p>

MALDI-TOF MS16S rDNA, 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region, Gen tuf<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Mar 14, 2017 11:00:00 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/actinomyces-hyovaginalis-associated-with-chronic-suppurative-arthritis-in-an-adult-giraffe-giraffa-camelopardalis-reticulata\/150\/3130\/101297"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift ","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/actinomyces-hyovaginalis-associated-with-chronic-suppurative-arthritis-in-an-adult-giraffe-giraffa-camelopardalis-reticulata\/150\/3130\/101297\/","doiSource":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift 130, Heft 3\/4 (2017), Seiten 161\u2013164","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-16026","doiFirstPage":"161","doiLastPage":"164","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Wickhorst J, Sammra O, Hassan A, Alssahen M, L\u00e4mmler C, Ri\u00dfe K, Eisenberg T, Schauerte N, Geiger C, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Timke M, Abdulmawjood A","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2017_03_04_0161.pdf","title":"BMW_2017_03_04_0161.pdf","description":"Actinomyces hyovaginalis associated with chronic suppurative arthritis in an adult giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata)"},"authors":[{"firstName":"J","middleName":"","lastName":"Wickhorst"},{"firstName":"O","middleName":"","lastName":"Sammra"},{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Hassan"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Alssahen"},{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"L\u00e4mmler"},{"firstName":"K","middleName":"","lastName":"Ri\u00dfe"},{"firstName":"T","middleName":"","lastName":"Eisenberg"},{"firstName":"N","middleName":"","lastName":"Schauerte"},{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"Geiger"},{"firstName":"E","middleName":"","lastName":"Prenger-Berninghoff"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Timke"},{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Abdulmawjood"}],"contentOptimised":"

To date Actinomyces (A.) hyovaginalis has only been reported from infections of pigs, sheep and goats. We would like to report the isolation of this organism from an adult 17 year old giraffe from Frankfurt Zoo, with chronic arthritis that led to euthanasia of the animal. The strain was unambiguously identified as A. hyovaginalis by phenotypic properties, by MALDI-TOF MS analysis and by amplification and sequencing of the molecular targets 11S rDNA, 11S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region and gene tuf encoding the elongation factor tu. However, the source and route of infection of the organism remains unclear.<\/p>

MALDI-TOF MS, 16S rDNA, 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region, gene tuf<\/p>

In der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnte ein Actinomyces (A.) hyovaginalis-Stamm, eine Bakterienspezies die bislang nur bei Infektionen von Schwein, Schaf und Ziege nachgewiesen wurde, bei einer chronischen Arthritis einer adulten 17 Jahre alten Giraffe isoliert werden. Die Arthritis f\u00fchrte zur Euthanasie des Tieres. Der Bakterienstamm konnte durch ph\u00e4notypische Eigenschaften, durch MALDI-TOF MS Analyse und durch Amplifizierung und Sequenzierung der 11S rDNA, der 11S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region und des den Elongationsfaktor tu kodierenden Gens tuf eindeutig als A. hyovaginalis identifiziert werden. Die Herkunft und der Infektionsweg, der zur Erkrankung der 17 jahre alten Giraffe im Frankfurter Zoo f\u00fchrte, ist allerdings bislang noch unklar.<\/p>

MALDI-TOF MS16S rDNA, 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region, Gen tuf<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"To date Actinomyces (A.) hyovaginalis has only been reported from infections of pigs, sheep and goats. We would like to report the isolation of this organism from an adult 17 year old giraffe from Frankfurt Zoo, with chronic arthritis that led to euthanasia of the animal. The strain was unambiguously identified as A. hyovaginalis by phenotypic properties, by MALDI-TOF MS analysis and by amplification and sequencing of the molecular targets 11S rDNA, 11S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region and gene tuf encoding the elongation factor tu. However, the source and route of infection of the organism remains unclear.<\/p>

","keywords":["MALDI-TOF MS","16S rDNA","16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region","gene tuf"],"zusammenfassung":"In der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnte ein Actinomyces (A.) hyovaginalis-Stamm, eine Bakterienspezies die bislang nur bei Infektionen von Schwein, Schaf und Ziege nachgewiesen wurde, bei einer chronischen Arthritis einer adulten 17 Jahre alten Giraffe isoliert werden. Die Arthritis f\u00fchrte zur Euthanasie des Tieres. Der Bakterienstamm konnte durch ph\u00e4notypische Eigenschaften, durch MALDI-TOF MS Analyse und durch Amplifizierung und Sequenzierung der 11S rDNA, der 11S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region und des den Elongationsfaktor tu kodierenden Gens tuf eindeutig als A. hyovaginalis identifiziert werden. Die Herkunft und der Infektionsweg, der zur Erkrankung der 17 jahre alten Giraffe im Frankfurter Zoo f\u00fchrte, ist allerdings bislang noch unklar.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["MALDI-TOF MS16S rDNA","16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region","Gen tuf"],"translatedTitle":"Actinomyces hyovaginalis \u2013 isoliert von einer chronisch-eitrigen Arthritis einer adulten Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata)","abstractE":"To date Actinomyces (A.) hyovaginalis has only been reported from infections of pigs, sheep and goats. We would like to report the isolation of this organism from an adult 17 year old giraffe from Frankfurt Zoo, with chronic arthritis that led to euthanasia of the animal. The strain was unambiguously identified as A. hyovaginalis by phenotypic properties, by MALDI-TOF MS analysis and by amplification and sequencing of the molecular targets 11S rDNA, 11S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region and gene tuf encoding the elongation factor tu. However, the source and route of infection of the organism remains unclear.","date":{"year":2017,"date":"03\/2017","accepted":"2017-03-14"},"volume":"130","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"161-164","redirects":["actinomyces-hyovaginalis-associated-with-chronic-suppurative-arthritis-in-an-adult-giraffe-giraffa-camelopardalis-reticulata\/150\/3130\/101297"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} %7 , Vektorübertragung %8 03/2017