%0 Journal Article %K pig production %K animal farming %K antimicrobial resistance %K CTX-M %K E. coli %B Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift %C Hannover %D 2014 %G English %I Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG %P 412-419 %R 10.2376/0005-9366-127-412 %T Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL)/AmpC beta-lactamases-producing Escherichia coli in German fattening pig farms: a longitudinal study %V 127 %1 {"oldId":82171,"title":"Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL)\/AmpC beta-lactamases-producing Escherichia coli in German fattening pig farms: a longitudinal study","topline":"Open Access BMTW | Themenheft Antibiotikaresistenzen","teaserText":"Extended-Spektrum-Beta-Laktamase (ESBL)\/AmpC Beta- Laktamase-produzierende Escherichia coli in deutschen Schweinemastbetrieben: eine Langzeitstudie","content":"

The presence of ESBL\/AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae in healthy livestock, such as pigs, was frequently reported worldwide in the last years. The development and potential spread of these resistant microorganisms in farm animals is discussed critically. Therefore, the main objectives of this longitudinal study were to determine potential sources and prevalence dynamics of ESBL\/AmpCproducing Escherichia coli <\/span>in seven German ESBL\/AmpC-positive conventional fattening pig farms in the course of the fattening period. Samples tested were taken at three different times within one finishing fattening period and included 20 individual faeces samples as well as various samples of the animals\u2019 housing environment such as pooled faeces, boot swabs, dust and environmental swabs. In individual faeces average carriage levels of 45%, 29% and 36% at the three sampling times were accompanied by decreasing faecal counts from 2.97 x 104 cfu\/g at the first to 2.17 x 103 cfu\/g at the third visit. In the animals\u2019 housing environment 47.6% of pooled faeces and boot swab samples respectively and 5.9% of environmental swabs but none of the dust samples were tested positive. Altogether 228 E. coli <\/span>isolates were analysed by combination disc tests, PCR and partly via sequencing. Thereby, a novel gene bla<\/span>TEM-206 was detected. This study shows different detection levels of ESBL\/AmpC-producing E. coli <\/span>amongst the different farms and in the course of the fattening period. Pooled faeces and boot swab samples but not dust samples seem to be appropriate to assess the herd status of pigs with respect to ESBL\/AmpC-producing Escherichia coli<\/span>. <\/p>

pig production, animal farming, antimicrobial resistance, CTX-M, E. coli<\/span> <\/p>

In den letzten Jahren wurde weltweit vielfach \u00fcber das Vorkommen von ESBL\/ AmpC-produzierenden Enterobacteriaceae in gesunden Nutztieren, wie beispielsweise Schweinen, berichtet. Die Entwicklung und potenzielle Verbreitung dieser resistenten Mikroorganismen bei den Nutztieren wird kritisch diskutiert. Daher waren Hauptziele dieser Langzeitstudie die Untersuchung potenzieller Quellen sowie der Pr\u00e4valenzdynamik von ESBL\/AmpC-bildenden Escherichia coli<\/span> in sieben deutschen ESBL\/AmpC-positiven konventionellen Schweinemastbetrieben im zeitlichen Verlauf der Mastperiode. Probenahmen erfolgten dabei zu drei verschiedenen Zeitpunkten innerhalb einer Endmastperiode und umfassten 20 Einzeltierkotproben sowie verschiedene Proben der Tierumgebung wie Sammelkot, Sockentupfer, Staub und Umgebungstupfer. Die durchschnittlichen Nachweish\u00e4ufigkeiten von ESBL\/AmpC-E. coli <\/span>in den Einzeltierkotproben lagen zu den drei Probenahmezeitpunkten bei 45 %, 29 % und 36 %, wobei eine Abnahme der Konzentration von 2,97 x 104 KbE\/g zum ersten Zeitpunkt zu 2,17 x 103 KbE\/g zum dritten Zeitpunkt zu verzeichnen war. In der Tierumgebung wurden jeweils 47,6 % der Sammelkot- und Sockentupferproben und 5,9 % der Umgebungstupfer, jedoch keine der Staubproben positiv auf ESBL\/AmpC-produzierende E. coli<\/span> getestet. Insgesamt wurden 228 E. coli<\/span>-Isolate mittels Bl\u00e4ttchendiffusionstest zur antimikrobiellen Empfindlichkeitstestung, PCR und teilweise durch Sequenzierung analysiert. Dabei wurde ein neues Gen bla<\/span>TEM-206 beschrieben. Diese Studie zeigt unterschiedliche Nachweish\u00e4ufigkeiten von ESBL\/AmpC-bildenden E. coli <\/span>in den untersuchten Schweinemastbetrieben und im Verlauf der Mast. Sammelkotund Sockentupferproben scheinen im Gegensatz zu Staubproben geeignet zu sein, um den ESBL\/AmpC-Status von Schweinebest\u00e4nden zu bestimmen. <\/p>

Schweineproduktion, landwirtschaftliche Tierhaltung, antimikrobielle Resistenz, CTX-M, E. coli<\/span><\/p>","categories":["Open Access","Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel","Abostufe frei"],"fromDate":"Oct 1, 2014 4:20:37 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/extended-spectrum-beta-lactamases-esblampc-beta-lactamases-producing-escherichia-coli-in-german-fattening-pig-farms-a-longitudinal-study\/150\/3216\/82171","http:\/\/vetline.de\/extended-spectrum-beta-lactamases-esblampc-beta-lactamases-producing-escherichia-coli-in-german-fattening-pig-farms-a-longitudinal-study\/150\/3130\/82171"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/extended-spectrum-beta-lactamases-esblampc-beta-lactamases-producing-escherichia-coli-in-german-fattening-pig-farms-a-longitudinal-study\/150\/3130\/82171\/","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschr 127, 412\u2013419 (2014)","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-127-412","doiFirstPage":"412","doiLastPage":"419","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"von Salviati C, Friese A, Roschanski N, Laube H, Guerra B, K\u00e4sbohrer A, Kreienbrock L, Roesler U","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2014_09_10_0412_onl300.pdf","title":"BMW_2014_09_10_0412.pdf","description":"Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL)\/AmpC beta-lactamases-producing Escherichia coli in German fattening pig farms: a longitudinal study "},"authors":[{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"von Salviati"},{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Friese"},{"firstName":"N","middleName":"","lastName":"Roschanski"},{"firstName":"H","middleName":"","lastName":"Laube"},{"firstName":"B","middleName":"","lastName":"Guerra"},{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"K\u00e4sbohrer"},{"firstName":"L","middleName":"","lastName":"Kreienbrock"},{"firstName":"U","middleName":"","lastName":"Roesler"}],"contentOptimised":"

The presence of ESBL\/AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae in healthy livestock, such as pigs, was frequently reported worldwide in the last years. The development and potential spread of these resistant microorganisms in farm animals is discussed critically. Therefore, the main objectives of this longitudinal study were to determine potential sources and prevalence dynamics of ESBL\/AmpCproducing Escherichia coli <\/em>in seven German ESBL\/AmpC-positive conventional fattening pig farms in the course of the fattening period. Samples tested were taken at three different times within one finishing fattening period and included 20 individual faeces samples as well as various samples of the animals\u2019 housing environment such as pooled faeces, boot swabs, dust and environmental swabs. In individual faeces average carriage levels of 45%, 29% and 36% at the three sampling times were accompanied by decreasing faecal counts from 2.97 x 104 cfu\/g at the first to 2.17 x 103 cfu\/g at the third visit. In the animals\u2019 housing environment 47.6% of pooled faeces and boot swab samples respectively and 5.9% of environmental swabs but none of the dust samples were tested positive. Altogether 228 E. coli <\/em>isolates were analysed by combination disc tests, PCR and partly via sequencing. Thereby, a novel gene bla<\/em>TEM-206 was detected. This study shows different detection levels of ESBL\/AmpC-producing E. coli <\/em>amongst the different farms and in the course of the fattening period. Pooled faeces and boot swab samples but not dust samples seem to be appropriate to assess the herd status of pigs with respect to ESBL\/AmpC-producing Escherichia coli<\/em>. <\/p>

pig production, animal farming, antimicrobial resistance, CTX-M, E. coli<\/em> <\/p>

In den letzten Jahren wurde weltweit vielfach \u00fcber das Vorkommen von ESBL\/ AmpC-produzierenden Enterobacteriaceae in gesunden Nutztieren, wie beispielsweise Schweinen, berichtet. Die Entwicklung und potenzielle Verbreitung dieser resistenten Mikroorganismen bei den Nutztieren wird kritisch diskutiert. Daher waren Hauptziele dieser Langzeitstudie die Untersuchung potenzieller Quellen sowie der Pr\u00e4valenzdynamik von ESBL\/AmpC-bildenden Escherichia coli<\/em> in sieben deutschen ESBL\/AmpC-positiven konventionellen Schweinemastbetrieben im zeitlichen Verlauf der Mastperiode. Probenahmen erfolgten dabei zu drei verschiedenen Zeitpunkten innerhalb einer Endmastperiode und umfassten 20 Einzeltierkotproben sowie verschiedene Proben der Tierumgebung wie Sammelkot, Sockentupfer, Staub und Umgebungstupfer. Die durchschnittlichen Nachweish\u00e4ufigkeiten von ESBL\/AmpC-E. coli <\/em>in den Einzeltierkotproben lagen zu den drei Probenahmezeitpunkten bei 45 %, 29 % und 36 %, wobei eine Abnahme der Konzentration von 2,97 x 104 KbE\/g zum ersten Zeitpunkt zu 2,17 x 103 KbE\/g zum dritten Zeitpunkt zu verzeichnen war. In der Tierumgebung wurden jeweils 47,6 % der Sammelkot- und Sockentupferproben und 5,9 % der Umgebungstupfer, jedoch keine der Staubproben positiv auf ESBL\/AmpC-produzierende E. coli<\/em> getestet. Insgesamt wurden 228 E. coli<\/em>-Isolate mittels Bl\u00e4ttchendiffusionstest zur antimikrobiellen Empfindlichkeitstestung, PCR und teilweise durch Sequenzierung analysiert. Dabei wurde ein neues Gen bla<\/em>TEM-206 beschrieben. Diese Studie zeigt unterschiedliche Nachweish\u00e4ufigkeiten von ESBL\/AmpC-bildenden E. coli <\/em>in den untersuchten Schweinemastbetrieben und im Verlauf der Mast. Sammelkotund Sockentupferproben scheinen im Gegensatz zu Staubproben geeignet zu sein, um den ESBL\/AmpC-Status von Schweinebest\u00e4nden zu bestimmen. <\/p>

Schweineproduktion, landwirtschaftliche Tierhaltung, antimikrobielle Resistenz, CTX-M, E. coli<\/em><\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"The presence of ESBL\/AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae in healthy livestock, such as pigs, was frequently reported worldwide in the last years. The development and potential spread of these resistant microorganisms in farm animals is discussed critically. Therefore, the main objectives of this longitudinal study were to determine potential sources and prevalence dynamics of ESBL\/AmpCproducing Escherichia coli <\/em>in seven German ESBL\/AmpC-positive conventional fattening pig farms in the course of the fattening period. Samples tested were taken at three different times within one finishing fattening period and included 20 individual faeces samples as well as various samples of the animals\u2019 housing environment such as pooled faeces, boot swabs, dust and environmental swabs. In individual faeces average carriage levels of 45%, 29% and 36% at the three sampling times were accompanied by decreasing faecal counts from 2.97 x 104 cfu\/g at the first to 2.17 x 103 cfu\/g at the third visit. In the animals\u2019 housing environment 47.6% of pooled faeces and boot swab samples respectively and 5.9% of environmental swabs but none of the dust samples were tested positive. Altogether 228 E. coli <\/em>isolates were analysed by combination disc tests, PCR and partly via sequencing. Thereby, a novel gene bla<\/em>TEM-206 was detected. This study shows different detection levels of ESBL\/AmpC-producing E. coli <\/em>amongst the different farms and in the course of the fattening period. Pooled faeces and boot swab samples but not dust samples seem to be appropriate to assess the herd status of pigs with respect to ESBL\/AmpC-producing Escherichia coli<\/em>. <\/p>

","keywords":["pig production","animal farming","antimicrobial resistance","CTX-M","E. coli"],"zusammenfassung":"In den letzten Jahren wurde weltweit vielfach \u00fcber das Vorkommen von ESBL\/ AmpC-produzierenden Enterobacteriaceae in gesunden Nutztieren, wie beispielsweise Schweinen, berichtet. Die Entwicklung und potenzielle Verbreitung dieser resistenten Mikroorganismen bei den Nutztieren wird kritisch diskutiert. Daher waren Hauptziele dieser Langzeitstudie die Untersuchung potenzieller Quellen sowie der Pr\u00e4valenzdynamik von ESBL\/AmpC-bildenden Escherichia coli<\/em> in sieben deutschen ESBL\/AmpC-positiven konventionellen Schweinemastbetrieben im zeitlichen Verlauf der Mastperiode. Probenahmen erfolgten dabei zu drei verschiedenen Zeitpunkten innerhalb einer Endmastperiode und umfassten 20 Einzeltierkotproben sowie verschiedene Proben der Tierumgebung wie Sammelkot, Sockentupfer, Staub und Umgebungstupfer. Die durchschnittlichen Nachweish\u00e4ufigkeiten von ESBL\/AmpC-E. coli <\/em>in den Einzeltierkotproben lagen zu den drei Probenahmezeitpunkten bei 45 %, 29 % und 36 %, wobei eine Abnahme der Konzentration von 2,97 x 104 KbE\/g zum ersten Zeitpunkt zu 2,17 x 103 KbE\/g zum dritten Zeitpunkt zu verzeichnen war. In der Tierumgebung wurden jeweils 47,6 % der Sammelkot- und Sockentupferproben und 5,9 % der Umgebungstupfer, jedoch keine der Staubproben positiv auf ESBL\/AmpC-produzierende E. coli<\/em> getestet. Insgesamt wurden 228 E. coli<\/em>-Isolate mittels Bl\u00e4ttchendiffusionstest zur antimikrobiellen Empfindlichkeitstestung, PCR und teilweise durch Sequenzierung analysiert. Dabei wurde ein neues Gen bla<\/em>TEM-206 beschrieben. Diese Studie zeigt unterschiedliche Nachweish\u00e4ufigkeiten von ESBL\/AmpC-bildenden E. coli <\/em>in den untersuchten Schweinemastbetrieben und im Verlauf der Mast. Sammelkotund Sockentupferproben scheinen im Gegensatz zu Staubproben geeignet zu sein, um den ESBL\/AmpC-Status von Schweinebest\u00e4nden zu bestimmen. <\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Schweineproduktion","landwirtschaftliche Tierhaltung","antimikrobielle Resistenz","CTX-M","E. coli"],"translatedTitle":"Extended-Spektrum-Beta-Laktamase (ESBL)\/AmpC Beta- Laktamase-produzierende Escherichia coli in deutschen Schweinemastbetrieben: eine Langzeitstudie","abstractE":"The presence of ESBL\/AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae in healthy livestock, such as pigs, was frequently reported worldwide in the last years. The development and potential spread of these resistant microorganisms in farm animals is discussed critically. Therefore, the main objectives of this longitudinal study were to determine potential sources and prevalence dynamics of ESBL\/AmpCproducing Escherichia coli in seven German ESBL\/AmpC-positive conventional fattening pig farms in the course of the fattening period. Samples tested were taken at three different times within one finishing fattening period and included 20 individual faeces samples as well as various samples of the animals\u2019 housing environment such as pooled faeces, boot swabs, dust and environmental swabs. In individual faeces average carriage levels of 45%, 29% and 36% at the three sampling times were accompanied by decreasing faecal counts from 2.97 x 104 cfu\/g at the first to 2.17 x 103 cfu\/g at the third visit. In the animals\u2019 housing environment 47.6% of pooled faeces and boot swab samples respectively and 5.9% of environmental swabs but none of the dust samples were tested positive. Altogether 228 E. coli isolates were analysed by combination disc tests, PCR and partly via sequencing. Thereby, a novel gene blaTEM-206 was detected. This study shows different detection levels of ESBL\/AmpC-producing E. coli amongst the different farms and in the course of the fattening period. Pooled faeces and boot swab samples but not dust samples seem to be appropriate to assess the herd status of pigs with respect to ESBL\/AmpC-producing Escherichia coli. ","date":{"year":2014,"date":"10\/2014","accepted":"2014-10-01"},"volume":"127","openAccess":true,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"412-419","redirects":["extended-spectrum-beta-lactamases-esblampc-beta-lactamases-producing-escherichia-coli-in-german-fattening-pig-farms-a-longitudinal-study\/150\/3216\/82171","extended-spectrum-beta-lactamases-esblampc-beta-lactamases-producing-escherichia-coli-in-german-fattening-pig-farms-a-longitudinal-study\/150\/3130\/82171"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Open Access","Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel","Abostufe frei"]} %8 10/2014