TY - JOUR KW - foot pad dermatitis KW - hock burn KW - gait score KW - chicken KW - Cobb Sasso AU - S Bergmann AU - H Louton AU - C Westermaier AU - K Wilutzky AU - A Bender AU - J Bachmeier AU - M Erhard AU - E Rauch AB - Broiler chickens are usually reared in deep litter systems without any enrichment, and animal welfare related issues occur on a regular basis. Publicizing the problems has led to better consumer awareness and the demand for animal-friendly produced food. We established and tested an alternative rearing concept to improve bird welfare by introducing an intermediate product between organically and conventionally produced meats to the German market. Within the frame of this project 6 rearing periods per concept and farm were evaluated in parallel on 3 to 4 predetermined days per rearing period. Ross 308 broilers (conventional farm) were reared according to the minimum requirements regulated by law and the slower growing Cobb SassoTM 175A broilers (alternative farm) were housed with provision of perches, straw bales, pecking stones and a winter garden with lower stocking densities. Broilers of both strains showed an increasing prevalence and severity of foot pad alterations with increasing age and exposure duration in the barn. Shortly before slaughter, 2.5% of the alternative broilers (day 40) and 16.8% of the conventional broilers (day 35) showed various degrees of foot pad dermatitis. The variable farm/strain had a significant effect (P lt; 0.001) on the occurrence of hyperkeratosis and foot pad dermatitis. Live weight had a significant effect (P lt; 0.001) on the prevalence of hock burn in both strains. Obvious lameness (0.8%) and immobility (0.5%) could only be identified in conventional broilers. The results of this study indicate a higher animal well-being of slower growing broilers reared under enriched environmental conditions compared to conventionally reared broilers of this study. However, because of the study design and the confounding of farm/rearing concept and strain these results can only be seen as hypothesis generating and should be investigated in further studies. Keywords: foot pad dermatitis, hock burn, gait score, chicken, Cobb Sasso BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":97643,"title":"Field trial on animal-based measures for animal welfare in slow growing broilers reared under an alternative concept suitable for the German market","topline":"Open Access","teaserText":"Feldversuch zu tierbasierten Tierwohlindikatoren einer langsamer wachsenden Masth\u00fchnerlinie unter den Bedingungen eines in Deutschland marktf\u00e4higen alternativen Aufzuchtkonzeptes","content":"

Broiler chickens are usually reared in deep litter systems without any enrichment, and animal welfare related issues occur on a regular basis. Publicizing the problems has led to better consumer awareness and the demand for animal-friendly produced food. We established and tested an alternative rearing concept to improve bird welfare by introducing an intermediate product between organically and conventionally produced meats to the German market. Within the frame of this project 6 rearing periods per concept and farm were evaluated in parallel on 3 to 4 predetermined days per rearing period. Ross 308 broilers (conventional farm) were reared according to the minimum requirements regulated by law and the slower growing Cobb SassoTM 175A broilers (alternative farm) were housed with provision of perches, straw bales, pecking stones and a winter garden with lower stocking densities. Broilers of both strains showed an increasing prevalence and severity of foot pad alterations with increasing age and exposure duration in the barn. Shortly before slaughter, 2.5% of the alternative broilers (day 40) and 16.8% of the conventional broilers (day 35) showed various degrees of foot pad dermatitis. The variable farm\/strain had a significant effect (P lt; 0.001) on the occurrence of hyperkeratosis and foot pad dermatitis. Live weight had a significant effect (P lt; 0.001) on the prevalence of hock burn in both strains. Obvious lameness (0.8%) and immobility (0.5%) could only be identified in conventional broilers. The results of this study indicate a higher animal well-being of slower growing broilers reared under enriched environmental conditions compared to conventionally reared broilers of this study. However, because of the study design and the confounding of farm\/rearing concept and strain these results can only be seen as hypothesis generating and should be investigated in further studies.

Keyw<\/span>ords:<\/span> foot pad dermatitis, hock burn, gait score, chicken, Cobb Sasso

Masth\u00fchner werden \u00fcblicherweise in eingestreuter Bodenhaltung ohne spezielles Angebot von Struktur- und Besch\u00e4ftigungselementen gem\u00e4stet und tierschutzrelevante Probleme treten regelm\u00e4\u00dfig auf. \u00d6ffentlich bekannt werdende Probleme haben zu einem besseren Verbraucherbewusstsein gef\u00fchrt und damit zu der Forderung nach tiergerechterer Lebensmittelproduktion. Um das Tierwohl zu steigern, haben wir ein alternatives Aufzuchtkonzept zusammengestellt und getestet. Dieses wurde dem deutschen Markt als ein Produkt zwischen biologisch und konventionell produziertem Fleisch vorgestellt. Im Rahmen des Projektes wurden sechs Aufzuchtdurchg\u00e4nge pro Konzept und Farm parallel an drei bis vier vorher festgelegten Tagen pro Durchgang wissenschaftlich begleitet. Masth\u00fchner der Linie Ross 308 (konventionelles Konzept) wurden nach den gesetzlichen Mindestanforderungen gem\u00e4stet, w\u00e4hrend H\u00fchnern der Linie Cobb SassoTM 175A (alternatives Konzept) zus\u00e4tzlich Sitzstangen, Strohballen, Picksteine und Zugang zu einem Wintergarten bei insgesamt geringerer Besatzdichte angeboten wurden. Beide Masth\u00fchnerlinien zeigten einen Anstieg sowohl im Vorkommen als auch im Schweregrad von Fu\u00dfballenver\u00e4nderungen im zeitlichen Verlauf der Mast und mit Expositionsdauer im Stall. Kurz vor der Schlachtung zeigten 2,5 % der alternativ aufgezogenen Masth\u00fchner (Tag 40) und 16,8 % der konventionell gem\u00e4steten H\u00fchner (Tag 35) unterschiedliche Schweregrade an Fu\u00dfballendermatitis. Die Variable Farm\/H\u00fchnerlinie hatte dabei einen signifikanten Einfluss (p lt; 0,001) auf das Vorkommen von Hyperkeratose und Fu\u00dfballendermatitis. Das Lebendgewicht nahm bei beiden H\u00fchnerlinien einen signifikanten Einfluss auf das Auftreten von Sprunggelenkdermatitis. Deutliche Lahmheit (0,8 %) und Unverm\u00f6gen zur Fortbewegung (0,5 %) trat ausschlie\u00dflich bei den konventionell aufgezogenen Ross 308 H\u00fchnern auf. Obwohl die Ergebnisse stark abh\u00e4ngig von dem Management der beiden untersuchten Mastbetriebe sind, geben sie Hinweise darauf, dass langsamer wachsende Cobb Sasso Masth\u00fchner, aufgezogen mit dem alternativen Konzept, ein mehr an Tierwohl genie\u00dfen im Vergleich zu konventionell gem\u00e4steten Masth\u00fchnern der vorliegenden Studie. Die Ergebnisse k\u00f6nnen aufgrund des Studiendesigns und des Zusammenhangs zwischen der Farm\/Aufzuchtkonzept und Broilerlinie zur Hypothesenaufstellung verwendet werden und sollten in Folgestudien noch weiter untersucht werden.

Schl\u00fcsselw\u00f6rter:<\/span> Fu\u00dfballendermatitis, Fersenh\u00f6ckerver\u00e4nderungen, Gangbildanalyse, Masthuhn, Cobb Sasso

<\/p>","categories":["Open Access","Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel","Abostufe frei"],"fromDate":"Sep 5, 2016 6:21:54 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/field-trial-on-animal-based-measures-for-animal-welfare-in-slow-growing-broilers-reared-under-an-alternative-concept-suitable-for-the-german-market\/150\/3130\/97643","http:\/\/vetline.de\/field-trial-on-animal-based-measures-for-animal-welfare-in-slow-growing-broilers-reared-under-an-alternative-concept-suitable-for-the-german-market\/150\/3216\/97643"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochensch","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/cf01.vetline.schluetersche.de\/files\/smfiledata\/5\/9\/9\/3\/8\/6\/BMW_OA_0010_onl300.pdf","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochensch","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-16035","doiFirstPage":".","doiLastPage":"..","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Bergmann S, Louton H, Westermaier C, Wilutzky K, Bender A, Bachmeier J, Erhard MH, Rauch E","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_OA_0010_onl300.pdf","title":"OA BMTW Bergmann 16035","description":""},"authors":[{"firstName":"S","middleName":"","lastName":"Bergmann"},{"firstName":"H","middleName":"","lastName":"Louton"},{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"Westermaier"},{"firstName":"K","middleName":"","lastName":"Wilutzky"},{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Bender"},{"firstName":"J","middleName":"","lastName":"Bachmeier"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"H","lastName":"Erhard"},{"firstName":"E","middleName":"","lastName":"Rauch"}],"contentOptimised":"

Broiler chickens are usually reared in deep litter systems without any enrichment, and animal welfare related issues occur on a regular basis. Publicizing the problems has led to better consumer awareness and the demand for animal-friendly produced food. We established and tested an alternative rearing concept to improve bird welfare by introducing an intermediate product between organically and conventionally produced meats to the German market. Within the frame of this project 6 rearing periods per concept and farm were evaluated in parallel on 3 to 4 predetermined days per rearing period. Ross 308 broilers (conventional farm) were reared according to the minimum requirements regulated by law and the slower growing Cobb SassoTM 175A broilers (alternative farm) were housed with provision of perches, straw bales, pecking stones and a winter garden with lower stocking densities. Broilers of both strains showed an increasing prevalence and severity of foot pad alterations with increasing age and exposure duration in the barn. Shortly before slaughter, 2.5% of the alternative broilers (day 40) and 16.8% of the conventional broilers (day 35) showed various degrees of foot pad dermatitis. The variable farm\/strain had a significant effect (P lt; 0.001) on the occurrence of hyperkeratosis and foot pad dermatitis. Live weight had a significant effect (P lt; 0.001) on the prevalence of hock burn in both strains. Obvious lameness (0.8%) and immobility (0.5%) could only be identified in conventional broilers. The results of this study indicate a higher animal well-being of slower growing broilers reared under enriched environmental conditions compared to conventionally reared broilers of this study. However, because of the study design and the confounding of farm\/rearing concept and strain these results can only be seen as hypothesis generating and should be investigated in further studies.

Keyw<\/strong>ords:<\/strong> foot pad dermatitis, hock burn, gait score, chicken, Cobb Sasso

Masth\u00fchner werden \u00fcblicherweise in eingestreuter Bodenhaltung ohne spezielles Angebot von Struktur- und Besch\u00e4ftigungselementen gem\u00e4stet und tierschutzrelevante Probleme treten regelm\u00e4\u00dfig auf. \u00d6ffentlich bekannt werdende Probleme haben zu einem besseren Verbraucherbewusstsein gef\u00fchrt und damit zu der Forderung nach tiergerechterer Lebensmittelproduktion. Um das Tierwohl zu steigern, haben wir ein alternatives Aufzuchtkonzept zusammengestellt und getestet. Dieses wurde dem deutschen Markt als ein Produkt zwischen biologisch und konventionell produziertem Fleisch vorgestellt. Im Rahmen des Projektes wurden sechs Aufzuchtdurchg\u00e4nge pro Konzept und Farm parallel an drei bis vier vorher festgelegten Tagen pro Durchgang wissenschaftlich begleitet. Masth\u00fchner der Linie Ross 308 (konventionelles Konzept) wurden nach den gesetzlichen Mindestanforderungen gem\u00e4stet, w\u00e4hrend H\u00fchnern der Linie Cobb SassoTM 175A (alternatives Konzept) zus\u00e4tzlich Sitzstangen, Strohballen, Picksteine und Zugang zu einem Wintergarten bei insgesamt geringerer Besatzdichte angeboten wurden. Beide Masth\u00fchnerlinien zeigten einen Anstieg sowohl im Vorkommen als auch im Schweregrad von Fu\u00dfballenver\u00e4nderungen im zeitlichen Verlauf der Mast und mit Expositionsdauer im Stall. Kurz vor der Schlachtung zeigten 2,5 % der alternativ aufgezogenen Masth\u00fchner (Tag 40) und 16,8 % der konventionell gem\u00e4steten H\u00fchner (Tag 35) unterschiedliche Schweregrade an Fu\u00dfballendermatitis. Die Variable Farm\/H\u00fchnerlinie hatte dabei einen signifikanten Einfluss (p lt; 0,001) auf das Vorkommen von Hyperkeratose und Fu\u00dfballendermatitis. Das Lebendgewicht nahm bei beiden H\u00fchnerlinien einen signifikanten Einfluss auf das Auftreten von Sprunggelenkdermatitis. Deutliche Lahmheit (0,8 %) und Unverm\u00f6gen zur Fortbewegung (0,5 %) trat ausschlie\u00dflich bei den konventionell aufgezogenen Ross 308 H\u00fchnern auf. Obwohl die Ergebnisse stark abh\u00e4ngig von dem Management der beiden untersuchten Mastbetriebe sind, geben sie Hinweise darauf, dass langsamer wachsende Cobb Sasso Masth\u00fchner, aufgezogen mit dem alternativen Konzept, ein mehr an Tierwohl genie\u00dfen im Vergleich zu konventionell gem\u00e4steten Masth\u00fchnern der vorliegenden Studie. Die Ergebnisse k\u00f6nnen aufgrund des Studiendesigns und des Zusammenhangs zwischen der Farm\/Aufzuchtkonzept und Broilerlinie zur Hypothesenaufstellung verwendet werden und sollten in Folgestudien noch weiter untersucht werden.

Schl\u00fcsselw\u00f6rter:<\/strong> Fu\u00dfballendermatitis, Fersenh\u00f6ckerver\u00e4nderungen, Gangbildanalyse, Masthuhn, Cobb Sasso

<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Broiler chickens are usually reared in deep litter systems without any enrichment, and animal welfare related issues occur on a regular basis. Publicizing the problems has led to better consumer awareness and the demand for animal-friendly produced food. We established and tested an alternative rearing concept to improve bird welfare by introducing an intermediate product between organically and conventionally produced meats to the German market. Within the frame of this project 6 rearing periods per concept and farm were evaluated in parallel on 3 to 4 predetermined days per rearing period. Ross 308 broilers (conventional farm) were reared according to the minimum requirements regulated by law and the slower growing Cobb SassoTM 175A broilers (alternative farm) were housed with provision of perches, straw bales, pecking stones and a winter garden with lower stocking densities. Broilers of both strains showed an increasing prevalence and severity of foot pad alterations with increasing age and exposure duration in the barn. Shortly before slaughter, 2.5% of the alternative broilers (day 40) and 16.8% of the conventional broilers (day 35) showed various degrees of foot pad dermatitis. The variable farm\/strain had a significant effect (P lt; 0.001) on the occurrence of hyperkeratosis and foot pad dermatitis. Live weight had a significant effect (P lt; 0.001) on the prevalence of hock burn in both strains. Obvious lameness (0.8%) and immobility (0.5%) could only be identified in conventional broilers. The results of this study indicate a higher animal well-being of slower growing broilers reared under enriched environmental conditions compared to conventionally reared broilers of this study. However, because of the study design and the confounding of farm\/rearing concept and strain these results can only be seen as hypothesis generating and should be investigated in further studies.

Keyw<\/strong>ords:<\/strong> foot pad dermatitis, hock burn, gait score, chicken, Cobb Sasso

","zusammenfassung":"Masth\u00fchner werden \u00fcblicherweise in eingestreuter Bodenhaltung ohne spezielles Angebot von Struktur- und Besch\u00e4ftigungselementen gem\u00e4stet und tierschutzrelevante Probleme treten regelm\u00e4\u00dfig auf. \u00d6ffentlich bekannt werdende Probleme haben zu einem besseren Verbraucherbewusstsein gef\u00fchrt und damit zu der Forderung nach tiergerechterer Lebensmittelproduktion. Um das Tierwohl zu steigern, haben wir ein alternatives Aufzuchtkonzept zusammengestellt und getestet. Dieses wurde dem deutschen Markt als ein Produkt zwischen biologisch und konventionell produziertem Fleisch vorgestellt. Im Rahmen des Projektes wurden sechs Aufzuchtdurchg\u00e4nge pro Konzept und Farm parallel an drei bis vier vorher festgelegten Tagen pro Durchgang wissenschaftlich begleitet. Masth\u00fchner der Linie Ross 308 (konventionelles Konzept) wurden nach den gesetzlichen Mindestanforderungen gem\u00e4stet, w\u00e4hrend H\u00fchnern der Linie Cobb SassoTM 175A (alternatives Konzept) zus\u00e4tzlich Sitzstangen, Strohballen, Picksteine und Zugang zu einem Wintergarten bei insgesamt geringerer Besatzdichte angeboten wurden. Beide Masth\u00fchnerlinien zeigten einen Anstieg sowohl im Vorkommen als auch im Schweregrad von Fu\u00dfballenver\u00e4nderungen im zeitlichen Verlauf der Mast und mit Expositionsdauer im Stall. Kurz vor der Schlachtung zeigten 2,5 % der alternativ aufgezogenen Masth\u00fchner (Tag 40) und 16,8 % der konventionell gem\u00e4steten H\u00fchner (Tag 35) unterschiedliche Schweregrade an Fu\u00dfballendermatitis. Die Variable Farm\/H\u00fchnerlinie hatte dabei einen signifikanten Einfluss (p lt; 0,001) auf das Vorkommen von Hyperkeratose und Fu\u00dfballendermatitis. Das Lebendgewicht nahm bei beiden H\u00fchnerlinien einen signifikanten Einfluss auf das Auftreten von Sprunggelenkdermatitis. Deutliche Lahmheit (0,8 %) und Unverm\u00f6gen zur Fortbewegung (0,5 %) trat ausschlie\u00dflich bei den konventionell aufgezogenen Ross 308 H\u00fchnern auf. Obwohl die Ergebnisse stark abh\u00e4ngig von dem Management der beiden untersuchten Mastbetriebe sind, geben sie Hinweise darauf, dass langsamer wachsende Cobb Sasso Masth\u00fchner, aufgezogen mit dem alternativen Konzept, ein mehr an Tierwohl genie\u00dfen im Vergleich zu konventionell gem\u00e4steten Masth\u00fchnern der vorliegenden Studie. Die Ergebnisse k\u00f6nnen aufgrund des Studiendesigns und des Zusammenhangs zwischen der Farm\/Aufzuchtkonzept und Broilerlinie zur Hypothesenaufstellung verwendet werden und sollten in Folgestudien noch weiter untersucht werden.","schluesselwoerter":["Fu\u00dfballendermatitis","Fersenh\u00f6ckerver\u00e4nderungen","Gangbildanalyse","Masthuhn","Cobb Sasso"],"translatedTitle":"Feldversuch zu tierbasierten Tierwohlindikatoren einer langsamer wachsenden Masth\u00fchnerlinie unter den Bedingungen eines in Deutschland marktf\u00e4higen alternativen Aufzuchtkonzeptes","abstractE":"Broiler chickens are usually reared in deep litter systems without any enrichment, and animal welfare related issues occur on a regular basis. Publicizing the problems has led to better consumer awareness and the demand for animal-friendly produced food. We established and tested an alternative rearing concept to improve bird welfare by introducing an intermediate product between organically and conventionally produced meats to the German market. Within the frame of this project 6 rearing periods per concept and farm were evaluated in parallel on 3 to 4 predetermined days per rearing period. Ross 308 broilers (conventional farm) were reared according to the minimum requirements regulated by law and the slower growing Cobb SassoTM 175A broilers (alternative farm) were housed with provision of perches, straw bales, pecking stones and a winter garden with lower stocking densities. Broilers of both strains showed an increasing prevalence and severity of foot pad alterations with increasing age and exposure duration in the barn. Shortly before slaughter, 2.5% of the alternative broilers (day 40) and 16.8% of the conventional broilers (day 35) showed various degrees of foot pad dermatitis. The variable farm\/strain had a significant effect (P lt; 0.001) on the occurrence of hyperkeratosis and foot pad dermatitis. Live weight had a significant effect (P lt; 0.001) on the prevalence of hock burn in both strains. Obvious lameness (0.8%) and immobility (0.5%) could only be identified in conventional broilers. The results of this study indicate a higher animal well-being of slower growing broilers reared under enriched environmental conditions compared to conventionally reared broilers of this study. However, because of the study design and the confounding of farm\/rearing concept and strain these results can only be seen as hypothesis generating and should be investigated in further studies. Keywords: foot pad dermatitis, hock burn, gait score, chicken, Cobb Sasso","date":{"year":2016,"date":"09\/2016","accepted":"2016-09-05"},"volume":129,"openAccess":true,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"","redirects":["field-trial-on-animal-based-measures-for-animal-welfare-in-slow-growing-broilers-reared-under-an-alternative-concept-suitable-for-the-german-market\/150\/3130\/97643","field-trial-on-animal-based-measures-for-animal-welfare-in-slow-growing-broilers-reared-under-an-alternative-concept-suitable-for-the-german-market\/150\/3216\/97643"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Open Access","Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel","Abostufe frei"]} CY - Hannover DA - 09/2016 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-16035 ET - 11/12 LA - English N2 - Broiler chickens are usually reared in deep litter systems without any enrichment, and animal welfare related issues occur on a regular basis. Publicizing the problems has led to better consumer awareness and the demand for animal-friendly produced food. We established and tested an alternative rearing concept to improve bird welfare by introducing an intermediate product between organically and conventionally produced meats to the German market. Within the frame of this project 6 rearing periods per concept and farm were evaluated in parallel on 3 to 4 predetermined days per rearing period. Ross 308 broilers (conventional farm) were reared according to the minimum requirements regulated by law and the slower growing Cobb SassoTM 175A broilers (alternative farm) were housed with provision of perches, straw bales, pecking stones and a winter garden with lower stocking densities. Broilers of both strains showed an increasing prevalence and severity of foot pad alterations with increasing age and exposure duration in the barn. Shortly before slaughter, 2.5% of the alternative broilers (day 40) and 16.8% of the conventional broilers (day 35) showed various degrees of foot pad dermatitis. The variable farm/strain had a significant effect (P lt; 0.001) on the occurrence of hyperkeratosis and foot pad dermatitis. Live weight had a significant effect (P lt; 0.001) on the prevalence of hock burn in both strains. Obvious lameness (0.8%) and immobility (0.5%) could only be identified in conventional broilers. The results of this study indicate a higher animal well-being of slower growing broilers reared under enriched environmental conditions compared to conventionally reared broilers of this study. However, because of the study design and the confounding of farm/rearing concept and strain these results can only be seen as hypothesis generating and should be investigated in further studies. Keywords: foot pad dermatitis, hock burn, gait score, chicken, Cobb Sasso PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2016 SP - 453 EP - 461 T1 - Field trial on animal-based measures for animal welfare in slow growing broilers reared under an alternative concept suitable for the German market T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Field trial on animal-based measures for animal welfare in slow growing broilers reared under an alternative concept suitable for the German market TT - Feldversuch zu tierbasierten Tierwohlindikatoren einer langsamer wachsenden Masthühnerlinie unter den Bedingungen eines in Deutschland marktfähigen alternativen Aufzuchtkonzeptes VL - 129 SN - 0005-9366 ER -