TY - JOUR KW - T-cell lymphoma KW - leukemia KW - peripheral nerves KW - central nervous system KW - pig AU - A v. Altrock AU - M Ganter AU - U Schwittlick AU - A Beineke AB - :Multicentric lymphomas, usually of B-cell origin, are rather common neoplasms in pigs, which usually affect lymph nodes and different organ systems. An uncommon manifestation of malignant lymphoma represents neoplastic peripheral nerve involvement, which has been reported in human medicine. So far, only single cases of lymphoma with manifestation in peripheral nerves (known as neurolymphomatosis) without leukemic conversion have been mentioned in different animal species others than swine. The present case report describes the occurrence of a multicentric T-cell lymphoma in a fattening pig with marked leukocytosis. The pig was presented with symptoms of lethargy, weight loss, and fever. Bone marrow aspirate contained all stages of granulocytic and erythrocytic precursors, and a remarkable large number of eosinophiles and undifferentiated blasts. At necropsy, the carcass showed generalized lymphadenopathy and severe hepatosplenomegaly. Histological findings included neoplastic round cell infiltrations in lymph nodes, bone marrow, tonsils, lung, spleen, liver, kidneys, urinary bladder, small and large intestine, and meninges. Additionally, neoplastic cells were present in the sciatic and medial plantar nerve of the left hind leg. The diagnosis T-cell lymphoma was confirmed immunohistochemically. To the author's knowledge, this work represents the first report of peripheral nerve involvement in a pig with multicentric T-cell lymphoma accompanied by CNS involvement and leukemia. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":88754,"title":"Multicentric T-cell lymphoma accompanied by infiltration of the peripheral and central nervous system in a fattening pig","topline":"","teaserText":"Multizentrisches T-Zell-Lymphom mit Infiltration des peripherenund zentralen Nervensystems bei einem Mastschwein","content":"

Multicentric lymphomas, usually of B-cell origin, are rather common neoplasms in pigs, which usually affect lymph nodes and different organ systems. An uncommon
manifestation of malignant lymphoma represents neoplastic peripheral nerve involvement, which has been reported in human medicine. So far, only single cases of lymphoma with manifestation in peripheral nerves (known as neurolymphomatosis) without leukemic conversion have been mentioned in different animal species others than swine.
The present case report describes the occurrence of a multicentric T-cell lymphoma in a fattening pig with marked leukocytosis. The pig was presented with symptoms of lethargy, weight loss, and fever. Bone marrow aspirate contained all stages of granulocytic and erythrocytic precursors, and a remarkable large number of eosinophiles and undifferentiated blasts. At necropsy, the carcass showed generalized lymphadenopathy and severe hepatosplenomegaly. Histological findings included neoplastic round cell infiltrations in lymph nodes, bone marrow, tonsils, lung, spleen, liver, kidneys, urinary bladder, small and large intestine, and meninges. Additionally, neoplastic cells were present in the sciatic and medial plantar nerve of the left hind leg. The diagnosis T-cell lymphoma was confirmed immunohistochemically.
To the author's knowledge, this work represents the first report of peripheral nerve involvement in a pig with multicentric T-cell lymphoma accompanied by CNS involvement and leukemia. <\/p>

Keywords:<\/span> T-cell lymphoma, leukemia, peripheral nerves, central nervous system, pig<\/p>

Multizentrische Lymphome insbesondere vom B-Zell-Typ sind beim Schwein nicht ungew\u00f6hnlich und befallen Lymphknoten und weitere Organsysteme. Dagegen stellt die beim Menschen beschriebene Infiltration der peripheren Nerven eine Seltenheit dar. Bislang wurden lediglich Einzelf\u00e4lle von Lymphomen mit Infiltration peripherer Nerven ohne leuk\u00e4mische Ver\u00e4nderungen des Blutbildes bei verschiedenen Tierarten, jedoch nicht beim Schwein, erw\u00e4hnt. Dabei wird die Infiltration der peripheren Nerven durch Lymphome h\u00e4ufig als Neurolymphomatose bezeichnet.
Der vorliegende Fallbericht beschreibt das Auftreten eines multizentrischen T-Zell-Lymphoms mit deutlicher Leukozytose bei einem Mastschwein. Die klinischen Symptome waren Lethargie, Gewichtsverlust und Fieber. Ein Knochenmarkspunktat enthielt verschiedene Reifungsstufen der Erythropoese und Granulopoese, sowie eine auff\u00e4llig hohe Anzahl an Eosinophilen und undifferenzierten Blasten.
Bei der Sektion wies der Tierk\u00f6rper eine generalisierte Lymphadenopathie und eine hochgradige Hepatosplenomegalie auf. Histologisch zeigten sich neoplastisch Rundzellinfiltrationen in Lymphknoten, Knochenmark, Tonsillen, Lunge, Milz, Leber, Nieren, Harnblase, D\u00fcnn- und Dickdarm und Meningen. Au\u00dferdem befanden sich neoplastische Zellen im Nervus ischiadicus und Nervus plantaris medialis des linken Hinterbeins. Die Diagnose T-Zell-Lymphom wurde immunhistologisch abgesichert.
Nach den Kenntnissen der Autoren ist dies die erste Beschreibung eines Schweins mit multizentrischem T-Zell-Tumor mit Infiltration peripherer Nerven unter Beteiligung des ZNS und Ausbildung einer Leuk\u00e4mie.<\/p>

Schl\u00fcsselw\u00f6rter:<\/span> T-Zell-Lymphom, Leuk\u00e4mie, periphere Nerven, Zentalnervensystem, Schwein<\/p>","categories":["Open Access","Abostufe frei"],"fromDate":"Jul 9, 2015 1:44:06 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/multicentric-t-cell-lymphoma-accompanied-by-infiltration-of-the-peripheral-and-central-nervous-system-in-a-fattening-pig\/150\/3216\/88754"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschr","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/cf01.vetline.schluetersche.de\/files\/smfiledata\/4\/9\/3\/4\/4\/5\/BMW_2015_09_10_vonAltrock_onl300.pdf","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschr 128, 350\u2013354","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-128-350","doiFirstPage":"350","doiLastPage":"354","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"von Altrock A, Ganter M, Schwittlick U, Beineke A","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2015_09_10_0350_onl3004C.pdf","title":"BMTW OA Multicentric T-cell lymphoma accompanied by infiltration of the peripheral and central nervous system in a fattening pig","description":""},"authors":[{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"von Altrock"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Ganter"},{"firstName":"U","middleName":"","lastName":"Schwittlick"},{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Beineke"}],"contentOptimised":"

Multicentric lymphomas, usually of B-cell origin, are rather common neoplasms in pigs, which usually affect lymph nodes and different organ systems. An uncommon
manifestation of malignant lymphoma represents neoplastic peripheral nerve involvement, which has been reported in human medicine. So far, only single cases of lymphoma with manifestation in peripheral nerves (known as neurolymphomatosis) without leukemic conversion have been mentioned in different animal species others than swine.
The present case report describes the occurrence of a multicentric T-cell lymphoma in a fattening pig with marked leukocytosis. The pig was presented with symptoms of lethargy, weight loss, and fever. Bone marrow aspirate contained all stages of granulocytic and erythrocytic precursors, and a remarkable large number of eosinophiles and undifferentiated blasts. At necropsy, the carcass showed generalized lymphadenopathy and severe hepatosplenomegaly. Histological findings included neoplastic round cell infiltrations in lymph nodes, bone marrow, tonsils, lung, spleen, liver, kidneys, urinary bladder, small and large intestine, and meninges. Additionally, neoplastic cells were present in the sciatic and medial plantar nerve of the left hind leg. The diagnosis T-cell lymphoma was confirmed immunohistochemically.
To the author's knowledge, this work represents the first report of peripheral nerve involvement in a pig with multicentric T-cell lymphoma accompanied by CNS involvement and leukemia. <\/p>

Keywords:<\/strong> T-cell lymphoma, leukemia, peripheral nerves, central nervous system, pig<\/p>

Multizentrische Lymphome insbesondere vom B-Zell-Typ sind beim Schwein nicht ungew\u00f6hnlich und befallen Lymphknoten und weitere Organsysteme. Dagegen stellt die beim Menschen beschriebene Infiltration der peripheren Nerven eine Seltenheit dar. Bislang wurden lediglich Einzelf\u00e4lle von Lymphomen mit Infiltration peripherer Nerven ohne leuk\u00e4mische Ver\u00e4nderungen des Blutbildes bei verschiedenen Tierarten, jedoch nicht beim Schwein, erw\u00e4hnt. Dabei wird die Infiltration der peripheren Nerven durch Lymphome h\u00e4ufig als Neurolymphomatose bezeichnet.
Der vorliegende Fallbericht beschreibt das Auftreten eines multizentrischen T-Zell-Lymphoms mit deutlicher Leukozytose bei einem Mastschwein. Die klinischen Symptome waren Lethargie, Gewichtsverlust und Fieber. Ein Knochenmarkspunktat enthielt verschiedene Reifungsstufen der Erythropoese und Granulopoese, sowie eine auff\u00e4llig hohe Anzahl an Eosinophilen und undifferenzierten Blasten.
Bei der Sektion wies der Tierk\u00f6rper eine generalisierte Lymphadenopathie und eine hochgradige Hepatosplenomegalie auf. Histologisch zeigten sich neoplastisch Rundzellinfiltrationen in Lymphknoten, Knochenmark, Tonsillen, Lunge, Milz, Leber, Nieren, Harnblase, D\u00fcnn- und Dickdarm und Meningen. Au\u00dferdem befanden sich neoplastische Zellen im Nervus ischiadicus und Nervus plantaris medialis des linken Hinterbeins. Die Diagnose T-Zell-Lymphom wurde immunhistologisch abgesichert.
Nach den Kenntnissen der Autoren ist dies die erste Beschreibung eines Schweins mit multizentrischem T-Zell-Tumor mit Infiltration peripherer Nerven unter Beteiligung des ZNS und Ausbildung einer Leuk\u00e4mie.<\/p>

Schl\u00fcsselw\u00f6rter:<\/strong> T-Zell-Lymphom, Leuk\u00e4mie, periphere Nerven, Zentalnervensystem, Schwein<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":":<\/strong>
Multicentric lymphomas, usually of B-cell origin, are rather common neoplasms in pigs, which usually affect lymph nodes and different organ systems. An uncommon
manifestation of malignant lymphoma represents neoplastic peripheral nerve involvement, which has been reported in human medicine. So far, only single cases of lymphoma with manifestation in peripheral nerves (known as neurolymphomatosis) without leukemic conversion have been mentioned in different animal species others than swine.
The present case report describes the occurrence of a multicentric T-cell lymphoma in a fattening pig with marked leukocytosis. The pig was presented with symptoms of lethargy, weight loss, and fever. Bone marrow aspirate contained all stages of granulocytic and erythrocytic precursors, and a remarkable large number of eosinophiles and undifferentiated blasts. At necropsy, the carcass showed generalized lymphadenopathy and severe hepatosplenomegaly. Histological findings included neoplastic round cell infiltrations in lymph nodes, bone marrow, tonsils, lung, spleen, liver, kidneys, urinary bladder, small and large intestine, and meninges. Additionally, neoplastic cells were present in the sciatic and medial plantar nerve of the left hind leg. The diagnosis T-cell lymphoma was confirmed immunohistochemically.
To the author's knowledge, this work represents the first report of peripheral nerve involvement in a pig with multicentric T-cell lymphoma accompanied by CNS involvement and leukemia. <\/p>

","keywords":["T-cell lymphoma","leukemia","peripheral nerves","central nervous system","pig"],"zusammenfassung":"Multizentrische Lymphome insbesondere vom B-Zell-Typ sind beim Schwein nicht ungew\u00f6hnlich und befallen Lymphknoten und weitere Organsysteme. Dagegen stellt die beim Menschen beschriebene Infiltration der peripheren Nerven eine Seltenheit dar. Bislang wurden lediglich Einzelf\u00e4lle von Lymphomen mit Infiltration peripherer Nerven ohne leuk\u00e4mische Ver\u00e4nderungen des Blutbildes bei verschiedenen Tierarten, jedoch nicht beim Schwein, erw\u00e4hnt. Dabei wird die Infiltration der peripheren Nerven durch Lymphome h\u00e4ufig als Neurolymphomatose bezeichnet.
Der vorliegende Fallbericht beschreibt das Auftreten eines multizentrischen T-Zell-Lymphoms mit deutlicher Leukozytose bei einem Mastschwein. Die klinischen Symptome waren Lethargie, Gewichtsverlust und Fieber. Ein Knochenmarkspunktat enthielt verschiedene Reifungsstufen der Erythropoese und Granulopoese, sowie eine auff\u00e4llig hohe Anzahl an Eosinophilen und undifferenzierten Blasten.
Bei der Sektion wies der Tierk\u00f6rper eine generalisierte Lymphadenopathie und eine hochgradige Hepatosplenomegalie auf. Histologisch zeigten sich neoplastisch Rundzellinfiltrationen in Lymphknoten, Knochenmark, Tonsillen, Lunge, Milz, Leber, Nieren, Harnblase, D\u00fcnn- und Dickdarm und Meningen. Au\u00dferdem befanden sich neoplastische Zellen im Nervus ischiadicus und Nervus plantaris medialis des linken Hinterbeins. Die Diagnose T-Zell-Lymphom wurde immunhistologisch abgesichert.
Nach den Kenntnissen der Autoren ist dies die erste Beschreibung eines Schweins mit multizentrischem T-Zell-Tumor mit Infiltration peripherer Nerven unter Beteiligung des ZNS und Ausbildung einer Leuk\u00e4mie.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["T-Zell-Lymphom","Leuk\u00e4mie","periphere Nerven","Zentalnervensystem","Schwein"],"translatedTitle":"Multizentrisches T-Zell-Lymphom mit Infiltration des peripherenund zentralen Nervensystems bei einem Mastschwein","abstractE":":Multicentric lymphomas, usually of B-cell origin, are rather common neoplasms in pigs, which usually affect lymph nodes and different organ systems. An uncommon manifestation of malignant lymphoma represents neoplastic peripheral nerve involvement, which has been reported in human medicine. So far, only single cases of lymphoma with manifestation in peripheral nerves (known as neurolymphomatosis) without leukemic conversion have been mentioned in different animal species others than swine. The present case report describes the occurrence of a multicentric T-cell lymphoma in a fattening pig with marked leukocytosis. The pig was presented with symptoms of lethargy, weight loss, and fever. Bone marrow aspirate contained all stages of granulocytic and erythrocytic precursors, and a remarkable large number of eosinophiles and undifferentiated blasts. At necropsy, the carcass showed generalized lymphadenopathy and severe hepatosplenomegaly. Histological findings included neoplastic round cell infiltrations in lymph nodes, bone marrow, tonsils, lung, spleen, liver, kidneys, urinary bladder, small and large intestine, and meninges. Additionally, neoplastic cells were present in the sciatic and medial plantar nerve of the left hind leg. The diagnosis T-cell lymphoma was confirmed immunohistochemically. To the author's knowledge, this work represents the first report of peripheral nerve involvement in a pig with multicentric T-cell lymphoma accompanied by CNS involvement and leukemia. ","date":{"year":2015,"date":"07\/2015","accepted":"2015-07-09"},"volume":"128","openAccess":true,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"350-354","redirects":["multicentric-t-cell-lymphoma-accompanied-by-infiltration-of-the-peripheral-and-central-nervous-system-in-a-fattening-pig\/150\/3216\/88754"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Open Access","Abostufe frei"]} CY - Hannover DA - 07/2015 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-128-350 LA - English N2 - :Multicentric lymphomas, usually of B-cell origin, are rather common neoplasms in pigs, which usually affect lymph nodes and different organ systems. An uncommon manifestation of malignant lymphoma represents neoplastic peripheral nerve involvement, which has been reported in human medicine. So far, only single cases of lymphoma with manifestation in peripheral nerves (known as neurolymphomatosis) without leukemic conversion have been mentioned in different animal species others than swine. The present case report describes the occurrence of a multicentric T-cell lymphoma in a fattening pig with marked leukocytosis. The pig was presented with symptoms of lethargy, weight loss, and fever. Bone marrow aspirate contained all stages of granulocytic and erythrocytic precursors, and a remarkable large number of eosinophiles and undifferentiated blasts. At necropsy, the carcass showed generalized lymphadenopathy and severe hepatosplenomegaly. Histological findings included neoplastic round cell infiltrations in lymph nodes, bone marrow, tonsils, lung, spleen, liver, kidneys, urinary bladder, small and large intestine, and meninges. Additionally, neoplastic cells were present in the sciatic and medial plantar nerve of the left hind leg. The diagnosis T-cell lymphoma was confirmed immunohistochemically. To the author's knowledge, this work represents the first report of peripheral nerve involvement in a pig with multicentric T-cell lymphoma accompanied by CNS involvement and leukemia. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2015 SP - 350 EP - 354 T1 - Multicentric T-cell lymphoma accompanied by infiltration of the peripheral and central nervous system in a fattening pig T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Multicentric T-cell lymphoma accompanied by infiltration of the peripheral and central nervous system in a fattening pig TT - Multizentrisches T-Zell-Lymphom mit Infiltration des peripherenund zentralen Nervensystems bei einem Mastschwein VL - 128 SN - 0005-9366 ER -