TY - JOUR KW - Sheeppox virus KW - Orf virus KW - PCR KW - phylogenetic analysis AU - A Selim AU - M Elhaig AU - J Höche AU - W Gaede AB - In this study an outbreak with Sheeppox virus (SPPV) and Orf virus (ORFV) in one sheep herd in the Qalubia province, Egypt, was investigated. Both, SPPV and ORFV caused clinically manifest infections among sheep. The affected sheep showed skin lesions around the mouth or all over the body. Therefore, reliable diagnosis should confirm the aetiology of the infection and then reduce spread of the diseases in the affected areas. Clinical samples were investigated by virus isolation, PCR and real-time PCR assays. Furthermore, PCR-products of SPPV and ORFV isolates were sequenced and alignment to reference isolates was performed for phylogenetic analyses. The laboratory diagnosis showed that real-time PCR assay was more accurate and sensitive than conventional PCR and virus isolation. In phylogenetic analysis of the A29L gene genetic differences between SPPV field strains were not observed and the strains showed 100% homology with two SPPV isolates from Kazakhstan and one isolate from Turkey. The ORFV field strains are in the P55 gene genetically distinct from another and from other published isolates from Egypt 2006 and 2009. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":96495,"title":"Molecular detection and analysis of Sheeppox and Orf viruses isolated from sheep from Qalubia, Egypt","topline":"","teaserText":"Molekularer Nachweis und Analyse von Schafpocken- und Orf-Viren in Schafproben aus Qalubia, \u00c4gypten","content":"

In this study an outbreak with Sheeppox virus (SPPV) and Orf virus (ORFV) in one sheep herd in the Qalubia province, Egypt, was investigated. Both, SPPV and ORFV caused clinically manifest infections among sheep. The affected sheep showed skin lesions around the mouth or all over the body. Therefore, reliable diagnosis should confirm the aetiology of the infection and then reduce spread of the diseases in the affected areas. Clinical samples were investigated by virus isolation, PCR and real-time PCR assays. Furthermore, PCR-products of SPPV and ORFV isolates were sequenced and alignment to reference isolates was performed for phylogenetic analyses. The laboratory diagnosis showed that real-time PCR assay was more accurate and sensitive than conventional PCR and virus isolation. In phylogenetic analysis of the A29L gene genetic differences between SPPV field strains were not observed and the strains showed 100% homology with two SPPV isolates from Kazakhstan and one isolate from Turkey. The ORFV field strains are in the P55 gene genetically distinct from another and from other published isolates from Egypt 2006 and 2009.<\/p>

Sheeppox virus, Orf virus, PCR, phylogenetic analysis<\/p>

In dieser Studie wurde ein Ausbruch von Schafpocken- und Orf-Virus in einer Schafherde in der Provinz Qalubia in \u00c4gypten untersucht. Sowohl das Schafpocken- als auch das Orf-Virus verursachten klinisch manifeste Infektionen bei den Schafen. Betroffene Schafe zeigten Hautl\u00e4sionen rings um das Maul und verteilt \u00fcber den gesamten K\u00f6rper. Eine verl\u00e4ssliche Diagnose ist unerl\u00e4sslich, um die Infektionsursache eindeutig zu identifizieren und um die Ausbreitung dieser Krankheiten in betroffenen Gebieten einzud\u00e4mmen. Klinische Proben wurden mittels Virusisolierung, PCR und real-time PCR untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden PCR-Produkte von Schafpocken- und Orf-Virusisolaten sequenziert und mit bereits bekannten Sequenzen aus der GenBank verglichen, um die Viren weiter zu untersuchen. In Bezug auf die Labordiagnose wurde deutlich, dass die real-time PCR pr\u00e4zisere und sensitivere Ergebnisse lieferte als die konventionelle PCR und die Virusisolierung. Phylogenetische Analysen des A29L-Gens machten deutlich, dass die isolierten Feldst\u00e4mme der Schafpocken genetisch untereinander keine Unterschiede und 100 % Homologie zu zwei Isolaten aus Kasachstan und einem Isolat aus der T\u00fcrkei zeigten. Die ORFV-Feldisolate zeigten im P55-Gen genetische Unterschiede sowohl untereinander als auch zu anderen Isolaten, die 2006 und 2009 in \u00c4gypten gefunden wurden.<\/p>

Schafpockenvirus, Orf-Virus, PCR, phylogenetische Analyse<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Jul 10, 2016 10:00:00 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/molecular-detection-and-analysis-of-sheeppox-and-orf-viruses-isolated-from-sheep-from-qalubia-egypt\/150\/3130\/96495"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift ","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/molecular-detection-and-analysis-of-sheeppox-and-orf-viruses-isolated-from-sheep-from-qalubia-egypt\/150\/3130\/96495\/","doiSource":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift 129, Heft 7\/8 (2016), Seiten 310\u2013317","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-15076","doiFirstPage":"310","doiLastPage":"317","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Selim A, Elhaig M, H\u00f6che J, Gaede W","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2016_07_08_0310.pdf","title":"BMW_2016_07_08_0310.pdf","description":"Molecular detection and analysis of Sheeppox and Orf viruses isolated from sheep from Qalubia, Egypt"},"authors":[{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Selim"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Elhaig"},{"firstName":"J","middleName":"","lastName":"H\u00f6che"},{"firstName":"W","middleName":"","lastName":"Gaede"}],"contentOptimised":"

In this study an outbreak with Sheeppox virus (SPPV) and Orf virus (ORFV) in one sheep herd in the Qalubia province, Egypt, was investigated. Both, SPPV and ORFV caused clinically manifest infections among sheep. The affected sheep showed skin lesions around the mouth or all over the body. Therefore, reliable diagnosis should confirm the aetiology of the infection and then reduce spread of the diseases in the affected areas. Clinical samples were investigated by virus isolation, PCR and real-time PCR assays. Furthermore, PCR-products of SPPV and ORFV isolates were sequenced and alignment to reference isolates was performed for phylogenetic analyses. The laboratory diagnosis showed that real-time PCR assay was more accurate and sensitive than conventional PCR and virus isolation. In phylogenetic analysis of the A29L gene genetic differences between SPPV field strains were not observed and the strains showed 100% homology with two SPPV isolates from Kazakhstan and one isolate from Turkey. The ORFV field strains are in the P55 gene genetically distinct from another and from other published isolates from Egypt 2006 and 2009.<\/p>

Sheeppox virus, Orf virus, PCR, phylogenetic analysis<\/p>

In dieser Studie wurde ein Ausbruch von Schafpocken- und Orf-Virus in einer Schafherde in der Provinz Qalubia in \u00c4gypten untersucht. Sowohl das Schafpocken- als auch das Orf-Virus verursachten klinisch manifeste Infektionen bei den Schafen. Betroffene Schafe zeigten Hautl\u00e4sionen rings um das Maul und verteilt \u00fcber den gesamten K\u00f6rper. Eine verl\u00e4ssliche Diagnose ist unerl\u00e4sslich, um die Infektionsursache eindeutig zu identifizieren und um die Ausbreitung dieser Krankheiten in betroffenen Gebieten einzud\u00e4mmen. Klinische Proben wurden mittels Virusisolierung, PCR und real-time PCR untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden PCR-Produkte von Schafpocken- und Orf-Virusisolaten sequenziert und mit bereits bekannten Sequenzen aus der GenBank verglichen, um die Viren weiter zu untersuchen. In Bezug auf die Labordiagnose wurde deutlich, dass die real-time PCR pr\u00e4zisere und sensitivere Ergebnisse lieferte als die konventionelle PCR und die Virusisolierung. Phylogenetische Analysen des A29L-Gens machten deutlich, dass die isolierten Feldst\u00e4mme der Schafpocken genetisch untereinander keine Unterschiede und 100 % Homologie zu zwei Isolaten aus Kasachstan und einem Isolat aus der T\u00fcrkei zeigten. Die ORFV-Feldisolate zeigten im P55-Gen genetische Unterschiede sowohl untereinander als auch zu anderen Isolaten, die 2006 und 2009 in \u00c4gypten gefunden wurden.<\/p>

Schafpockenvirus, Orf-Virus, PCR, phylogenetische Analyse<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"In this study an outbreak with Sheeppox virus (SPPV) and Orf virus (ORFV) in one sheep herd in the Qalubia province, Egypt, was investigated. Both, SPPV and ORFV caused clinically manifest infections among sheep. The affected sheep showed skin lesions around the mouth or all over the body. Therefore, reliable diagnosis should confirm the aetiology of the infection and then reduce spread of the diseases in the affected areas. Clinical samples were investigated by virus isolation, PCR and real-time PCR assays. Furthermore, PCR-products of SPPV and ORFV isolates were sequenced and alignment to reference isolates was performed for phylogenetic analyses. The laboratory diagnosis showed that real-time PCR assay was more accurate and sensitive than conventional PCR and virus isolation. In phylogenetic analysis of the A29L gene genetic differences between SPPV field strains were not observed and the strains showed 100% homology with two SPPV isolates from Kazakhstan and one isolate from Turkey. The ORFV field strains are in the P55 gene genetically distinct from another and from other published isolates from Egypt 2006 and 2009.<\/p>

","keywords":["Sheeppox virus","Orf virus","PCR","phylogenetic analysis"],"zusammenfassung":"In dieser Studie wurde ein Ausbruch von Schafpocken- und Orf-Virus in einer Schafherde in der Provinz Qalubia in \u00c4gypten untersucht. Sowohl das Schafpocken- als auch das Orf-Virus verursachten klinisch manifeste Infektionen bei den Schafen. Betroffene Schafe zeigten Hautl\u00e4sionen rings um das Maul und verteilt \u00fcber den gesamten K\u00f6rper. Eine verl\u00e4ssliche Diagnose ist unerl\u00e4sslich, um die Infektionsursache eindeutig zu identifizieren und um die Ausbreitung dieser Krankheiten in betroffenen Gebieten einzud\u00e4mmen. Klinische Proben wurden mittels Virusisolierung, PCR und real-time PCR untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden PCR-Produkte von Schafpocken- und Orf-Virusisolaten sequenziert und mit bereits bekannten Sequenzen aus der GenBank verglichen, um die Viren weiter zu untersuchen. In Bezug auf die Labordiagnose wurde deutlich, dass die real-time PCR pr\u00e4zisere und sensitivere Ergebnisse lieferte als die konventionelle PCR und die Virusisolierung. Phylogenetische Analysen des A29L-Gens machten deutlich, dass die isolierten Feldst\u00e4mme der Schafpocken genetisch untereinander keine Unterschiede und 100 % Homologie zu zwei Isolaten aus Kasachstan und einem Isolat aus der T\u00fcrkei zeigten. Die ORFV-Feldisolate zeigten im P55-Gen genetische Unterschiede sowohl untereinander als auch zu anderen Isolaten, die 2006 und 2009 in \u00c4gypten gefunden wurden.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Schafpockenvirus","Orf-Virus","PCR","phylogenetische Analyse"],"translatedTitle":"Molekularer Nachweis und Analyse von Schafpocken- und Orf-Viren in Schafproben aus Qalubia, \u00c4gypten","abstractE":"In this study an outbreak with Sheeppox virus (SPPV) and Orf virus (ORFV) in one sheep herd in the Qalubia province, Egypt, was investigated. Both, SPPV and ORFV caused clinically manifest infections among sheep. The affected sheep showed skin lesions around the mouth or all over the body. Therefore, reliable diagnosis should confirm the aetiology of the infection and then reduce spread of the diseases in the affected areas. Clinical samples were investigated by virus isolation, PCR and real-time PCR assays. Furthermore, PCR-products of SPPV and ORFV isolates were sequenced and alignment to reference isolates was performed for phylogenetic analyses. The laboratory diagnosis showed that real-time PCR assay was more accurate and sensitive than conventional PCR and virus isolation. In phylogenetic analysis of the A29L gene genetic differences between SPPV field strains were not observed and the strains showed 100% homology with two SPPV isolates from Kazakhstan and one isolate from Turkey. The ORFV field strains are in the P55 gene genetically distinct from another and from other published isolates from Egypt 2006 and 2009.","date":{"year":2016,"date":"07\/2016","accepted":"2016-07-10"},"volume":"129","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"310-317","redirects":["molecular-detection-and-analysis-of-sheeppox-and-orf-viruses-isolated-from-sheep-from-qalubia-egypt\/150\/3130\/96495"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 07/2016 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-15076 ET - 7/8 LA - English N2 - In this study an outbreak with Sheeppox virus (SPPV) and Orf virus (ORFV) in one sheep herd in the Qalubia province, Egypt, was investigated. Both, SPPV and ORFV caused clinically manifest infections among sheep. The affected sheep showed skin lesions around the mouth or all over the body. Therefore, reliable diagnosis should confirm the aetiology of the infection and then reduce spread of the diseases in the affected areas. Clinical samples were investigated by virus isolation, PCR and real-time PCR assays. Furthermore, PCR-products of SPPV and ORFV isolates were sequenced and alignment to reference isolates was performed for phylogenetic analyses. The laboratory diagnosis showed that real-time PCR assay was more accurate and sensitive than conventional PCR and virus isolation. In phylogenetic analysis of the A29L gene genetic differences between SPPV field strains were not observed and the strains showed 100% homology with two SPPV isolates from Kazakhstan and one isolate from Turkey. The ORFV field strains are in the P55 gene genetically distinct from another and from other published isolates from Egypt 2006 and 2009. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2016 SP - 310 EP - 317 T1 - Molecular detection and analysis of Sheeppox and Orf viruses isolated from sheep from Qalubia, Egypt T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Molecular detection and analysis of Sheeppox and Orf viruses isolated from sheep from Qalubia, Egypt TT - Molekularer Nachweis und Analyse von Schafpocken- und Orf-Viren in Schafproben aus Qalubia, Ägypten VL - 129 SN - 0005-9366 ER -