TY - JOUR KW - toad poisoning KW - toxicological analysis KW - mass spectrometry KW - immunoassay bufadienolides KW - bufotoxin AU - S Toennes AU - M Peters AU - C Osmann AU - W Pogoda AU - D Mebs AB - Animals in zoological gardens are at risk of severe and even lethal poisoning when they accidentally ingest toads. Here we report the case of an eleven month old male South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) which was found dead in its outdoor enclosure in the zoo of Dortmund, Germany. Autopsy revealed the presence of two adult, partly digested common toads (Bufo bufo) in the stomach. Toxicological analysis of the stomach content using high performance liquid chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOF MS) proved the presence of bufadienolides, the major cardiotoxic components of toad poisons. Using electrochemical luminescens immunoassay (ECLIA) compounds equivalent to digitoxin were detected in the blood sample confirming the absorption of toad poison components from the intestines into the circulation potentially leading to cardiac failure. In zoological gardens special precautions are necessary to protect non-native animals from encountering toads and the risk of poisoning, particularly in early spring, the spawning period of the toads. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":87672,"title":"Death of a South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) after the ingestion of toads \u2013 evaluation of toad poisoning by toxicological analysis","topline":"","teaserText":"Tod eines S\u00fcdamerikanischen Seeb\u00e4ren (Arctocephalus australis) nach Verzehr von Kr\u00f6ten \u2013 Nachweis einer Vergiftung durch toxikologische Analyse","content":"

Animals in zoological gardens are at risk of severe and even lethal poisoning when they accidentally ingest toads. Here we report the case of an eleven month old male South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) which was found dead in its outdoor enclosure in the zoo of Dortmund, Germany. Autopsy revealed the presence of two adult, partly digested common toads (Bufo bufo) in the stomach. Toxicological analysis of the stomach content using high performance liquid chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOF MS) proved the presence of bufadienolides, the major cardiotoxic components of toad poisons. Using electrochemical luminescens immunoassay (ECLIA) compounds equivalent to digitoxin were detected in the blood sample confirming the absorption of toad poison components from the intestines into the circulation potentially leading to cardiac failure. In zoological gardens special precautions are necessary to protect non-native animals from encountering toads and the risk of poisoning, particularly in early spring, the spawning period of the toads.<\/p>

toad poisoning, toxicological analysis, mass spectrometry, immunoassay bufadienolides, bufotoxin<\/p>

Zootiere riskieren schwere, meist auch t\u00f6dliche Vergiftungen, wenn sie auf einheimische Kr\u00f6ten treffen. Wir berichten den Fall eines elf Monate alten m\u00e4nnlichen S\u00fcdamerikanischen Seeb\u00e4ren (Arctocephalus australis), der tot in seinem Au\u00dfengehege im Zoo von Dortmund aufgefunden wurde. Bei der Autopsie fanden sich in seinem Magen zwei adulte, teilweise verdaute Erdkr\u00f6ten (Bufo bufo). Die toxikologische Analyse des Mageninhaltes mittels Fl\u00fcssigkeitschromatografie in Verbindung mit Flugzeit-Massenspektrometrie (LC-TOF MS) erbrachte den Nachweis von Bufadienoliden, den kardiotoxischen Bestandteilen des Kr\u00f6tengiftes, darunter Bufotoxin. Mittels Elektrochemolumineszens Immunoassays wurden im Blut Digitalis-\u00e4hnliche Substanzen nachgewiesen, was best\u00e4tigt, dass Inhaltsstoffe des Kr\u00f6tengiftes in den Blutkreislauf gelangten, was wahrscheinlich zum Tod durch Herzversagen gef\u00fchrt hat. In Zoologischen G\u00e4rten ist daher besonders darauf zu achten, dass die nicht-einheimischen Tiere vor einwandernden Kr\u00f6ten vor allem im Fr\u00fchjahr, der Laichzeit, und damit vor Vergiftungen gesch\u00fctzt sind. <\/p>

Vergiftung durch Kr\u00f6tengift, toxikologische Analyse, Massenspektrometrie, Immunoassay, Bufadienolide, Bufotoxin<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"May 20, 2015 1:17:00 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/death-of-a-south-american-fur-seal-arctocephalus-australis-after-the-ingestion-of-toads-evaluation-of-toad-poisoning-by-toxicological-analysis\/150\/3130\/87672"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/death-of-a-south-american-fur-seal-arctocephalus-australis-after-the-ingestion-of-toads-evaluation-of-toad-poisoning-by-toxicological-analysis\/150\/3130\/87672\/","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschr 128, 252\u2013256 (2015) ","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-128-252","doiFirstPage":"252","doiLastPage":"256","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Toennes S, Peters M, Osmann C, Pogoda W, Mebs D","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2015_05_06_0252.pdf","title":"BMW_2015_05_06_0252.pdf","description":"Death of a South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) after the ingestion of toads \u2013 evaluation of toad poisoning by toxicological analysis"},"authors":[{"firstName":"S","middleName":"","lastName":"Toennes"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Peters"},{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"Osmann"},{"firstName":"W","middleName":"","lastName":"Pogoda"},{"firstName":"D","middleName":"","lastName":"Mebs"}],"contentOptimised":"

Animals in zoological gardens are at risk of severe and even lethal poisoning when they accidentally ingest toads. Here we report the case of an eleven month old male South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) which was found dead in its outdoor enclosure in the zoo of Dortmund, Germany. Autopsy revealed the presence of two adult, partly digested common toads (Bufo bufo) in the stomach. Toxicological analysis of the stomach content using high performance liquid chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOF MS) proved the presence of bufadienolides, the major cardiotoxic components of toad poisons. Using electrochemical luminescens immunoassay (ECLIA) compounds equivalent to digitoxin were detected in the blood sample confirming the absorption of toad poison components from the intestines into the circulation potentially leading to cardiac failure. In zoological gardens special precautions are necessary to protect non-native animals from encountering toads and the risk of poisoning, particularly in early spring, the spawning period of the toads.<\/p>

toad poisoning, toxicological analysis, mass spectrometry, immunoassay bufadienolides, bufotoxin<\/p>

Zootiere riskieren schwere, meist auch t\u00f6dliche Vergiftungen, wenn sie auf einheimische Kr\u00f6ten treffen. Wir berichten den Fall eines elf Monate alten m\u00e4nnlichen S\u00fcdamerikanischen Seeb\u00e4ren (Arctocephalus australis), der tot in seinem Au\u00dfengehege im Zoo von Dortmund aufgefunden wurde. Bei der Autopsie fanden sich in seinem Magen zwei adulte, teilweise verdaute Erdkr\u00f6ten (Bufo bufo). Die toxikologische Analyse des Mageninhaltes mittels Fl\u00fcssigkeitschromatografie in Verbindung mit Flugzeit-Massenspektrometrie (LC-TOF MS) erbrachte den Nachweis von Bufadienoliden, den kardiotoxischen Bestandteilen des Kr\u00f6tengiftes, darunter Bufotoxin. Mittels Elektrochemolumineszens Immunoassays wurden im Blut Digitalis-\u00e4hnliche Substanzen nachgewiesen, was best\u00e4tigt, dass Inhaltsstoffe des Kr\u00f6tengiftes in den Blutkreislauf gelangten, was wahrscheinlich zum Tod durch Herzversagen gef\u00fchrt hat. In Zoologischen G\u00e4rten ist daher besonders darauf zu achten, dass die nicht-einheimischen Tiere vor einwandernden Kr\u00f6ten vor allem im Fr\u00fchjahr, der Laichzeit, und damit vor Vergiftungen gesch\u00fctzt sind. <\/p>

Vergiftung durch Kr\u00f6tengift, toxikologische Analyse, Massenspektrometrie, Immunoassay, Bufadienolide, Bufotoxin<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Animals in zoological gardens are at risk of severe and even lethal poisoning when they accidentally ingest toads. Here we report the case of an eleven month old male South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) which was found dead in its outdoor enclosure in the zoo of Dortmund, Germany. Autopsy revealed the presence of two adult, partly digested common toads (Bufo bufo) in the stomach. Toxicological analysis of the stomach content using high performance liquid chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOF MS) proved the presence of bufadienolides, the major cardiotoxic components of toad poisons. Using electrochemical luminescens immunoassay (ECLIA) compounds equivalent to digitoxin were detected in the blood sample confirming the absorption of toad poison components from the intestines into the circulation potentially leading to cardiac failure. In zoological gardens special precautions are necessary to protect non-native animals from encountering toads and the risk of poisoning, particularly in early spring, the spawning period of the toads.<\/p>

","keywords":["toad poisoning","toxicological analysis","mass spectrometry","immunoassay bufadienolides","bufotoxin"],"zusammenfassung":"Zootiere riskieren schwere, meist auch t\u00f6dliche Vergiftungen, wenn sie auf einheimische Kr\u00f6ten treffen. Wir berichten den Fall eines elf Monate alten m\u00e4nnlichen S\u00fcdamerikanischen Seeb\u00e4ren (Arctocephalus australis), der tot in seinem Au\u00dfengehege im Zoo von Dortmund aufgefunden wurde. Bei der Autopsie fanden sich in seinem Magen zwei adulte, teilweise verdaute Erdkr\u00f6ten (Bufo bufo). Die toxikologische Analyse des Mageninhaltes mittels Fl\u00fcssigkeitschromatografie in Verbindung mit Flugzeit-Massenspektrometrie (LC-TOF MS) erbrachte den Nachweis von Bufadienoliden, den kardiotoxischen Bestandteilen des Kr\u00f6tengiftes, darunter Bufotoxin. Mittels Elektrochemolumineszens Immunoassays wurden im Blut Digitalis-\u00e4hnliche Substanzen nachgewiesen, was best\u00e4tigt, dass Inhaltsstoffe des Kr\u00f6tengiftes in den Blutkreislauf gelangten, was wahrscheinlich zum Tod durch Herzversagen gef\u00fchrt hat. In Zoologischen G\u00e4rten ist daher besonders darauf zu achten, dass die nicht-einheimischen Tiere vor einwandernden Kr\u00f6ten vor allem im Fr\u00fchjahr, der Laichzeit, und damit vor Vergiftungen gesch\u00fctzt sind. <\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Vergiftung durch Kr\u00f6tengift","toxikologische Analyse","Massenspektrometrie","Immunoassay","Bufadienolide","Bufotoxin"],"translatedTitle":"Tod eines S\u00fcdamerikanischen Seeb\u00e4ren (Arctocephalus australis) nach Verzehr von Kr\u00f6ten \u2013 Nachweis einer Vergiftung durch toxikologische Analyse","abstractE":"Animals in zoological gardens are at risk of severe and even lethal poisoning when they accidentally ingest toads. Here we report the case of an eleven month old male South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) which was found dead in its outdoor enclosure in the zoo of Dortmund, Germany. Autopsy revealed the presence of two adult, partly digested common toads (Bufo bufo) in the stomach. Toxicological analysis of the stomach content using high performance liquid chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOF MS) proved the presence of bufadienolides, the major cardiotoxic components of toad poisons. Using electrochemical luminescens immunoassay (ECLIA) compounds equivalent to digitoxin were detected in the blood sample confirming the absorption of toad poison components from the intestines into the circulation potentially leading to cardiac failure. In zoological gardens special precautions are necessary to protect non-native animals from encountering toads and the risk of poisoning, particularly in early spring, the spawning period of the toads.","date":{"year":2015,"date":"05\/2015","accepted":"2015-05-20"},"volume":"128","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"252-256","redirects":["death-of-a-south-american-fur-seal-arctocephalus-australis-after-the-ingestion-of-toads-evaluation-of-toad-poisoning-by-toxicological-analysis\/150\/3130\/87672"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 05/2015 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-128-252 ET - 5/6 LA - English N2 - Animals in zoological gardens are at risk of severe and even lethal poisoning when they accidentally ingest toads. Here we report the case of an eleven month old male South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) which was found dead in its outdoor enclosure in the zoo of Dortmund, Germany. Autopsy revealed the presence of two adult, partly digested common toads (Bufo bufo) in the stomach. Toxicological analysis of the stomach content using high performance liquid chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOF MS) proved the presence of bufadienolides, the major cardiotoxic components of toad poisons. Using electrochemical luminescens immunoassay (ECLIA) compounds equivalent to digitoxin were detected in the blood sample confirming the absorption of toad poison components from the intestines into the circulation potentially leading to cardiac failure. In zoological gardens special precautions are necessary to protect non-native animals from encountering toads and the risk of poisoning, particularly in early spring, the spawning period of the toads. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2015 SP - 252 EP - 256 T1 - Death of a South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) after the ingestion of toads – evaluation of toad poisoning by toxicological analysis T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Death of a South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) after the ingestion of toads – evaluation of toad poisoning by toxicological analysis TT - Tod eines Südamerikanischen Seebären (Arctocephalus australis) nach Verzehr von Kröten – Nachweis einer Vergiftung durch toxikologische Analyse VL - 128 SN - 0005-9366 ER -