TY - JOUR KW - canine leptospirosis KW - leptospiruria KW - microagglutination test AU - J-R Llewellyn AU - I Krupka-Dyachenko AU - A Rettinger AU - V Dyachenko AU - I Stamm AU - P Kopp AU - R Straubinger AU - K Hartmann AB - Leptospirosis is classified as a re-emerging zoonotic disease with global importance. The aim of this study was to determine urinary shedding of leptospires in healthy dogs and to identify the shedded leptospire species. Furthermore, antibody presence against leptospires was evaluated. In a prospective study urine samples of 200 healthy dogs from Upper Bavaria were randomly collected and evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) specific for the lipL32 gene of pathogenic Leptospira (L.) spp. Positive samples were further characterized via multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to identify the Leptospira species. Microagglutination test (MAT) was performed to determine serum antibody titers. Three of 200 urine samples were found to be PCR-positive resulting in a urinary shedding prevalence of 1.5% (95% confidence interval 0.3–4.5%). All three dogs had been vaccinated before with a bivalent vaccine, covering the serogroups Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae. One dog shed leptospires of the species L. borgpetersenii, and two of the species L. interrogans. Of all dogs, 17.0% had antibody titers ≥ 1:100, and 3.5% titers ≥ 1:400 to serovars of non-vaccinal serogroups. Healthy dogs that shed leptospires represent a possible risk for humans and other animals. The study emphasizes the importance of general hygiene measures in veterinary practice while handling urine of all dogs, and the use of vaccines that protect against a broader range of serogroups and that prevent urinary shedding. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":95322,"title":"Urinary shedding of leptospires and presence of Leptospira antibodies in healthy dogs from Upper Bavaria","topline":"","teaserText":"Ausscheidung von Leptospiren im Urin und Vorkommen von Leptospira-Antik\u00f6rpern bei gesunden Hunden aus Oberbayern","content":"

Leptospirosis is classified as a re-emerging zoonotic disease with global importance. The aim of this study was to determine urinary shedding of leptospires in healthy dogs and to identify the shedded leptospire species. Furthermore, antibody presence against leptospires was evaluated. In a prospective study urine samples of 200 healthy dogs from Upper Bavaria were randomly collected and evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) specific for the lipL32 gene of pathogenic Leptospira (L.) spp. Positive samples were further characterized via multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to identify the Leptospira species. Microagglutination test (MAT) was performed to determine serum antibody titers. Three of 200 urine samples were found to be PCR-positive resulting in a urinary shedding prevalence of 1.5% (95% confidence interval 0.3\u20134.5%). All three dogs had been vaccinated before with a bivalent vaccine, covering the serogroups Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae. One dog shed leptospires of the species L. borgpetersenii, and two of the species L. interrogans. Of all dogs, 17.0% had antibody titers \u2265 1:100, and 3.5% titers \u2265 1:400 to serovars of non-vaccinal serogroups. Healthy dogs that shed leptospires represent a possible risk for humans and other animals. The study emphasizes the importance of general hygiene measures in veterinary practice while handling urine of all dogs, and the use of vaccines that protect against a broader range of serogroups and that prevent urinary shedding.<\/p>

canine leptospirosis, leptospiruria, microagglutination test<\/p>

Leptospirose ist eine \u201eRe-emerging\u201c-Zoonose mit globaler Bedeutung. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Ausscheidung von Leptospiren im Urin von gesunden Hunden zu ermitteln und die Spezies der ausgeschiedenen Leptospiren zu bestimmen. Zus\u00e4tzlich wurde die Antik\u00f6rperpr\u00e4valenz gegen Leptospiren ermittelt. Im Rahmen einer prospektiven Studie wurden Urinproben von 200 gesunden Hunden aus Oberbayern randomisiert gesammelt und mittels einer real-time Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (PCR), die spezifisch f\u00fcr das lipL32 Gen von pathogenen Leptospira spp. ist, untersucht. Positive Proben wurden mittels Multilocus Sequenzanalyse (MLST) auf die Leptospira-Spezies untersucht. Zus\u00e4tzlich wurden Antik\u00f6rper mittels Mikroagglutinationstest (MAT) nachgewiesen. Drei von 200 Urinproben waren in der PCR positiv, die Pr\u00e4valenz der Leptospirenausscheidung lag damit bei 1,5 % (95 % Konfidenzintervall 0,3\u20134,5 %). Alle drei Hunde waren zuvor mit einem bivalenten Impfstoff, der die Serogruppen Canicola und Icterohaemorrhagiae enthielt, geimpft. Ein Hund schied Leptospiren der Genospezies L. borgpetersenii und zwei Hunde der Genospezies L. interrogans aus. Von allen Hunden hatten 17.0 % Antik\u00f6rpertiter \u2265 1:100, und 3,5 % Antik\u00f6rpertiter \u2265 1:400 gegen Serogruppen, die nicht in Impfstoffen enthalten waren. Gesunde Hunde, die Leptospiren ausscheiden, stellen ein m\u00f6gliches Risiko f\u00fcr die Gesundheit von Menschen und anderen Tieren dar. Diese Studie unterstreicht die Wichtigkeit von generellen Hygienema\u00dfnahmen in der tier\u00e4rztlichen Praxis beim Arbeiten mit Hundeurin und die Verwendung von Impfstoffen, die gegen ein breiteres Spektrum an Serogruppen und vor der Ausscheidung \u00fcber den Urin sch\u00fctzen.<\/p>

Canine Leptospirose, Leptospirurie, Mikroagglutinationstest<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"May 11, 2016 4:16:12 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/urinary-shedding-of-leptospires-and-presence-of-leptospira-antibodies-in-healthy-dogs-from-upper-bavaria\/150\/3130\/95322"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/urinary-shedding-of-leptospires-and-presence-of-leptospira-antibodies-in-healthy-dogs-from-upper-bavaria\/150\/3130\/95322\/","doiSource":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift 129, Heft 5\/6 (2016), Seiten 251\u2013257","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-129-15061","doiFirstPage":"251","doiLastPage":"257","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Llewellyn J, Krupka-Dyachenko I, Rettinger A, Dyachenko V, Stamm I, Kopp P, Straubinger R, Hartmann K","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2016_05_06_0251.pdf","title":"BMW_2016_05_06_0251.pdf","description":"Urinary shedding of leptospires and presence of Leptospira antibodies in healthy dogs from Upper Bavaria"},"authors":[{"firstName":"J","middleName":"","lastName":"Llewellyn"},{"firstName":"I","middleName":"","lastName":"Krupka-Dyachenko"},{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Rettinger"},{"firstName":"V","middleName":"","lastName":"Dyachenko"},{"firstName":"I","middleName":"","lastName":"Stamm"},{"firstName":"P","middleName":"","lastName":"Kopp"},{"firstName":"R","middleName":"","lastName":"Straubinger"},{"firstName":"K","middleName":"","lastName":"Hartmann"}],"contentOptimised":"

Leptospirosis is classified as a re-emerging zoonotic disease with global importance. The aim of this study was to determine urinary shedding of leptospires in healthy dogs and to identify the shedded leptospire species. Furthermore, antibody presence against leptospires was evaluated. In a prospective study urine samples of 200 healthy dogs from Upper Bavaria were randomly collected and evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) specific for the lipL32 gene of pathogenic Leptospira (L.) spp. Positive samples were further characterized via multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to identify the Leptospira species. Microagglutination test (MAT) was performed to determine serum antibody titers. Three of 200 urine samples were found to be PCR-positive resulting in a urinary shedding prevalence of 1.5% (95% confidence interval 0.3\u20134.5%). All three dogs had been vaccinated before with a bivalent vaccine, covering the serogroups Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae. One dog shed leptospires of the species L. borgpetersenii, and two of the species L. interrogans. Of all dogs, 17.0% had antibody titers \u2265 1:100, and 3.5% titers \u2265 1:400 to serovars of non-vaccinal serogroups. Healthy dogs that shed leptospires represent a possible risk for humans and other animals. The study emphasizes the importance of general hygiene measures in veterinary practice while handling urine of all dogs, and the use of vaccines that protect against a broader range of serogroups and that prevent urinary shedding.<\/p>

canine leptospirosis, leptospiruria, microagglutination test<\/p>

Leptospirose ist eine \u201eRe-emerging\u201c-Zoonose mit globaler Bedeutung. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Ausscheidung von Leptospiren im Urin von gesunden Hunden zu ermitteln und die Spezies der ausgeschiedenen Leptospiren zu bestimmen. Zus\u00e4tzlich wurde die Antik\u00f6rperpr\u00e4valenz gegen Leptospiren ermittelt. Im Rahmen einer prospektiven Studie wurden Urinproben von 200 gesunden Hunden aus Oberbayern randomisiert gesammelt und mittels einer real-time Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (PCR), die spezifisch f\u00fcr das lipL32 Gen von pathogenen Leptospira spp. ist, untersucht. Positive Proben wurden mittels Multilocus Sequenzanalyse (MLST) auf die Leptospira-Spezies untersucht. Zus\u00e4tzlich wurden Antik\u00f6rper mittels Mikroagglutinationstest (MAT) nachgewiesen. Drei von 200 Urinproben waren in der PCR positiv, die Pr\u00e4valenz der Leptospirenausscheidung lag damit bei 1,5 % (95 % Konfidenzintervall 0,3\u20134,5 %). Alle drei Hunde waren zuvor mit einem bivalenten Impfstoff, der die Serogruppen Canicola und Icterohaemorrhagiae enthielt, geimpft. Ein Hund schied Leptospiren der Genospezies L. borgpetersenii und zwei Hunde der Genospezies L. interrogans aus. Von allen Hunden hatten 17.0 % Antik\u00f6rpertiter \u2265 1:100, und 3,5 % Antik\u00f6rpertiter \u2265 1:400 gegen Serogruppen, die nicht in Impfstoffen enthalten waren. Gesunde Hunde, die Leptospiren ausscheiden, stellen ein m\u00f6gliches Risiko f\u00fcr die Gesundheit von Menschen und anderen Tieren dar. Diese Studie unterstreicht die Wichtigkeit von generellen Hygienema\u00dfnahmen in der tier\u00e4rztlichen Praxis beim Arbeiten mit Hundeurin und die Verwendung von Impfstoffen, die gegen ein breiteres Spektrum an Serogruppen und vor der Ausscheidung \u00fcber den Urin sch\u00fctzen.<\/p>

Canine Leptospirose, Leptospirurie, Mikroagglutinationstest<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Leptospirosis is classified as a re-emerging zoonotic disease with global importance. The aim of this study was to determine urinary shedding of leptospires in healthy dogs and to identify the shedded leptospire species. Furthermore, antibody presence against leptospires was evaluated. In a prospective study urine samples of 200 healthy dogs from Upper Bavaria were randomly collected and evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) specific for the lipL32 gene of pathogenic Leptospira (L.) spp. Positive samples were further characterized via multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to identify the Leptospira species. Microagglutination test (MAT) was performed to determine serum antibody titers. Three of 200 urine samples were found to be PCR-positive resulting in a urinary shedding prevalence of 1.5% (95% confidence interval 0.3\u20134.5%). All three dogs had been vaccinated before with a bivalent vaccine, covering the serogroups Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae. One dog shed leptospires of the species L. borgpetersenii, and two of the species L. interrogans. Of all dogs, 17.0% had antibody titers \u2265 1:100, and 3.5% titers \u2265 1:400 to serovars of non-vaccinal serogroups. Healthy dogs that shed leptospires represent a possible risk for humans and other animals. The study emphasizes the importance of general hygiene measures in veterinary practice while handling urine of all dogs, and the use of vaccines that protect against a broader range of serogroups and that prevent urinary shedding.<\/p>

","keywords":["canine leptospirosis","leptospiruria","microagglutination test"],"zusammenfassung":"Leptospirose ist eine \u201eRe-emerging\u201c-Zoonose mit globaler Bedeutung. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Ausscheidung von Leptospiren im Urin von gesunden Hunden zu ermitteln und die Spezies der ausgeschiedenen Leptospiren zu bestimmen. Zus\u00e4tzlich wurde die Antik\u00f6rperpr\u00e4valenz gegen Leptospiren ermittelt. Im Rahmen einer prospektiven Studie wurden Urinproben von 200 gesunden Hunden aus Oberbayern randomisiert gesammelt und mittels einer real-time Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (PCR), die spezifisch f\u00fcr das lipL32 Gen von pathogenen Leptospira spp. ist, untersucht. Positive Proben wurden mittels Multilocus Sequenzanalyse (MLST) auf die Leptospira-Spezies untersucht. Zus\u00e4tzlich wurden Antik\u00f6rper mittels Mikroagglutinationstest (MAT) nachgewiesen. Drei von 200 Urinproben waren in der PCR positiv, die Pr\u00e4valenz der Leptospirenausscheidung lag damit bei 1,5 % (95 % Konfidenzintervall 0,3\u20134,5 %). Alle drei Hunde waren zuvor mit einem bivalenten Impfstoff, der die Serogruppen Canicola und Icterohaemorrhagiae enthielt, geimpft. Ein Hund schied Leptospiren der Genospezies L. borgpetersenii und zwei Hunde der Genospezies L. interrogans aus. Von allen Hunden hatten 17.0 % Antik\u00f6rpertiter \u2265 1:100, und 3,5 % Antik\u00f6rpertiter \u2265 1:400 gegen Serogruppen, die nicht in Impfstoffen enthalten waren. Gesunde Hunde, die Leptospiren ausscheiden, stellen ein m\u00f6gliches Risiko f\u00fcr die Gesundheit von Menschen und anderen Tieren dar. Diese Studie unterstreicht die Wichtigkeit von generellen Hygienema\u00dfnahmen in der tier\u00e4rztlichen Praxis beim Arbeiten mit Hundeurin und die Verwendung von Impfstoffen, die gegen ein breiteres Spektrum an Serogruppen und vor der Ausscheidung \u00fcber den Urin sch\u00fctzen.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Canine Leptospirose","Leptospirurie","Mikroagglutinationstest"],"translatedTitle":"Ausscheidung von Leptospiren im Urin und Vorkommen von Leptospira-Antik\u00f6rpern bei gesunden Hunden aus Oberbayern","abstractE":"Leptospirosis is classified as a re-emerging zoonotic disease with global importance. The aim of this study was to determine urinary shedding of leptospires in healthy dogs and to identify the shedded leptospire species. Furthermore, antibody presence against leptospires was evaluated. In a prospective study urine samples of 200 healthy dogs from Upper Bavaria were randomly collected and evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) specific for the lipL32 gene of pathogenic Leptospira (L.) spp. Positive samples were further characterized via multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to identify the Leptospira species. Microagglutination test (MAT) was performed to determine serum antibody titers. Three of 200 urine samples were found to be PCR-positive resulting in a urinary shedding prevalence of 1.5% (95% confidence interval 0.3\u20134.5%). All three dogs had been vaccinated before with a bivalent vaccine, covering the serogroups Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae. One dog shed leptospires of the species L. borgpetersenii, and two of the species L. interrogans. Of all dogs, 17.0% had antibody titers \u2265 1:100, and 3.5% titers \u2265 1:400 to serovars of non-vaccinal serogroups. Healthy dogs that shed leptospires represent a possible risk for humans and other animals. The study emphasizes the importance of general hygiene measures in veterinary practice while handling urine of all dogs, and the use of vaccines that protect against a broader range of serogroups and that prevent urinary shedding.","date":{"year":2016,"date":"05\/2016","accepted":"2016-05-11"},"volume":"129","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"251-257","redirects":["urinary-shedding-of-leptospires-and-presence-of-leptospira-antibodies-in-healthy-dogs-from-upper-bavaria\/150\/3130\/95322"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 05/2016 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-129-15061 ET - 5/6 LA - English N2 - Leptospirosis is classified as a re-emerging zoonotic disease with global importance. The aim of this study was to determine urinary shedding of leptospires in healthy dogs and to identify the shedded leptospire species. Furthermore, antibody presence against leptospires was evaluated. In a prospective study urine samples of 200 healthy dogs from Upper Bavaria were randomly collected and evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) specific for the lipL32 gene of pathogenic Leptospira (L.) spp. Positive samples were further characterized via multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to identify the Leptospira species. Microagglutination test (MAT) was performed to determine serum antibody titers. Three of 200 urine samples were found to be PCR-positive resulting in a urinary shedding prevalence of 1.5% (95% confidence interval 0.3–4.5%). All three dogs had been vaccinated before with a bivalent vaccine, covering the serogroups Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae. One dog shed leptospires of the species L. borgpetersenii, and two of the species L. interrogans. Of all dogs, 17.0% had antibody titers ≥ 1:100, and 3.5% titers ≥ 1:400 to serovars of non-vaccinal serogroups. Healthy dogs that shed leptospires represent a possible risk for humans and other animals. The study emphasizes the importance of general hygiene measures in veterinary practice while handling urine of all dogs, and the use of vaccines that protect against a broader range of serogroups and that prevent urinary shedding. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2016 SP - 251 EP - 257 T1 - Urinary shedding of leptospires and presence of Leptospira antibodies in healthy dogs from Upper Bavaria T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Urinary shedding of leptospires and presence of Leptospira antibodies in healthy dogs from Upper Bavaria TT - Ausscheidung von Leptospiren im Urin und Vorkommen von Leptospira-Antikörpern bei gesunden Hunden aus Oberbayern VL - 129 SN - 0005-9366 ER -