TY - JOUR KW - anaesthetic device KW - farm economy KW - inhalation anaesthesia KW - organic farming KW - welfare-friendly castration AU - S Weber AU - G Daş AU - K-H Waldmann AU - M Gauly AB - Isoflurane-anaesthesia combined with an analgesic represents a welfare-friendly method of pain mitigation for castration of piglets. However, it requires an inhaler device, which is uneconomic for small farms. Sharing a device among farms may be an economical option if the shared use does not increase labour time and the resulting costs. This study aimed to investigate the amount and components of labour time required for piglet castration with isoflurane anaesthesia performed with stationary and shared devices. Piglets (N = 1579) were anaesthetised with isoflurane (using either stationary or shared devices) and castrated. The stationary devices were used in a group (n = 5) of larger farms (84 sows/farm on an average), whereas smaller farms (n = 7; 32 sows/farm on an average) shared one device. Each farm was visited four times and labour time for each process-step was recorded. The complete process included machine set-up, anaesthesia and castration by a practitioner, and preparation, collection and transport of piglets by a farmer. Labour time of the complete process was increased (P = 0.012) on farms sharing a device (266 s/piglet) compared to farms using stationary devices (177 s/ piglet), due to increased time for preparation (P = 0.055), castration (P = 0.026) and packing (P = 0.010) when sharing a device. However, components of the time budget of farms using stationary or shared devices did not differ significantly (P gt;0.05). Cost arising from time spent by farmers did not differ considerably between the use of stationary (0.28€ per piglet) and shared (0.26 €) devices. It is concluded that costs arising from the increased labour time due to sharing a device can be considered marginal, since the high expenses originating from purchasing an inhaler device are shared among several farms. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":78742,"title":"Labour time required for piglet castration with isoflurane-anaesthesia using shared and stationary inhaler devices","topline":"","teaserText":"Isofluran-Narkose bei der Ferkelkastration: Bewertung des Arbeitszeitbedarfs der uberbetrieblich und stationar genutzten Narkosegerate","content":"

Isoflurane-anaesthesia combined with an analgesic represents a welfare-friendly method of pain mitigation for castration of piglets. However, it requires an inhaler device, which is uneconomic for small farms. Sharing a device among farms may be an economical option if the shared use does not increase labour time and the resulting costs. This study aimed to investigate the amount and components of labour time required for piglet castration with isoflurane anaesthesia performed with stationary and shared devices. Piglets (N = 1579) were anaesthetised with isoflurane (using either stationary or shared devices) and castrated. The stationary devices were used in a group (n = 5) of larger farms (84 sows\/farm on an average), whereas smaller farms (n = 7; 32 sows\/farm on an average) shared one device. Each farm was visited four times and labour time for each process-step was recorded. The complete process included machine set-up, anaesthesia and castration by a practitioner, and preparation, collection and transport of piglets by a farmer. Labour time of the complete process was increased (P = 0.012) on farms sharing a device (266 s\/piglet) compared to farms using stationary devices (177 s\/ piglet), due to increased time for preparation (P = 0.055), castration (P = 0.026) and packing (P = 0.010) when sharing a device. However, components of the time budget of farms using stationary or shared devices did not differ significantly (P gt;0.05). Cost arising from time spent by farmers did not differ considerably between the use of stationary (0.28\u20ac per piglet) and shared (0.26 \u20ac) devices. It is concluded that costs arising from the increased labour time due to sharing a device can be considered marginal, since the high expenses originating from purchasing an inhaler device are shared among several farms. <\/p>

anaesthetic device, farm economy, inhalation anaesthesia, organic farming, welfare-friendly castration <\/p>

Die Isofluran-Narkose stellt in Kombination mit einem Analgetikum eine tierschutzgerechte Methode der Ferkelkastration dar. Allerdings ist ein Narkoseger\u00e4t erforderlich, welches unrentabel f\u00fcr kleinere Betriebe ist. Der \u00fcberbetriebliche Einsatz des Ger\u00e4tes w\u00fcrde eine wirtschaftliche L\u00f6sung darstellen, vorausgesetzt, dieser verl\u00e4ngert nicht die Arbeitszeit und erh\u00f6ht nicht die Kosten. Daher war es Ziel dieser Studie, Gr\u00f6\u00dfe und Anteile des Arbeitszeitbedarfs der Ferkelkastration unter Isofluran-Narkose bei \u00fcberbetrieblich und station\u00e4r eingesetzten Ger\u00e4ten zu analysieren. Es wurden Ferkel (N = 1579) entweder mit einem \u00fcberbetrieblichen oder station\u00e4ren Narkoseger\u00e4t mit Isofluran narkotisiert und kastriert. Die station\u00e4ren Ger\u00e4te wurden in einer Gruppe (n = 5) auf gr\u00f6\u00dferen Betrieben verwendet (durchschnittlich 84 Sauen\/Farm), w\u00e4hrend sich kleinere Betriebe (n = 7; durchschnittlich 32 Sauen\/Farm) ein Ger\u00e4t \u00fcberbetrieblich teilten. Es erfolgten je vier Betriebsbesuche und der Arbeitszeitbedarf aller Teilschritte wurde gemessen. Der gesamte Prozess umfasste die R\u00fcstzeit des Ger\u00e4tes, Narkose und Kastration durch einen Tierarzt sowie die Vorbereitung, das Einsammeln und den Transport der Ferkel durch einen Landwirt. Bedingt durch den gr\u00f6\u00dferen Arbeitszeitbedarf f\u00fcr Vorbereitung (P = 0,055), Kastration (P = 0,026) und Packen (P = 0,010) beim \u00fcberbetrieblichen Ger\u00e4teeinsatz war die Arbeitszeit des gesamten Prozesses beim \u00fcberbetrieblichen Einsatz (266 s\/Ferkel) im Vergleich zum station\u00e4ren Einsatz der Ger\u00e4te (177 s\/Ferkel) erh\u00f6ht (P = 0,012). Allerdings unterschieden sich die Anteile des Arbeitszeitbedarfs bei station\u00e4rem oder \u00fcberbetrieblichem Ger\u00e4teeinsatz nicht signifikant (P gt; 0,05). Die durch den Arbeitszeitbedarf resultierenden Kosten des Landwirts unterschieden sich nicht deutlich zwischen station\u00e4rem (0,28 \u20ac pro Ferkel) und \u00fcberbetrieblichem (0,26 \u20ac) Ger\u00e4teeinsatz. Die durch den vermehrten Arbeitszeitbedarf entstandenen Kosten k\u00f6nnen als marginal betrachtet werden, da die hohen Kosten f\u00fcr den Ger\u00e4tekauf von mehreren Betrieben geteilt werden. <\/p>

Betriebs\u00f6konomie, Inhalationsan\u00e4sthesie, Narkoseapparat, \u00f6kologische Landwirtschaft, tierschutzgerechte Saugferkelkastration<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"May 9, 2014 10:00:00 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/labour-time-required-for-piglet-castration-with-isoflurane-anaesthesia-using-shared-and-stationary-inhaler-devices\/150\/3130\/78742"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/vetline.de\/labour-time-required-for-piglet-castration-with-isoflurane-anaesthesia-using-shared-and-stationary-inhaler-devices\/150\/3130\/78742\/","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschr 127, 108\u2013114 (2014)","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-127-108","doiFirstPage":"108","doiLastPage":"114","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Weber S, Da\u015f G, Waldmann K, Gauly M","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMTW_2014_03_0108.pdf.pdf","title":"BMTW_2014_03_0108.pdf","description":"Labour time required for piglet castration with isoflurane-anaesthesia using shared and stationary inhaler devices"},"authors":[{"firstName":"S","middleName":"","lastName":"Weber"},{"firstName":"G","middleName":"","lastName":"Da\u015f"},{"firstName":"K","middleName":"","lastName":"Waldmann"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Gauly"}],"contentOptimised":"

Isoflurane-anaesthesia combined with an analgesic represents a welfare-friendly method of pain mitigation for castration of piglets. However, it requires an inhaler device, which is uneconomic for small farms. Sharing a device among farms may be an economical option if the shared use does not increase labour time and the resulting costs. This study aimed to investigate the amount and components of labour time required for piglet castration with isoflurane anaesthesia performed with stationary and shared devices. Piglets (N = 1579) were anaesthetised with isoflurane (using either stationary or shared devices) and castrated. The stationary devices were used in a group (n = 5) of larger farms (84 sows\/farm on an average), whereas smaller farms (n = 7; 32 sows\/farm on an average) shared one device. Each farm was visited four times and labour time for each process-step was recorded. The complete process included machine set-up, anaesthesia and castration by a practitioner, and preparation, collection and transport of piglets by a farmer. Labour time of the complete process was increased (P = 0.012) on farms sharing a device (266 s\/piglet) compared to farms using stationary devices (177 s\/ piglet), due to increased time for preparation (P = 0.055), castration (P = 0.026) and packing (P = 0.010) when sharing a device. However, components of the time budget of farms using stationary or shared devices did not differ significantly (P gt;0.05). Cost arising from time spent by farmers did not differ considerably between the use of stationary (0.28\u20ac per piglet) and shared (0.26 \u20ac) devices. It is concluded that costs arising from the increased labour time due to sharing a device can be considered marginal, since the high expenses originating from purchasing an inhaler device are shared among several farms. <\/p>

anaesthetic device, farm economy, inhalation anaesthesia, organic farming, welfare-friendly castration <\/p>

Die Isofluran-Narkose stellt in Kombination mit einem Analgetikum eine tierschutzgerechte Methode der Ferkelkastration dar. Allerdings ist ein Narkoseger\u00e4t erforderlich, welches unrentabel f\u00fcr kleinere Betriebe ist. Der \u00fcberbetriebliche Einsatz des Ger\u00e4tes w\u00fcrde eine wirtschaftliche L\u00f6sung darstellen, vorausgesetzt, dieser verl\u00e4ngert nicht die Arbeitszeit und erh\u00f6ht nicht die Kosten. Daher war es Ziel dieser Studie, Gr\u00f6\u00dfe und Anteile des Arbeitszeitbedarfs der Ferkelkastration unter Isofluran-Narkose bei \u00fcberbetrieblich und station\u00e4r eingesetzten Ger\u00e4ten zu analysieren. Es wurden Ferkel (N = 1579) entweder mit einem \u00fcberbetrieblichen oder station\u00e4ren Narkoseger\u00e4t mit Isofluran narkotisiert und kastriert. Die station\u00e4ren Ger\u00e4te wurden in einer Gruppe (n = 5) auf gr\u00f6\u00dferen Betrieben verwendet (durchschnittlich 84 Sauen\/Farm), w\u00e4hrend sich kleinere Betriebe (n = 7; durchschnittlich 32 Sauen\/Farm) ein Ger\u00e4t \u00fcberbetrieblich teilten. Es erfolgten je vier Betriebsbesuche und der Arbeitszeitbedarf aller Teilschritte wurde gemessen. Der gesamte Prozess umfasste die R\u00fcstzeit des Ger\u00e4tes, Narkose und Kastration durch einen Tierarzt sowie die Vorbereitung, das Einsammeln und den Transport der Ferkel durch einen Landwirt. Bedingt durch den gr\u00f6\u00dferen Arbeitszeitbedarf f\u00fcr Vorbereitung (P = 0,055), Kastration (P = 0,026) und Packen (P = 0,010) beim \u00fcberbetrieblichen Ger\u00e4teeinsatz war die Arbeitszeit des gesamten Prozesses beim \u00fcberbetrieblichen Einsatz (266 s\/Ferkel) im Vergleich zum station\u00e4ren Einsatz der Ger\u00e4te (177 s\/Ferkel) erh\u00f6ht (P = 0,012). Allerdings unterschieden sich die Anteile des Arbeitszeitbedarfs bei station\u00e4rem oder \u00fcberbetrieblichem Ger\u00e4teeinsatz nicht signifikant (P gt; 0,05). Die durch den Arbeitszeitbedarf resultierenden Kosten des Landwirts unterschieden sich nicht deutlich zwischen station\u00e4rem (0,28 \u20ac pro Ferkel) und \u00fcberbetrieblichem (0,26 \u20ac) Ger\u00e4teeinsatz. Die durch den vermehrten Arbeitszeitbedarf entstandenen Kosten k\u00f6nnen als marginal betrachtet werden, da die hohen Kosten f\u00fcr den Ger\u00e4tekauf von mehreren Betrieben geteilt werden. <\/p>

Betriebs\u00f6konomie, Inhalationsan\u00e4sthesie, Narkoseapparat, \u00f6kologische Landwirtschaft, tierschutzgerechte Saugferkelkastration<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Isoflurane-anaesthesia combined with an analgesic represents a welfare-friendly method of pain mitigation for castration of piglets. However, it requires an inhaler device, which is uneconomic for small farms. Sharing a device among farms may be an economical option if the shared use does not increase labour time and the resulting costs. This study aimed to investigate the amount and components of labour time required for piglet castration with isoflurane anaesthesia performed with stationary and shared devices. Piglets (N = 1579) were anaesthetised with isoflurane (using either stationary or shared devices) and castrated. The stationary devices were used in a group (n = 5) of larger farms (84 sows\/farm on an average), whereas smaller farms (n = 7; 32 sows\/farm on an average) shared one device. Each farm was visited four times and labour time for each process-step was recorded. The complete process included machine set-up, anaesthesia and castration by a practitioner, and preparation, collection and transport of piglets by a farmer. Labour time of the complete process was increased (P = 0.012) on farms sharing a device (266 s\/piglet) compared to farms using stationary devices (177 s\/ piglet), due to increased time for preparation (P = 0.055), castration (P = 0.026) and packing (P = 0.010) when sharing a device. However, components of the time budget of farms using stationary or shared devices did not differ significantly (P gt;0.05). Cost arising from time spent by farmers did not differ considerably between the use of stationary (0.28\u20ac per piglet) and shared (0.26 \u20ac) devices. It is concluded that costs arising from the increased labour time due to sharing a device can be considered marginal, since the high expenses originating from purchasing an inhaler device are shared among several farms. <\/p>

","keywords":["anaesthetic device","farm economy","inhalation anaesthesia","organic farming","welfare-friendly castration"],"zusammenfassung":"Die Isofluran-Narkose stellt in Kombination mit einem Analgetikum eine tierschutzgerechte Methode der Ferkelkastration dar. Allerdings ist ein Narkoseger\u00e4t erforderlich, welches unrentabel f\u00fcr kleinere Betriebe ist. Der \u00fcberbetriebliche Einsatz des Ger\u00e4tes w\u00fcrde eine wirtschaftliche L\u00f6sung darstellen, vorausgesetzt, dieser verl\u00e4ngert nicht die Arbeitszeit und erh\u00f6ht nicht die Kosten. Daher war es Ziel dieser Studie, Gr\u00f6\u00dfe und Anteile des Arbeitszeitbedarfs der Ferkelkastration unter Isofluran-Narkose bei \u00fcberbetrieblich und station\u00e4r eingesetzten Ger\u00e4ten zu analysieren. Es wurden Ferkel (N = 1579) entweder mit einem \u00fcberbetrieblichen oder station\u00e4ren Narkoseger\u00e4t mit Isofluran narkotisiert und kastriert. Die station\u00e4ren Ger\u00e4te wurden in einer Gruppe (n = 5) auf gr\u00f6\u00dferen Betrieben verwendet (durchschnittlich 84 Sauen\/Farm), w\u00e4hrend sich kleinere Betriebe (n = 7; durchschnittlich 32 Sauen\/Farm) ein Ger\u00e4t \u00fcberbetrieblich teilten. Es erfolgten je vier Betriebsbesuche und der Arbeitszeitbedarf aller Teilschritte wurde gemessen. Der gesamte Prozess umfasste die R\u00fcstzeit des Ger\u00e4tes, Narkose und Kastration durch einen Tierarzt sowie die Vorbereitung, das Einsammeln und den Transport der Ferkel durch einen Landwirt. Bedingt durch den gr\u00f6\u00dferen Arbeitszeitbedarf f\u00fcr Vorbereitung (P = 0,055), Kastration (P = 0,026) und Packen (P = 0,010) beim \u00fcberbetrieblichen Ger\u00e4teeinsatz war die Arbeitszeit des gesamten Prozesses beim \u00fcberbetrieblichen Einsatz (266 s\/Ferkel) im Vergleich zum station\u00e4ren Einsatz der Ger\u00e4te (177 s\/Ferkel) erh\u00f6ht (P = 0,012). Allerdings unterschieden sich die Anteile des Arbeitszeitbedarfs bei station\u00e4rem oder \u00fcberbetrieblichem Ger\u00e4teeinsatz nicht signifikant (P gt; 0,05). Die durch den Arbeitszeitbedarf resultierenden Kosten des Landwirts unterschieden sich nicht deutlich zwischen station\u00e4rem (0,28 \u20ac pro Ferkel) und \u00fcberbetrieblichem (0,26 \u20ac) Ger\u00e4teeinsatz. Die durch den vermehrten Arbeitszeitbedarf entstandenen Kosten k\u00f6nnen als marginal betrachtet werden, da die hohen Kosten f\u00fcr den Ger\u00e4tekauf von mehreren Betrieben geteilt werden. <\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Betriebs\u00f6konomie","Inhalationsan\u00e4sthesie","Narkoseapparat","\u00f6kologische Landwirtschaft","tierschutzgerechte Saugferkelkastration"],"translatedTitle":"Isofluran-Narkose bei der Ferkelkastration: Bewertung des Arbeitszeitbedarfs der uberbetrieblich und stationar genutzten Narkosegerate","abstractE":"Isoflurane-anaesthesia combined with an analgesic represents a welfare-friendly method of pain mitigation for castration of piglets. However, it requires an inhaler device, which is uneconomic for small farms. Sharing a device among farms may be an economical option if the shared use does not increase labour time and the resulting costs. This study aimed to investigate the amount and components of labour time required for piglet castration with isoflurane anaesthesia performed with stationary and shared devices. Piglets (N = 1579) were anaesthetised with isoflurane (using either stationary or shared devices) and castrated. The stationary devices were used in a group (n = 5) of larger farms (84 sows\/farm on an average), whereas smaller farms (n = 7; 32 sows\/farm on an average) shared one device. Each farm was visited four times and labour time for each process-step was recorded. The complete process included machine set-up, anaesthesia and castration by a practitioner, and preparation, collection and transport of piglets by a farmer. Labour time of the complete process was increased (P = 0.012) on farms sharing a device (266 s\/piglet) compared to farms using stationary devices (177 s\/ piglet), due to increased time for preparation (P = 0.055), castration (P = 0.026) and packing (P = 0.010) when sharing a device. However, components of the time budget of farms using stationary or shared devices did not differ significantly (P gt;0.05). Cost arising from time spent by farmers did not differ considerably between the use of stationary (0.28\u20ac per piglet) and shared (0.26 \u20ac) devices. It is concluded that costs arising from the increased labour time due to sharing a device can be considered marginal, since the high expenses originating from purchasing an inhaler device are shared among several farms. ","date":{"year":2014,"date":"05\/2014","accepted":"2014-05-09"},"volume":"127","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"108-114","redirects":["labour-time-required-for-piglet-castration-with-isoflurane-anaesthesia-using-shared-and-stationary-inhaler-devices\/150\/3130\/78742"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 05/2014 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-127-108 LA - English N2 - Isoflurane-anaesthesia combined with an analgesic represents a welfare-friendly method of pain mitigation for castration of piglets. However, it requires an inhaler device, which is uneconomic for small farms. Sharing a device among farms may be an economical option if the shared use does not increase labour time and the resulting costs. This study aimed to investigate the amount and components of labour time required for piglet castration with isoflurane anaesthesia performed with stationary and shared devices. Piglets (N = 1579) were anaesthetised with isoflurane (using either stationary or shared devices) and castrated. The stationary devices were used in a group (n = 5) of larger farms (84 sows/farm on an average), whereas smaller farms (n = 7; 32 sows/farm on an average) shared one device. Each farm was visited four times and labour time for each process-step was recorded. The complete process included machine set-up, anaesthesia and castration by a practitioner, and preparation, collection and transport of piglets by a farmer. Labour time of the complete process was increased (P = 0.012) on farms sharing a device (266 s/piglet) compared to farms using stationary devices (177 s/ piglet), due to increased time for preparation (P = 0.055), castration (P = 0.026) and packing (P = 0.010) when sharing a device. However, components of the time budget of farms using stationary or shared devices did not differ significantly (P gt;0.05). Cost arising from time spent by farmers did not differ considerably between the use of stationary (0.28€ per piglet) and shared (0.26 €) devices. It is concluded that costs arising from the increased labour time due to sharing a device can be considered marginal, since the high expenses originating from purchasing an inhaler device are shared among several farms. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2014 SP - 108 EP - 114 T1 - Labour time required for piglet castration with isoflurane-anaesthesia using shared and stationary inhaler devices T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Labour time required for piglet castration with isoflurane-anaesthesia using shared and stationary inhaler devices TT - Isofluran-Narkose bei der Ferkelkastration: Bewertung des Arbeitszeitbedarfs der uberbetrieblich und stationar genutzten Narkosegerate VL - 127 SN - 0005-9366 ER -