TY - JOUR AU - A Abd El-Aty AU - J-H Choi AU - J-H Park AU - J-H Shim AB - The purpose of this study was to determine whether concurrent oral administra-tion of activated charcoal has an affect on the depletion of the residual concen-trations of enrofloxacin (ENRO) in chicken breast muscles. Sixty-four broilerchi-ckens were divided into four groups (n = 16 per group), one given a daily ora dose of enrofloxacin with feed at a dose of 10 mg/kg for 5 consecutive days (control group) and the others given the same dose of enrofloxacin simultane-ously with activated charcoal ata dose rate of 0.5,1,and 2 % of daily feed for 5 days (treatment groups). At the end of treatment, 2 hens were sacrificed at each of the sampling time points (6,12,18,48, 72,96,120 and 144 h after completion of dosing), breast muscles were collected and analyzed.Supercritical fluid extraction and high-performance liguid chromatography methods were used to determine the enrofloxacin residue levels in chicken breast muscles.The limit of guantifica-tion (LOQ) 16.5 ug/kg,was lowerthan the maximum residue levels (MRL) fixed by the Commission ofthe European Union. For all the time periods, charcoal treatment did not affect enrofloxacin tissue concentrations except at 12 and 48 h post treatment.To our knowledge, no studies on the depletion of enrofloxacin in the presence and absence of activated charcoal in chicken muscles have been perfor-med.Although our current understanding is incomplete, multiple dose activated charcoals may play a role in the therapy of overdose.To prove this, further investi-gation is warranted. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":70184,"title":"An evaluation of the effect of repeated doses of oral activated charcoal on the depletion of enrofloxacin residual levels in chicken breast muscles","teaserText":"DOI 10.2376\/0005-9366-120-210","content":"

The purpose of this study was to determine whether concurrent oral administra-tion of activated charcoal has an affect on the depletion of the residual concen-trations of enrofloxacin (ENRO) in chicken breast muscles. Sixty-four broilerchi-ckens were divided into four groups (n = 16 per group), one given a daily ora dose of enrofloxacin with feed at a dose of 10 mg\/kg for 5 consecutive days (control group) and the others given the same dose of enrofloxacin simultane-ously with activated charcoal ata dose rate of 0.5,1,and 2 % of daily feed for 5 days (treatment groups). At the end of treatment, 2 hens were sacrificed at each of the sampling time points (6,12,18,48, 72,96,120 and 144 h after completion of dosing), breast muscles were collected and analyzed.Supercritical fluid extraction and high-performance liguid chromatography methods were used to determine the enrofloxacin residue levels in chicken breast muscles.The limit of guantifica-tion (LOQ) 16.5 ug\/kg,was lowerthan the maximum residue levels (MRL) fixed by the Commission ofthe European Union. For all the time periods, charcoal treatment did not affect enrofloxacin tissue concentrations except at 12 and 48 h post treatment.To our knowledge, no studies on the depletion of enrofloxacin in the presence and absence of activated charcoal in chicken muscles have been perfor-med.Although our current understanding is incomplete, multiple dose activated charcoals may play a role in the therapy of overdose.To prove this, further investi-gation is warranted.

Ziel dieser Studie war es zu bestimmen, ob gleichzeitige orale Verabreichung aktivierter Kohle einen Einfluss auf die Verringerung der Enrofloxacin-Konzentratio-nen in Brustmuskeln von H\u00fchnern hat. Vier und sechzig H\u00fchner wurden in 4 Gruppen aufgeteilt (n = 16 je Gruppe). Eine Gruppe erhielt \u00fcber 5 Tage t\u00e4glich eine orale Gabe von Enrofloxacin (10 mg\/kg; Kontrollgruppe) mit dem Futter. Die anderen Gruppen erhielten zus\u00e4tzlich zu der Enrofloxacin-Gabe (10 mg\/kg) gleichzeitig aktivierte Kohle in einer Dosierung von 0.5,1 bzw. 2 % der t\u00e4glichen Nahrungsmenge (Behandlungsgruppen). Am Ende der Behandlung wurden je 2 H\u00fchner zu jedem Probenentnahme-Zeitpunkt (6,12,18,48,72,96,120 und 144 Stunden nach der Ende der Behandlung) get\u00f6tet und die Brustmuskeln zur Analyse entnommen. Zur Bestimmung der Enrofloxacin-R\u00fcckst\u00e4nde in den H\u00fchnerbrustmuskeln wurden dieSupercritical fluid extraction und die HPLC (high-performance liguid chromatography) -Methode angewandt. Die Nachweisgrenze (LOQ) war mit 16.5 ug\/kg niedriger als die von der EU-Kommission festgesetzten maximalen R\u00fcckstandsgrenzen (MRL). F\u00fcr alle Untersuchungszeitpunkte au\u00dfer 12 and 48 Stunden nach Behandlung hatte Kohle keinen Einfluss auf die Enrofloxacin-Konzentrationen imGewebe. Nach Kenntnis der Autoren gibt es bisher keine Studien \u00fcber die Verringerung der Enrofloxacin-Konzentrationen in Anwesenheit bzw. Abwesenheit von aktivierter Kohle in den Brustmuskeln von H\u00fchnern.Obwohl unser bisheriges Verst\u00e4ndnis noch unvollst\u00e4ndig ist, k\u00f6nnten multiple Dosen aktivierter Kohle eine Rolle in der Therapie von \u00dcberdosierung bei Enrofloxacin spielen. Weitere Untersuchungen sind n\u00f6tig, um diese Annahme zu best\u00e4tigen.<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"May 1, 2007 12:00:00 AM","toDate":"Jan 1, 2030 12:00:00 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/16231147\/150\/3130\/70184"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"Online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr.","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/16231147\/150\/3130\/70184","doiSource":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr. 120: 5-6, 210-214 (2007)","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-120-210","doiFirstPage":"210","doiLastPage":"214","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Abd El-Aty A M, Choi J H, Park J-H, Shim J-H","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/bmtw_2007_05_0210.pdf","title":"bmtw_2007_05_0210.pdf","description":"An evaluation of the effect of repeated doses of oral activated charcoal on the depletion of enrofloxacin residual levels in chicken breast muscles

"},"authors":[{"firstName":"A","middleName":"M","lastName":"Abd El-Aty"},{"firstName":"J","middleName":"H","lastName":"Choi"},{"firstName":"J","middleName":"H","lastName":"Park"},{"firstName":"J","middleName":"H","lastName":"Shim"}],"contentOptimised":"

The purpose of this study was to determine whether concurrent oral administra-tion of activated charcoal has an affect on the depletion of the residual concen-trations of enrofloxacin (ENRO) in chicken breast muscles. Sixty-four broilerchi-ckens were divided into four groups (n = 16 per group), one given a daily ora dose of enrofloxacin with feed at a dose of 10 mg\/kg for 5 consecutive days (control group) and the others given the same dose of enrofloxacin simultane-ously with activated charcoal ata dose rate of 0.5,1,and 2 % of daily feed for 5 days (treatment groups). At the end of treatment, 2 hens were sacrificed at each of the sampling time points (6,12,18,48, 72,96,120 and 144 h after completion of dosing), breast muscles were collected and analyzed.Supercritical fluid extraction and high-performance liguid chromatography methods were used to determine the enrofloxacin residue levels in chicken breast muscles.The limit of guantifica-tion (LOQ) 16.5 ug\/kg,was lowerthan the maximum residue levels (MRL) fixed by the Commission ofthe European Union. For all the time periods, charcoal treatment did not affect enrofloxacin tissue concentrations except at 12 and 48 h post treatment.To our knowledge, no studies on the depletion of enrofloxacin in the presence and absence of activated charcoal in chicken muscles have been perfor-med.Although our current understanding is incomplete, multiple dose activated charcoals may play a role in the therapy of overdose.To prove this, further investi-gation is warranted.

Ziel dieser Studie war es zu bestimmen, ob gleichzeitige orale Verabreichung aktivierter Kohle einen Einfluss auf die Verringerung der Enrofloxacin-Konzentratio-nen in Brustmuskeln von H\u00fchnern hat. Vier und sechzig H\u00fchner wurden in 4 Gruppen aufgeteilt (n = 16 je Gruppe). Eine Gruppe erhielt \u00fcber 5 Tage t\u00e4glich eine orale Gabe von Enrofloxacin (10 mg\/kg; Kontrollgruppe) mit dem Futter. Die anderen Gruppen erhielten zus\u00e4tzlich zu der Enrofloxacin-Gabe (10 mg\/kg) gleichzeitig aktivierte Kohle in einer Dosierung von 0.5,1 bzw. 2 % der t\u00e4glichen Nahrungsmenge (Behandlungsgruppen). Am Ende der Behandlung wurden je 2 H\u00fchner zu jedem Probenentnahme-Zeitpunkt (6,12,18,48,72,96,120 und 144 Stunden nach der Ende der Behandlung) get\u00f6tet und die Brustmuskeln zur Analyse entnommen. Zur Bestimmung der Enrofloxacin-R\u00fcckst\u00e4nde in den H\u00fchnerbrustmuskeln wurden dieSupercritical fluid extraction und die HPLC (high-performance liguid chromatography) -Methode angewandt. Die Nachweisgrenze (LOQ) war mit 16.5 ug\/kg niedriger als die von der EU-Kommission festgesetzten maximalen R\u00fcckstandsgrenzen (MRL). F\u00fcr alle Untersuchungszeitpunkte au\u00dfer 12 and 48 Stunden nach Behandlung hatte Kohle keinen Einfluss auf die Enrofloxacin-Konzentrationen imGewebe. Nach Kenntnis der Autoren gibt es bisher keine Studien \u00fcber die Verringerung der Enrofloxacin-Konzentrationen in Anwesenheit bzw. Abwesenheit von aktivierter Kohle in den Brustmuskeln von H\u00fchnern.Obwohl unser bisheriges Verst\u00e4ndnis noch unvollst\u00e4ndig ist, k\u00f6nnten multiple Dosen aktivierter Kohle eine Rolle in der Therapie von \u00dcberdosierung bei Enrofloxacin spielen. Weitere Untersuchungen sind n\u00f6tig, um diese Annahme zu best\u00e4tigen.<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"The purpose of this study was to determine whether concurrent oral administra-tion of activated charcoal has an affect on the depletion of the residual concen-trations of enrofloxacin (ENRO) in chicken breast muscles. Sixty-four broilerchi-ckens were divided into four groups (n = 16 per group), one given a daily ora dose of enrofloxacin with feed at a dose of 10 mg\/kg for 5 consecutive days (control group) and the others given the same dose of enrofloxacin simultane-ously with activated charcoal ata dose rate of 0.5,1,and 2 % of daily feed for 5 days (treatment groups). At the end of treatment, 2 hens were sacrificed at each of the sampling time points (6,12,18,48, 72,96,120 and 144 h after completion of dosing), breast muscles were collected and analyzed.Supercritical fluid extraction and high-performance liguid chromatography methods were used to determine the enrofloxacin residue levels in chicken breast muscles.The limit of guantifica-tion (LOQ) 16.5 ug\/kg,was lowerthan the maximum residue levels (MRL) fixed by the Commission ofthe European Union. For all the time periods, charcoal treatment did not affect enrofloxacin tissue concentrations except at 12 and 48 h post treatment.To our knowledge, no studies on the depletion of enrofloxacin in the presence and absence of activated charcoal in chicken muscles have been perfor-med.Although our current understanding is incomplete, multiple dose activated charcoals may play a role in the therapy of overdose.To prove this, further investi-gation is warranted.","zusammenfassung":"Ziel dieser Studie war es zu bestimmen, ob gleichzeitige orale Verabreichung aktivierter Kohle einen Einfluss auf die Verringerung der Enrofloxacin-Konzentratio-nen in Brustmuskeln von H\u00fchnern hat. Vier und sechzig H\u00fchner wurden in 4 Gruppen aufgeteilt (n = 16 je Gruppe). Eine Gruppe erhielt \u00fcber 5 Tage t\u00e4glich eine orale Gabe von Enrofloxacin (10 mg\/kg; Kontrollgruppe) mit dem Futter. Die anderen Gruppen erhielten zus\u00e4tzlich zu der Enrofloxacin-Gabe (10 mg\/kg) gleichzeitig aktivierte Kohle in einer Dosierung von 0.5,1 bzw. 2 % der t\u00e4glichen Nahrungsmenge (Behandlungsgruppen). Am Ende der Behandlung wurden je 2 H\u00fchner zu jedem Probenentnahme-Zeitpunkt (6,12,18,48,72,96,120 und 144 Stunden nach der Ende der Behandlung) get\u00f6tet und die Brustmuskeln zur Analyse entnommen. Zur Bestimmung der Enrofloxacin-R\u00fcckst\u00e4nde in den H\u00fchnerbrustmuskeln wurden dieSupercritical fluid extraction und die HPLC (high-performance liguid chromatography) -Methode angewandt. Die Nachweisgrenze (LOQ) war mit 16.5 ug\/kg niedriger als die von der EU-Kommission festgesetzten maximalen R\u00fcckstandsgrenzen (MRL). F\u00fcr alle Untersuchungszeitpunkte au\u00dfer 12 and 48 Stunden nach Behandlung hatte Kohle keinen Einfluss auf die Enrofloxacin-Konzentrationen imGewebe. Nach Kenntnis der Autoren gibt es bisher keine Studien \u00fcber die Verringerung der Enrofloxacin-Konzentrationen in Anwesenheit bzw. Abwesenheit von aktivierter Kohle in den Brustmuskeln von H\u00fchnern.Obwohl unser bisheriges Verst\u00e4ndnis noch unvollst\u00e4ndig ist, k\u00f6nnten multiple Dosen aktivierter Kohle eine Rolle in der Therapie von \u00dcberdosierung bei Enrofloxacin spielen. Weitere Untersuchungen sind n\u00f6tig, um diese Annahme zu best\u00e4tigen.<\/p>","translatedTitle":"DOI 10.2376\/0005-9366-120-210","abstractE":"The purpose of this study was to determine whether concurrent oral administra-tion of activated charcoal has an affect on the depletion of the residual concen-trations of enrofloxacin (ENRO) in chicken breast muscles. Sixty-four broilerchi-ckens were divided into four groups (n = 16 per group), one given a daily ora dose of enrofloxacin with feed at a dose of 10 mg\/kg for 5 consecutive days (control group) and the others given the same dose of enrofloxacin simultane-ously with activated charcoal ata dose rate of 0.5,1,and 2 % of daily feed for 5 days (treatment groups). At the end of treatment, 2 hens were sacrificed at each of the sampling time points (6,12,18,48, 72,96,120 and 144 h after completion of dosing), breast muscles were collected and analyzed.Supercritical fluid extraction and high-performance liguid chromatography methods were used to determine the enrofloxacin residue levels in chicken breast muscles.The limit of guantifica-tion (LOQ) 16.5 ug\/kg,was lowerthan the maximum residue levels (MRL) fixed by the Commission ofthe European Union. For all the time periods, charcoal treatment did not affect enrofloxacin tissue concentrations except at 12 and 48 h post treatment.To our knowledge, no studies on the depletion of enrofloxacin in the presence and absence of activated charcoal in chicken muscles have been perfor-med.Although our current understanding is incomplete, multiple dose activated charcoals may play a role in the therapy of overdose.To prove this, further investi-gation is warranted.","date":{"year":2007,"date":"05\/2007","accepted":"2007-05-01"},"volume":"120","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"210-214","redirects":["16231147\/150\/3130\/70184"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 05/2007 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-120-210 LA - English N2 - The purpose of this study was to determine whether concurrent oral administra-tion of activated charcoal has an affect on the depletion of the residual concen-trations of enrofloxacin (ENRO) in chicken breast muscles. Sixty-four broilerchi-ckens were divided into four groups (n = 16 per group), one given a daily ora dose of enrofloxacin with feed at a dose of 10 mg/kg for 5 consecutive days (control group) and the others given the same dose of enrofloxacin simultane-ously with activated charcoal ata dose rate of 0.5,1,and 2 % of daily feed for 5 days (treatment groups). At the end of treatment, 2 hens were sacrificed at each of the sampling time points (6,12,18,48, 72,96,120 and 144 h after completion of dosing), breast muscles were collected and analyzed.Supercritical fluid extraction and high-performance liguid chromatography methods were used to determine the enrofloxacin residue levels in chicken breast muscles.The limit of guantifica-tion (LOQ) 16.5 ug/kg,was lowerthan the maximum residue levels (MRL) fixed by the Commission ofthe European Union. For all the time periods, charcoal treatment did not affect enrofloxacin tissue concentrations except at 12 and 48 h post treatment.To our knowledge, no studies on the depletion of enrofloxacin in the presence and absence of activated charcoal in chicken muscles have been perfor-med.Although our current understanding is incomplete, multiple dose activated charcoals may play a role in the therapy of overdose.To prove this, further investi-gation is warranted. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2007 SP - 210 EP - 214 T1 - An evaluation of the effect of repeated doses of oral activated charcoal on the depletion of enrofloxacin residual levels in chicken breast muscles T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - An evaluation of the effect of repeated doses of oral activated charcoal on the depletion of enrofloxacin residual levels in chicken breast muscles TT - DOI 10.2376/0005-9366-120-210 VL - 120 SN - 0005-9366 ER -