TY - JOUR KW - chicken KW - Live Salmonella vaccine KW - Salmonella KW - zoonosis AU - S Springer AU - T Lindner AU - M Ahrens AU - G Woitow AU - F Prandini AU - H-J Selbitz AB - The aim of this study was to examine the duration of immunity of different vaccination schemes using the S. enteritidis live vaccine Gallivac® Se and the S. enteritidis-S. typhimurium inactivated vaccine Gallimune® Se+St. Three groups of Lohman Brown chickens were used. Group one was vaccinated three times orally with Gallivac® Se at weeks one, seven and 13 of age. Group two was vaccinated twice orally with Gallivac® Se in weeks one and seven and once i.m. with Gallimune® Se+St in week 14 of age. A third group was not vaccinated and served as the control group. Eight randomly selected chickens from each of the three groups were challenged with a nalidixic acid resistant S. enteritidis PT4 strain in weeks 24, 51 and 71 of age and the same number of animals were challenged with a S. typhimurium DT 104 strain in weeks 26, 54 and 73 (75) of age. The chickens were euthanised seven days post challenge and the number of challenge strain organisms (log10 cfu) in the liver and on caecal mucosa was determined. The quantitative investigation of the challenge strain in the liver and caecal mucosa revealed a statistically significant (p lt; 0.05) lower challenge strain burden in the vaccinated groups compared with the nonvaccinated control group up to week 71 (73) of age. The protective effects were demonstrated for both challenge strains. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":70136,"title":"Duration of immunity induced in chickens by an attenuated live Salmonella enteritidis vaccine and an inactivated Salmonella enteritidis\/typhimurium vaccine","topline":"","teaserText":"","content":"

The aim of this study was to examine the duration of immunity of different vaccination schemes using the S. enteritidis<\/span> live vaccine Gallivac\u00ae Se and the S. enteritidis-S. typhimurium<\/span> inactivated vaccine Gallimune\u00ae Se+St. Three groups of Lohman Brown chickens were used. Group one was vaccinated three times orally with Gallivac\u00ae Se at weeks one, seven and 13 of age. Group two was vaccinated twice orally with Gallivac\u00ae Se in weeks one and seven and once i.m. with Gallimune\u00ae Se+St in week 14 of age. A third group was not vaccinated and served as the control group. Eight randomly selected chickens from each of the three groups were challenged with a nalidixic acid resistant S. enteritidis<\/span> PT4 strain in weeks 24, 51 and 71 of age and the same number of animals were challenged with a S. typhimurium<\/span> DT 104 strain in weeks 26, 54 and 73 (75) of age. The chickens were euthanised seven days post challenge and the number of challenge strain organisms (log10 cfu) in the liver and on caecal mucosa was determined. The quantitative investigation of the challenge strain in the liver and caecal mucosa revealed a statistically significant (p lt; 0.05) lower challenge strain burden in the vaccinated groups compared with the nonvaccinated control group up to week 71 (73) of age. The protective effects were demonstrated for both challenge strains.
chicken, Live Salmonella vaccine, Salmonella, zoonosis

Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand in der Untersuchung der Dauer der Immunit\u00e4t nach Anwendung verschiedener Impfschemata unter Verwendung der S. enteritidis<\/span> Lebendvakzine Gallivac\u00ae Se und der S. enteritidis-S. typhimurium<\/span> Inaktivatvakzine Gallimune\u00ae Se+St. Dazu wurden H\u00fchner (Lohman Brown) dreimal oral in der ersten, siebten und 13. Lebenswoche mit der Lebendvakzine Gallivac\u00ae Se geimpft (Gruppe 1). Tiere der Gruppe 2 erhielten die Lebendvakzine zweimal oral in der ersten und siebten Woche und die Inaktivatvakzine Gallimune\u00ae Se+St einmal i. m. in der 14. Lebenswoche verabreicht. Die Tiere der Gruppe 3 wurden nicht vakziniert und dienten als Kontrolle. In der 24., 51. und 71. Lebenswoche wurden jeweils 8 zuf\u00e4llig ausgew\u00e4hlte Tiere pro Gruppe einer Infektionsbelastung mit einem nalidixins\u00e4ureresistenten S. enteritidis-<\/span>PT4-Stamm und die jeweils gleiche Anzahl von H\u00fchnern in der 26., 54. und 73. (75.) Lebenswoche mit einem nalidixins\u00e4ureresistenten S. typhimurium<\/span>-DT 104-Stamm unterzogen. Am siebten Tag nach der Infektion wurden die Tiere schmerzlos get\u00f6tet und der Infektionsstammgehalt (log10 cfu) in der Leber und Blinddarmschleimhaut bestimmt. Es traten signifikante Unterschiede (p lt; 0,05) in der Infektionsstammbesiedlung zwischen beiden geimpften Gruppen und der Kontrollgruppe bis zur 71. (73.) Lebenswoche auf.
Schutzeffekte konnten f\u00fcr beide Infektionsst\u00e4mme, S. enteritidis<\/span> und S. typhimurium<\/span>, nachgewiesen werden.
Huhn, Salmonella Lebendimpfstoff, Salmonella, Zoonose <\/p>","categories":["Open Access","Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel","Abostufe frei"],"fromDate":"Feb 17, 2011 12:00:00 AM","toDate":"Dec 31, 2050 12:00:00 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/open-access-chicken-live-salmonella-vaccine-salmonella-zoonosis-chicken\/150\/3130\/70136","http:\/\/vetline.de\/open-access-chicken-live-salmonella-vaccine-salmonella-zoonosis-chicken\/150\/3216\/70136"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"Online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr.","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/open-access-chicken-live-salmonella-vaccine-salmonella-zoonosis-chicken\/150\/3130\/70136","doiSource":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr. 124: 3-4, 89-93 (2011)","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-124-89","doiFirstPage":"89","doiLastPage":"93","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Springer S, Lindner T, Ahrens M, Woitow G, Prandini F, Selbitz HJ","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/bmtw_2011_03_0089.pdf","title":"bmtw - Duration of immunity induced in chickens by an attenuated live Salmonella enteritidis vaccine and an inactivated Salmonel","description":""},"authors":[{"firstName":"S","middleName":"","lastName":"Springer"},{"firstName":"T","middleName":"","lastName":"Lindner"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Ahrens"},{"firstName":"G","middleName":"","lastName":"Woitow"},{"firstName":"F","middleName":"","lastName":"Prandini"},{"firstName":"H","middleName":"J","lastName":"Selbitz"}],"contentOptimised":"

The aim of this study was to examine the duration of immunity of different vaccination schemes using the S. enteritidis<\/em> live vaccine Gallivac\u00ae Se and the S. enteritidis-S. typhimurium<\/em> inactivated vaccine Gallimune\u00ae Se+St. Three groups of Lohman Brown chickens were used. Group one was vaccinated three times orally with Gallivac\u00ae Se at weeks one, seven and 13 of age. Group two was vaccinated twice orally with Gallivac\u00ae Se in weeks one and seven and once i.m. with Gallimune\u00ae Se+St in week 14 of age. A third group was not vaccinated and served as the control group. Eight randomly selected chickens from each of the three groups were challenged with a nalidixic acid resistant S. enteritidis<\/em> PT4 strain in weeks 24, 51 and 71 of age and the same number of animals were challenged with a S. typhimurium<\/em> DT 104 strain in weeks 26, 54 and 73 (75) of age. The chickens were euthanised seven days post challenge and the number of challenge strain organisms (log10 cfu) in the liver and on caecal mucosa was determined. The quantitative investigation of the challenge strain in the liver and caecal mucosa revealed a statistically significant (p lt; 0.05) lower challenge strain burden in the vaccinated groups compared with the nonvaccinated control group up to week 71 (73) of age. The protective effects were demonstrated for both challenge strains.
chicken, Live Salmonella vaccine, Salmonella, zoonosis

Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand in der Untersuchung der Dauer der Immunit\u00e4t nach Anwendung verschiedener Impfschemata unter Verwendung der S. enteritidis<\/em> Lebendvakzine Gallivac\u00ae Se und der S. enteritidis-S. typhimurium<\/em> Inaktivatvakzine Gallimune\u00ae Se+St. Dazu wurden H\u00fchner (Lohman Brown) dreimal oral in der ersten, siebten und 13. Lebenswoche mit der Lebendvakzine Gallivac\u00ae Se geimpft (Gruppe 1). Tiere der Gruppe 2 erhielten die Lebendvakzine zweimal oral in der ersten und siebten Woche und die Inaktivatvakzine Gallimune\u00ae Se+St einmal i. m. in der 14. Lebenswoche verabreicht. Die Tiere der Gruppe 3 wurden nicht vakziniert und dienten als Kontrolle. In der 24., 51. und 71. Lebenswoche wurden jeweils 8 zuf\u00e4llig ausgew\u00e4hlte Tiere pro Gruppe einer Infektionsbelastung mit einem nalidixins\u00e4ureresistenten S. enteritidis-<\/em>PT4-Stamm und die jeweils gleiche Anzahl von H\u00fchnern in der 26., 54. und 73. (75.) Lebenswoche mit einem nalidixins\u00e4ureresistenten S. typhimurium<\/em>-DT 104-Stamm unterzogen. Am siebten Tag nach der Infektion wurden die Tiere schmerzlos get\u00f6tet und der Infektionsstammgehalt (log10 cfu) in der Leber und Blinddarmschleimhaut bestimmt. Es traten signifikante Unterschiede (p lt; 0,05) in der Infektionsstammbesiedlung zwischen beiden geimpften Gruppen und der Kontrollgruppe bis zur 71. (73.) Lebenswoche auf.
Schutzeffekte konnten f\u00fcr beide Infektionsst\u00e4mme, S. enteritidis<\/em> und S. typhimurium<\/em>, nachgewiesen werden.
Huhn, Salmonella Lebendimpfstoff, Salmonella, Zoonose <\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"The aim of this study was to examine the duration of immunity of different vaccination schemes using the S. enteritidis<\/em> live vaccine Gallivac\u00ae Se and the S. enteritidis-S. typhimurium<\/em> inactivated vaccine Gallimune\u00ae Se+St. Three groups of Lohman Brown chickens were used. Group one was vaccinated three times orally with Gallivac\u00ae Se at weeks one, seven and 13 of age. Group two was vaccinated twice orally with Gallivac\u00ae Se in weeks one and seven and once i.m. with Gallimune\u00ae Se+St in week 14 of age. A third group was not vaccinated and served as the control group. Eight randomly selected chickens from each of the three groups were challenged with a nalidixic acid resistant S. enteritidis<\/em> PT4 strain in weeks 24, 51 and 71 of age and the same number of animals were challenged with a S. typhimurium<\/em> DT 104 strain in weeks 26, 54 and 73 (75) of age. The chickens were euthanised seven days post challenge and the number of challenge strain organisms (log10 cfu) in the liver and on caecal mucosa was determined. The quantitative investigation of the challenge strain in the liver and caecal mucosa revealed a statistically significant (p lt; 0.05) lower challenge strain burden in the vaccinated groups compared with the nonvaccinated control group up to week 71 (73) of age. The protective effects were demonstrated for both challenge strains.","keywords":["chicken","Live Salmonella vaccine","Salmonella","zoonosis"],"zusammenfassung":"Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand in der Untersuchung der Dauer der Immunit\u00e4t nach Anwendung verschiedener Impfschemata unter Verwendung der S. enteritidis<\/em> Lebendvakzine Gallivac\u00ae Se und der S. enteritidis-S. typhimurium<\/em> Inaktivatvakzine Gallimune\u00ae Se+St. Dazu wurden H\u00fchner (Lohman Brown) dreimal oral in der ersten, siebten und 13. Lebenswoche mit der Lebendvakzine Gallivac\u00ae Se geimpft (Gruppe 1). Tiere der Gruppe 2 erhielten die Lebendvakzine zweimal oral in der ersten und siebten Woche und die Inaktivatvakzine Gallimune\u00ae Se+St einmal i. m. in der 14. Lebenswoche verabreicht. Die Tiere der Gruppe 3 wurden nicht vakziniert und dienten als Kontrolle. In der 24., 51. und 71. Lebenswoche wurden jeweils 8 zuf\u00e4llig ausgew\u00e4hlte Tiere pro Gruppe einer Infektionsbelastung mit einem nalidixins\u00e4ureresistenten S. enteritidis-<\/em>PT4-Stamm und die jeweils gleiche Anzahl von H\u00fchnern in der 26., 54. und 73. (75.) Lebenswoche mit einem nalidixins\u00e4ureresistenten S. typhimurium<\/em>-DT 104-Stamm unterzogen. Am siebten Tag nach der Infektion wurden die Tiere schmerzlos get\u00f6tet und der Infektionsstammgehalt (log10 cfu) in der Leber und Blinddarmschleimhaut bestimmt. Es traten signifikante Unterschiede (p lt; 0,05) in der Infektionsstammbesiedlung zwischen beiden geimpften Gruppen und der Kontrollgruppe bis zur 71. (73.) Lebenswoche auf.
Schutzeffekte konnten f\u00fcr beide Infektionsst\u00e4mme, S. enteritidis<\/em> und S. typhimurium<\/em>, nachgewiesen werden.","schluesselwoerter":["Huhn","Salmonella Lebendimpfstoff","Salmonella","Zoonose"],"translatedTitle":"","abstractE":"The aim of this study was to examine the duration of immunity of different vaccination schemes using the S. enteritidis live vaccine Gallivac\u00ae Se and the S. enteritidis-S. typhimurium inactivated vaccine Gallimune\u00ae Se+St. Three groups of Lohman Brown chickens were used. Group one was vaccinated three times orally with Gallivac\u00ae Se at weeks one, seven and 13 of age. Group two was vaccinated twice orally with Gallivac\u00ae Se in weeks one and seven and once i.m. with Gallimune\u00ae Se+St in week 14 of age. A third group was not vaccinated and served as the control group. Eight randomly selected chickens from each of the three groups were challenged with a nalidixic acid resistant S. enteritidis PT4 strain in weeks 24, 51 and 71 of age and the same number of animals were challenged with a S. typhimurium DT 104 strain in weeks 26, 54 and 73 (75) of age. The chickens were euthanised seven days post challenge and the number of challenge strain organisms (log10 cfu) in the liver and on caecal mucosa was determined. The quantitative investigation of the challenge strain in the liver and caecal mucosa revealed a statistically significant (p lt; 0.05) lower challenge strain burden in the vaccinated groups compared with the nonvaccinated control group up to week 71 (73) of age. The protective effects were demonstrated for both challenge strains.","date":{"year":2011,"date":"02\/2011","accepted":"2011-02-17"},"volume":"124","openAccess":true,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"89-93","redirects":["open-access-chicken-live-salmonella-vaccine-salmonella-zoonosis-chicken\/150\/3130\/70136","open-access-chicken-live-salmonella-vaccine-salmonella-zoonosis-chicken\/150\/3216\/70136"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Open Access","Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel","Abostufe frei"]} CY - Hannover DA - 02/2011 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-124-89 LA - English N2 - The aim of this study was to examine the duration of immunity of different vaccination schemes using the S. enteritidis live vaccine Gallivac® Se and the S. enteritidis-S. typhimurium inactivated vaccine Gallimune® Se+St. Three groups of Lohman Brown chickens were used. Group one was vaccinated three times orally with Gallivac® Se at weeks one, seven and 13 of age. Group two was vaccinated twice orally with Gallivac® Se in weeks one and seven and once i.m. with Gallimune® Se+St in week 14 of age. A third group was not vaccinated and served as the control group. Eight randomly selected chickens from each of the three groups were challenged with a nalidixic acid resistant S. enteritidis PT4 strain in weeks 24, 51 and 71 of age and the same number of animals were challenged with a S. typhimurium DT 104 strain in weeks 26, 54 and 73 (75) of age. The chickens were euthanised seven days post challenge and the number of challenge strain organisms (log10 cfu) in the liver and on caecal mucosa was determined. The quantitative investigation of the challenge strain in the liver and caecal mucosa revealed a statistically significant (p lt; 0.05) lower challenge strain burden in the vaccinated groups compared with the nonvaccinated control group up to week 71 (73) of age. The protective effects were demonstrated for both challenge strains. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2011 SP - 89 EP - 93 T1 - Duration of immunity induced in chickens by an attenuated live Salmonella enteritidis vaccine and an inactivated Salmonella enteritidis/typhimurium vaccine T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Duration of immunity induced in chickens by an attenuated live Salmonella enteritidis vaccine and an inactivated Salmonella enteritidis/typhimurium vaccine VL - 124 SN - 0005-9366 ER -