TY - JOUR KW - epithelial penetration KW - otics KW - systemic availability KW - aminoglycosides KW - fluoroquinolones KW - polypeptides AU - M Voget AU - M Armbruster AU - M Meyer AB - We aimed to determine whether, and at what levels, topical antibiotics applied to treat Otitis externa in dogs are absorbed systemically, leading to an increased risk of antibiotic resistance. 75 dogs brought to a veterinarian for Otitis externa were recruited for a non-interventional study. Selection criteria included diagnosis of Otitis externa and owner consent. The animals were divided into five groups of 15 dogs each. Each group received one of five commonly prescribed topical medications for up to 14 days according to the labeled instructions. Development and validation of low residue detection methods (HPLC-MS/MS) for all active substances studied was performed. Plasma concentrations were evaluated for gentamicin (Otomax®, Easotic®), marbofloxacin (Aurizon®), orbifloxacin (Posatex®) and polymyxin B (Surolan®). Low-level plasma concentrations of the topically applied antibiotics were detected after multiple administrations. In several samples, the concentrations detected were less than the limit of detection (LOD) of the corresponding analytical method. However, at the end of the treatment period, mean plasma concentrations were in the low pmol/ml range and exceeded the LOD for gentamicin, marbofloxacin and orbifloxacin. None of the plasma samples examined for polymyxin showed levels above the LOD. After routine topical antibiotic use in the treatment of Otitis externa in dogs, low systemic plasma concentrations are likely to develop. This low-level exposure may facilitate cellular changes that lead to an increased possibility for antibiotic resistance. These findings should provoke veterinary clinicians to optimise therapy for Otitis externa in light of minimising the development of antibiotic resistance. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":69867,"title":"Antibiotic plasma levels in dogs with Otitis externa treated routinely with various topical preparations","topline":"","teaserText":"","content":"

We aimed to determine whether, and at what levels, topical antibiotics applied to treat Otitis externa in dogs are absorbed systemically, leading to an increased risk of antibiotic resistance. 75 dogs brought to a veterinarian for Otitis externa were recruited for a non-interventional study. Selection criteria included diagnosis of Otitis externa and owner consent. The animals were divided into five groups of 15 dogs each. Each group received one of five commonly prescribed topical medications for up to 14 days according to the labeled instructions. Development and validation of low residue detection methods (HPLC-MS\/MS) for all active substances studied was performed. Plasma concentrations were evaluated for gentamicin (Otomax\u00ae, Easotic\u00ae), marbofloxacin (Aurizon\u00ae), orbifloxacin (Posatex\u00ae) and polymyxin B (Surolan\u00ae). Low-level plasma concentrations of the topically applied antibiotics were detected after multiple administrations. In several samples, the concentrations detected were less than the limit of detection (LOD) of the corresponding analytical method. However, at the end of the treatment period, mean plasma concentrations were in the low pmol\/ml range and exceeded the LOD for gentamicin, marbofloxacin and orbifloxacin. None of the plasma samples examined for polymyxin showed levels above the LOD. After routine topical antibiotic use in the treatment of Otitis externa in dogs, low systemic plasma concentrations are likely to develop. This low-level exposure may facilitate cellular changes that lead to an increased possibility for antibiotic resistance. These findings should provoke veterinary clinicians to optimise therapy for Otitis externa in light of minimising the development of antibiotic resistance.

epithelial penetration, otics, systemic availability, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, polypeptides

Unsere Untersuchung sollte feststellen, ob und in welchen Konzentrationen zur Behandlung von Otitis externa bei Hunden topikal verabreichte Antibiotika systemisch absorbiert und damit zu einer Erh\u00f6hung des Resistenzbildungsrisikos f\u00fchren k\u00f6nnen. F\u00fcr eine nicht interventionelle Studie wurden 75 Hunde rekrutiert, die wegen Otitis externa einen Tierarzt aufsuchten. Neben einem abgesicherten Befund Otits externa musste zur Aufnahme in die Studie auch die Einwilligung der Tierbesitzer zur Blutentnahme vorliegen. Die Tiere wurden in f\u00fcnf Gruppen mit je 15 Tiere aufgeteilt. Jede Gruppe wurde mit einer der f\u00fcnf am h\u00e4ufigsten angewandten topikalen Medikationen\/Antibiotika, entsprechend der Gebrauchsinformationen bis zu 14 Tagen, behandelt. F\u00fcr die entsprechenden Wirkstoffe erfolgte vorab die Entwicklung und Validierung spurenanalytischer Nachweismethoden (HPLC-MS-MS) um die Konzentrationen von Gentamicin (Otomax\u00ae, Easotic\u00ae), Marbofloxacin (Aurizon\u00ae), Orbifloxacin (Posatex\u00ae) und Polymyxin B (Surolan\u00ae) nach topikaler Behandlung im Plasma zu bestimmen. In einigen Proben lagen die gefundenen Wirkstoffspiegel unterhalb der Bestimmungsgrenze (LOD) der analytischen Methode. Am Ende des Behandlungszeitraumes lagen die durchschnittlichen Plasmaspiegel bei Gentamicin, Marbofloxacin und Orbifloxacin im unteren pmol\/ml Bereich oberhalb der Bestimmungsgrenze. In den auf Polymyxin B untersuchten Plasmaproben wurden keine Befunde oberhalb der Bestimmungsgrenze ermittelt. Die praxis\u00fcbliche topikale Antibiotika-Therapie der Otitis externa bei Hunden ist folglich mit einer erh\u00f6hten Wahrscheinlichkeit verbunden, sehr niedrige antibiotische Plasmaspiegel hervorzurufen. Diese k\u00f6nnen in Bakterien die Resistenzbildung f\u00f6rdern. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sollten den behandelnden Tierarzt veranlassen, die Therapie der Otitis externa auch im Hinblick auf Resistenzbildungsrisiken zu entscheiden.

Epitheliale Penetration, (Otitis-Pr\u00e4parate), systemische Verf\u00fcgbarkeit, Aminoglycoside, Fluoroquinolone, Polypeptide
<\/p>","categories":["Open Access","Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel","Abostufe frei"],"fromDate":"Sep 3, 2012 12:00:00 AM","toDate":"Dec 31, 2050 12:00:00 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/epithelial-penetration-otics-systemic-availability-aminoglycosides\/150\/3130\/69867","http:\/\/vetline.de\/epithelial-penetration-otics-systemic-availability-aminoglycosides\/150\/3216\/69867"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"Online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr.","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/epithelial-penetration-otics-systemic-availability-aminoglycosides\/150\/3130\/69867","doiSource":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr. 125: 11-12, 441 (2012)","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-125-441","doiFirstPage":"441","doiLastPage":"448","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Voget M, Armbruster M, Meyer M","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/bmtw_2012_11_0441.pdf","title":"bmtw_2012_11_0441.pdf","description":"Antibiotic plasma levels in dogs with Otitis externa treated routinely with various topical preparations


We aimed to determine whether, and at what levels, topical antibiotics applied to treat Otitis externa in dogs are absorbed systemically, leading to an increased risk of antibiotic resistance. 75 dogs brought to a veterinarian for Otitis externa were recruited for a non-interventional study. Selection criteria included diagnosis of Otitis externa and owner consent. The animals were divided into five groups of 15 dogs each. Each group received one of five commonly prescribed topical medications for up to 14 days according to the labeled instructions. Development and validation of low residue detection methods (HPLC-MS\/MS) for all active substances studied was performed. Plasma concentrations were evaluated for gentamicin (Otomax\u00ae, Easotic\u00ae), marbofloxacin (Aurizon\u00ae), orbifloxacin (Posatex\u00ae) and polymyxin B (Surolan\u00ae). Low-level plasma concentrations of the topically applied antibiotics were detected after multiple administrations. In several samples, the concentrations detected were less than the limit of detection (LOD) of the corresponding analytical method. However, at the end of the treatment period, mean plasma concentrations were in the low pmol\/ml range and exceeded the LOD for gentamicin, marbofloxacin and orbifloxacin. None of the plasma samples examined for polymyxin showed levels above the LOD. After routine topical antibiotic use in the treatment of Otitis externa in dogs, low systemic plasma concentrations are likely to develop. This low-level exposure may facilitate cellular changes that lead to an increased possibility for antibiotic resistance. These findings should provoke veterinary clinicians to optimise therapy for Otitis externa in light of minimising the development of antibiotic resistance.

epithelial penetration, otics, systemic availability, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, polypeptides

Unsere Untersuchung sollte feststellen, ob und in welchen Konzentrationen zur Behandlung von Otitis externa bei Hunden topikal verabreichte Antibiotika systemisch absorbiert und damit zu einer Erh\u00f6hung des Resistenzbildungsrisikos f\u00fchren k\u00f6nnen. F\u00fcr eine nicht interventionelle Studie wurden 75 Hunde rekrutiert, die wegen Otitis externa einen Tierarzt aufsuchten. Neben einem abgesicherten Befund Otits externa musste zur Aufnahme in die Studie auch die Einwilligung der Tierbesitzer zur Blutentnahme vorliegen. Die Tiere wurden in f\u00fcnf Gruppen mit je 15 Tiere aufgeteilt. Jede Gruppe wurde mit einer der f\u00fcnf am h\u00e4ufigsten angewandten topikalen Medikationen\/Antibiotika, entsprechend der Gebrauchsinformationen bis zu 14 Tagen, behandelt. F\u00fcr die entsprechenden Wirkstoffe erfolgte vorab die Entwicklung und Validierung spurenanalytischer Nachweismethoden (HPLC-MS-MS) um die Konzentrationen von Gentamicin (Otomax\u00ae, Easotic\u00ae), Marbofloxacin (Aurizon\u00ae), Orbifloxacin (Posatex\u00ae) und Polymyxin B (Surolan\u00ae) nach topikaler Behandlung im Plasma zu bestimmen. In einigen Proben lagen die gefundenen Wirkstoffspiegel unterhalb der Bestimmungsgrenze (LOD) der analytischen Methode. Am Ende des Behandlungszeitraumes lagen die durchschnittlichen Plasmaspiegel bei Gentamicin, Marbofloxacin und Orbifloxacin im unteren pmol\/ml Bereich oberhalb der Bestimmungsgrenze. In den auf Polymyxin B untersuchten Plasmaproben wurden keine Befunde oberhalb der Bestimmungsgrenze ermittelt. Die praxis\u00fcbliche topikale Antibiotika-Therapie der Otitis externa bei Hunden ist folglich mit einer erh\u00f6hten Wahrscheinlichkeit verbunden, sehr niedrige antibiotische Plasmaspiegel hervorzurufen. Diese k\u00f6nnen in Bakterien die Resistenzbildung f\u00f6rdern. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sollten den behandelnden Tierarzt veranlassen, die Therapie der Otitis externa auch im Hinblick auf Resistenzbildungsrisiken zu entscheiden.

Epitheliale Penetration, (Otitis-Pr\u00e4parate), systemische Verf\u00fcgbarkeit, Aminoglycoside, Fluoroquinolone, Polypeptide
<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"We aimed to determine whether, and at what levels, topical antibiotics applied to treat Otitis externa in dogs are absorbed systemically, leading to an increased risk of antibiotic resistance. 75 dogs brought to a veterinarian for Otitis externa were recruited for a non-interventional study. Selection criteria included diagnosis of Otitis externa and owner consent. The animals were divided into five groups of 15 dogs each. Each group received one of five commonly prescribed topical medications for up to 14 days according to the labeled instructions. Development and validation of low residue detection methods (HPLC-MS\/MS) for all active substances studied was performed. Plasma concentrations were evaluated for gentamicin (Otomax\u00ae, Easotic\u00ae), marbofloxacin (Aurizon\u00ae), orbifloxacin (Posatex\u00ae) and polymyxin B (Surolan\u00ae). Low-level plasma concentrations of the topically applied antibiotics were detected after multiple administrations. In several samples, the concentrations detected were less than the limit of detection (LOD) of the corresponding analytical method. However, at the end of the treatment period, mean plasma concentrations were in the low pmol\/ml range and exceeded the LOD for gentamicin, marbofloxacin and orbifloxacin. None of the plasma samples examined for polymyxin showed levels above the LOD. After routine topical antibiotic use in the treatment of Otitis externa in dogs, low systemic plasma concentrations are likely to develop. This low-level exposure may facilitate cellular changes that lead to an increased possibility for antibiotic resistance. These findings should provoke veterinary clinicians to optimise therapy for Otitis externa in light of minimising the development of antibiotic resistance.","keywords":["epithelial penetration","otics","systemic availability","aminoglycosides","fluoroquinolones","polypeptides"],"zusammenfassung":"Unsere Untersuchung sollte feststellen, ob und in welchen Konzentrationen zur Behandlung von Otitis externa bei Hunden topikal verabreichte Antibiotika systemisch absorbiert und damit zu einer Erh\u00f6hung des Resistenzbildungsrisikos f\u00fchren k\u00f6nnen. F\u00fcr eine nicht interventionelle Studie wurden 75 Hunde rekrutiert, die wegen Otitis externa einen Tierarzt aufsuchten. Neben einem abgesicherten Befund Otits externa musste zur Aufnahme in die Studie auch die Einwilligung der Tierbesitzer zur Blutentnahme vorliegen. Die Tiere wurden in f\u00fcnf Gruppen mit je 15 Tiere aufgeteilt. Jede Gruppe wurde mit einer der f\u00fcnf am h\u00e4ufigsten angewandten topikalen Medikationen\/Antibiotika, entsprechend der Gebrauchsinformationen bis zu 14 Tagen, behandelt. F\u00fcr die entsprechenden Wirkstoffe erfolgte vorab die Entwicklung und Validierung spurenanalytischer Nachweismethoden (HPLC-MS-MS) um die Konzentrationen von Gentamicin (Otomax\u00ae, Easotic\u00ae), Marbofloxacin (Aurizon\u00ae), Orbifloxacin (Posatex\u00ae) und Polymyxin B (Surolan\u00ae) nach topikaler Behandlung im Plasma zu bestimmen. In einigen Proben lagen die gefundenen Wirkstoffspiegel unterhalb der Bestimmungsgrenze (LOD) der analytischen Methode. Am Ende des Behandlungszeitraumes lagen die durchschnittlichen Plasmaspiegel bei Gentamicin, Marbofloxacin und Orbifloxacin im unteren pmol\/ml Bereich oberhalb der Bestimmungsgrenze. In den auf Polymyxin B untersuchten Plasmaproben wurden keine Befunde oberhalb der Bestimmungsgrenze ermittelt. Die praxis\u00fcbliche topikale Antibiotika-Therapie der Otitis externa bei Hunden ist folglich mit einer erh\u00f6hten Wahrscheinlichkeit verbunden, sehr niedrige antibiotische Plasmaspiegel hervorzurufen. Diese k\u00f6nnen in Bakterien die Resistenzbildung f\u00f6rdern. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sollten den behandelnden Tierarzt veranlassen, die Therapie der Otitis externa auch im Hinblick auf Resistenzbildungsrisiken zu entscheiden.","schluesselwoerter":["Epitheliale Penetration","(Otitis-Pr\u00e4parate)","systemische Verf\u00fcgbarkeit","Aminoglycoside","Fluoroquinolone","Polypeptide"],"translatedTitle":"","abstractE":"We aimed to determine whether, and at what levels, topical antibiotics applied to treat Otitis externa in dogs are absorbed systemically, leading to an increased risk of antibiotic resistance. 75 dogs brought to a veterinarian for Otitis externa were recruited for a non-interventional study. Selection criteria included diagnosis of Otitis externa and owner consent. The animals were divided into five groups of 15 dogs each. Each group received one of five commonly prescribed topical medications for up to 14 days according to the labeled instructions. Development and validation of low residue detection methods (HPLC-MS\/MS) for all active substances studied was performed. Plasma concentrations were evaluated for gentamicin (Otomax\u00ae, Easotic\u00ae), marbofloxacin (Aurizon\u00ae), orbifloxacin (Posatex\u00ae) and polymyxin B (Surolan\u00ae). Low-level plasma concentrations of the topically applied antibiotics were detected after multiple administrations. In several samples, the concentrations detected were less than the limit of detection (LOD) of the corresponding analytical method. However, at the end of the treatment period, mean plasma concentrations were in the low pmol\/ml range and exceeded the LOD for gentamicin, marbofloxacin and orbifloxacin. None of the plasma samples examined for polymyxin showed levels above the LOD. After routine topical antibiotic use in the treatment of Otitis externa in dogs, low systemic plasma concentrations are likely to develop. This low-level exposure may facilitate cellular changes that lead to an increased possibility for antibiotic resistance. These findings should provoke veterinary clinicians to optimise therapy for Otitis externa in light of minimising the development of antibiotic resistance.","date":{"year":2012,"date":"09\/2012","accepted":"2012-09-03"},"volume":"125","openAccess":true,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"441-448","redirects":["epithelial-penetration-otics-systemic-availability-aminoglycosides\/150\/3130\/69867","epithelial-penetration-otics-systemic-availability-aminoglycosides\/150\/3216\/69867"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Open Access","Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel","Abostufe frei"]} CY - Hannover DA - 09/2012 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-125-441 LA - English N2 - We aimed to determine whether, and at what levels, topical antibiotics applied to treat Otitis externa in dogs are absorbed systemically, leading to an increased risk of antibiotic resistance. 75 dogs brought to a veterinarian for Otitis externa were recruited for a non-interventional study. Selection criteria included diagnosis of Otitis externa and owner consent. The animals were divided into five groups of 15 dogs each. Each group received one of five commonly prescribed topical medications for up to 14 days according to the labeled instructions. Development and validation of low residue detection methods (HPLC-MS/MS) for all active substances studied was performed. Plasma concentrations were evaluated for gentamicin (Otomax®, Easotic®), marbofloxacin (Aurizon®), orbifloxacin (Posatex®) and polymyxin B (Surolan®). Low-level plasma concentrations of the topically applied antibiotics were detected after multiple administrations. In several samples, the concentrations detected were less than the limit of detection (LOD) of the corresponding analytical method. However, at the end of the treatment period, mean plasma concentrations were in the low pmol/ml range and exceeded the LOD for gentamicin, marbofloxacin and orbifloxacin. None of the plasma samples examined for polymyxin showed levels above the LOD. After routine topical antibiotic use in the treatment of Otitis externa in dogs, low systemic plasma concentrations are likely to develop. This low-level exposure may facilitate cellular changes that lead to an increased possibility for antibiotic resistance. These findings should provoke veterinary clinicians to optimise therapy for Otitis externa in light of minimising the development of antibiotic resistance. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2012 SP - 441 EP - 448 T1 - Antibiotic plasma levels in dogs with Otitis externa treated routinely with various topical preparations T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Antibiotic plasma levels in dogs with Otitis externa treated routinely with various topical preparations VL - 125 SN - 0005-9366 ER -