TY - JOUR KW - aerosol infection KW - swine KW - porcine pleuropneumonia AU - D Hoeltig AU - A Seydel AU - I Hennig-Pauka AU - K-H Waldmann AU - J Rohde AB - Background of this study was to determine whether differences in incubation period and distribution of lung lesions between different strains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (A. pleuropneumoniae) exist after the exclusion of influencing environmental and genetic factors. Therefore a retrospective analysis of four different experimental aerosol infection trials with the same study setup was done. A total of 120 piglets, aged 7 weeks, from the same farm and the same German Landrace breeding line, were infected either with the A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 strain C3656 or the A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 7 strain AP76 implementing a standardized aerosol infection model. Incubation period, based upon clinical monitoring, as well as distribution and size of lung lesions dependent on strain, infection dose (high dose: 3x103 cfu/liter aerosol [HD]; low dose: 1x102 cfu/liter aerosol [LD]) and days post infection (day 7/day 20) were assessed. Differences in incubation periods (median C3656 HD: 4.00 hours [h], LD: 8.00 h; median AP76 HD: 180.00 h, LD: 22.00 h), number of lung lesions (median C3656: 10.00; median AP76: 4.00) and size of lung lesions (median C3656: 2.39; median AP76 6.93; given as mean of marked score units) were statistically significant between the two strains. Differences were also significant for the number of lung lesions for AP76 regarding the different infection doses and necropsy days. Therefore strain specific characteristics regarding the examined attributes can be confirmed. Further studies are needed to reveal the responsible virulence factors and mechanisms. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":110631,"title":"Identification of strain specific differences in incubation periods and distribution of lung lesions between Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 and serotype 7 after experimental infection of nursery pigs","topline":"","teaserText":"Identifikation von stammspezifischen Unterschieden in Inkubationszeit und Verteilungsmustern von Lungenl\u00e4sionen zwischen Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Serotyp 2 und Serotyp 7 nach experimenteller Infektion von Flatdeckferkeln","content":"

Background of this study was to determine whether differences in incubation period and distribution of lung lesions between different strains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae<\/span> (A. pleuropneumoniae<\/span>) exist after the exclusion of influencing environmental and genetic factors. Therefore a retrospective analysis of four different experimental aerosol infection trials with the same study setup was done. A total of 120 piglets, aged 7 weeks, from the same farm and the same German Landrace breeding line, were infected either with the A. pleuropneumoniae <\/span>serotype 2 strain C3656 or the A. pleuropneumoniae<\/span> serotype 7 strain AP76 implementing a standardized aerosol infection model. Incubation period, based upon clinical monitoring, as well as distribution and size of lung lesions dependent on strain, infection dose (high dose: 3x103<\/span> cfu\/liter aerosol [HD]; low dose: 1x102<\/span> cfu\/liter aerosol [LD]) and days post infection (day 7\/day 20) were assessed. Differences in incubation periods (median C3656 HD: 4.00 hours [h], LD: 8.00 h; median AP76 HD: 180.00 h, LD: 22.00 h), number of lung lesions (median C3656: 10.00; median AP76: 4.00) and size of lung lesions (median C3656: 2.39; median AP76 6.93; given as mean of marked score units) were statistically significant between the two strains. Differences were also significant for the number of lung lesions for AP76 regarding the different infection doses and necropsy days. Therefore strain specific characteristics regarding the examined attributes can be confirmed. Further studies are needed to reveal the responsible virulence factors and mechanisms.<\/p>

aerosol infection, swine, porcine pleuropneumonia<\/p>

Hintergrund dieser Studie war es, zu untersuchen, ob, nach Ausschluss von Umwelteinfl\u00fcssen sowie genetischen Faktoren, Unterschiede in der Inkubationszeit und in den Verteilungsmustern der entstehenden Lungenl\u00e4sionen zwischen verschiedenen Actinobacillus (A.) pleuropneumoniae<\/span>-St\u00e4mmen bestehen. Hierzu wurden retrospektiv Daten aus vier verschiedenen, unabh\u00e4ngigen Infektionsstudien ausgewertet. Alle 120 Ferkel der ausgewerteten Untersuchungen waren 7 Wochen alt und stammten aus der gleichen Zuchtlinie der Deutschen Landrasse von demselben Ferkelerzeugerbetrieb. Die Infektionen wurden entweder mit dem A. pleuropneumoniae<\/span>-Serotyp-2-Stamm C3656 oder dem A. pleuropneumoniae<\/span>-Serotyp-7-Stamm AP76 in einem standardisierten Aerosolinfektionsmodell durchgef\u00fchrt. Die Inkubationszeiten, basierend auf einer klinischen Untersuchung der Tiere, die Anzahl der Lungenl\u00e4sionen sowie die Gr\u00f6\u00dfe der Lungenl\u00e4sionen in Abh\u00e4ngigkeit vom Infektionsstamm, der Infektionsdosis (Hohe Dosis: 3 x 103<\/span> KbE\/ Liter Aerosol [HD]; niedrige Dosis: 1 x 102<\/span> KbE\/Liter Aerosol [LD]) und den Tagen nach der Infektion (Tag 7\/Tag 20) wurden verglichen. Die Unterschiede in der Inkubationszeit (Median C3656 HD: 4 Stunden [h], LD: 8 h; AP76 HD: 18 h, LD: 22 h), der Anzahl der Lungenl\u00e4sionen (Median C3656: 10,00; Median AP76: 4,00) und der Gr\u00f6\u00dfe der L\u00e4sionen (Median C3656: 2,39; AP76 6,93; berechnet als durchschnittlich markierte Scoreeinheit) waren statistisch signifikant unterschiedlich. Des Weiteren lagen statistisch signifikante Unterschiede in der Anzahl der Lungenl\u00e4sionen zwischen den beiden Infektionsdosen und den verschiedenen Sektionstagen f\u00fcr den AP76-Stamm vor. Zusammenfassend konnte best\u00e4tigt werden, dass stammspezifische Charakteristika bez\u00fcglich der untersuchten Eigenschaften existieren. Es werden jedoch weitere Studien ben\u00f6tigt, um die involvierten Virulenzfaktoren und zugrunde liegenden Pathomechanismen aufzudecken.<\/p>

Aerosol-Infektion, Schwein, porzine Pleuropneumonie<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Feb 28, 2019 10:03:59 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/identification-of-strain-specific-differences-in-incubation-periods-and-distribution-of-lung-lesions-between-iactinobacillus-pleuropneumoniaei-serotype-2-and-serotype-7-after-experimental-infection-of-nursery-pigs\/150\/3130\/110631"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochensch","doiDocumentUri":"https:\/\/vetline.de\/files\/smfiledata\/7\/4\/9\/2\/2\/6\/BMTW_AOP_17094_Hltig.pdf","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschc","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-17094","doiFirstPage":".","doiLastPage":"..","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Hoeltig D, Seydel A, Hennig-Pauka I, Waldmann KH, Rohde J","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMTW_AOP_17094_Hltig.pdf","title":"BMTW_AOP_17094_H\u00f6ltig","description":"Identification of strain specific differences in incubation periods and distribution of lung lesions between Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae<\/i> serotype 2 and serotype 7 after experimental infection of nursery pigs"},"authors":[{"firstName":"D","middleName":"","lastName":"Hoeltig"},{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Seydel"},{"firstName":"I","middleName":"","lastName":"Hennig-Pauka"},{"firstName":"K","middleName":"H","lastName":"Waldmann"},{"firstName":"J","middleName":"","lastName":"Rohde"}],"contentOptimised":"

Background of this study was to determine whether differences in incubation period and distribution of lung lesions between different strains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae<\/em> (A. pleuropneumoniae<\/em>) exist after the exclusion of influencing environmental and genetic factors. Therefore a retrospective analysis of four different experimental aerosol infection trials with the same study setup was done. A total of 120 piglets, aged 7 weeks, from the same farm and the same German Landrace breeding line, were infected either with the A. pleuropneumoniae <\/em>serotype 2 strain C3656 or the A. pleuropneumoniae<\/em> serotype 7 strain AP76 implementing a standardized aerosol infection model. Incubation period, based upon clinical monitoring, as well as distribution and size of lung lesions dependent on strain, infection dose (high dose: 3x103 cfu\/liter aerosol [HD]; low dose: 1x102 cfu\/liter aerosol [LD]) and days post infection (day 7\/day 20) were assessed. Differences in incubation periods (median C3656 HD: 4.00 hours [h], LD: 8.00 h; median AP76 HD: 180.00 h, LD: 22.00 h), number of lung lesions (median C3656: 10.00; median AP76: 4.00) and size of lung lesions (median C3656: 2.39; median AP76 6.93; given as mean of marked score units) were statistically significant between the two strains. Differences were also significant for the number of lung lesions for AP76 regarding the different infection doses and necropsy days. Therefore strain specific characteristics regarding the examined attributes can be confirmed. Further studies are needed to reveal the responsible virulence factors and mechanisms.<\/p>

aerosol infection, swine, porcine pleuropneumonia<\/p>

Hintergrund dieser Studie war es, zu untersuchen, ob, nach Ausschluss von Umwelteinfl\u00fcssen sowie genetischen Faktoren, Unterschiede in der Inkubationszeit und in den Verteilungsmustern der entstehenden Lungenl\u00e4sionen zwischen verschiedenen Actinobacillus (A.) pleuropneumoniae<\/em>-St\u00e4mmen bestehen. Hierzu wurden retrospektiv Daten aus vier verschiedenen, unabh\u00e4ngigen Infektionsstudien ausgewertet. Alle 120 Ferkel der ausgewerteten Untersuchungen waren 7 Wochen alt und stammten aus der gleichen Zuchtlinie der Deutschen Landrasse von demselben Ferkelerzeugerbetrieb. Die Infektionen wurden entweder mit dem A. pleuropneumoniae<\/em>-Serotyp-2-Stamm C3656 oder dem A. pleuropneumoniae<\/em>-Serotyp-7-Stamm AP76 in einem standardisierten Aerosolinfektionsmodell durchgef\u00fchrt. Die Inkubationszeiten, basierend auf einer klinischen Untersuchung der Tiere, die Anzahl der Lungenl\u00e4sionen sowie die Gr\u00f6\u00dfe der Lungenl\u00e4sionen in Abh\u00e4ngigkeit vom Infektionsstamm, der Infektionsdosis (Hohe Dosis: 3 x 103 KbE\/ Liter Aerosol [HD]; niedrige Dosis: 1 x 102 KbE\/Liter Aerosol [LD]) und den Tagen nach der Infektion (Tag 7\/Tag 20) wurden verglichen. Die Unterschiede in der Inkubationszeit (Median C3656 HD: 4 Stunden [h], LD: 8 h; AP76 HD: 18 h, LD: 22 h), der Anzahl der Lungenl\u00e4sionen (Median C3656: 10,00; Median AP76: 4,00) und der Gr\u00f6\u00dfe der L\u00e4sionen (Median C3656: 2,39; AP76 6,93; berechnet als durchschnittlich markierte Scoreeinheit) waren statistisch signifikant unterschiedlich. Des Weiteren lagen statistisch signifikante Unterschiede in der Anzahl der Lungenl\u00e4sionen zwischen den beiden Infektionsdosen und den verschiedenen Sektionstagen f\u00fcr den AP76-Stamm vor. Zusammenfassend konnte best\u00e4tigt werden, dass stammspezifische Charakteristika bez\u00fcglich der untersuchten Eigenschaften existieren. Es werden jedoch weitere Studien ben\u00f6tigt, um die involvierten Virulenzfaktoren und zugrunde liegenden Pathomechanismen aufzudecken.<\/p>

Aerosol-Infektion, Schwein, porzine Pleuropneumonie<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Background of this study was to determine whether differences in incubation period and distribution of lung lesions between different strains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae<\/em> (A. pleuropneumoniae<\/em>) exist after the exclusion of influencing environmental and genetic factors. Therefore a retrospective analysis of four different experimental aerosol infection trials with the same study setup was done. A total of 120 piglets, aged 7 weeks, from the same farm and the same German Landrace breeding line, were infected either with the A. pleuropneumoniae <\/em>serotype 2 strain C3656 or the A. pleuropneumoniae<\/em> serotype 7 strain AP76 implementing a standardized aerosol infection model. Incubation period, based upon clinical monitoring, as well as distribution and size of lung lesions dependent on strain, infection dose (high dose: 3x103 cfu\/liter aerosol [HD]; low dose: 1x102 cfu\/liter aerosol [LD]) and days post infection (day 7\/day 20) were assessed. Differences in incubation periods (median C3656 HD: 4.00 hours [h], LD: 8.00 h; median AP76 HD: 180.00 h, LD: 22.00 h), number of lung lesions (median C3656: 10.00; median AP76: 4.00) and size of lung lesions (median C3656: 2.39; median AP76 6.93; given as mean of marked score units) were statistically significant between the two strains. Differences were also significant for the number of lung lesions for AP76 regarding the different infection doses and necropsy days. Therefore strain specific characteristics regarding the examined attributes can be confirmed. Further studies are needed to reveal the responsible virulence factors and mechanisms.<\/p>

","keywords":["aerosol infection","swine","porcine pleuropneumonia"],"zusammenfassung":"Hintergrund dieser Studie war es, zu untersuchen, ob, nach Ausschluss von Umwelteinfl\u00fcssen sowie genetischen Faktoren, Unterschiede in der Inkubationszeit und in den Verteilungsmustern der entstehenden Lungenl\u00e4sionen zwischen verschiedenen Actinobacillus (A.) pleuropneumoniae<\/em>-St\u00e4mmen bestehen. Hierzu wurden retrospektiv Daten aus vier verschiedenen, unabh\u00e4ngigen Infektionsstudien ausgewertet. Alle 120 Ferkel der ausgewerteten Untersuchungen waren 7 Wochen alt und stammten aus der gleichen Zuchtlinie der Deutschen Landrasse von demselben Ferkelerzeugerbetrieb. Die Infektionen wurden entweder mit dem A. pleuropneumoniae<\/em>-Serotyp-2-Stamm C3656 oder dem A. pleuropneumoniae<\/em>-Serotyp-7-Stamm AP76 in einem standardisierten Aerosolinfektionsmodell durchgef\u00fchrt. Die Inkubationszeiten, basierend auf einer klinischen Untersuchung der Tiere, die Anzahl der Lungenl\u00e4sionen sowie die Gr\u00f6\u00dfe der Lungenl\u00e4sionen in Abh\u00e4ngigkeit vom Infektionsstamm, der Infektionsdosis (Hohe Dosis: 3 x 103 KbE\/ Liter Aerosol [HD]; niedrige Dosis: 1 x 102 KbE\/Liter Aerosol [LD]) und den Tagen nach der Infektion (Tag 7\/Tag 20) wurden verglichen. Die Unterschiede in der Inkubationszeit (Median C3656 HD: 4 Stunden [h], LD: 8 h; AP76 HD: 18 h, LD: 22 h), der Anzahl der Lungenl\u00e4sionen (Median C3656: 10,00; Median AP76: 4,00) und der Gr\u00f6\u00dfe der L\u00e4sionen (Median C3656: 2,39; AP76 6,93; berechnet als durchschnittlich markierte Scoreeinheit) waren statistisch signifikant unterschiedlich. Des Weiteren lagen statistisch signifikante Unterschiede in der Anzahl der Lungenl\u00e4sionen zwischen den beiden Infektionsdosen und den verschiedenen Sektionstagen f\u00fcr den AP76-Stamm vor. Zusammenfassend konnte best\u00e4tigt werden, dass stammspezifische Charakteristika bez\u00fcglich der untersuchten Eigenschaften existieren. Es werden jedoch weitere Studien ben\u00f6tigt, um die involvierten Virulenzfaktoren und zugrunde liegenden Pathomechanismen aufzudecken.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Aerosol-Infektion","Schwein","porzine Pleuropneumonie"],"translatedTitle":"Identifikation von stammspezifischen Unterschieden in Inkubationszeit und Verteilungsmustern von Lungenl\u00e4sionen zwischen Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Serotyp 2 und Serotyp 7 nach experimenteller Infektion von Flatdeckferkeln","abstractE":"Background of this study was to determine whether differences in incubation period and distribution of lung lesions between different strains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (A. pleuropneumoniae) exist after the exclusion of influencing environmental and genetic factors. Therefore a retrospective analysis of four different experimental aerosol infection trials with the same study setup was done. A total of 120 piglets, aged 7 weeks, from the same farm and the same German Landrace breeding line, were infected either with the A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 strain C3656 or the A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 7 strain AP76 implementing a standardized aerosol infection model. Incubation period, based upon clinical monitoring, as well as distribution and size of lung lesions dependent on strain, infection dose (high dose: 3x103 cfu\/liter aerosol [HD]; low dose: 1x102 cfu\/liter aerosol [LD]) and days post infection (day 7\/day 20) were assessed. Differences in incubation periods (median C3656 HD: 4.00 hours [h], LD: 8.00 h; median AP76 HD: 180.00 h, LD: 22.00 h), number of lung lesions (median C3656: 10.00; median AP76: 4.00) and size of lung lesions (median C3656: 2.39; median AP76 6.93; given as mean of marked score units) were statistically significant between the two strains. Differences were also significant for the number of lung lesions for AP76 regarding the different infection doses and necropsy days. Therefore strain specific characteristics regarding the examined attributes can be confirmed. Further studies are needed to reveal the responsible virulence factors and mechanisms.","date":{"year":2019,"date":"02\/2019","accepted":"2019-02-28"},"volume":132,"openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"","redirects":["identification-of-strain-specific-differences-in-incubation-periods-and-distribution-of-lung-lesions-between-iactinobacillus-pleuropneumoniaei-serotype-2-and-serotype-7-after-experimental-infection-of-nursery-pigs\/150\/3130\/110631"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 02/2019 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-17094 LA - English N2 - Background of this study was to determine whether differences in incubation period and distribution of lung lesions between different strains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (A. pleuropneumoniae) exist after the exclusion of influencing environmental and genetic factors. Therefore a retrospective analysis of four different experimental aerosol infection trials with the same study setup was done. A total of 120 piglets, aged 7 weeks, from the same farm and the same German Landrace breeding line, were infected either with the A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 strain C3656 or the A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 7 strain AP76 implementing a standardized aerosol infection model. Incubation period, based upon clinical monitoring, as well as distribution and size of lung lesions dependent on strain, infection dose (high dose: 3x103 cfu/liter aerosol [HD]; low dose: 1x102 cfu/liter aerosol [LD]) and days post infection (day 7/day 20) were assessed. Differences in incubation periods (median C3656 HD: 4.00 hours [h], LD: 8.00 h; median AP76 HD: 180.00 h, LD: 22.00 h), number of lung lesions (median C3656: 10.00; median AP76: 4.00) and size of lung lesions (median C3656: 2.39; median AP76 6.93; given as mean of marked score units) were statistically significant between the two strains. Differences were also significant for the number of lung lesions for AP76 regarding the different infection doses and necropsy days. Therefore strain specific characteristics regarding the examined attributes can be confirmed. Further studies are needed to reveal the responsible virulence factors and mechanisms. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2019 T1 - Identification of strain specific differences in incubation periods and distribution of lung lesions between Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 and serotype 7 after experimental infection of nursery pigs T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Identification of strain specific differences in incubation periods and distribution of lung lesions between Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 and serotype 7 after experimental infection of nursery pigs TT - Identifikation von stammspezifischen Unterschieden in Inkubationszeit und Verteilungsmustern von Lungenläsionen zwischen Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Serotyp 2 und Serotyp 7 nach experimenteller Infektion von Flatdeckferkeln VL - 132 SN - 0005-9366 ER -