TY - JOUR AU - B Polten AB - Since the last report there have been major revisions of laws and ordinances. Deliberations on rules of Community lawwere also continued.On national level, the Act on the Shoeing of Horses amending the Animal Weifare Act and amend-ments of animal welfare provisions as well as the Deregulation Act were pre-pared, some of which have meanwhile entered into force.At legislative level, the work on the ratification laws for the Council of Europe Conventions (Strasbourg) was concluded in order to enable Germany to adopt the revisions.They include (1) the European Convention for the protection of animals used for experimenta purposes and (2) the European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport.At the level of ordinances, the amendment and extension of the Animal Welfare -Farm Animal Husbandry Ordinance are of vital importance for the sections on pig farming and laying hen husbandry Another section refers to the husbandry of für animals, on which an ordinance has been submitted to the Bundesrat (German upper house of Parliament). Deliberations on this issue have been adjourned.Drafts of a circus register were prepared to amend the Animal Welfare Act and to adopt a separate ordinance, and they are being discussed with the federal states and associations.Previously the rules of Community law in the area of animal welfare were adop-ted as EC directives which the member states had to transfer in national law.This was done by incorporating them into national laws or ordinances, with non-compliance having to be sanctioned. It is the member states' responsibility to establish sanctions.Yet the Commission has introduced a directly operative animal welfare legislation by adopting EC Regulation 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport.This means that a national implementation is not reguired.Nevertheless, the establishment of sanctions continues to be the responsibility of the member states. A Special authorisation by the legislator is reguired to be able to impose sanctions based on directly applicable EC law.This is done via the already mentioned Act on the Shoeing of Horses and amendment. To establish sanctions for this Community legislation, a„Sanctions Ordinance" is currently being discussed by the different departments.This way a link between directly applicable Community legislation and national sanctions is established. At EC level there are currently discussed (1) the„Animal Welfare Action Plan", (2) a draft directive laying down minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production and (3) preparations for a revision of the directive on the protection of animals used for experimentaI purposes have become known due to the preparation of a related impact assessment. At the level of international law, the Council of Europe has concluded its work on Annex A of the Convention for the protection of animals used for experimenta purposes. With regard to the European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes, the deliberations on fish and fattening rabbits are being continued.There is a discussion on the technical details of the Transport Convention.Since the first animal welfare Conference of the International Office of epizootics (OIE) in February 2004 in Paris, two very comprehensive codes on slaughter of animals and on animal transport were adopted.The inclusion of further anima welfare issues into the OIE work Programme will be discussed in the next future. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":69075,"title":"Status of Law-Making on Animal Weifare","teaserText":"DOI 10.2377\/0341-6593-114-98","content":"

Since the last report there have been major revisions of laws and ordinances. Deliberations on rules of Community lawwere also continued.On national level, the Act on the Shoeing of Horses amending the Animal Weifare Act and amend-ments of animal welfare provisions as well as the Deregulation Act were pre-pared, some of which have meanwhile entered into force.At legislative level, the work on the ratification laws for the Council of Europe Conventions (Strasbourg) was concluded in order to enable Germany to adopt the revisions.They include (1) the European Convention for the protection of animals used for experimenta purposes and (2) the European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport.At the level of ordinances, the amendment and extension of the Animal Welfare -Farm Animal Husbandry Ordinance are of vital importance for the sections on pig farming and laying hen husbandry Another section refers to the husbandry of f\u00fcr animals, on which an ordinance has been submitted to the Bundesrat (German upper house of Parliament). Deliberations on this issue have been adjourned.Drafts of a circus register were prepared to amend the Animal Welfare Act and to adopt a separate ordinance, and they are being discussed with the federal states and associations.Previously the rules of Community law in the area of animal welfare were adop-ted as EC directives which the member states had to transfer in national law.This was done by incorporating them into national laws or ordinances, with non-compliance having to be sanctioned. It is the member states' responsibility to establish sanctions.Yet the Commission has introduced a directly operative animal welfare legislation by adopting EC Regulation 1\/2005 on the protection of animals during transport.This means that a national implementation is not reguired.Nevertheless, the establishment of sanctions continues to be the responsibility of the member states. A Special authorisation by the legislator is reguired to be able to impose sanctions based on directly applicable EC law.This is done via the already mentioned Act on the Shoeing of Horses and amendment. To establish sanctions for this Community legislation, a\u201eSanctions Ordinance\" is currently being discussed by the different departments.This way a link between directly applicable Community legislation and national sanctions is established. At EC level there are currently discussed (1) the\u201eAnimal Welfare Action Plan\", (2) a draft directive laying down minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production and (3) preparations for a revision of the directive on the protection of animals used for experimentaI purposes have become known due to the preparation of a related impact assessment. At the level of international law, the Council of Europe has concluded its work on Annex A of the Convention for the protection of animals used for experimenta purposes. With regard to the European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes, the deliberations on fish and fattening rabbits are being continued.There is a discussion on the technical details of the Transport Convention.Since the first animal welfare Conference of the International Office of epizootics (OIE) in February 2004 in Paris, two very comprehensive codes on slaughter of animals and on animal transport were adopted.The inclusion of further anima welfare issues into the OIE work Programme will be discussed in the next future.

Seitdem letzten Bericht zur Rechtslage im Tierschutz wurden auf der Ebene der gesetzlichen Vorschriften und auf Verordnungsebene wesentliche \u00c4nderungen vorgenommen. Auch die Beratungen \u00fcber gemeinschaftsrechtliche Vorschriften wurden weitergef\u00fchrt. Im nationalen Bereich sind die \u00c4nderungen des Tierschutzgesetzes durch das Hufbeschlaggesetz und \u00c4nderungen tierschutzrechtlicher Vorschriften sowie das Gesetz zur Deregulierung zu nennen, die inzwischen z.T. in Kraft getreten sind. Auf Gesetzesebene wurden auch die Arbeiten an den Ratifikationsgesetzen zu \u00dcbereinkommen des Europarates (Stra\u00dfburg) abgeschlossen, um einen Beitritt Deutschlands zu \u00c4nderungen zu erm\u00f6glichen. Diese betreffen (1) das \u00dcbereinkommen zu Versuchen mit Tieren und (2) das \u00dcbereinkommen zum Tierschutz beim Tiertransport. Auf Verordnungsebene sind die \u00c4nderung und Erweiterung derTierschutz-Nutztierhaltungs-Verordnung f\u00fcr die Abschnitte Schweinehaltung und Legehennenhaltung von grundlegender Bedeutung. Ein weiterer Abschnitt betrifft die Pelztierhaltung, zu der dem Bundesrat eine Verordnung vorliegt. Die Beratungen hierzu wurden vertagt. Entw\u00fcrfe f\u00fcr ein Zirkusregister wurden sowohl f\u00fcr eine \u00c4nderung des Tierschutzgesetzes als auch f\u00fcr eine gesonderte Verordnung vorbereitet und werden mit L\u00e4ndern und Verb\u00e4nden beraten. Bislang wurden die gemeinschaftsrechtlichen Vorschriften im Tierschutzbereich als EG-Richtlinien erlassen,die national von den Mitgliedstaaten umgesetzt werden mussten. Dies erfolgte durch Aufnahme in das nationale Gesetz oder in Verordnungen, wobei die Zuwiderhandlungen sanktioniert werden mussten. Die Festsetzung von Sanktionen ist Angelegenheit der Mitgliedstaaten. Die Kommission hat aber mit der EG-Tiertransportverordnung EG-VO-1\/2005 unmittelbar geltendes Tierschutzrecht geschaffen. Das bedeutet, dass eine nationale Umsetzung nicht erforderlich ist. Gleichwohl bleibt die Aufgabe der Mitgliedstaaten bestehen, die Sanktionen festzulegen. Dazu ist eine gesonderte Erm\u00e4chtigung vom Gesetzgeber erforderlich, um unmittelbar wirkendes EG-Recht sanktionieren zu k\u00f6nnen. Dies erfolgt z.B. mit dem bereits erw\u00e4hnten Hufbeschlaggesetz. Um die Sanktionen f\u00fcr dieses EG-Recht festzulegen, wird z.Z. mit den Ressorts eine\u201eSanktionsverordnung\" beraten. Damit wird die Verbindung von direkt wirksamem EG-Recht und nationalen Sanktionen hergestellt. Auf EG-Ebene sind derzeit Beratungen im Gange \u00fcber(1) einen\u201eAktionsplan Tierschutz\", (2) den Entwurf einer Masth\u00fchner-Richtlinie und (3) Vorbereitungen f\u00fcr eine \u00c4nderung der Tierversuchs-Richtlinie einschlie\u00dflich einer Folgenabsch\u00e4tzung. Auf Ebene des V\u00f6lkerrechts sind im Europarat die Arbeiten zum Anhang A des \u00dcbereinkommens f\u00fcr Versuchstiere abgeschlossen worden.Zum \u00dcbereinkommen f\u00fcr landwirtschaftliche Nutztiere werden die Beratungen f\u00fcr Fische und Mastkaninchen fortgesetzt,zum Transport\u00fcbereinkommen werden technische Details beraten. Seit der ersten Tierschutzkonferenz des Internationalen Tierseuchenamtes (OIE) im Februar 2004 in Paris wurden zwei sehr umfangreiche Codes zu Schlachtung und zum Tiertransport im Tierschutzbereich angenommen. \u00dcber die Aufnahme weiterer Tierschutzthemen in das Arbeitsprogramm des OIE wird in absehbarer Zeit beraten.<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Mar 1, 2007 12:00:00 AM","toDate":"Dec 31, 2050 12:00:00 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/stand-rechtsetzung-tierschutz\/150\/3130\/69075"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"Online","doiPublisher":"M. & H. Schaper GmbH","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Dtsch.tier\u00e4rztl.Wschr.","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/stand-rechtsetzung-tierschutz\/150\/3130\/69075","doiSource":"Dtsch.tier\u00e4rztl.Wschr. 114: 3, 98-103 (2007)","doiissn":"0341-6593","doiNr":"10.2377\/0341-6593-114-98","doiFirstPage":"98","doiLastPage":"103","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"POLTEN B","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/dtw_2007_03_0098.pdf","title":"dtw_2007_03_0098.pdf","description":"Status of Law-Making on Animal Weifare


Since the last report there have been major revisions of laws and ordinances. Deliberations on rules of Community lawwere also continued.On national level, the Act on the Shoeing of Horses amending the Animal Weifare Act and amend-ments of animal welfare provisions as well as the Deregulation Act were pre-pared, some of which have meanwhile entered into force.At legislative level, the work on the ratification laws for the Council of Europe Conventions (Strasbourg) was concluded in order to enable Germany to adopt the revisions.They include (1) the European Convention for the protection of animals used for experimenta purposes and (2) the European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport.At the level of ordinances, the amendment and extension of the Animal Welfare -Farm Animal Husbandry Ordinance are of vital importance for the sections on pig farming and laying hen husbandry Another section refers to the husbandry of f\u00fcr animals, on which an ordinance has been submitted to the Bundesrat (German upper house of Parliament). Deliberations on this issue have been adjourned.Drafts of a circus register were prepared to amend the Animal Welfare Act and to adopt a separate ordinance, and they are being discussed with the federal states and associations.Previously the rules of Community law in the area of animal welfare were adop-ted as EC directives which the member states had to transfer in national law.This was done by incorporating them into national laws or ordinances, with non-compliance having to be sanctioned. It is the member states' responsibility to establish sanctions.Yet the Commission has introduced a directly operative animal welfare legislation by adopting EC Regulation 1\/2005 on the protection of animals during transport.This means that a national implementation is not reguired.Nevertheless, the establishment of sanctions continues to be the responsibility of the member states. A Special authorisation by the legislator is reguired to be able to impose sanctions based on directly applicable EC law.This is done via the already mentioned Act on the Shoeing of Horses and amendment. To establish sanctions for this Community legislation, a\u201eSanctions Ordinance\" is currently being discussed by the different departments.This way a link between directly applicable Community legislation and national sanctions is established. At EC level there are currently discussed (1) the\u201eAnimal Welfare Action Plan\", (2) a draft directive laying down minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production and (3) preparations for a revision of the directive on the protection of animals used for experimentaI purposes have become known due to the preparation of a related impact assessment. At the level of international law, the Council of Europe has concluded its work on Annex A of the Convention for the protection of animals used for experimenta purposes. With regard to the European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes, the deliberations on fish and fattening rabbits are being continued.There is a discussion on the technical details of the Transport Convention.Since the first animal welfare Conference of the International Office of epizootics (OIE) in February 2004 in Paris, two very comprehensive codes on slaughter of animals and on animal transport were adopted.The inclusion of further anima welfare issues into the OIE work Programme will be discussed in the next future.

Seitdem letzten Bericht zur Rechtslage im Tierschutz wurden auf der Ebene der gesetzlichen Vorschriften und auf Verordnungsebene wesentliche \u00c4nderungen vorgenommen. Auch die Beratungen \u00fcber gemeinschaftsrechtliche Vorschriften wurden weitergef\u00fchrt. Im nationalen Bereich sind die \u00c4nderungen des Tierschutzgesetzes durch das Hufbeschlaggesetz und \u00c4nderungen tierschutzrechtlicher Vorschriften sowie das Gesetz zur Deregulierung zu nennen, die inzwischen z.T. in Kraft getreten sind. Auf Gesetzesebene wurden auch die Arbeiten an den Ratifikationsgesetzen zu \u00dcbereinkommen des Europarates (Stra\u00dfburg) abgeschlossen, um einen Beitritt Deutschlands zu \u00c4nderungen zu erm\u00f6glichen. Diese betreffen (1) das \u00dcbereinkommen zu Versuchen mit Tieren und (2) das \u00dcbereinkommen zum Tierschutz beim Tiertransport. Auf Verordnungsebene sind die \u00c4nderung und Erweiterung derTierschutz-Nutztierhaltungs-Verordnung f\u00fcr die Abschnitte Schweinehaltung und Legehennenhaltung von grundlegender Bedeutung. Ein weiterer Abschnitt betrifft die Pelztierhaltung, zu der dem Bundesrat eine Verordnung vorliegt. Die Beratungen hierzu wurden vertagt. Entw\u00fcrfe f\u00fcr ein Zirkusregister wurden sowohl f\u00fcr eine \u00c4nderung des Tierschutzgesetzes als auch f\u00fcr eine gesonderte Verordnung vorbereitet und werden mit L\u00e4ndern und Verb\u00e4nden beraten. Bislang wurden die gemeinschaftsrechtlichen Vorschriften im Tierschutzbereich als EG-Richtlinien erlassen,die national von den Mitgliedstaaten umgesetzt werden mussten. Dies erfolgte durch Aufnahme in das nationale Gesetz oder in Verordnungen, wobei die Zuwiderhandlungen sanktioniert werden mussten. Die Festsetzung von Sanktionen ist Angelegenheit der Mitgliedstaaten. Die Kommission hat aber mit der EG-Tiertransportverordnung EG-VO-1\/2005 unmittelbar geltendes Tierschutzrecht geschaffen. Das bedeutet, dass eine nationale Umsetzung nicht erforderlich ist. Gleichwohl bleibt die Aufgabe der Mitgliedstaaten bestehen, die Sanktionen festzulegen. Dazu ist eine gesonderte Erm\u00e4chtigung vom Gesetzgeber erforderlich, um unmittelbar wirkendes EG-Recht sanktionieren zu k\u00f6nnen. Dies erfolgt z.B. mit dem bereits erw\u00e4hnten Hufbeschlaggesetz. Um die Sanktionen f\u00fcr dieses EG-Recht festzulegen, wird z.Z. mit den Ressorts eine\u201eSanktionsverordnung\" beraten. Damit wird die Verbindung von direkt wirksamem EG-Recht und nationalen Sanktionen hergestellt. Auf EG-Ebene sind derzeit Beratungen im Gange \u00fcber(1) einen\u201eAktionsplan Tierschutz\", (2) den Entwurf einer Masth\u00fchner-Richtlinie und (3) Vorbereitungen f\u00fcr eine \u00c4nderung der Tierversuchs-Richtlinie einschlie\u00dflich einer Folgenabsch\u00e4tzung. Auf Ebene des V\u00f6lkerrechts sind im Europarat die Arbeiten zum Anhang A des \u00dcbereinkommens f\u00fcr Versuchstiere abgeschlossen worden.Zum \u00dcbereinkommen f\u00fcr landwirtschaftliche Nutztiere werden die Beratungen f\u00fcr Fische und Mastkaninchen fortgesetzt,zum Transport\u00fcbereinkommen werden technische Details beraten. Seit der ersten Tierschutzkonferenz des Internationalen Tierseuchenamtes (OIE) im Februar 2004 in Paris wurden zwei sehr umfangreiche Codes zu Schlachtung und zum Tiertransport im Tierschutzbereich angenommen. \u00dcber die Aufnahme weiterer Tierschutzthemen in das Arbeitsprogramm des OIE wird in absehbarer Zeit beraten.<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Since the last report there have been major revisions of laws and ordinances. Deliberations on rules of Community lawwere also continued.On national level, the Act on the Shoeing of Horses amending the Animal Weifare Act and amend-ments of animal welfare provisions as well as the Deregulation Act were pre-pared, some of which have meanwhile entered into force.At legislative level, the work on the ratification laws for the Council of Europe Conventions (Strasbourg) was concluded in order to enable Germany to adopt the revisions.They include (1) the European Convention for the protection of animals used for experimenta purposes and (2) the European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport.At the level of ordinances, the amendment and extension of the Animal Welfare -Farm Animal Husbandry Ordinance are of vital importance for the sections on pig farming and laying hen husbandry Another section refers to the husbandry of f\u00fcr animals, on which an ordinance has been submitted to the Bundesrat (German upper house of Parliament). Deliberations on this issue have been adjourned.Drafts of a circus register were prepared to amend the Animal Welfare Act and to adopt a separate ordinance, and they are being discussed with the federal states and associations.Previously the rules of Community law in the area of animal welfare were adop-ted as EC directives which the member states had to transfer in national law.This was done by incorporating them into national laws or ordinances, with non-compliance having to be sanctioned. It is the member states' responsibility to establish sanctions.Yet the Commission has introduced a directly operative animal welfare legislation by adopting EC Regulation 1\/2005 on the protection of animals during transport.This means that a national implementation is not reguired.Nevertheless, the establishment of sanctions continues to be the responsibility of the member states. A Special authorisation by the legislator is reguired to be able to impose sanctions based on directly applicable EC law.This is done via the already mentioned Act on the Shoeing of Horses and amendment. To establish sanctions for this Community legislation, a\u201eSanctions Ordinance\" is currently being discussed by the different departments.This way a link between directly applicable Community legislation and national sanctions is established. At EC level there are currently discussed (1) the\u201eAnimal Welfare Action Plan\", (2) a draft directive laying down minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production and (3) preparations for a revision of the directive on the protection of animals used for experimentaI purposes have become known due to the preparation of a related impact assessment. At the level of international law, the Council of Europe has concluded its work on Annex A of the Convention for the protection of animals used for experimenta purposes. With regard to the European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes, the deliberations on fish and fattening rabbits are being continued.There is a discussion on the technical details of the Transport Convention.Since the first animal welfare Conference of the International Office of epizootics (OIE) in February 2004 in Paris, two very comprehensive codes on slaughter of animals and on animal transport were adopted.The inclusion of further anima welfare issues into the OIE work Programme will be discussed in the next future.","zusammenfassung":"Seitdem letzten Bericht zur Rechtslage im Tierschutz wurden auf der Ebene der gesetzlichen Vorschriften und auf Verordnungsebene wesentliche \u00c4nderungen vorgenommen. Auch die Beratungen \u00fcber gemeinschaftsrechtliche Vorschriften wurden weitergef\u00fchrt. Im nationalen Bereich sind die \u00c4nderungen des Tierschutzgesetzes durch das Hufbeschlaggesetz und \u00c4nderungen tierschutzrechtlicher Vorschriften sowie das Gesetz zur Deregulierung zu nennen, die inzwischen z.T. in Kraft getreten sind. Auf Gesetzesebene wurden auch die Arbeiten an den Ratifikationsgesetzen zu \u00dcbereinkommen des Europarates (Stra\u00dfburg) abgeschlossen, um einen Beitritt Deutschlands zu \u00c4nderungen zu erm\u00f6glichen. Diese betreffen (1) das \u00dcbereinkommen zu Versuchen mit Tieren und (2) das \u00dcbereinkommen zum Tierschutz beim Tiertransport. Auf Verordnungsebene sind die \u00c4nderung und Erweiterung derTierschutz-Nutztierhaltungs-Verordnung f\u00fcr die Abschnitte Schweinehaltung und Legehennenhaltung von grundlegender Bedeutung. Ein weiterer Abschnitt betrifft die Pelztierhaltung, zu der dem Bundesrat eine Verordnung vorliegt. Die Beratungen hierzu wurden vertagt. Entw\u00fcrfe f\u00fcr ein Zirkusregister wurden sowohl f\u00fcr eine \u00c4nderung des Tierschutzgesetzes als auch f\u00fcr eine gesonderte Verordnung vorbereitet und werden mit L\u00e4ndern und Verb\u00e4nden beraten. Bislang wurden die gemeinschaftsrechtlichen Vorschriften im Tierschutzbereich als EG-Richtlinien erlassen,die national von den Mitgliedstaaten umgesetzt werden mussten. Dies erfolgte durch Aufnahme in das nationale Gesetz oder in Verordnungen, wobei die Zuwiderhandlungen sanktioniert werden mussten. Die Festsetzung von Sanktionen ist Angelegenheit der Mitgliedstaaten. Die Kommission hat aber mit der EG-Tiertransportverordnung EG-VO-1\/2005 unmittelbar geltendes Tierschutzrecht geschaffen. Das bedeutet, dass eine nationale Umsetzung nicht erforderlich ist. Gleichwohl bleibt die Aufgabe der Mitgliedstaaten bestehen, die Sanktionen festzulegen. Dazu ist eine gesonderte Erm\u00e4chtigung vom Gesetzgeber erforderlich, um unmittelbar wirkendes EG-Recht sanktionieren zu k\u00f6nnen. Dies erfolgt z.B. mit dem bereits erw\u00e4hnten Hufbeschlaggesetz. Um die Sanktionen f\u00fcr dieses EG-Recht festzulegen, wird z.Z. mit den Ressorts eine\u201eSanktionsverordnung\" beraten. Damit wird die Verbindung von direkt wirksamem EG-Recht und nationalen Sanktionen hergestellt. Auf EG-Ebene sind derzeit Beratungen im Gange \u00fcber(1) einen\u201eAktionsplan Tierschutz\", (2) den Entwurf einer Masth\u00fchner-Richtlinie und (3) Vorbereitungen f\u00fcr eine \u00c4nderung der Tierversuchs-Richtlinie einschlie\u00dflich einer Folgenabsch\u00e4tzung. Auf Ebene des V\u00f6lkerrechts sind im Europarat die Arbeiten zum Anhang A des \u00dcbereinkommens f\u00fcr Versuchstiere abgeschlossen worden.Zum \u00dcbereinkommen f\u00fcr landwirtschaftliche Nutztiere werden die Beratungen f\u00fcr Fische und Mastkaninchen fortgesetzt,zum Transport\u00fcbereinkommen werden technische Details beraten. Seit der ersten Tierschutzkonferenz des Internationalen Tierseuchenamtes (OIE) im Februar 2004 in Paris wurden zwei sehr umfangreiche Codes zu Schlachtung und zum Tiertransport im Tierschutzbereich angenommen. \u00dcber die Aufnahme weiterer Tierschutzthemen in das Arbeitsprogramm des OIE wird in absehbarer Zeit beraten.<\/p>","translatedTitle":"DOI 10.2377\/0341-6593-114-98","abstractE":"Since the last report there have been major revisions of laws and ordinances. Deliberations on rules of Community lawwere also continued.On national level, the Act on the Shoeing of Horses amending the Animal Weifare Act and amend-ments of animal welfare provisions as well as the Deregulation Act were pre-pared, some of which have meanwhile entered into force.At legislative level, the work on the ratification laws for the Council of Europe Conventions (Strasbourg) was concluded in order to enable Germany to adopt the revisions.They include (1) the European Convention for the protection of animals used for experimenta purposes and (2) the European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport.At the level of ordinances, the amendment and extension of the Animal Welfare -Farm Animal Husbandry Ordinance are of vital importance for the sections on pig farming and laying hen husbandry Another section refers to the husbandry of f\u00fcr animals, on which an ordinance has been submitted to the Bundesrat (German upper house of Parliament). Deliberations on this issue have been adjourned.Drafts of a circus register were prepared to amend the Animal Welfare Act and to adopt a separate ordinance, and they are being discussed with the federal states and associations.Previously the rules of Community law in the area of animal welfare were adop-ted as EC directives which the member states had to transfer in national law.This was done by incorporating them into national laws or ordinances, with non-compliance having to be sanctioned. It is the member states' responsibility to establish sanctions.Yet the Commission has introduced a directly operative animal welfare legislation by adopting EC Regulation 1\/2005 on the protection of animals during transport.This means that a national implementation is not reguired.Nevertheless, the establishment of sanctions continues to be the responsibility of the member states. A Special authorisation by the legislator is reguired to be able to impose sanctions based on directly applicable EC law.This is done via the already mentioned Act on the Shoeing of Horses and amendment. To establish sanctions for this Community legislation, a\u201eSanctions Ordinance\" is currently being discussed by the different departments.This way a link between directly applicable Community legislation and national sanctions is established. At EC level there are currently discussed (1) the\u201eAnimal Welfare Action Plan\", (2) a draft directive laying down minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production and (3) preparations for a revision of the directive on the protection of animals used for experimentaI purposes have become known due to the preparation of a related impact assessment. At the level of international law, the Council of Europe has concluded its work on Annex A of the Convention for the protection of animals used for experimenta purposes. With regard to the European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes, the deliberations on fish and fattening rabbits are being continued.There is a discussion on the technical details of the Transport Convention.Since the first animal welfare Conference of the International Office of epizootics (OIE) in February 2004 in Paris, two very comprehensive codes on slaughter of animals and on animal transport were adopted.The inclusion of further anima welfare issues into the OIE work Programme will be discussed in the next future.","date":{"year":2007,"date":"03\/2007","accepted":"2007-03-01"},"volume":"114","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"98-103","redirects":["stand-rechtsetzung-tierschutz\/150\/3130\/69075"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 03/2007 DO - 10.2377/0341-6593-114-98 LA - English N2 - Since the last report there have been major revisions of laws and ordinances. Deliberations on rules of Community lawwere also continued.On national level, the Act on the Shoeing of Horses amending the Animal Weifare Act and amend-ments of animal welfare provisions as well as the Deregulation Act were pre-pared, some of which have meanwhile entered into force.At legislative level, the work on the ratification laws for the Council of Europe Conventions (Strasbourg) was concluded in order to enable Germany to adopt the revisions.They include (1) the European Convention for the protection of animals used for experimenta purposes and (2) the European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport.At the level of ordinances, the amendment and extension of the Animal Welfare -Farm Animal Husbandry Ordinance are of vital importance for the sections on pig farming and laying hen husbandry Another section refers to the husbandry of für animals, on which an ordinance has been submitted to the Bundesrat (German upper house of Parliament). Deliberations on this issue have been adjourned.Drafts of a circus register were prepared to amend the Animal Welfare Act and to adopt a separate ordinance, and they are being discussed with the federal states and associations.Previously the rules of Community law in the area of animal welfare were adop-ted as EC directives which the member states had to transfer in national law.This was done by incorporating them into national laws or ordinances, with non-compliance having to be sanctioned. It is the member states' responsibility to establish sanctions.Yet the Commission has introduced a directly operative animal welfare legislation by adopting EC Regulation 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport.This means that a national implementation is not reguired.Nevertheless, the establishment of sanctions continues to be the responsibility of the member states. A Special authorisation by the legislator is reguired to be able to impose sanctions based on directly applicable EC law.This is done via the already mentioned Act on the Shoeing of Horses and amendment. To establish sanctions for this Community legislation, a„Sanctions Ordinance" is currently being discussed by the different departments.This way a link between directly applicable Community legislation and national sanctions is established. At EC level there are currently discussed (1) the„Animal Welfare Action Plan", (2) a draft directive laying down minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production and (3) preparations for a revision of the directive on the protection of animals used for experimentaI purposes have become known due to the preparation of a related impact assessment. At the level of international law, the Council of Europe has concluded its work on Annex A of the Convention for the protection of animals used for experimenta purposes. With regard to the European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes, the deliberations on fish and fattening rabbits are being continued.There is a discussion on the technical details of the Transport Convention.Since the first animal welfare Conference of the International Office of epizootics (OIE) in February 2004 in Paris, two very comprehensive codes on slaughter of animals and on animal transport were adopted.The inclusion of further anima welfare issues into the OIE work Programme will be discussed in the next future. PB - M. & H. Schaper GmbH PP - Hannover PY - 2007 SP - 98 EP - 103 T1 - Status of Law-Making on Animal Weifare T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Status of Law-Making on Animal Weifare TT - DOI 10.2377/0341-6593-114-98 VL - 114 SN - 0341-6593 ER -