TY - JOUR KW - CCD KW - Apis mellifera KW - honey bee KW - national survey KW - varroa KW - virus KW - nosema KW - pesticide AU - A Nearman AU - D vanEngelsdorp AB - The outbreak of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) over the winter of 2006–2007 devastated some beekeeping operations across the US. Historical review of the literature revealed at least 20 accounts of colony losses similar in description to CCD over the last 100 years. Analysis of samples taken from colonies suffering from the condition in 2006–2007, found no single putative cause. While no virus in particular was identified as the cause of CCD, viruses however, are an important driver of one of the defining symptoms of the condition – the rapid loss of adult bee population from colonies and apiaries. In response to CCD a National Loss Survey was initiated and has continued to the present. While confirmed cases of CCD have not been reported in more than 5 years, winter losses average ~30% these last 10 years. The decline in CCD cases mirrors historical records of the disease, suggesting it follows an incidence pattern similar to that of other epidemics caused by highly pathogenic organisms. Current non-CCD losses are driven by a combination of factors including parasites and pathogens, pesticides and poor nutrition. These factors can act on their own or in combination to affect bee health, however, research suggests that the one leading cause of loss in the US is the ectoparasite mite Varroa and the viruses it vectors. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":109987,"title":"What happened to Colony Collapse Disorder?","topline":"","teaserText":"Was ist mit Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) passiert?","content":"

The outbreak of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) over the winter of 2006\u20132007 devastated some beekeeping operations across the US. Historical review of the literature revealed at least 20 accounts of colony losses similar in description to CCD over the last 100 years. Analysis of samples taken from colonies suffering from the condition in 2006\u20132007, found no single putative cause. While no virus in particular was identified as the cause of CCD, viruses however, are an important driver of one of the defining symptoms of the condition \u2013 the rapid loss of adult bee population from colonies and apiaries. In response to CCD a National Loss Survey was initiated and has continued to the present. While confirmed cases of CCD have not been reported in more than 5 years, winter losses average ~30% these last 10 years. The decline in CCD cases mirrors historical records of the disease, suggesting it follows an incidence pattern similar to that of other epidemics caused by highly pathogenic organisms. Current non-CCD losses are driven by a combination of factors including parasites and pathogens, pesticides and poor nutrition. These factors can act on their own or in combination to affect bee health, however, research suggests that the one leading cause of loss in the US is the ectoparasite mite Varroa and the viruses it vectors. <\/p>

CCD, Apis mellifera, honey bee, national survey, varroa, virus, nosema, pesticide<\/p>

Der Ausbruch der als \u201eColony Collapse Disorder\u201c (CCD) bezeichneten Krankheit im Winter 2006\/2007 hat einige Gro\u00dfimkereien in den USA nahezu zerst\u00f6rt. Eine \u00dcberpr\u00fcfung der historischen Literatur ergab mindestens 20 Berichte von V\u00f6lkerverlusten in den letzten 100 Jahren, die CCD-\u00e4hnlich waren. Die Analyse von Proben aus V\u00f6lkern, die 2006\u20132007 an dieser Krankheit litten, ergab nichts, was als alleinige Ursache in Frage gekommen w\u00e4re. Es wurde auch kein spezielles Virus als Ursache f\u00fcr CCD identifiziert, obwohl Viren ein wichtiger Ausl\u00f6ser f\u00fcr eines der entscheidenden Symptome der Erkrankung sind \u2013 den schnellen Verlust der adulten Bienen in den V\u00f6lkern und Bienenst\u00e4nden. Als Reaktion auf CCD wurde eine Umfrage (National Loss Survey) initiiert und bis heute fortgesetzt. Best\u00e4tigte F\u00e4lle von CCD sind in den letzten 5 Jahren nicht mehr vorgekommen, obwohl in den letzten 10 Jahren die Winterverluste bei durchschnittlich ~ 30 % lagen. Der R\u00fcckgang der CCD-F\u00e4lle spiegelt historische Aufzeichnungen zu dieser Krankheit wider, was darauf hindeutet, dass ihr Auftreten einem \u00e4hnlichen Muster folgt wie andere Epidemien, die durch hoch virulente Organismen verursacht werden. Die aktuellen Nicht-CCD-Verluste werden durch eine Kombination von Faktoren, die Parasiten und Pathogene, Pestizide und schlechte Ern\u00e4hrung einschlie\u00dfen, verursacht. Diese Faktoren wirken alleine oder in Kombination und beeintr\u00e4chtigen so die Gesundheit der Bienen. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zeigen jedoch, dass die ektoparasitische Milbe Varroa destructor und die von ihr \u00fcbertragenen Viren die Hauptursache f\u00fcr Verluste in den USA sind.<\/p>

CCD, Apis mellifera, Honigbiene, nationale Umfrage, Varroa, Virus, Nosema, Pestizide<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Nov 12, 2018 12:27:37 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/what-happened-to-colony-collapse-disorder\/150\/3130\/109987"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochensch","doiDocumentUri":"https:\/\/vetline.de\/files\/smfiledata\/7\/4\/2\/8\/4\/5\/BMTW_AOP_18012_Engelsdorp.pdf","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschc","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-18012","doiFirstPage":".","doiLastPage":"..","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Nearman A, vanEngelsdorp D","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMTW_AOP_18012_Engelsdorp.pdf","title":"BMTW_AOP_18012_Engelsdorp","description":"What happened to Colony Collapse Disorder?"},"authors":[{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Nearman"},{"firstName":"D","middleName":"","lastName":"vanEngelsdorp"}],"contentOptimised":"

The outbreak of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) over the winter of 2006\u20132007 devastated some beekeeping operations across the US. Historical review of the literature revealed at least 20 accounts of colony losses similar in description to CCD over the last 100 years. Analysis of samples taken from colonies suffering from the condition in 2006\u20132007, found no single putative cause. While no virus in particular was identified as the cause of CCD, viruses however, are an important driver of one of the defining symptoms of the condition \u2013 the rapid loss of adult bee population from colonies and apiaries. In response to CCD a National Loss Survey was initiated and has continued to the present. While confirmed cases of CCD have not been reported in more than 5 years, winter losses average ~30% these last 10 years. The decline in CCD cases mirrors historical records of the disease, suggesting it follows an incidence pattern similar to that of other epidemics caused by highly pathogenic organisms. Current non-CCD losses are driven by a combination of factors including parasites and pathogens, pesticides and poor nutrition. These factors can act on their own or in combination to affect bee health, however, research suggests that the one leading cause of loss in the US is the ectoparasite mite Varroa and the viruses it vectors. <\/p>

CCD, Apis mellifera, honey bee, national survey, varroa, virus, nosema, pesticide<\/p>

Der Ausbruch der als \u201eColony Collapse Disorder\u201c (CCD) bezeichneten Krankheit im Winter 2006\/2007 hat einige Gro\u00dfimkereien in den USA nahezu zerst\u00f6rt. Eine \u00dcberpr\u00fcfung der historischen Literatur ergab mindestens 20 Berichte von V\u00f6lkerverlusten in den letzten 100 Jahren, die CCD-\u00e4hnlich waren. Die Analyse von Proben aus V\u00f6lkern, die 2006\u20132007 an dieser Krankheit litten, ergab nichts, was als alleinige Ursache in Frage gekommen w\u00e4re. Es wurde auch kein spezielles Virus als Ursache f\u00fcr CCD identifiziert, obwohl Viren ein wichtiger Ausl\u00f6ser f\u00fcr eines der entscheidenden Symptome der Erkrankung sind \u2013 den schnellen Verlust der adulten Bienen in den V\u00f6lkern und Bienenst\u00e4nden. Als Reaktion auf CCD wurde eine Umfrage (National Loss Survey) initiiert und bis heute fortgesetzt. Best\u00e4tigte F\u00e4lle von CCD sind in den letzten 5 Jahren nicht mehr vorgekommen, obwohl in den letzten 10 Jahren die Winterverluste bei durchschnittlich ~ 30 % lagen. Der R\u00fcckgang der CCD-F\u00e4lle spiegelt historische Aufzeichnungen zu dieser Krankheit wider, was darauf hindeutet, dass ihr Auftreten einem \u00e4hnlichen Muster folgt wie andere Epidemien, die durch hoch virulente Organismen verursacht werden. Die aktuellen Nicht-CCD-Verluste werden durch eine Kombination von Faktoren, die Parasiten und Pathogene, Pestizide und schlechte Ern\u00e4hrung einschlie\u00dfen, verursacht. Diese Faktoren wirken alleine oder in Kombination und beeintr\u00e4chtigen so die Gesundheit der Bienen. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zeigen jedoch, dass die ektoparasitische Milbe Varroa destructor und die von ihr \u00fcbertragenen Viren die Hauptursache f\u00fcr Verluste in den USA sind.<\/p>

CCD, Apis mellifera, Honigbiene, nationale Umfrage, Varroa, Virus, Nosema, Pestizide<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":":
The outbreak of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) over the winter of 2006\u20132007 devastated some beekeeping operations across the US. Historical review of the literature revealed at least 20 accounts of colony losses similar in description to CCD over the last 100 years. Analysis of samples taken from colonies suffering from the condition in 2006\u20132007, found no single putative cause. While no virus in particular was identified as the cause of CCD, viruses however, are an important driver of one of the defining symptoms of the condition \u2013 the rapid loss of adult bee population from colonies and apiaries. In response to CCD a National Loss Survey was initiated and has continued to the present. While confirmed cases of CCD have not been reported in more than 5 years, winter losses average ~30% these last 10 years. The decline in CCD cases mirrors historical records of the disease, suggesting it follows an incidence pattern similar to that of other epidemics caused by highly pathogenic organisms. Current non-CCD losses are driven by a combination of factors including parasites and pathogens, pesticides and poor nutrition. These factors can act on their own or in combination to affect bee health, however, research suggests that the one leading cause of loss in the US is the ectoparasite mite Varroa and the viruses it vectors. <\/p>

","keywords":[":CCD","Apis mellifera","honey bee","national survey","varroa","virus","nosema","pesticide"],"zusammenfassung":":
Der Ausbruch der als \u201eColony Collapse Disorder\u201c (CCD) bezeichneten Krankheit im Winter 2006\/2007 hat einige Gro\u00dfimkereien in den USA nahezu zerst\u00f6rt. Eine \u00dcberpr\u00fcfung der historischen Literatur ergab mindestens 20 Berichte von V\u00f6lkerverlusten in den letzten 100 Jahren, die CCD-\u00e4hnlich waren. Die Analyse von Proben aus V\u00f6lkern, die 2006\u20132007 an dieser Krankheit litten, ergab nichts, was als alleinige Ursache in Frage gekommen w\u00e4re. Es wurde auch kein spezielles Virus als Ursache f\u00fcr CCD identifiziert, obwohl Viren ein wichtiger Ausl\u00f6ser f\u00fcr eines der entscheidenden Symptome der Erkrankung sind \u2013 den schnellen Verlust der adulten Bienen in den V\u00f6lkern und Bienenst\u00e4nden. Als Reaktion auf CCD wurde eine Umfrage (National Loss Survey) initiiert und bis heute fortgesetzt. Best\u00e4tigte F\u00e4lle von CCD sind in den letzten 5 Jahren nicht mehr vorgekommen, obwohl in den letzten 10 Jahren die Winterverluste bei durchschnittlich ~ 30 % lagen. Der R\u00fcckgang der CCD-F\u00e4lle spiegelt historische Aufzeichnungen zu dieser Krankheit wider, was darauf hindeutet, dass ihr Auftreten einem \u00e4hnlichen Muster folgt wie andere Epidemien, die durch hoch virulente Organismen verursacht werden. Die aktuellen Nicht-CCD-Verluste werden durch eine Kombination von Faktoren, die Parasiten und Pathogene, Pestizide und schlechte Ern\u00e4hrung einschlie\u00dfen, verursacht. Diese Faktoren wirken alleine oder in Kombination und beeintr\u00e4chtigen so die Gesundheit der Bienen. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zeigen jedoch, dass die ektoparasitische Milbe Varroa destructor und die von ihr \u00fcbertragenen Viren die Hauptursache f\u00fcr Verluste in den USA sind.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":[":CCD","Apis mellifera","Honigbiene","nationale Umfrage","Varroa","Virus","Nosema","Pestizide"],"translatedTitle":"Was ist mit Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) passiert?","abstractE":":The outbreak of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) over the winter of 2006\u20132007 devastated some beekeeping operations across the US. Historical review of the literature revealed at least 20 accounts of colony losses similar in description to CCD over the last 100 years. Analysis of samples taken from colonies suffering from the condition in 2006\u20132007, found no single putative cause. While no virus in particular was identified as the cause of CCD, viruses however, are an important driver of one of the defining symptoms of the condition \u2013 the rapid loss of adult bee population from colonies and apiaries. In response to CCD a National Loss Survey was initiated and has continued to the present. While confirmed cases of CCD have not been reported in more than 5 years, winter losses average ~30% these last 10 years. The decline in CCD cases mirrors historical records of the disease, suggesting it follows an incidence pattern similar to that of other epidemics caused by highly pathogenic organisms. Current non-CCD losses are driven by a combination of factors including parasites and pathogens, pesticides and poor nutrition. These factors can act on their own or in combination to affect bee health, however, research suggests that the one leading cause of loss in the US is the ectoparasite mite Varroa and the viruses it vectors. ","date":{"year":2018,"date":"11\/2018","accepted":"2018-11-12"},"volume":131,"openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"","redirects":["what-happened-to-colony-collapse-disorder\/150\/3130\/109987"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 11/2018 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-18012 LA - English N2 - The outbreak of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) over the winter of 2006–2007 devastated some beekeeping operations across the US. Historical review of the literature revealed at least 20 accounts of colony losses similar in description to CCD over the last 100 years. Analysis of samples taken from colonies suffering from the condition in 2006–2007, found no single putative cause. While no virus in particular was identified as the cause of CCD, viruses however, are an important driver of one of the defining symptoms of the condition – the rapid loss of adult bee population from colonies and apiaries. In response to CCD a National Loss Survey was initiated and has continued to the present. While confirmed cases of CCD have not been reported in more than 5 years, winter losses average ~30% these last 10 years. The decline in CCD cases mirrors historical records of the disease, suggesting it follows an incidence pattern similar to that of other epidemics caused by highly pathogenic organisms. Current non-CCD losses are driven by a combination of factors including parasites and pathogens, pesticides and poor nutrition. These factors can act on their own or in combination to affect bee health, however, research suggests that the one leading cause of loss in the US is the ectoparasite mite Varroa and the viruses it vectors. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2018 T1 - What happened to Colony Collapse Disorder? T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - What happened to Colony Collapse Disorder? TT - Was ist mit Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) passiert? VL - 131 SN - 0005-9366 ER -