TY - JOUR KW - Paratuberculosis KW - transmission KW - dairy cattle KW - ELISA KW - fecal culture AU - I Mato AU - E Yus AU - N Pesqueira AU - C Factor AU - F Camino AU - M Sanjuán AU - I Arnaiz AU - F Diéguez AB - The aim of the present paper was to determine whether there exists an association between the infection by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in cows and the MAP status of their mothers (determined by antibody ELISA and fecal culture). 404 Holstein cows were surveyed. The study was carried out on 75 farms. A total of 202 animals were selected to form the “exposed group”. Such animals had been born to dams which had previously tested positive in an antibody ELISA, some of which (n = 42) had positive fecal cultures. An equal number of daughters (paired by age and herd) were included in another group, designated as the “potentially exposed group”. The total of these animals had been born to seronegative dams. Both groups were monitored over their first 5 years of life. Two survival models were used to assess the association between the dams‘ MAP infection status and that of their offspring. The results indicated that the risk of seroconversion was twice as high among the daughters born to dams which had had positive results in both tests: ELISA and fecal culture, in relation to those born to ELISA positive and culture-negative dams and 1.5 to 1.6 times higher in relation to daughters born to both ELISA and culture-negative dams. Eleven daughters from the ‚exposed group‘ tested culture-positive, whilst none of the animals from the ‚potentially exposed‘ group were found culture-positive throughout the study period. The study detected a relation between dams‘ and daughters‘ infection status. Besides, such relationship was first noticed once these daughters had been reared (around the first parity). BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":101292,"title":"A retrospective cohort study on the association between Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection among offspring and their dams in Holstein cows","topline":"","teaserText":"Eine retrospektive Kohortenstudie \u00fcber den Zusammenhang zwischen einer Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis-Infektion bei Nachkommen und deren Mutterk\u00fchen in Holstein K\u00fchen","content":"

The aim of the present paper was to determine whether there exists an association between the infection by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in cows and the MAP status of their mothers (determined by antibody ELISA and fecal culture). 404 Holstein cows were surveyed. The study was carried out on 75 farms. A total of 202 animals were selected to form the \u201cexposed group\u201d. Such animals had been born to dams which had previously tested positive in an antibody ELISA, some of which (n = 42) had positive fecal cultures. An equal number of daughters (paired by age and herd) were included in another group, designated as the \u201cpotentially exposed group\u201d. The total of these animals had been born to seronegative dams. Both groups were monitored over their first 5 years of life. Two survival models were used to assess the association between the dams\u2018 MAP infection status and that of their offspring. The results indicated that the risk of seroconversion was twice as high among the daughters born to dams which had had positive results in both tests: ELISA and fecal culture, in relation to those born to ELISA positive and culture-negative dams and 1.5 to 1.6 times higher in relation to daughters born to both ELISA and culture-negative dams. Eleven daughters from the \u201aexposed group\u2018 tested culture-positive, whilst none of the animals from the \u201apotentially exposed\u2018 group were found culture-positive throughout the study period. The study detected a relation between dams\u2018 and daughters\u2018 infection status. Besides, such relationship was first noticed once these daughters had been reared (around the first parity).<\/p>

paratuberculosis, transmission, dairy cattle, ELISA, fecal culture<\/p>

Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, einen m\u00f6glichen Zusammenhang zwischen der Infektion von K\u00fchen mit Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) und dem MAP-Status ihrer M\u00fctter zu untersuchen (bestimmt durch Antik\u00f6rperELISA und Kotkultur). 404 Holstein K\u00fche wurden in den Versuch einbezogen. Die Studie wurde in 75 Betrieben durchgef\u00fchrt. Insgesamt 202 Tiere wurden der \u201eexponierten Gruppe\u201c zugeordnet. Diese Tiere stammten von Mutterk\u00fchen ab, die im MAP-Antik\u00f6rper-ELISA positive getestet wurden und zum Teil positive Befunde in der Kotkultur hatten (n = 42). Eine gleiche Anzahl von T\u00f6chtern (nach Alter und Herde gepaart) wurde in einer anderen Gruppe, die \u201epotenziell exponierte Gruppe\u201c, eingeteilt. Diese Tiere stammten aus seronegativen Mutterk\u00fchen. Beide Gruppen wurden w\u00e4hrend der ersten f\u00fcnf Lebensjahre \u00fcberwacht. Zwei \u00dcberlebensmodelle wurden durchgef\u00fchrt, um den Zusammenhang zwischen MAP-Infektionsstatus der Muttertiere und ihrer Nachkommen zu bewerten. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass das Risiko einer Serokonversion bei T\u00f6chtern von Mutterk\u00fchen mit positivem Ergebnis in beiden Tests (ELISA und Kotkultur) doppelt so hoch war wie bei T\u00f6chtern von K\u00fchen mit positivem ELISA- aber negativem Kotbefund und 1,6-mal h\u00f6her als bei T\u00f6chtern von Mutterk\u00fchen, die ELISA- und Kot-negativ waren. Elf T\u00f6chter aus der \u201eexponierten Gruppe\u201c wurden als Kotkulturpositiv getestet, w\u00e4hrend in der gesamten Studienzeit keines der Tiere aus der \u201epotenziell exponierten Gruppe\u201c einen positive Kotbefund hatte. Die Studie wies einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Infektionsstatus der Mutterk\u00fche und der T\u00f6chter nach. Au\u00dferdem wurde diese Beziehung zum ersten Mal bemerkt, wenn F\u00e4rsen gez\u00fcchtet wurden (rund um die erste Tr\u00e4chtigkeit).<\/p>

Paratuberkulose, Ansteckung, Milchvieh, ELISA, Kotkultur<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Mar 14, 2017 11:00:00 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/a-retrospective-cohort-study-on-the-association-between-mycobacterium-avium-subsp-paratuberculosis-infection-among-offspring-and-their-dams-in-holstein-cows\/150\/3130\/101292"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/a-retrospective-cohort-study-on-the-association-between-mycobacterium-avium-subsp-paratuberculosis-infection-among-offspring-and-their-dams-in-holstein-cows\/150\/3130\/101292\/","doiSource":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift 130, Heft 3\/4 (2017), Seiten 122\u2013135","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-15119","doiFirstPage":"122","doiLastPage":"135","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Mato I, Yus E, Pesqueira N, Factor C, Camino F, Sanju\u00e1n M, Arnaiz I, Di\u00e9guez F","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2017_03_04_0128.pdf","title":"BMW_2017_03_04_0128.pdf","description":"A retrospective cohort study on the association between Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection among offspring and their dams in Holstein cows"},"authors":[{"firstName":"I","middleName":"","lastName":"Mato"},{"firstName":"E","middleName":"","lastName":"Yus"},{"firstName":"N","middleName":"","lastName":"Pesqueira"},{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"Factor"},{"firstName":"F","middleName":"","lastName":"Camino"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Sanju\u00e1n"},{"firstName":"I","middleName":"","lastName":"Arnaiz"},{"firstName":"F","middleName":"","lastName":"Di\u00e9guez"}],"contentOptimised":"

The aim of the present paper was to determine whether there exists an association between the infection by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in cows and the MAP status of their mothers (determined by antibody ELISA and fecal culture). 404 Holstein cows were surveyed. The study was carried out on 75 farms. A total of 202 animals were selected to form the \u201cexposed group\u201d. Such animals had been born to dams which had previously tested positive in an antibody ELISA, some of which (n = 42) had positive fecal cultures. An equal number of daughters (paired by age and herd) were included in another group, designated as the \u201cpotentially exposed group\u201d. The total of these animals had been born to seronegative dams. Both groups were monitored over their first 5 years of life. Two survival models were used to assess the association between the dams\u2018 MAP infection status and that of their offspring. The results indicated that the risk of seroconversion was twice as high among the daughters born to dams which had had positive results in both tests: ELISA and fecal culture, in relation to those born to ELISA positive and culture-negative dams and 1.5 to 1.6 times higher in relation to daughters born to both ELISA and culture-negative dams. Eleven daughters from the \u201aexposed group\u2018 tested culture-positive, whilst none of the animals from the \u201apotentially exposed\u2018 group were found culture-positive throughout the study period. The study detected a relation between dams\u2018 and daughters\u2018 infection status. Besides, such relationship was first noticed once these daughters had been reared (around the first parity).<\/p>

paratuberculosis, transmission, dairy cattle, ELISA, fecal culture<\/p>

Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, einen m\u00f6glichen Zusammenhang zwischen der Infektion von K\u00fchen mit Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) und dem MAP-Status ihrer M\u00fctter zu untersuchen (bestimmt durch Antik\u00f6rperELISA und Kotkultur). 404 Holstein K\u00fche wurden in den Versuch einbezogen. Die Studie wurde in 75 Betrieben durchgef\u00fchrt. Insgesamt 202 Tiere wurden der \u201eexponierten Gruppe\u201c zugeordnet. Diese Tiere stammten von Mutterk\u00fchen ab, die im MAP-Antik\u00f6rper-ELISA positive getestet wurden und zum Teil positive Befunde in der Kotkultur hatten (n = 42). Eine gleiche Anzahl von T\u00f6chtern (nach Alter und Herde gepaart) wurde in einer anderen Gruppe, die \u201epotenziell exponierte Gruppe\u201c, eingeteilt. Diese Tiere stammten aus seronegativen Mutterk\u00fchen. Beide Gruppen wurden w\u00e4hrend der ersten f\u00fcnf Lebensjahre \u00fcberwacht. Zwei \u00dcberlebensmodelle wurden durchgef\u00fchrt, um den Zusammenhang zwischen MAP-Infektionsstatus der Muttertiere und ihrer Nachkommen zu bewerten. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass das Risiko einer Serokonversion bei T\u00f6chtern von Mutterk\u00fchen mit positivem Ergebnis in beiden Tests (ELISA und Kotkultur) doppelt so hoch war wie bei T\u00f6chtern von K\u00fchen mit positivem ELISA- aber negativem Kotbefund und 1,6-mal h\u00f6her als bei T\u00f6chtern von Mutterk\u00fchen, die ELISA- und Kot-negativ waren. Elf T\u00f6chter aus der \u201eexponierten Gruppe\u201c wurden als Kotkulturpositiv getestet, w\u00e4hrend in der gesamten Studienzeit keines der Tiere aus der \u201epotenziell exponierten Gruppe\u201c einen positive Kotbefund hatte. Die Studie wies einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Infektionsstatus der Mutterk\u00fche und der T\u00f6chter nach. Au\u00dferdem wurde diese Beziehung zum ersten Mal bemerkt, wenn F\u00e4rsen gez\u00fcchtet wurden (rund um die erste Tr\u00e4chtigkeit).<\/p>

Paratuberkulose, Ansteckung, Milchvieh, ELISA, Kotkultur<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"The aim of the present paper was to determine whether there exists an association between the infection by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in cows and the MAP status of their mothers (determined by antibody ELISA and fecal culture). 404 Holstein cows were surveyed. The study was carried out on 75 farms. A total of 202 animals were selected to form the \u201cexposed group\u201d. Such animals had been born to dams which had previously tested positive in an antibody ELISA, some of which (n = 42) had positive fecal cultures. An equal number of daughters (paired by age and herd) were included in another group, designated as the \u201cpotentially exposed group\u201d. The total of these animals had been born to seronegative dams. Both groups were monitored over their first 5 years of life. Two survival models were used to assess the association between the dams\u2018 MAP infection status and that of their offspring. The results indicated that the risk of seroconversion was twice as high among the daughters born to dams which had had positive results in both tests: ELISA and fecal culture, in relation to those born to ELISA positive and culture-negative dams and 1.5 to 1.6 times higher in relation to daughters born to both ELISA and culture-negative dams. Eleven daughters from the \u201aexposed group\u2018 tested culture-positive, whilst none of the animals from the \u201apotentially exposed\u2018 group were found culture-positive throughout the study period. The study detected a relation between dams\u2018 and daughters\u2018 infection status. Besides, such relationship was first noticed once these daughters had been reared (around the first parity).<\/p>

","keywords":["paratuberculosis","transmission","dairy cattle","ELISA","fecal culture"],"zusammenfassung":"Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, einen m\u00f6glichen Zusammenhang zwischen der Infektion von K\u00fchen mit Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) und dem MAP-Status ihrer M\u00fctter zu untersuchen (bestimmt durch Antik\u00f6rperELISA und Kotkultur). 404 Holstein K\u00fche wurden in den Versuch einbezogen. Die Studie wurde in 75 Betrieben durchgef\u00fchrt. Insgesamt 202 Tiere wurden der \u201eexponierten Gruppe\u201c zugeordnet. Diese Tiere stammten von Mutterk\u00fchen ab, die im MAP-Antik\u00f6rper-ELISA positive getestet wurden und zum Teil positive Befunde in der Kotkultur hatten (n = 42). Eine gleiche Anzahl von T\u00f6chtern (nach Alter und Herde gepaart) wurde in einer anderen Gruppe, die \u201epotenziell exponierte Gruppe\u201c, eingeteilt. Diese Tiere stammten aus seronegativen Mutterk\u00fchen. Beide Gruppen wurden w\u00e4hrend der ersten f\u00fcnf Lebensjahre \u00fcberwacht. Zwei \u00dcberlebensmodelle wurden durchgef\u00fchrt, um den Zusammenhang zwischen MAP-Infektionsstatus der Muttertiere und ihrer Nachkommen zu bewerten. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass das Risiko einer Serokonversion bei T\u00f6chtern von Mutterk\u00fchen mit positivem Ergebnis in beiden Tests (ELISA und Kotkultur) doppelt so hoch war wie bei T\u00f6chtern von K\u00fchen mit positivem ELISA- aber negativem Kotbefund und 1,6-mal h\u00f6her als bei T\u00f6chtern von Mutterk\u00fchen, die ELISA- und Kot-negativ waren. Elf T\u00f6chter aus der \u201eexponierten Gruppe\u201c wurden als Kotkulturpositiv getestet, w\u00e4hrend in der gesamten Studienzeit keines der Tiere aus der \u201epotenziell exponierten Gruppe\u201c einen positive Kotbefund hatte. Die Studie wies einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Infektionsstatus der Mutterk\u00fche und der T\u00f6chter nach. Au\u00dferdem wurde diese Beziehung zum ersten Mal bemerkt, wenn F\u00e4rsen gez\u00fcchtet wurden (rund um die erste Tr\u00e4chtigkeit).<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Paratuberkulose","Ansteckung","Milchvieh","ELISA","Kotkultur"],"translatedTitle":"Eine retrospektive Kohortenstudie \u00fcber den Zusammenhang zwischen einer Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis-Infektion bei Nachkommen und deren Mutterk\u00fchen in Holstein K\u00fchen","abstractE":"The aim of the present paper was to determine whether there exists an association between the infection by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in cows and the MAP status of their mothers (determined by antibody ELISA and fecal culture). 404 Holstein cows were surveyed. The study was carried out on 75 farms. A total of 202 animals were selected to form the \u201cexposed group\u201d. Such animals had been born to dams which had previously tested positive in an antibody ELISA, some of which (n = 42) had positive fecal cultures. An equal number of daughters (paired by age and herd) were included in another group, designated as the \u201cpotentially exposed group\u201d. The total of these animals had been born to seronegative dams. Both groups were monitored over their first 5 years of life. Two survival models were used to assess the association between the dams\u2018 MAP infection status and that of their offspring. The results indicated that the risk of seroconversion was twice as high among the daughters born to dams which had had positive results in both tests: ELISA and fecal culture, in relation to those born to ELISA positive and culture-negative dams and 1.5 to 1.6 times higher in relation to daughters born to both ELISA and culture-negative dams. Eleven daughters from the \u201aexposed group\u2018 tested culture-positive, whilst none of the animals from the \u201apotentially exposed\u2018 group were found culture-positive throughout the study period. The study detected a relation between dams\u2018 and daughters\u2018 infection status. Besides, such relationship was first noticed once these daughters had been reared (around the first parity).","date":{"year":2017,"date":"03\/2017","accepted":"2017-03-14"},"volume":"130","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"122-135","redirects":["a-retrospective-cohort-study-on-the-association-between-mycobacterium-avium-subsp-paratuberculosis-infection-among-offspring-and-their-dams-in-holstein-cows\/150\/3130\/101292"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 03/2017 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-15119 ET - 3/4 LA - English N2 - The aim of the present paper was to determine whether there exists an association between the infection by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in cows and the MAP status of their mothers (determined by antibody ELISA and fecal culture). 404 Holstein cows were surveyed. The study was carried out on 75 farms. A total of 202 animals were selected to form the “exposed group”. Such animals had been born to dams which had previously tested positive in an antibody ELISA, some of which (n = 42) had positive fecal cultures. An equal number of daughters (paired by age and herd) were included in another group, designated as the “potentially exposed group”. The total of these animals had been born to seronegative dams. Both groups were monitored over their first 5 years of life. Two survival models were used to assess the association between the dams‘ MAP infection status and that of their offspring. The results indicated that the risk of seroconversion was twice as high among the daughters born to dams which had had positive results in both tests: ELISA and fecal culture, in relation to those born to ELISA positive and culture-negative dams and 1.5 to 1.6 times higher in relation to daughters born to both ELISA and culture-negative dams. Eleven daughters from the ‚exposed group‘ tested culture-positive, whilst none of the animals from the ‚potentially exposed‘ group were found culture-positive throughout the study period. The study detected a relation between dams‘ and daughters‘ infection status. Besides, such relationship was first noticed once these daughters had been reared (around the first parity). PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2017 SP - 122 EP - 135 T1 - A retrospective cohort study on the association between Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection among offspring and their dams in Holstein cows T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - A retrospective cohort study on the association between Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection among offspring and their dams in Holstein cows TT - Eine retrospektive Kohortenstudie über den Zusammenhang zwischen einer Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis-Infektion bei Nachkommen und deren Mutterkühen in Holstein Kühen VL - 130 SN - 0005-9366 ER -