TY - JOUR KW - working dogs KW - helminths KW - lungworms KW - Giardia KW - ectoparasites AU - S Rehbein AU - K Kaulfuß AU - M Visser AU - M Sommer AU - F Grimm AU - C Silaghi AB - This paper reports on endoparasite infections diagnosed in 2012 by standard coproscopical techniques and coproantigen Giardia ELISA in 16 dogs used for sheep herding in 36 farms in central Germany. The overall prevalence of dogs with evidence of endoparasite infections was 27.3% (9%CI 20.6–34.7). The most frequently identified faecal forms were those of ascarids (Toxocara, 6.7%; Toxascaris 3.6%), hookworms (.%) and taeniid cestodes (4.2%), followed by those of Trichuris whipworms (3.0%), Capillaria aerophila (1.8%), Angiostrongylus and Crenosoma lungworms (1.2% each) and Cystoisospora canis coccidians (0.6%). Molecular identification demonstrated the seven dogs shedding taeniid eggs positive for Taenia (T.) species tapeworms (five, T. hydatigena; one, T. ovis; one Taenia sp.). Screening of the faeces with the coproantigen ELISA revealed Giardia specific antigen in .% of the samples. The majority of the dogs had evidence of single endoparasite infections (22.4%) while evidence for infection with two or three parasites concurrently was found in six (3.6%) and two (1.2%) of the dogs, respectively. Dogs ≤ 1 year (n = 19) were parasitized more frequently (p lt; 0.0) with overall gastrointestinal parasites (63.2% vs. 20.%), ascarids (36.8% vs. 6.8%) and Giardia spp. (21.1% vs. 3.4%) than older dogs (n = 146). Dogs which had been wormed within six months of examination tested less frequently positive for gastrointestinal helminths compared to dogs not wormed (11.1% vs. 2.0%; p = 0.067). In addition, ear swabs taken from 43 sheep dogs in 2012 were examined, and Otodectes cynotis mites were extracted from one dog. Identification of ectoparasites collected by full body search and combing from 113 sheep dogs in the years 2011 to 2013 revealed infestation of fleas and ticks (each up to five specimens per dog) on 13 and 108 dogs, respectively, with nine dogs carrying both fleas and ticks. Archaeopsylla erinacei, Ctenocephalides (C.) canis, C. felis and Pulex irritans fleas were identified from one, three, two and eleven dogs, respectively. Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes (I.) hexagonus and I. ricinus ticks were isolated from 16, eight and 9 dogs, respectively. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":92775,"title":"Parasites of sheep herding dogs in central Germany","topline":"","teaserText":"Parasitenbefall von Schaf-H\u00fctehunden in Mitteldeutschland","content":"

This paper reports on endoparasite infections diagnosed in 2012 by standard coproscopical techniques and coproantigen Giardia ELISA in 16\ufeff dogs used for sheep herding in 36 farms in central Germany. The overall prevalence of dogs with evidence of endoparasite infections was 27.3% (9\ufeff%CI 20.6\u201334.7). The most frequently identified faecal forms were those of ascarids (Toxocara, 6.7%; Toxascaris 3.6%), hookworms (\ufeff.\ufeff%) and taeniid cestodes (4.2%), followed by those of Trichuris whipworms (3.0%), Capillaria aerophila (1.8%), Angiostrongylus and Crenosoma lungworms (1.2% each) and Cystoisospora canis coccidians (0.6%). Molecular identification demonstrated the seven dogs shedding taeniid eggs positive for Taenia (T.) species tapeworms (five, T. hydatigena; one, T. ovis; one Taenia sp.). Screening of the faeces with the coproantigen ELISA revealed Giardia specific antigen in \ufeff.\ufeff% of the samples. The majority of the dogs had evidence of single endoparasite infections (22.4%) while evidence for infection with two or three parasites concurrently was found in six (3.6%) and two (1.2%) of the dogs, respectively. Dogs \u2264 1 year (n = 19) were parasitized more frequently (p lt; 0.0\ufeff) with overall gastrointestinal parasites (63.2% vs. 20.\ufeff%), ascarids (36.8% vs. 6.8%) and Giardia spp. (21.1% vs. 3.4%) than older dogs (n = 146). Dogs which had been wormed within six months of examination tested less frequently positive for gastrointestinal helminths compared to dogs not wormed (11.1% vs. 2\ufeff.0%; p = 0.0\ufeff67). In addition, ear swabs taken from 43 sheep dogs in 2012 were examined, and Otodectes cynotis mites were extracted from one dog. Identification of ectoparasites collected by full body search and combing from 113 sheep dogs in the years 2011 to 2013 revealed infestation of fleas and ticks (each up to five specimens per dog) on 13 and 108 dogs, respectively, with nine dogs carrying both fleas and ticks. Archaeopsylla erinacei, Ctenocephalides (C.) canis, C. felis and Pulex irritans fleas were identified from one, three, two and eleven dogs, respectively. Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes (I.) hexagonus and I. ricinus ticks were isolated from 16, eight and 9\ufeff dogs, respectively.<\/p>

working dogs, helminths, lungworms, Giardia, ectoparasites<\/p>

Kotproben von 16\ufeff H\u00fctehunden aus 36 Schafhaltungen in Mitteldeutschland wurden im Jahre 2012 mithilfe parasitologischer Standardmethoden einschlie\u00dflich Giardia-Antigennachweis (ELISA) untersucht. Infektionen mit Endoparasiten sind bei 27,3 % (9\ufeff%-Konfidenzintervall 20,6\u201334,7 %) der Hunde nachgewiesen worden. Am h\u00e4ufigsten waren die Entwicklungsstadien von Askariden (Toxocara 6,7 %; Toxascaris 3,6 %), Hakenw\u00fcrmern (\ufeff,\ufeff %) und taeniiden Bandw\u00fcrmern (4,2 %) nachweisbar, gefolgt von Trichuris (3,0 %), Capillaria aerophila (1,8 %), Angiostrongylus- und Crenosoma-Lungenw\u00fcrmern (je 1,2 %) sowie Cystoisospora canis (0,6 %). Molekularbiologisch konnten die Taeniiden-Eier als Eier von Taenia(T.)Arten identifiziert werden (T. hydatigena, f\u00fcnf Hunde; T. ovis bzw. Taenia sp. jeweils ein Hund). Im Kot von \ufeff,\ufeff % der Hunde war Giardia-Antigen nachweisbar. Bei der Mehrheit der Hunde wurden parasit\u00e4re Monoinfektionen gefunden (22,4 %); Infektionen mit zwei bzw. drei Parasiten wiesen sechs (3,6 %) und zwei Hunde (1,2 %) auf. Bei den \u2264 1 Jahr alten Hunden (n = 19) wurden h\u00e4ufiger (p lt; 0,0\ufeff) Infektionen mit gastrointestinalen Parasiten insgesamt (63,2 vs. 20,\ufeff %), Askariden (36,8 vs. 6,8 %) und Giardien (21,1 vs. 3,4 %) nachgewiesen als bei den \u00e4lteren Hunden (n = 146). Hunde, die in den sechs Monaten vor der Untersuchung entwurmt worden waren, wurden weniger h\u00e4ufig positiv f\u00fcr gastrointestinale Helminthen getestet als Hunde, deren letzte Entwurmung l\u00e4nger zur\u00fcck lag (11,1 vs. 2\ufeff,0 %; p = 0,0\ufeff67). Zus\u00e4tzlich wurden 2012 Ohrtupfer von 43 H\u00fctehunden auf Ohrmilbenbefall untersucht und Otodectes cynotis bei einem Hund gefunden. Dar\u00fcber hinaus sind die durch Untersuchung der K\u00f6rperoberfl\u00e4che einschlie\u00dflich Abk\u00e4mmen des Haarkleides in den Jahren 2011 bis 2013 gewonnenen Ektoparasiten von 113 H\u00fctehunden bestimmt worden, wobei ein Befall mit bis zu f\u00fcnf Fl\u00f6hen bzw. f\u00fcnf Zecken bei 13 und 108 Hunden festgestellt worden ist. Archaeopsylla erinacei, Ctenocephalides (C.) canis, C. felis und Pulex irritans wurden bei einem, drei, zwei bzw. elf Hunden, Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes (I.) hexagonus und I. ricinus bei 16, acht und 9\ufeff Hunden diagnostiziert.<\/p>

H\u00fctehunde, Helminthen, Lungenw\u00fcrmer, Giardia, Ektoparasiten<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Jan 18, 2016 5:37:24 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/parasites-of-sheep-herding-dogs-in-central-germany\/150\/3130\/92775"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/parasites-of-sheep-herding-dogs-in-central-germany\/150\/3130\/92775\/","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschr 129, 56\u201364 (2016) ","doiissn":"000-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/000-9366-129-56","doiFirstPage":"56","doiLastPage":"64","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Rehbein S, Kaulfu\u00df K, Visser M, Sommer M, Grimm F, Silaghi C","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2016_01_02_0056.pdf","title":"BMW_2016_01_02_0056.pdf","description":"Parasites of sheep herding dogs in central Germany"},"authors":[{"firstName":"S","middleName":"","lastName":"Rehbein"},{"firstName":"K","middleName":"","lastName":"Kaulfu\u00df"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Visser"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Sommer"},{"firstName":"F","middleName":"","lastName":"Grimm"},{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"Silaghi"}],"contentOptimised":"

This paper reports on endoparasite infections diagnosed in 2012 by standard coproscopical techniques and coproantigen Giardia ELISA in 16\ufeff dogs used for sheep herding in 36 farms in central Germany. The overall prevalence of dogs with evidence of endoparasite infections was 27.3% (9\ufeff%CI 20.6\u201334.7). The most frequently identified faecal forms were those of ascarids (Toxocara, 6.7%; Toxascaris 3.6%), hookworms (\ufeff.\ufeff%) and taeniid cestodes (4.2%), followed by those of Trichuris whipworms (3.0%), Capillaria aerophila (1.8%), Angiostrongylus and Crenosoma lungworms (1.2% each) and Cystoisospora canis coccidians (0.6%). Molecular identification demonstrated the seven dogs shedding taeniid eggs positive for Taenia (T.) species tapeworms (five, T. hydatigena; one, T. ovis; one Taenia sp.). Screening of the faeces with the coproantigen ELISA revealed Giardia specific antigen in \ufeff.\ufeff% of the samples. The majority of the dogs had evidence of single endoparasite infections (22.4%) while evidence for infection with two or three parasites concurrently was found in six (3.6%) and two (1.2%) of the dogs, respectively. Dogs \u2264 1 year (n = 19) were parasitized more frequently (p lt; 0.0\ufeff) with overall gastrointestinal parasites (63.2% vs. 20.\ufeff%), ascarids (36.8% vs. 6.8%) and Giardia spp. (21.1% vs. 3.4%) than older dogs (n = 146). Dogs which had been wormed within six months of examination tested less frequently positive for gastrointestinal helminths compared to dogs not wormed (11.1% vs. 2\ufeff.0%; p = 0.0\ufeff67). In addition, ear swabs taken from 43 sheep dogs in 2012 were examined, and Otodectes cynotis mites were extracted from one dog. Identification of ectoparasites collected by full body search and combing from 113 sheep dogs in the years 2011 to 2013 revealed infestation of fleas and ticks (each up to five specimens per dog) on 13 and 108 dogs, respectively, with nine dogs carrying both fleas and ticks. Archaeopsylla erinacei, Ctenocephalides (C.) canis, C. felis and Pulex irritans fleas were identified from one, three, two and eleven dogs, respectively. Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes (I.) hexagonus and I. ricinus ticks were isolated from 16, eight and 9\ufeff dogs, respectively.<\/p>

working dogs, helminths, lungworms, Giardia, ectoparasites<\/p>

Kotproben von 16\ufeff H\u00fctehunden aus 36 Schafhaltungen in Mitteldeutschland wurden im Jahre 2012 mithilfe parasitologischer Standardmethoden einschlie\u00dflich Giardia-Antigennachweis (ELISA) untersucht. Infektionen mit Endoparasiten sind bei 27,3 % (9\ufeff%-Konfidenzintervall 20,6\u201334,7 %) der Hunde nachgewiesen worden. Am h\u00e4ufigsten waren die Entwicklungsstadien von Askariden (Toxocara 6,7 %; Toxascaris 3,6 %), Hakenw\u00fcrmern (\ufeff,\ufeff %) und taeniiden Bandw\u00fcrmern (4,2 %) nachweisbar, gefolgt von Trichuris (3,0 %), Capillaria aerophila (1,8 %), Angiostrongylus- und Crenosoma-Lungenw\u00fcrmern (je 1,2 %) sowie Cystoisospora canis (0,6 %). Molekularbiologisch konnten die Taeniiden-Eier als Eier von Taenia(T.)Arten identifiziert werden (T. hydatigena, f\u00fcnf Hunde; T. ovis bzw. Taenia sp. jeweils ein Hund). Im Kot von \ufeff,\ufeff % der Hunde war Giardia-Antigen nachweisbar. Bei der Mehrheit der Hunde wurden parasit\u00e4re Monoinfektionen gefunden (22,4 %); Infektionen mit zwei bzw. drei Parasiten wiesen sechs (3,6 %) und zwei Hunde (1,2 %) auf. Bei den \u2264 1 Jahr alten Hunden (n = 19) wurden h\u00e4ufiger (p lt; 0,0\ufeff) Infektionen mit gastrointestinalen Parasiten insgesamt (63,2 vs. 20,\ufeff %), Askariden (36,8 vs. 6,8 %) und Giardien (21,1 vs. 3,4 %) nachgewiesen als bei den \u00e4lteren Hunden (n = 146). Hunde, die in den sechs Monaten vor der Untersuchung entwurmt worden waren, wurden weniger h\u00e4ufig positiv f\u00fcr gastrointestinale Helminthen getestet als Hunde, deren letzte Entwurmung l\u00e4nger zur\u00fcck lag (11,1 vs. 2\ufeff,0 %; p = 0,0\ufeff67). Zus\u00e4tzlich wurden 2012 Ohrtupfer von 43 H\u00fctehunden auf Ohrmilbenbefall untersucht und Otodectes cynotis bei einem Hund gefunden. Dar\u00fcber hinaus sind die durch Untersuchung der K\u00f6rperoberfl\u00e4che einschlie\u00dflich Abk\u00e4mmen des Haarkleides in den Jahren 2011 bis 2013 gewonnenen Ektoparasiten von 113 H\u00fctehunden bestimmt worden, wobei ein Befall mit bis zu f\u00fcnf Fl\u00f6hen bzw. f\u00fcnf Zecken bei 13 und 108 Hunden festgestellt worden ist. Archaeopsylla erinacei, Ctenocephalides (C.) canis, C. felis und Pulex irritans wurden bei einem, drei, zwei bzw. elf Hunden, Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes (I.) hexagonus und I. ricinus bei 16, acht und 9\ufeff Hunden diagnostiziert.<\/p>

H\u00fctehunde, Helminthen, Lungenw\u00fcrmer, Giardia, Ektoparasiten<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"This paper reports on endoparasite infections diagnosed in 2012 by standard coproscopical techniques and coproantigen Giardia ELISA in 16\ufeff dogs used for sheep herding in 36 farms in central Germany. The overall prevalence of dogs with evidence of endoparasite infections was 27.3% (9\ufeff%CI 20.6\u201334.7). The most frequently identified faecal forms were those of ascarids (Toxocara, 6.7%; Toxascaris 3.6%), hookworms (\ufeff.\ufeff%) and taeniid cestodes (4.2%), followed by those of Trichuris whipworms (3.0%), Capillaria aerophila (1.8%), Angiostrongylus and Crenosoma lungworms (1.2% each) and Cystoisospora canis coccidians (0.6%). Molecular identification demonstrated the seven dogs shedding taeniid eggs positive for Taenia (T.) species tapeworms (five, T. hydatigena; one, T. ovis; one Taenia sp.). Screening of the faeces with the coproantigen ELISA revealed Giardia specific antigen in \ufeff.\ufeff% of the samples. The majority of the dogs had evidence of single endoparasite infections (22.4%) while evidence for infection with two or three parasites concurrently was found in six (3.6%) and two (1.2%) of the dogs, respectively. Dogs \u2264 1 year (n = 19) were parasitized more frequently (p lt; 0.0\ufeff) with overall gastrointestinal parasites (63.2% vs. 20.\ufeff%), ascarids (36.8% vs. 6.8%) and Giardia spp. (21.1% vs. 3.4%) than older dogs (n = 146). Dogs which had been wormed within six months of examination tested less frequently positive for gastrointestinal helminths compared to dogs not wormed (11.1% vs. 2\ufeff.0%; p = 0.0\ufeff67). In addition, ear swabs taken from 43 sheep dogs in 2012 were examined, and Otodectes cynotis mites were extracted from one dog. Identification of ectoparasites collected by full body search and combing from 113 sheep dogs in the years 2011 to 2013 revealed infestation of fleas and ticks (each up to five specimens per dog) on 13 and 108 dogs, respectively, with nine dogs carrying both fleas and ticks. Archaeopsylla erinacei, Ctenocephalides (C.) canis, C. felis and Pulex irritans fleas were identified from one, three, two and eleven dogs, respectively. Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes (I.) hexagonus and I. ricinus ticks were isolated from 16, eight and 9\ufeff dogs, respectively.<\/p>

","keywords":["working dogs","helminths","lungworms","Giardia","ectoparasites"],"zusammenfassung":"Kotproben von 16\ufeff H\u00fctehunden aus 36 Schafhaltungen in Mitteldeutschland wurden im Jahre 2012 mithilfe parasitologischer Standardmethoden einschlie\u00dflich Giardia-Antigennachweis (ELISA) untersucht. Infektionen mit Endoparasiten sind bei 27,3 % (9\ufeff%-Konfidenzintervall 20,6\u201334,7 %) der Hunde nachgewiesen worden. Am h\u00e4ufigsten waren die Entwicklungsstadien von Askariden (Toxocara 6,7 %; Toxascaris 3,6 %), Hakenw\u00fcrmern (\ufeff,\ufeff %) und taeniiden Bandw\u00fcrmern (4,2 %) nachweisbar, gefolgt von Trichuris (3,0 %), Capillaria aerophila (1,8 %), Angiostrongylus- und Crenosoma-Lungenw\u00fcrmern (je 1,2 %) sowie Cystoisospora canis (0,6 %). Molekularbiologisch konnten die Taeniiden-Eier als Eier von Taenia(T.)Arten identifiziert werden (T. hydatigena, f\u00fcnf Hunde; T. ovis bzw. Taenia sp. jeweils ein Hund). Im Kot von \ufeff,\ufeff % der Hunde war Giardia-Antigen nachweisbar. Bei der Mehrheit der Hunde wurden parasit\u00e4re Monoinfektionen gefunden (22,4 %); Infektionen mit zwei bzw. drei Parasiten wiesen sechs (3,6 %) und zwei Hunde (1,2 %) auf. Bei den \u2264 1 Jahr alten Hunden (n = 19) wurden h\u00e4ufiger (p lt; 0,0\ufeff) Infektionen mit gastrointestinalen Parasiten insgesamt (63,2 vs. 20,\ufeff %), Askariden (36,8 vs. 6,8 %) und Giardien (21,1 vs. 3,4 %) nachgewiesen als bei den \u00e4lteren Hunden (n = 146). Hunde, die in den sechs Monaten vor der Untersuchung entwurmt worden waren, wurden weniger h\u00e4ufig positiv f\u00fcr gastrointestinale Helminthen getestet als Hunde, deren letzte Entwurmung l\u00e4nger zur\u00fcck lag (11,1 vs. 2\ufeff,0 %; p = 0,0\ufeff67). Zus\u00e4tzlich wurden 2012 Ohrtupfer von 43 H\u00fctehunden auf Ohrmilbenbefall untersucht und Otodectes cynotis bei einem Hund gefunden. Dar\u00fcber hinaus sind die durch Untersuchung der K\u00f6rperoberfl\u00e4che einschlie\u00dflich Abk\u00e4mmen des Haarkleides in den Jahren 2011 bis 2013 gewonnenen Ektoparasiten von 113 H\u00fctehunden bestimmt worden, wobei ein Befall mit bis zu f\u00fcnf Fl\u00f6hen bzw. f\u00fcnf Zecken bei 13 und 108 Hunden festgestellt worden ist. Archaeopsylla erinacei, Ctenocephalides (C.) canis, C. felis und Pulex irritans wurden bei einem, drei, zwei bzw. elf Hunden, Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes (I.) hexagonus und I. ricinus bei 16, acht und 9\ufeff Hunden diagnostiziert.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["H\u00fctehunde","Helminthen","Lungenw\u00fcrmer","Giardia","Ektoparasiten"],"translatedTitle":"Parasitenbefall von Schaf-H\u00fctehunden in Mitteldeutschland","abstractE":"This paper reports on endoparasite infections diagnosed in 2012 by standard coproscopical techniques and coproantigen Giardia ELISA in 16\ufeff dogs used for sheep herding in 36 farms in central Germany. The overall prevalence of dogs with evidence of endoparasite infections was 27.3% (9\ufeff%CI 20.6\u201334.7). The most frequently identified faecal forms were those of ascarids (Toxocara, 6.7%; Toxascaris 3.6%), hookworms (\ufeff.\ufeff%) and taeniid cestodes (4.2%), followed by those of Trichuris whipworms (3.0%), Capillaria aerophila (1.8%), Angiostrongylus and Crenosoma lungworms (1.2% each) and Cystoisospora canis coccidians (0.6%). Molecular identification demonstrated the seven dogs shedding taeniid eggs positive for Taenia (T.) species tapeworms (five, T. hydatigena; one, T. ovis; one Taenia sp.). Screening of the faeces with the coproantigen ELISA revealed Giardia specific antigen in \ufeff.\ufeff% of the samples. The majority of the dogs had evidence of single endoparasite infections (22.4%) while evidence for infection with two or three parasites concurrently was found in six (3.6%) and two (1.2%) of the dogs, respectively. Dogs \u2264 1 year (n = 19) were parasitized more frequently (p lt; 0.0\ufeff) with overall gastrointestinal parasites (63.2% vs. 20.\ufeff%), ascarids (36.8% vs. 6.8%) and Giardia spp. (21.1% vs. 3.4%) than older dogs (n = 146). Dogs which had been wormed within six months of examination tested less frequently positive for gastrointestinal helminths compared to dogs not wormed (11.1% vs. 2\ufeff.0%; p = 0.0\ufeff67). In addition, ear swabs taken from 43 sheep dogs in 2012 were examined, and Otodectes cynotis mites were extracted from one dog. Identification of ectoparasites collected by full body search and combing from 113 sheep dogs in the years 2011 to 2013 revealed infestation of fleas and ticks (each up to five specimens per dog) on 13 and 108 dogs, respectively, with nine dogs carrying both fleas and ticks. Archaeopsylla erinacei, Ctenocephalides (C.) canis, C. felis and Pulex irritans fleas were identified from one, three, two and eleven dogs, respectively. Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes (I.) hexagonus and I. ricinus ticks were isolated from 16, eight and 9\ufeff dogs, respectively.","date":{"year":2016,"date":"01\/2016","accepted":"2016-01-18"},"volume":"129","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"56-64","redirects":["parasites-of-sheep-herding-dogs-in-central-germany\/150\/3130\/92775"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 01/2016 DO - 10.2376/000-9366-129-56 ET - 1/2 LA - English N2 - This paper reports on endoparasite infections diagnosed in 2012 by standard coproscopical techniques and coproantigen Giardia ELISA in 16 dogs used for sheep herding in 36 farms in central Germany. The overall prevalence of dogs with evidence of endoparasite infections was 27.3% (9%CI 20.6–34.7). The most frequently identified faecal forms were those of ascarids (Toxocara, 6.7%; Toxascaris 3.6%), hookworms (.%) and taeniid cestodes (4.2%), followed by those of Trichuris whipworms (3.0%), Capillaria aerophila (1.8%), Angiostrongylus and Crenosoma lungworms (1.2% each) and Cystoisospora canis coccidians (0.6%). Molecular identification demonstrated the seven dogs shedding taeniid eggs positive for Taenia (T.) species tapeworms (five, T. hydatigena; one, T. ovis; one Taenia sp.). Screening of the faeces with the coproantigen ELISA revealed Giardia specific antigen in .% of the samples. The majority of the dogs had evidence of single endoparasite infections (22.4%) while evidence for infection with two or three parasites concurrently was found in six (3.6%) and two (1.2%) of the dogs, respectively. Dogs ≤ 1 year (n = 19) were parasitized more frequently (p lt; 0.0) with overall gastrointestinal parasites (63.2% vs. 20.%), ascarids (36.8% vs. 6.8%) and Giardia spp. (21.1% vs. 3.4%) than older dogs (n = 146). Dogs which had been wormed within six months of examination tested less frequently positive for gastrointestinal helminths compared to dogs not wormed (11.1% vs. 2.0%; p = 0.067). In addition, ear swabs taken from 43 sheep dogs in 2012 were examined, and Otodectes cynotis mites were extracted from one dog. Identification of ectoparasites collected by full body search and combing from 113 sheep dogs in the years 2011 to 2013 revealed infestation of fleas and ticks (each up to five specimens per dog) on 13 and 108 dogs, respectively, with nine dogs carrying both fleas and ticks. Archaeopsylla erinacei, Ctenocephalides (C.) canis, C. felis and Pulex irritans fleas were identified from one, three, two and eleven dogs, respectively. Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes (I.) hexagonus and I. ricinus ticks were isolated from 16, eight and 9 dogs, respectively. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2016 SP - 56 EP - 64 T1 - Parasites of sheep herding dogs in central Germany T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Parasites of sheep herding dogs in central Germany TT - Parasitenbefall von Schaf-Hütehunden in Mitteldeutschland VL - 129 SN - 000-9366 ER -