TY - JOUR KW - pig KW - inhalation-anaesthesia KW - anaesthetic device KW - Animal welfare AU - C Schwennen AU - N Kolbaum AU - K-H Waldmann AU - D Höltig AB - Piglet castration under isoflurane-anaesthesia could represent an alternative to the practice of castration without anaesthesia. The objective of this study was to evaluate practicality and effectiveness of an automated isoflurane-anaesthesia for castration. A field study on three different farms in Germany (farm A, B: 200 sows; C: 50 sows) was performed. In total, 129 (1166 anaesthetised and 263 conventionally castrated) male piglets (age: 1–8 days; bodyweight: 0.7–3.7 kg) were monitored. All piglets were treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs directly before castration. Castration and anaesthesia were performed by the farm-manager in presence of a veterinarian. All farmers used the PIGNAP Pro® (Agrosystems GmbH, CH) anaesthetic device (5 vol.% isoflurane, 30% oxygen; flow rate: 2 l/min). Vocalisation and defensive movements of 1166 anaesthetised piglets was rated using a scoring system. Presence or absence of the palpebral- and flexor-reflex was noted. Approximately every second piglet was weighed and oxygen-saturation and pulsefrequency of 231 animals were measured during treatment. Rectal temperatures before and after castration of 26 anaesthetised and 263 conventionally castrated piglets were compared. Only 77% of the anaesthetised piglets showed a sufficient anaesthetic depth based on the assessment of reflexes as well as vocalisations and defensive movements. It was found that the probability for a sufficient depth of anaesthesia decreases with increasing age and weight. The measurements of the pulse-frequency and oxygen-saturation showed an average oxygen-saturation of 98% and an average heart rate of 270/min during anaesthesia. The conventionally castrated piglets had significantly higher rectal temperatures in comparison to the anaesthetised (p lt; 0.0001). The result of 77% sufficiently anaesthetised piglets is not adequate for commercial application of this technology. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":92773,"title":"Evaluation of the anaesthetic depth during piglet castration under an automated isoflurane\u00adanaesthesia at farm level","topline":"","teaserText":"Die Beurteilung der Narkosetiefe w\u00e4hrend der Saugferkelkastration unter automatisierter Isoflurannarkose im Schweinebestand","content":"

Piglet castration under isoflurane-anaesthesia could represent an alternative to the practice of castration without anaesthesia. The objective of this study was to evaluate practicality and effectiveness of an automated isoflurane-anaesthesia for castration. A field study on three different farms in Germany (farm A, B: 200 sows; C: 5\ufeff0 sows) was performed. In total, 1\ufeff29 (1166 anaesthetised and 263 conventionally castrated) male piglets (age: 1\u20138 days; bodyweight: 0.7\u20133.7 kg) were monitored. All piglets were treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs directly before castration. Castration and anaesthesia were performed by the farm-manager in presence of a veterinarian. All farmers used the PIGNAP Pro\u00ae (Agrosystems GmbH, CH) anaesthetic device (5 vol.% isoflurane, 30% oxygen; flow rate: 2 l\/min). Vocalisation and defensive movements of 1166 anaesthetised piglets was rated using a scoring system. Presence or absence of the palpebral- and flexor-reflex was noted. Approximately every second piglet was weighed and oxygen-saturation and pulsefrequency of 231 animals were measured during treatment. Rectal temperatures before and after castration of 26\ufeff anaesthetised and 263 conventionally castrated piglets were compared. Only 77% of the anaesthetised piglets showed a sufficient anaesthetic depth based on the assessment of reflexes as well as vocalisations and defensive movements. It was found that the probability for a sufficient depth of anaesthesia decreases with increasing age and weight. The measurements of the pulse-frequency and oxygen-saturation showed an average oxygen-saturation of 98% and an average heart rate of 270\/min during anaesthesia. The conventionally castrated piglets had significantly higher rectal temperatures in comparison to the anaesthetised (p lt; 0.0001). The result of 77% sufficiently anaesthetised piglets is not adequate for commercial application of this technology. <\/p>

pig, inhalation-anaesthesia, anaesthetic device, animal welfare<\/p>

Die Ferkelkastration unter Isoflurannarkose k\u00f6nnte eine Alternative zur bet\u00e4ubungslosen Kastration darstellen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Praktikabilit\u00e4t und Effektivit\u00e4t einer automatisierten Isoflurannarkose in der kommerziellen Schweinehaltung zu bewerten. Die Daten wurden im Rahmen eines Feldversuches in drei Ferkelerzeugerbetrieben (Betrieb A, B: 200 Sauen; C: 5\ufeff0 Sauen) in Deutschland erhoben. Insgesamt wurden 1\ufeff29 (1166 narkotisierte und 263 konventionell kastrierte) m\u00e4nnliche Ferkel (Alter: 1\u20138 Tage; Gewicht: 0,7\u20133,7 kg) beobachtet. Allen wurde direkt vor der Kastration ein NSAID (nichtsteroidales Antiphlogistikum) verabreicht. Der Betriebsleiter f\u00fchrte in Anwesenheit eines Tierarztes die Narkose und Kastration durch. Alle Betriebe nutzten das Narkoseger\u00e4t PIGNAP Pro\u00ae (Agrosystems GmbH, CH) (5 vol. % Isofluran in 30 % Sauerstoff; Flussrate: 2 l\/min). Zur Beurteilung der Narkosetiefe wurden bei 1166 narkotisierten Ferkeln die Intensit\u00e4t von Laut\u00e4u\u00dferungen und Abwehrbewegungen mittels eines Scoringsystems sowie das Vorhandensein von Lid- und Flexorreflex bewertet. Ungef\u00e4hr jedes zweite Ferkel wurde gewogen und die Sauerstoffs\u00e4ttigung sowie Pulsfrequenz w\u00e4hrend der Narkose von 231 Tieren gemessen. Des Weiteren wurden die Rektaltemperaturen vor und nach der Kastration von 26\ufeff narkotisierten und 263 konventionell kastrierten Tieren miteinander verglichen. Lediglich 895 von 1166 narkotisierten Ferkeln (77 %) zeigten eine ausreichende Narkosetiefe basierend auf Reflexkontrollen und die Beurteilung der Abwehrbewegungen und Laut\u00e4u\u00dferungen w\u00e4hrend der Kastration. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit f\u00fcr eine ausreichende Narkosetiefe sank mit steigendem Alter und Gewicht. Die Ferkel zeigten eine durchschnittliche Sauerstoffs\u00e4ttigung von 98 % und eine durchschnittliche Herzfrequenz von 270\/min w\u00e4hrend der Narkose. Ferner zeigten die konventionell kastrierten Ferkel einen signifikant h\u00f6heren Anstieg der Rektaltemperatur im Vergleich zu den narkotisierten Tieren (p lt; 0,0001). Eine Rate von 77 % ausreichend an\u00e4sthesierter Ferkel stellt kein angemessenes Ergebnis f\u00fcr die kommerzielle Anwendung dieser Technologie dar. <\/p>

Schwein, Inhalationsnarkose, Narkoseger\u00e4t, Tierschutz<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Jan 18, 2016 5:21:30 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/evaluation-of-the-anaesthetic-depth-during-piglet-castration-under-an-automated-isofluraneanaesthesia-at-farm-level\/150\/3130\/92773"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift ","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/evaluation-of-the-anaesthetic-depth-during-piglet-castration-under-an-automated-isofluraneanaesthesia-at-farm-level\/150\/3130\/92773\/","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschr 129, 40\u201347 (2016) ","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-129-40","doiFirstPage":"40","doiLastPage":"47","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Schwennen C, Kolbaum N, Waldmann K, H\u00f6ltig D","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2016_01_02_0040.pdf","title":"BMW_2016_01_02_0040.pdf","description":"Evaluation of the anaesthetic depth during piglet castration under an automated isoflurane\u00adanaesthesia at farm level"},"authors":[{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"Schwennen"},{"firstName":"N","middleName":"","lastName":"Kolbaum"},{"firstName":"K","middleName":"","lastName":"Waldmann"},{"firstName":"D","middleName":"","lastName":"H\u00f6ltig"}],"contentOptimised":"

Piglet castration under isoflurane-anaesthesia could represent an alternative to the practice of castration without anaesthesia. The objective of this study was to evaluate practicality and effectiveness of an automated isoflurane-anaesthesia for castration. A field study on three different farms in Germany (farm A, B: 200 sows; C: 5\ufeff0 sows) was performed. In total, 1\ufeff29 (1166 anaesthetised and 263 conventionally castrated) male piglets (age: 1\u20138 days; bodyweight: 0.7\u20133.7 kg) were monitored. All piglets were treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs directly before castration. Castration and anaesthesia were performed by the farm-manager in presence of a veterinarian. All farmers used the PIGNAP Pro\u00ae (Agrosystems GmbH, CH) anaesthetic device (5 vol.% isoflurane, 30% oxygen; flow rate: 2 l\/min). Vocalisation and defensive movements of 1166 anaesthetised piglets was rated using a scoring system. Presence or absence of the palpebral- and flexor-reflex was noted. Approximately every second piglet was weighed and oxygen-saturation and pulsefrequency of 231 animals were measured during treatment. Rectal temperatures before and after castration of 26\ufeff anaesthetised and 263 conventionally castrated piglets were compared. Only 77% of the anaesthetised piglets showed a sufficient anaesthetic depth based on the assessment of reflexes as well as vocalisations and defensive movements. It was found that the probability for a sufficient depth of anaesthesia decreases with increasing age and weight. The measurements of the pulse-frequency and oxygen-saturation showed an average oxygen-saturation of 98% and an average heart rate of 270\/min during anaesthesia. The conventionally castrated piglets had significantly higher rectal temperatures in comparison to the anaesthetised (p lt; 0.0001). The result of 77% sufficiently anaesthetised piglets is not adequate for commercial application of this technology. <\/p>

pig, inhalation-anaesthesia, anaesthetic device, animal welfare<\/p>

Die Ferkelkastration unter Isoflurannarkose k\u00f6nnte eine Alternative zur bet\u00e4ubungslosen Kastration darstellen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Praktikabilit\u00e4t und Effektivit\u00e4t einer automatisierten Isoflurannarkose in der kommerziellen Schweinehaltung zu bewerten. Die Daten wurden im Rahmen eines Feldversuches in drei Ferkelerzeugerbetrieben (Betrieb A, B: 200 Sauen; C: 5\ufeff0 Sauen) in Deutschland erhoben. Insgesamt wurden 1\ufeff29 (1166 narkotisierte und 263 konventionell kastrierte) m\u00e4nnliche Ferkel (Alter: 1\u20138 Tage; Gewicht: 0,7\u20133,7 kg) beobachtet. Allen wurde direkt vor der Kastration ein NSAID (nichtsteroidales Antiphlogistikum) verabreicht. Der Betriebsleiter f\u00fchrte in Anwesenheit eines Tierarztes die Narkose und Kastration durch. Alle Betriebe nutzten das Narkoseger\u00e4t PIGNAP Pro\u00ae (Agrosystems GmbH, CH) (5 vol. % Isofluran in 30 % Sauerstoff; Flussrate: 2 l\/min). Zur Beurteilung der Narkosetiefe wurden bei 1166 narkotisierten Ferkeln die Intensit\u00e4t von Laut\u00e4u\u00dferungen und Abwehrbewegungen mittels eines Scoringsystems sowie das Vorhandensein von Lid- und Flexorreflex bewertet. Ungef\u00e4hr jedes zweite Ferkel wurde gewogen und die Sauerstoffs\u00e4ttigung sowie Pulsfrequenz w\u00e4hrend der Narkose von 231 Tieren gemessen. Des Weiteren wurden die Rektaltemperaturen vor und nach der Kastration von 26\ufeff narkotisierten und 263 konventionell kastrierten Tieren miteinander verglichen. Lediglich 895 von 1166 narkotisierten Ferkeln (77 %) zeigten eine ausreichende Narkosetiefe basierend auf Reflexkontrollen und die Beurteilung der Abwehrbewegungen und Laut\u00e4u\u00dferungen w\u00e4hrend der Kastration. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit f\u00fcr eine ausreichende Narkosetiefe sank mit steigendem Alter und Gewicht. Die Ferkel zeigten eine durchschnittliche Sauerstoffs\u00e4ttigung von 98 % und eine durchschnittliche Herzfrequenz von 270\/min w\u00e4hrend der Narkose. Ferner zeigten die konventionell kastrierten Ferkel einen signifikant h\u00f6heren Anstieg der Rektaltemperatur im Vergleich zu den narkotisierten Tieren (p lt; 0,0001). Eine Rate von 77 % ausreichend an\u00e4sthesierter Ferkel stellt kein angemessenes Ergebnis f\u00fcr die kommerzielle Anwendung dieser Technologie dar. <\/p>

Schwein, Inhalationsnarkose, Narkoseger\u00e4t, Tierschutz<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Piglet castration under isoflurane-anaesthesia could represent an alternative to the practice of castration without anaesthesia. The objective of this study was to evaluate practicality and effectiveness of an automated isoflurane-anaesthesia for castration. A field study on three different farms in Germany (farm A, B: 200 sows; C: 5\ufeff0 sows) was performed. In total, 1\ufeff29 (1166 anaesthetised and 263 conventionally castrated) male piglets (age: 1\u20138 days; bodyweight: 0.7\u20133.7 kg) were monitored. All piglets were treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs directly before castration. Castration and anaesthesia were performed by the farm-manager in presence of a veterinarian. All farmers used the PIGNAP Pro\u00ae (Agrosystems GmbH, CH) anaesthetic device (5 vol.% isoflurane, 30% oxygen; flow rate: 2 l\/min). Vocalisation and defensive movements of 1166 anaesthetised piglets was rated using a scoring system. Presence or absence of the palpebral- and flexor-reflex was noted. Approximately every second piglet was weighed and oxygen-saturation and pulsefrequency of 231 animals were measured during treatment. Rectal temperatures before and after castration of 26\ufeff anaesthetised and 263 conventionally castrated piglets were compared. Only 77% of the anaesthetised piglets showed a sufficient anaesthetic depth based on the assessment of reflexes as well as vocalisations and defensive movements. It was found that the probability for a sufficient depth of anaesthesia decreases with increasing age and weight. The measurements of the pulse-frequency and oxygen-saturation showed an average oxygen-saturation of 98% and an average heart rate of 270\/min during anaesthesia. The conventionally castrated piglets had significantly higher rectal temperatures in comparison to the anaesthetised (p lt; 0.0001). The result of 77% sufficiently anaesthetised piglets is not adequate for commercial application of this technology. <\/p>

","keywords":["pig","inhalation-anaesthesia","anaesthetic device","animal welfare"],"zusammenfassung":"Die Ferkelkastration unter Isoflurannarkose k\u00f6nnte eine Alternative zur bet\u00e4ubungslosen Kastration darstellen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Praktikabilit\u00e4t und Effektivit\u00e4t einer automatisierten Isoflurannarkose in der kommerziellen Schweinehaltung zu bewerten. Die Daten wurden im Rahmen eines Feldversuches in drei Ferkelerzeugerbetrieben (Betrieb A, B: 200 Sauen; C: 5\ufeff0 Sauen) in Deutschland erhoben. Insgesamt wurden 1\ufeff29 (1166 narkotisierte und 263 konventionell kastrierte) m\u00e4nnliche Ferkel (Alter: 1\u20138 Tage; Gewicht: 0,7\u20133,7 kg) beobachtet. Allen wurde direkt vor der Kastration ein NSAID (nichtsteroidales Antiphlogistikum) verabreicht. Der Betriebsleiter f\u00fchrte in Anwesenheit eines Tierarztes die Narkose und Kastration durch. Alle Betriebe nutzten das Narkoseger\u00e4t PIGNAP Pro\u00ae (Agrosystems GmbH, CH) (5 vol. % Isofluran in 30 % Sauerstoff; Flussrate: 2 l\/min). Zur Beurteilung der Narkosetiefe wurden bei 1166 narkotisierten Ferkeln die Intensit\u00e4t von Laut\u00e4u\u00dferungen und Abwehrbewegungen mittels eines Scoringsystems sowie das Vorhandensein von Lid- und Flexorreflex bewertet. Ungef\u00e4hr jedes zweite Ferkel wurde gewogen und die Sauerstoffs\u00e4ttigung sowie Pulsfrequenz w\u00e4hrend der Narkose von 231 Tieren gemessen. Des Weiteren wurden die Rektaltemperaturen vor und nach der Kastration von 26\ufeff narkotisierten und 263 konventionell kastrierten Tieren miteinander verglichen. Lediglich 895 von 1166 narkotisierten Ferkeln (77 %) zeigten eine ausreichende Narkosetiefe basierend auf Reflexkontrollen und die Beurteilung der Abwehrbewegungen und Laut\u00e4u\u00dferungen w\u00e4hrend der Kastration. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit f\u00fcr eine ausreichende Narkosetiefe sank mit steigendem Alter und Gewicht. Die Ferkel zeigten eine durchschnittliche Sauerstoffs\u00e4ttigung von 98 % und eine durchschnittliche Herzfrequenz von 270\/min w\u00e4hrend der Narkose. Ferner zeigten die konventionell kastrierten Ferkel einen signifikant h\u00f6heren Anstieg der Rektaltemperatur im Vergleich zu den narkotisierten Tieren (p lt; 0,0001). Eine Rate von 77 % ausreichend an\u00e4sthesierter Ferkel stellt kein angemessenes Ergebnis f\u00fcr die kommerzielle Anwendung dieser Technologie dar. <\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Schwein","Inhalationsnarkose","Narkoseger\u00e4t","Tierschutz"],"translatedTitle":"Die Beurteilung der Narkosetiefe w\u00e4hrend der Saugferkelkastration unter automatisierter Isoflurannarkose im Schweinebestand","abstractE":"Piglet castration under isoflurane-anaesthesia could represent an alternative to the practice of castration without anaesthesia. The objective of this study was to evaluate practicality and effectiveness of an automated isoflurane-anaesthesia for castration. A field study on three different farms in Germany (farm A, B: 200 sows; C: 5\ufeff0 sows) was performed. In total, 1\ufeff29 (1166 anaesthetised and 263 conventionally castrated) male piglets (age: 1\u20138 days; bodyweight: 0.7\u20133.7 kg) were monitored. All piglets were treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs directly before castration. Castration and anaesthesia were performed by the farm-manager in presence of a veterinarian. All farmers used the PIGNAP Pro\u00ae (Agrosystems GmbH, CH) anaesthetic device (5 vol.% isoflurane, 30% oxygen; flow rate: 2 l\/min). Vocalisation and defensive movements of 1166 anaesthetised piglets was rated using a scoring system. Presence or absence of the palpebral- and flexor-reflex was noted. Approximately every second piglet was weighed and oxygen-saturation and pulsefrequency of 231 animals were measured during treatment. Rectal temperatures before and after castration of 26\ufeff anaesthetised and 263 conventionally castrated piglets were compared. Only 77% of the anaesthetised piglets showed a sufficient anaesthetic depth based on the assessment of reflexes as well as vocalisations and defensive movements. It was found that the probability for a sufficient depth of anaesthesia decreases with increasing age and weight. The measurements of the pulse-frequency and oxygen-saturation showed an average oxygen-saturation of 98% and an average heart rate of 270\/min during anaesthesia. The conventionally castrated piglets had significantly higher rectal temperatures in comparison to the anaesthetised (p lt; 0.0001). The result of 77% sufficiently anaesthetised piglets is not adequate for commercial application of this technology. ","date":{"year":2016,"date":"01\/2016","accepted":"2016-01-18"},"volume":"129","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"40-47","redirects":["evaluation-of-the-anaesthetic-depth-during-piglet-castration-under-an-automated-isofluraneanaesthesia-at-farm-level\/150\/3130\/92773"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 01/2016 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-129-40 ET - 1/2 LA - English N2 - Piglet castration under isoflurane-anaesthesia could represent an alternative to the practice of castration without anaesthesia. The objective of this study was to evaluate practicality and effectiveness of an automated isoflurane-anaesthesia for castration. A field study on three different farms in Germany (farm A, B: 200 sows; C: 50 sows) was performed. In total, 129 (1166 anaesthetised and 263 conventionally castrated) male piglets (age: 1–8 days; bodyweight: 0.7–3.7 kg) were monitored. All piglets were treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs directly before castration. Castration and anaesthesia were performed by the farm-manager in presence of a veterinarian. All farmers used the PIGNAP Pro® (Agrosystems GmbH, CH) anaesthetic device (5 vol.% isoflurane, 30% oxygen; flow rate: 2 l/min). Vocalisation and defensive movements of 1166 anaesthetised piglets was rated using a scoring system. Presence or absence of the palpebral- and flexor-reflex was noted. Approximately every second piglet was weighed and oxygen-saturation and pulsefrequency of 231 animals were measured during treatment. Rectal temperatures before and after castration of 26 anaesthetised and 263 conventionally castrated piglets were compared. Only 77% of the anaesthetised piglets showed a sufficient anaesthetic depth based on the assessment of reflexes as well as vocalisations and defensive movements. It was found that the probability for a sufficient depth of anaesthesia decreases with increasing age and weight. The measurements of the pulse-frequency and oxygen-saturation showed an average oxygen-saturation of 98% and an average heart rate of 270/min during anaesthesia. The conventionally castrated piglets had significantly higher rectal temperatures in comparison to the anaesthetised (p lt; 0.0001). The result of 77% sufficiently anaesthetised piglets is not adequate for commercial application of this technology. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2016 SP - 40 EP - 47 T1 - Evaluation of the anaesthetic depth during piglet castration under an automated isoflurane­anaesthesia at farm level T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Evaluation of the anaesthetic depth during piglet castration under an automated isoflurane­anaesthesia at farm level TT - Die Beurteilung der Narkosetiefe während der Saugferkelkastration unter automatisierter Isoflurannarkose im Schweinebestand VL - 129 SN - 0005-9366 ER -