TY - JOUR KW - Protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) KW - 263K scrapie KW - stereotypy KW - housing KW - handling AU - L Paul AU - P Kirsch AU - A Thomzig AU - C Thöne-Reineke AU - M Beekes AB - The bank vole (Myodes glareolus) is by far not as common a laboratory rodent as mice or rats. Recently, however, bank voles have increasingly emerged as a powerful infection model for prion diseases such as human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) or chronic wasting disease (CWD) of cervids. The susceptibility of bank voles to infections with a variety of prion isolates from different host species will substantially facilitate research into prion diseases and their causative agents. To pro-actively promote a reduction of prion bioassays in bank voles against this background, we examined protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) using brain homogenate from normal bank voles as reaction substrate for its suitability as a possible in vitro alternative. PMCAs using bank vole brain homogenate as substrate (bvPMCAs) are known to be highly vulnerable to false-positive results. Such false-positive readouts predominantly result from inadvertent crosscontamination and unspecific seeding with minute amounts of prion agents such as 263K scrapie which are often present in prion research laboratories. For tackling this problem that potentially impedes a broader application of bvPMCA, we describe bvPMCA conditions that were ultra-sensitive to 263K scrapie prions and yet highly robust against inadvertent cross-contamination. With respect to refinement, we implemented refined housing conditions that prevented the occurrence of stereotypies in bank voles, and procedures which allowed a virtually stress-free handling when subjecting these animals to laboratory procedures such as weighing or inhalation of anaesthetics. These refinements can improve the welfare of bank voles in prion laboratories and other fields of research. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":108434,"title":"Practical approaches for refinement and reduction of animal experiments with bank voles in prion research","topline":"","teaserText":"Praktische Ansatzpunkte zur Verbesserung und Verringerung von Tierversuchen mit R\u00f6telm\u00e4usen in der Prionforschung","content":"

The bank vole (Myodes glareolus) is by far not as common a laboratory rodent as mice or rats. Recently, however, bank voles have increasingly emerged as a powerful infection model for prion diseases such as human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) or chronic wasting disease (CWD) of cervids. The susceptibility of bank voles to infections with a variety of prion isolates from different host species will substantially facilitate research into prion diseases and their causative agents. To pro-actively promote a reduction of prion bioassays in bank voles against this background, we examined protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) using brain homogenate from normal bank voles as reaction substrate for its suitability as a possible in vitro alternative. PMCAs using bank vole brain homogenate as substrate (bvPMCAs) are known to be highly vulnerable to false-positive results. Such false-positive readouts predominantly result from inadvertent crosscontamination and unspecific seeding with minute amounts of prion agents such as 263K scrapie which are often present in prion research laboratories. For tackling this problem that potentially impedes a broader application of bvPMCA, we describe bvPMCA conditions that were ultra-sensitive to 263K scrapie prions and yet highly robust against inadvertent cross-contamination. With respect to refinement, we implemented refined housing conditions that prevented the occurrence of stereotypies in bank voles, and procedures which allowed a virtually stress-free handling when subjecting these animals to laboratory procedures such as weighing or inhalation of anaesthetics. These refinements can improve the welfare of bank voles in prion laboratories and other fields of research.<\/p>

Protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA), 263K scrapie, stereotypy, housing, handling<\/p>

Die R\u00f6telmaus (Myodes glareolus) ist bei weitem kein so h\u00e4ufig verwendeter Labornager wie beispielsweise M\u00e4use oder Ratten. Allerdings haben sich R\u00f6telm\u00e4use seit einiger Zeit zunehmend als leistungsstarkes Infektionsmodell f\u00fcr Prionkrankheiten wie die menschliche Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit (CJK) oder die Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) der Hirsche herausgestellt. Die Suszeptibilit\u00e4t von R\u00f6telm\u00e4usen f\u00fcr Infektionen mit einem breiten Spektrum unterschiedlicher Prionisolate aus verschiedenen Wirtsspezies kann erheblich dazu beitragen, die Erforschung von Prionkrankheiten und ihrer Erreger zu erleichtern. Um vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwicklung proaktiv eine Verringerung von R\u00f6telmaus-Infektionsversuchen in der Prionforschung voranzutreiben, haben wir die \u201eProtein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification\u201c-Technik (PMCA) mit Hirnhomogenat aus normalen R\u00f6telm\u00e4usen als Reaktionssubstrat auf ihre Eignung als m\u00f6gliche in vitro-Alternative untersucht. PMCAs mit R\u00f6telmaus-Reaktionssubstrat (bvPMCAs, bv steht f\u00fcr engl. \u201ebank vole\u201c) sind bekannterma\u00dfen hoch anf\u00e4llig f\u00fcr falsch-positive Ergebnisse. Diese beruhen vor allem auf Kreuzkontaminationen und unspezifischem \u201eSeeding\u201c mit Spuren von Prioninfektiosit\u00e4t, wie sie beispielsweise in Form von 263K Scrapie-Prionen h\u00e4ufig in Prionlaboren vorkommen. Um dieses Problem, das einer breiteren Nutzung der bvPMCA bisher potentiell im Wege steht, zu l\u00f6sen, beschreiben wir Reaktionsbedingungen, unter denen wir bvPMCAs mit hoher Sensitivit\u00e4t f\u00fcr 263K Scrapie-Prionen frei von unerw\u00fcnschten Kreuzkontaminationen durchf\u00fchren konnten. Daneben stellen wir zur Verbesserung der Zucht, Haltung und Behandlung von R\u00f6telm\u00e4usen M\u00f6glichkeiten f\u00fcr eine verbesserte Unterbringung und einen schonenderen Umgang vor. Diese erlauben es, das Auftreten von Stereotypien zu vermeiden, bzw. R\u00f6telm\u00e4use etwa beim Wiegen oder der Inhalation von An\u00e4sthetika weitgehend stressfrei zu halten. Die vorgestellten praktischen Ans\u00e4tze zum Refinement lassen sich nicht nur in Prionlaboren
sondern auch in anderen Forschungsbereichen nutzen.<\/p>

Protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA), 263K Scrapie, Stereotypie, Unterbringung, Handling<\/p>","categories":["Open Access","Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel","Abostufe frei"],"fromDate":"Jun 19, 2018 11:35:02 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/practical-approaches-for-refinement-and-reduction-of-animal-experiments-with-bank-voles-in-prion-research\/150\/3216\/108434","http:\/\/vetline.de\/practical-approaches-for-refinement-and-reduction-of-animal-experiments-with-bank-voles-in-prion-research\/150\/3130\/108434"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochensch","doiDocumentUri":"https:\/\/vetline.de\/files\/smfiledata\/7\/2\/2\/7\/0\/4\/BMTW_OA_17108_Beekes.pdf","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochensch","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-17108","doiFirstPage":".","doiLastPage":"..","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Paul L, Kirsch P, Thomzig A, Th\u00f6ne-Reineke C, Beekes M","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMTW_OA_17108_Beekes.pdf","title":"BMTW_OA_17108_Beekes","description":"Practical approaches for refinement and reduction of animal experiments with bank voles in prion research"},"authors":[{"firstName":"L","middleName":"","lastName":"Paul"},{"firstName":"P","middleName":"","lastName":"Kirsch"},{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Thomzig"},{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"Th\u00f6ne-Reineke"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Beekes"}],"contentOptimised":"

The bank vole (Myodes glareolus) is by far not as common a laboratory rodent as mice or rats. Recently, however, bank voles have increasingly emerged as a powerful infection model for prion diseases such as human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) or chronic wasting disease (CWD) of cervids. The susceptibility of bank voles to infections with a variety of prion isolates from different host species will substantially facilitate research into prion diseases and their causative agents. To pro-actively promote a reduction of prion bioassays in bank voles against this background, we examined protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) using brain homogenate from normal bank voles as reaction substrate for its suitability as a possible in vitro alternative. PMCAs using bank vole brain homogenate as substrate (bvPMCAs) are known to be highly vulnerable to false-positive results. Such false-positive readouts predominantly result from inadvertent crosscontamination and unspecific seeding with minute amounts of prion agents such as 263K scrapie which are often present in prion research laboratories. For tackling this problem that potentially impedes a broader application of bvPMCA, we describe bvPMCA conditions that were ultra-sensitive to 263K scrapie prions and yet highly robust against inadvertent cross-contamination. With respect to refinement, we implemented refined housing conditions that prevented the occurrence of stereotypies in bank voles, and procedures which allowed a virtually stress-free handling when subjecting these animals to laboratory procedures such as weighing or inhalation of anaesthetics. These refinements can improve the welfare of bank voles in prion laboratories and other fields of research.<\/p>

Protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA), 263K scrapie, stereotypy, housing, handling<\/p>

Die R\u00f6telmaus (Myodes glareolus) ist bei weitem kein so h\u00e4ufig verwendeter Labornager wie beispielsweise M\u00e4use oder Ratten. Allerdings haben sich R\u00f6telm\u00e4use seit einiger Zeit zunehmend als leistungsstarkes Infektionsmodell f\u00fcr Prionkrankheiten wie die menschliche Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit (CJK) oder die Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) der Hirsche herausgestellt. Die Suszeptibilit\u00e4t von R\u00f6telm\u00e4usen f\u00fcr Infektionen mit einem breiten Spektrum unterschiedlicher Prionisolate aus verschiedenen Wirtsspezies kann erheblich dazu beitragen, die Erforschung von Prionkrankheiten und ihrer Erreger zu erleichtern. Um vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwicklung proaktiv eine Verringerung von R\u00f6telmaus-Infektionsversuchen in der Prionforschung voranzutreiben, haben wir die \u201eProtein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification\u201c-Technik (PMCA) mit Hirnhomogenat aus normalen R\u00f6telm\u00e4usen als Reaktionssubstrat auf ihre Eignung als m\u00f6gliche in vitro-Alternative untersucht. PMCAs mit R\u00f6telmaus-Reaktionssubstrat (bvPMCAs, bv steht f\u00fcr engl. \u201ebank vole\u201c) sind bekannterma\u00dfen hoch anf\u00e4llig f\u00fcr falsch-positive Ergebnisse. Diese beruhen vor allem auf Kreuzkontaminationen und unspezifischem \u201eSeeding\u201c mit Spuren von Prioninfektiosit\u00e4t, wie sie beispielsweise in Form von 263K Scrapie-Prionen h\u00e4ufig in Prionlaboren vorkommen. Um dieses Problem, das einer breiteren Nutzung der bvPMCA bisher potentiell im Wege steht, zu l\u00f6sen, beschreiben wir Reaktionsbedingungen, unter denen wir bvPMCAs mit hoher Sensitivit\u00e4t f\u00fcr 263K Scrapie-Prionen frei von unerw\u00fcnschten Kreuzkontaminationen durchf\u00fchren konnten. Daneben stellen wir zur Verbesserung der Zucht, Haltung und Behandlung von R\u00f6telm\u00e4usen M\u00f6glichkeiten f\u00fcr eine verbesserte Unterbringung und einen schonenderen Umgang vor. Diese erlauben es, das Auftreten von Stereotypien zu vermeiden, bzw. R\u00f6telm\u00e4use etwa beim Wiegen oder der Inhalation von An\u00e4sthetika weitgehend stressfrei zu halten. Die vorgestellten praktischen Ans\u00e4tze zum Refinement lassen sich nicht nur in Prionlaboren
sondern auch in anderen Forschungsbereichen nutzen.<\/p>

Protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA), 263K Scrapie, Stereotypie, Unterbringung, Handling<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"The bank vole (Myodes glareolus) is by far not as common a laboratory rodent as mice or rats. Recently, however, bank voles have increasingly emerged as a powerful infection model for prion diseases such as human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) or chronic wasting disease (CWD) of cervids. The susceptibility of bank voles to infections with a variety of prion isolates from different host species will substantially facilitate research into prion diseases and their causative agents. To pro-actively promote a reduction of prion bioassays in bank voles against this background, we examined protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) using brain homogenate from normal bank voles as reaction substrate for its suitability as a possible in vitro alternative. PMCAs using bank vole brain homogenate as substrate (bvPMCAs) are known to be highly vulnerable to false-positive results. Such false-positive readouts predominantly result from inadvertent crosscontamination and unspecific seeding with minute amounts of prion agents such as 263K scrapie which are often present in prion research laboratories. For tackling this problem that potentially impedes a broader application of bvPMCA, we describe bvPMCA conditions that were ultra-sensitive to 263K scrapie prions and yet highly robust against inadvertent cross-contamination. With respect to refinement, we implemented refined housing conditions that prevented the occurrence of stereotypies in bank voles, and procedures which allowed a virtually stress-free handling when subjecting these animals to laboratory procedures such as weighing or inhalation of anaesthetics. These refinements can improve the welfare of bank voles in prion laboratories and other fields of research.<\/p>

","keywords":["Protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA)","263K scrapie","stereotypy","housing","handling"],"zusammenfassung":"Die R\u00f6telmaus (Myodes glareolus) ist bei weitem kein so h\u00e4ufig verwendeter Labornager wie beispielsweise M\u00e4use oder Ratten. Allerdings haben sich R\u00f6telm\u00e4use seit einiger Zeit zunehmend als leistungsstarkes Infektionsmodell f\u00fcr Prionkrankheiten wie die menschliche Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit (CJK) oder die Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) der Hirsche herausgestellt. Die Suszeptibilit\u00e4t von R\u00f6telm\u00e4usen f\u00fcr Infektionen mit einem breiten Spektrum unterschiedlicher Prionisolate aus verschiedenen Wirtsspezies kann erheblich dazu beitragen, die Erforschung von Prionkrankheiten und ihrer Erreger zu erleichtern. Um vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwicklung proaktiv eine Verringerung von R\u00f6telmaus-Infektionsversuchen in der Prionforschung voranzutreiben, haben wir die \u201eProtein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification\u201c-Technik (PMCA) mit Hirnhomogenat aus normalen R\u00f6telm\u00e4usen als Reaktionssubstrat auf ihre Eignung als m\u00f6gliche in vitro-Alternative untersucht. PMCAs mit R\u00f6telmaus-Reaktionssubstrat (bvPMCAs, bv steht f\u00fcr engl. \u201ebank vole\u201c) sind bekannterma\u00dfen hoch anf\u00e4llig f\u00fcr falsch-positive Ergebnisse. Diese beruhen vor allem auf Kreuzkontaminationen und unspezifischem \u201eSeeding\u201c mit Spuren von Prioninfektiosit\u00e4t, wie sie beispielsweise in Form von 263K Scrapie-Prionen h\u00e4ufig in Prionlaboren vorkommen. Um dieses Problem, das einer breiteren Nutzung der bvPMCA bisher potentiell im Wege steht, zu l\u00f6sen, beschreiben wir Reaktionsbedingungen, unter denen wir bvPMCAs mit hoher Sensitivit\u00e4t f\u00fcr 263K Scrapie-Prionen frei von unerw\u00fcnschten Kreuzkontaminationen durchf\u00fchren konnten. Daneben stellen wir zur Verbesserung der Zucht, Haltung und Behandlung von R\u00f6telm\u00e4usen M\u00f6glichkeiten f\u00fcr eine verbesserte Unterbringung und einen schonenderen Umgang vor. Diese erlauben es, das Auftreten von Stereotypien zu vermeiden, bzw. R\u00f6telm\u00e4use etwa beim Wiegen oder der Inhalation von An\u00e4sthetika weitgehend stressfrei zu halten. Die vorgestellten praktischen Ans\u00e4tze zum Refinement lassen sich nicht nur in Prionlaboren
sondern auch in anderen Forschungsbereichen nutzen.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA)","263K Scrapie","Stereotypie","Unterbringung","Handling"],"translatedTitle":"Praktische Ansatzpunkte zur Verbesserung und Verringerung von Tierversuchen mit R\u00f6telm\u00e4usen in der Prionforschung","abstractE":"The bank vole (Myodes glareolus) is by far not as common a laboratory rodent as mice or rats. Recently, however, bank voles have increasingly emerged as a powerful infection model for prion diseases such as human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) or chronic wasting disease (CWD) of cervids. The susceptibility of bank voles to infections with a variety of prion isolates from different host species will substantially facilitate research into prion diseases and their causative agents. To pro-actively promote a reduction of prion bioassays in bank voles against this background, we examined protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) using brain homogenate from normal bank voles as reaction substrate for its suitability as a possible in vitro alternative. PMCAs using bank vole brain homogenate as substrate (bvPMCAs) are known to be highly vulnerable to false-positive results. Such false-positive readouts predominantly result from inadvertent crosscontamination and unspecific seeding with minute amounts of prion agents such as 263K scrapie which are often present in prion research laboratories. For tackling this problem that potentially impedes a broader application of bvPMCA, we describe bvPMCA conditions that were ultra-sensitive to 263K scrapie prions and yet highly robust against inadvertent cross-contamination. With respect to refinement, we implemented refined housing conditions that prevented the occurrence of stereotypies in bank voles, and procedures which allowed a virtually stress-free handling when subjecting these animals to laboratory procedures such as weighing or inhalation of anaesthetics. These refinements can improve the welfare of bank voles in prion laboratories and other fields of research.","date":{"year":2018,"date":"06\/2018","accepted":"2018-06-19"},"volume":131,"openAccess":true,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"","redirects":["practical-approaches-for-refinement-and-reduction-of-animal-experiments-with-bank-voles-in-prion-research\/150\/3216\/108434","practical-approaches-for-refinement-and-reduction-of-animal-experiments-with-bank-voles-in-prion-research\/150\/3130\/108434"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Open Access","Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel","Abostufe frei"]} CY - Hannover DA - 06/2018 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-17108 LA - English N2 - The bank vole (Myodes glareolus) is by far not as common a laboratory rodent as mice or rats. Recently, however, bank voles have increasingly emerged as a powerful infection model for prion diseases such as human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) or chronic wasting disease (CWD) of cervids. The susceptibility of bank voles to infections with a variety of prion isolates from different host species will substantially facilitate research into prion diseases and their causative agents. To pro-actively promote a reduction of prion bioassays in bank voles against this background, we examined protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) using brain homogenate from normal bank voles as reaction substrate for its suitability as a possible in vitro alternative. PMCAs using bank vole brain homogenate as substrate (bvPMCAs) are known to be highly vulnerable to false-positive results. Such false-positive readouts predominantly result from inadvertent crosscontamination and unspecific seeding with minute amounts of prion agents such as 263K scrapie which are often present in prion research laboratories. For tackling this problem that potentially impedes a broader application of bvPMCA, we describe bvPMCA conditions that were ultra-sensitive to 263K scrapie prions and yet highly robust against inadvertent cross-contamination. With respect to refinement, we implemented refined housing conditions that prevented the occurrence of stereotypies in bank voles, and procedures which allowed a virtually stress-free handling when subjecting these animals to laboratory procedures such as weighing or inhalation of anaesthetics. These refinements can improve the welfare of bank voles in prion laboratories and other fields of research. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2018 T1 - Practical approaches for refinement and reduction of animal experiments with bank voles in prion research T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Practical approaches for refinement and reduction of animal experiments with bank voles in prion research TT - Praktische Ansatzpunkte zur Verbesserung und Verringerung von Tierversuchen mit Rötelmäusen in der Prionforschung VL - 131 SN - 0005-9366 ER -