TY - JOUR KW - haematology KW - feeding duration KW - transport conditions AU - C Lambertz AU - M Hinz AU - M Gauly AB - Given that water withdrawal is one of the major stressors for animals during long-distance transports, it was the aim to study the effects of prolonged water deprivation on different blood and behavioural parameters of goats and sheep under stable conditions. Withdrawal periods corresponded to EU transport regulations, which allow sheep and goats to be transported for a maximum period of 14 hours, followed by a rest period of at least one hour sufficient for them to drink water, if a further 14-h travel is necessary. In the present study tools for authorities to approve the offer of water were evaluated. Fifteen Boer goats and 1 Blackhead mutton sheep were assigned in a 3 x 3 Latin square design to 1 of the following treatments: AL (ad libitum), SHORT (14 h withdrawal – 1 h access – 14 h withdrawal) or LONG (29 h withdrawal). The study was conducted under stable conditions without transporting the animals. Haematological parameters were analysed at 0, 14, 15, and 29 h. Standing, lying, and feeding behaviour were recor ded. In sheep, LONG had lowered packed cell volume (PCV) compared with AL- and SHORT-animals at 14 h (P lt; 0.05). Serum sodium (Na) was higher in SHORT- and LONG- than in AL-group at 14 h (P lt; 0.05), and higher in LONG than in both other groups at 29 h (P lt; 0.05). During 0–14 h sheep fed gt; 20 min/h and ~5 min/h during 1–29 h (P lt; 0.05). In goats, the SHORT- (at 14 and 15 h) and LONG-group (at 29 h) showed greater haemoglobin values when compared with the AL-group (P lt; 0.05). Serum Na increased from 0 to 14 h in SHORT- and LONGgroups (P lt; 0.05). Total feeding time was similar to sheep gt; 20 min/h during 0–14 h and ~5 min/h during 15–29 h (P lt; 0.05). In conclusion, the tested parameters showed only limited potential to monitor the fulfilment of transport regulations. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":100039,"title":"Effects of water deprivation on blood components and behaviour in sheep and goats","topline":"","teaserText":"Auswirkungen von Wasserentzug auf Blutparameter und Verhalten bei Schafen und Ziegen","content":"

Given that water withdrawal is one of the major stressors for animals during long-distance transports, it was the aim to study the effects of prolonged water deprivation on different blood and behavioural parameters of goats and sheep under stable conditions. Withdrawal periods corresponded to EU transport regulations, which allow sheep and goats to be transported for a maximum period of 14 hours, followed by a rest period of at least one hour sufficient for them to drink water, if a further 14-h travel is necessary. In the present study tools for authorities to approve the offer of water were evaluated. Fifteen Boer goats and 1\ufeff Blackhead mutton sheep were assigned in a 3 x 3 Latin square design to 1 of the following treatments: AL (ad libitum), SHORT (14 h withdrawal \u2013 1 h access \u2013 14 h withdrawal) or LONG (29 h withdrawal). The study was conducted under stable conditions without transporting the animals. Haematological parameters were analysed at 0, 14, 15\ufeff, and 29 h. Standing, lying, and feeding behaviour were recor ded. In sheep, LONG had lowered packed cell volume (PCV) compared with AL- and SHORT-animals at 14 h (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Serum sodium (Na) was higher in SHORT- and LONG- than in AL-group at 14 h (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5), and higher in LONG than in both other groups at 29 h (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). During 0\u201314 h sheep fed gt; 20 min\/h and ~\ufeff5 min\/h during 1\ufeff\u201329 h (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). In goats, the SHORT- (at 14 and 15\ufeff h) and LONG-group (at 29 h) showed greater haemoglobin values when compared with the AL-group (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5). Serum Na increased from 0 to 14 h in SHORT- and LONGgroups (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Total feeding time was similar to sheep gt; 20 min\/h during 0\u201314 h and ~\ufeff5 min\/h during 15\ufeff\u201329 h (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5). In conclusion, the tested parameters showed only limited potential to monitor the fulfilment of transport regulations.<\/p>

haematology, feeding duration, transport conditions<\/p>

Wasserentzug z\u00e4hlt zu den bedeutendsten Stressfaktoren f\u00fcr Tiere w\u00e4hrend Langzeittransporten. Ziel dieser Studie war es, Effekte eines ausgedehnten Wasserentzuges auf verschiedene Blut- und Verhaltensparameter bei Ziegen und Schafen unter Stallhaltungsbedingungen zu untersuchen. Die Dauer des Wasserentzuges entsprach den EU-Vorschriften, nach denen Schafe und Ziegen f\u00fcr maximal 14 Stunden transportiert werden d\u00fcrfen. Sollte ein weiterer Transport von maximal 14 Stunden notwendig sein, muss den Tieren eine 1-st\u00fcndige Ruhepause mit der M\u00f6glichkeit zum Trinken gew\u00e4hrt werden. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden M\u00f6glichkeiten f\u00fcr Beh\u00f6rden zur \u00dcberpr\u00fcfung des Wasserangebotes evaluiert. F\u00fcnfzehn Burenziegen und 1\ufeff Schwarzkopfschafe wurden in einem 3 x 3 Lateinischen Quadrat auf eine der folgenden 3 Behandlungen aufgeteilt: AL (ad libitum), SHORT (14 Stunden Wasserentzug \u2013 1 Stunde Wasserzugang \u2013 14 Stunden Wasserentzug) oder LONG (29 Stunden Wasserentzug). Die Untersuchungen fanden unter Stallhaltungsbedingungen statt, ohne die Tiere zu transportieren. Blutparameter wurden in den Stunden 0, 14, 15\ufeff und 29 analysiert. Die Verhaltensparameter Stehen, Liegen und Fressen wurden erfasst. LONG-Schafe zeigten im Vergleich zu AL- und SHORT-Tieren einen verminderten H\u00e4matokritwert zu Stunde 14 (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Natrium im Serum war zu Stunde 14 h\u00f6her in SHORT- und LONG- als in AL-Tieren (P lt; 0.05\ufeff), und h\u00f6her in LONG-Schafen als in beiden anderen Gruppen zu Stunde 29 (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5). Die Fressdauer betrug gt; 20 min\/h im Zeitraum zwischen Stunde 0 und 14 und ~\ufeff min\/h zwischen Stunde 1\ufeff und 29 (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Bei Ziegen wiesen im Vergleich mit der AL-Gruppe Tiere der SHORT- (Stunden 14 und 15\ufeff) und LONG-Gruppen (Stunde 29) h\u00f6here H\u00e4moglobin-Werte auf (P lt; 0.0\ufeff). Natrium im Serum stieg von Stunde 0\u201314 in SHORT- und LONGZiegen an (P lt; 0.0\ufeff). Die Fressdauer betrug wie bei den Schafen gt; 20 min\/h im Zeitraum zwischen Stunde 0 und 14 und ~5\ufeff min\/h zwischen Stunde 1\ufeff und 29 (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Schlussfolgernd zeigten die getesteten Parameter eine eingeschr\u00e4nkte M\u00f6glichkeit zur \u00dcberpr\u00fcfung der Transportvorschriften.<\/p>

H\u00e4matologie, Fressdauer, Transportbedingungen<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Jan 14, 2017 11:00:00 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/effects-of-water-deprivation-on-blood-components-and-behaviour-in-sheep-and-goats\/150\/3130\/100039"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/effects-of-water-deprivation-on-blood-components-and-behaviour-in-sheep-and-goats\/150\/3130\/100039\/","doiSource":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift 130, Heft 1\/2 (2017), Seiten 58\u201365","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-16001","doiFirstPage":"58","doiLastPage":"65","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Lambertz C, Hinz M, Gauly M","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2017_01_02_0058.pdf","title":"BMW_2017_01_02_0058.pdf","description":"Effects of water deprivation on blood components and behaviour in sheep and goats"},"authors":[{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"Lambertz"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Hinz"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Gauly"}],"contentOptimised":"

Given that water withdrawal is one of the major stressors for animals during long-distance transports, it was the aim to study the effects of prolonged water deprivation on different blood and behavioural parameters of goats and sheep under stable conditions. Withdrawal periods corresponded to EU transport regulations, which allow sheep and goats to be transported for a maximum period of 14 hours, followed by a rest period of at least one hour sufficient for them to drink water, if a further 14-h travel is necessary. In the present study tools for authorities to approve the offer of water were evaluated. Fifteen Boer goats and 1\ufeff Blackhead mutton sheep were assigned in a 3 x 3 Latin square design to 1 of the following treatments: AL (ad libitum), SHORT (14 h withdrawal \u2013 1 h access \u2013 14 h withdrawal) or LONG (29 h withdrawal). The study was conducted under stable conditions without transporting the animals. Haematological parameters were analysed at 0, 14, 15\ufeff, and 29 h. Standing, lying, and feeding behaviour were recor ded. In sheep, LONG had lowered packed cell volume (PCV) compared with AL- and SHORT-animals at 14 h (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Serum sodium (Na) was higher in SHORT- and LONG- than in AL-group at 14 h (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5), and higher in LONG than in both other groups at 29 h (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). During 0\u201314 h sheep fed gt; 20 min\/h and ~\ufeff5 min\/h during 1\ufeff\u201329 h (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). In goats, the SHORT- (at 14 and 15\ufeff h) and LONG-group (at 29 h) showed greater haemoglobin values when compared with the AL-group (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5). Serum Na increased from 0 to 14 h in SHORT- and LONGgroups (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Total feeding time was similar to sheep gt; 20 min\/h during 0\u201314 h and ~\ufeff5 min\/h during 15\ufeff\u201329 h (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5). In conclusion, the tested parameters showed only limited potential to monitor the fulfilment of transport regulations.<\/p>

haematology, feeding duration, transport conditions<\/p>

Wasserentzug z\u00e4hlt zu den bedeutendsten Stressfaktoren f\u00fcr Tiere w\u00e4hrend Langzeittransporten. Ziel dieser Studie war es, Effekte eines ausgedehnten Wasserentzuges auf verschiedene Blut- und Verhaltensparameter bei Ziegen und Schafen unter Stallhaltungsbedingungen zu untersuchen. Die Dauer des Wasserentzuges entsprach den EU-Vorschriften, nach denen Schafe und Ziegen f\u00fcr maximal 14 Stunden transportiert werden d\u00fcrfen. Sollte ein weiterer Transport von maximal 14 Stunden notwendig sein, muss den Tieren eine 1-st\u00fcndige Ruhepause mit der M\u00f6glichkeit zum Trinken gew\u00e4hrt werden. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden M\u00f6glichkeiten f\u00fcr Beh\u00f6rden zur \u00dcberpr\u00fcfung des Wasserangebotes evaluiert. F\u00fcnfzehn Burenziegen und 1\ufeff Schwarzkopfschafe wurden in einem 3 x 3 Lateinischen Quadrat auf eine der folgenden 3 Behandlungen aufgeteilt: AL (ad libitum), SHORT (14 Stunden Wasserentzug \u2013 1 Stunde Wasserzugang \u2013 14 Stunden Wasserentzug) oder LONG (29 Stunden Wasserentzug). Die Untersuchungen fanden unter Stallhaltungsbedingungen statt, ohne die Tiere zu transportieren. Blutparameter wurden in den Stunden 0, 14, 15\ufeff und 29 analysiert. Die Verhaltensparameter Stehen, Liegen und Fressen wurden erfasst. LONG-Schafe zeigten im Vergleich zu AL- und SHORT-Tieren einen verminderten H\u00e4matokritwert zu Stunde 14 (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Natrium im Serum war zu Stunde 14 h\u00f6her in SHORT- und LONG- als in AL-Tieren (P lt; 0.05\ufeff), und h\u00f6her in LONG-Schafen als in beiden anderen Gruppen zu Stunde 29 (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5). Die Fressdauer betrug gt; 20 min\/h im Zeitraum zwischen Stunde 0 und 14 und ~\ufeff min\/h zwischen Stunde 1\ufeff und 29 (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Bei Ziegen wiesen im Vergleich mit der AL-Gruppe Tiere der SHORT- (Stunden 14 und 15\ufeff) und LONG-Gruppen (Stunde 29) h\u00f6here H\u00e4moglobin-Werte auf (P lt; 0.0\ufeff). Natrium im Serum stieg von Stunde 0\u201314 in SHORT- und LONGZiegen an (P lt; 0.0\ufeff). Die Fressdauer betrug wie bei den Schafen gt; 20 min\/h im Zeitraum zwischen Stunde 0 und 14 und ~5\ufeff min\/h zwischen Stunde 1\ufeff und 29 (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Schlussfolgernd zeigten die getesteten Parameter eine eingeschr\u00e4nkte M\u00f6glichkeit zur \u00dcberpr\u00fcfung der Transportvorschriften.<\/p>

H\u00e4matologie, Fressdauer, Transportbedingungen<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Given that water withdrawal is one of the major stressors for animals during long-distance transports, it was the aim to study the effects of prolonged water deprivation on different blood and behavioural parameters of goats and sheep under stable conditions. Withdrawal periods corresponded to EU transport regulations, which allow sheep and goats to be transported for a maximum period of 14 hours, followed by a rest period of at least one hour sufficient for them to drink water, if a further 14-h travel is necessary. In the present study tools for authorities to approve the offer of water were evaluated. Fifteen Boer goats and 1\ufeff Blackhead mutton sheep were assigned in a 3 x 3 Latin square design to 1 of the following treatments: AL (ad libitum), SHORT (14 h withdrawal \u2013 1 h access \u2013 14 h withdrawal) or LONG (29 h withdrawal). The study was conducted under stable conditions without transporting the animals. Haematological parameters were analysed at 0, 14, 15\ufeff, and 29 h. Standing, lying, and feeding behaviour were recor ded. In sheep, LONG had lowered packed cell volume (PCV) compared with AL- and SHORT-animals at 14 h (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Serum sodium (Na) was higher in SHORT- and LONG- than in AL-group at 14 h (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5), and higher in LONG than in both other groups at 29 h (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). During 0\u201314 h sheep fed gt; 20 min\/h and ~\ufeff5 min\/h during 1\ufeff\u201329 h (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). In goats, the SHORT- (at 14 and 15\ufeff h) and LONG-group (at 29 h) showed greater haemoglobin values when compared with the AL-group (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5). Serum Na increased from 0 to 14 h in SHORT- and LONGgroups (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Total feeding time was similar to sheep gt; 20 min\/h during 0\u201314 h and ~\ufeff5 min\/h during 15\ufeff\u201329 h (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5). In conclusion, the tested parameters showed only limited potential to monitor the fulfilment of transport regulations.<\/p>

","keywords":["H\u00e4matologie","Fressdauer","Transportbedingungen"],"zusammenfassung":"Wasserentzug z\u00e4hlt zu den bedeutendsten Stressfaktoren f\u00fcr Tiere w\u00e4hrend Langzeittransporten. Ziel dieser Studie war es, Effekte eines ausgedehnten Wasserentzuges auf verschiedene Blut- und Verhaltensparameter bei Ziegen und Schafen unter Stallhaltungsbedingungen zu untersuchen. Die Dauer des Wasserentzuges entsprach den EU-Vorschriften, nach denen Schafe und Ziegen f\u00fcr maximal 14 Stunden transportiert werden d\u00fcrfen. Sollte ein weiterer Transport von maximal 14 Stunden notwendig sein, muss den Tieren eine 1-st\u00fcndige Ruhepause mit der M\u00f6glichkeit zum Trinken gew\u00e4hrt werden. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden M\u00f6glichkeiten f\u00fcr Beh\u00f6rden zur \u00dcberpr\u00fcfung des Wasserangebotes evaluiert. F\u00fcnfzehn Burenziegen und 1\ufeff Schwarzkopfschafe wurden in einem 3 x 3 Lateinischen Quadrat auf eine der folgenden 3 Behandlungen aufgeteilt: AL (ad libitum), SHORT (14 Stunden Wasserentzug \u2013 1 Stunde Wasserzugang \u2013 14 Stunden Wasserentzug) oder LONG (29 Stunden Wasserentzug). Die Untersuchungen fanden unter Stallhaltungsbedingungen statt, ohne die Tiere zu transportieren. Blutparameter wurden in den Stunden 0, 14, 15\ufeff und 29 analysiert. Die Verhaltensparameter Stehen, Liegen und Fressen wurden erfasst. LONG-Schafe zeigten im Vergleich zu AL- und SHORT-Tieren einen verminderten H\u00e4matokritwert zu Stunde 14 (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Natrium im Serum war zu Stunde 14 h\u00f6her in SHORT- und LONG- als in AL-Tieren (P lt; 0.05\ufeff), und h\u00f6her in LONG-Schafen als in beiden anderen Gruppen zu Stunde 29 (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5). Die Fressdauer betrug gt; 20 min\/h im Zeitraum zwischen Stunde 0 und 14 und ~\ufeff min\/h zwischen Stunde 1\ufeff und 29 (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Bei Ziegen wiesen im Vergleich mit der AL-Gruppe Tiere der SHORT- (Stunden 14 und 15\ufeff) und LONG-Gruppen (Stunde 29) h\u00f6here H\u00e4moglobin-Werte auf (P lt; 0.0\ufeff). Natrium im Serum stieg von Stunde 0\u201314 in SHORT- und LONGZiegen an (P lt; 0.0\ufeff). Die Fressdauer betrug wie bei den Schafen gt; 20 min\/h im Zeitraum zwischen Stunde 0 und 14 und ~5\ufeff min\/h zwischen Stunde 1\ufeff und 29 (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Schlussfolgernd zeigten die getesteten Parameter eine eingeschr\u00e4nkte M\u00f6glichkeit zur \u00dcberpr\u00fcfung der Transportvorschriften.<\/p>

","translatedTitle":"Auswirkungen von Wasserentzug auf Blutparameter und Verhalten bei Schafen und Ziegen","abstractE":"Given that water withdrawal is one of the major stressors for animals during long-distance transports, it was the aim to study the effects of prolonged water deprivation on different blood and behavioural parameters of goats and sheep under stable conditions. Withdrawal periods corresponded to EU transport regulations, which allow sheep and goats to be transported for a maximum period of 14 hours, followed by a rest period of at least one hour sufficient for them to drink water, if a further 14-h travel is necessary. In the present study tools for authorities to approve the offer of water were evaluated. Fifteen Boer goats and 1\ufeff Blackhead mutton sheep were assigned in a 3 x 3 Latin square design to 1 of the following treatments: AL (ad libitum), SHORT (14 h withdrawal \u2013 1 h access \u2013 14 h withdrawal) or LONG (29 h withdrawal). The study was conducted under stable conditions without transporting the animals. Haematological parameters were analysed at 0, 14, 15\ufeff, and 29 h. Standing, lying, and feeding behaviour were recor ded. In sheep, LONG had lowered packed cell volume (PCV) compared with AL- and SHORT-animals at 14 h (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Serum sodium (Na) was higher in SHORT- and LONG- than in AL-group at 14 h (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5), and higher in LONG than in both other groups at 29 h (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). During 0\u201314 h sheep fed gt; 20 min\/h and ~\ufeff5 min\/h during 1\ufeff\u201329 h (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). In goats, the SHORT- (at 14 and 15\ufeff h) and LONG-group (at 29 h) showed greater haemoglobin values when compared with the AL-group (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5). Serum Na increased from 0 to 14 h in SHORT- and LONGgroups (P lt; 0.05\ufeff). Total feeding time was similar to sheep gt; 20 min\/h during 0\u201314 h and ~\ufeff5 min\/h during 15\ufeff\u201329 h (P lt; 0.0\ufeff5). In conclusion, the tested parameters showed only limited potential to monitor the fulfilment of transport regulations.","date":{"year":2017,"date":"01\/2017","accepted":"2017-01-14"},"volume":"130","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"58-65","redirects":["effects-of-water-deprivation-on-blood-components-and-behaviour-in-sheep-and-goats\/150\/3130\/100039"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 01/2017 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-16001 ET - 1/2 LA - English N2 - Given that water withdrawal is one of the major stressors for animals during long-distance transports, it was the aim to study the effects of prolonged water deprivation on different blood and behavioural parameters of goats and sheep under stable conditions. Withdrawal periods corresponded to EU transport regulations, which allow sheep and goats to be transported for a maximum period of 14 hours, followed by a rest period of at least one hour sufficient for them to drink water, if a further 14-h travel is necessary. In the present study tools for authorities to approve the offer of water were evaluated. Fifteen Boer goats and 1 Blackhead mutton sheep were assigned in a 3 x 3 Latin square design to 1 of the following treatments: AL (ad libitum), SHORT (14 h withdrawal – 1 h access – 14 h withdrawal) or LONG (29 h withdrawal). The study was conducted under stable conditions without transporting the animals. Haematological parameters were analysed at 0, 14, 15, and 29 h. Standing, lying, and feeding behaviour were recor ded. In sheep, LONG had lowered packed cell volume (PCV) compared with AL- and SHORT-animals at 14 h (P lt; 0.05). Serum sodium (Na) was higher in SHORT- and LONG- than in AL-group at 14 h (P lt; 0.05), and higher in LONG than in both other groups at 29 h (P lt; 0.05). During 0–14 h sheep fed gt; 20 min/h and ~5 min/h during 1–29 h (P lt; 0.05). In goats, the SHORT- (at 14 and 15 h) and LONG-group (at 29 h) showed greater haemoglobin values when compared with the AL-group (P lt; 0.05). Serum Na increased from 0 to 14 h in SHORT- and LONGgroups (P lt; 0.05). Total feeding time was similar to sheep gt; 20 min/h during 0–14 h and ~5 min/h during 15–29 h (P lt; 0.05). In conclusion, the tested parameters showed only limited potential to monitor the fulfilment of transport regulations. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2017 SP - 58 EP - 65 T1 - Effects of water deprivation on blood components and behaviour in sheep and goats T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Effects of water deprivation on blood components and behaviour in sheep and goats TT - Auswirkungen von Wasserentzug auf Blutparameter und Verhalten bei Schafen und Ziegen VL - 130 SN - 0005-9366 ER -