TY - JOUR KW - porcine abscessed pneumonia KW - horse KW - hamster KW - Persian fallow deer KW - co-infections KW - MALDI-TOF MS KW - bacteriological differentiation AU - S Stalb AU - E Hiller AU - J Rau AU - T Eisenberg AU - R Sting AB - Helcococcus (H.) ovis and H. kunzii have rarely been described as veterinary pathogens. This is the first report of the isolation of H. ovis in pure culture from a lung of a piglet suffering from severe abscessed pneumonia, which prompted us to clarify the pathological significance of helcococci in animals. In total, 144 H. ovis and eight H. kunzii strains were isolated from clinical specimens or from organs during post mortem examinations from 2010 to 2017. Suspicious colonies were verified by MALDI-TOF MS and/or by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Additionally, selected isolates were compared phenotypically using FT-IR spectroscopy and biochemistry using VITEK2-compact®, but neither method allowed discrimination of the helcococci isolates. In decreasing order of frequency, H. ovis was recovered from cattle, sheep, pigs and one horse. H. kunzii was isolated for the first time in a hamster and a Persian fallow deer. H. ovis isolates often originated from lungs, independent of the animal species and from reproductive organs of cattle. In the majority of cases, H. ovis was recovered together with Trueperella pyogenes and Fusobacterium necrophorum and in sheep additionally with Mannheimia haemolytica. In conclusion, helcococci can affect different organ systems in a broad range of hosts. According to its principal target sites, H. ovis has pathogenic potential in respiratory disease in different animal species, as well as for reproductive disorders in cattle. In this context and with its frequent recovery from mixed culture, particular care must be taken to detect helcococci in animal diagnostic specimens. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":108211,"title":"Pathological significance of Helcococcus ovis and Helcococcus kunzii in veterinary medicine","topline":"","teaserText":"Pathologische Bedeutung von Helcococcus ovis und Helcococcus kunzii in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin","content":"

Helcococcus (H.) ovis<\/span> and H. kunzii<\/span> have rarely been described as veterinary pathogens. This is the first report of the isolation of H. ovis<\/span> in pure culture from a lung of a piglet suffering from severe abscessed pneumonia, which prompted us to clarify the pathological significance of helcococci in animals. In total, 144 H. ovis<\/span> and eight H. kunzii<\/span> strains were isolated from clinical specimens or from organs during post mortem examinations from 2010 to 2017. Suspicious colonies were verified by MALDI-TOF MS and\/or by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Additionally, selected isolates were compared phenotypically using FT-IR spectroscopy and biochemistry using VITEK2-compact\u00ae<\/span>, but neither method allowed discrimination of the helcococci isolates. In decreasing order of frequency, H. ovis<\/span> was recovered from cattle, sheep, pigs and one horse. H. kunzii<\/span> was isolated for the first time in a hamster and a Persian fallow deer. H. ovis<\/span> isolates often originated from lungs, independent of the animal species and from reproductive organs of cattle. In the majority of cases, H. ovis<\/span> was recovered together with Trueperella pyogenes<\/span> and Fusobacterium necrophorum<\/span> and in sheep additionally with Mannheimia haemolytica<\/span>. In conclusion, helcococci can affect different organ systems in a broad range of hosts. According to its principal target sites, H. ovis<\/span> has pathogenic potential in respiratory disease in different animal species, as well as for reproductive disorders in cattle. In this context and with its frequent recovery from mixed culture, particular care must be taken to detect helcococci in animal diagnostic specimens.<\/p>

porcine abscessed pneumonia, horse, hamster, Persian fallow deer, co-infections, MALDI-TOF MS, bacteriological differentiation<\/p>

Helcococcus (H.) ovis<\/span> und H. kunzii<\/span> werden selten als tierpathogene Erreger beschrieben. Dies ist der erste Bericht \u00fcber die Isolierung von H. ovis<\/span> in Reinkultur aus der Lunge eines Ferkels, das an einer schweren abszedierenden Pneumonie litt. Dies veranlasste uns, die pathologische Bedeutung von Helcococcus<\/span> bei Tieren abzukl\u00e4ren. Insgesamt wurden 144 H. ovis<\/span>- und acht H. kunzii<\/span>-St\u00e4mme aus klinischem Probenmaterial oder Organen im Rahmen von Sektionen im Zeitraum von 2010 bis 2017 isoliert. Verd\u00e4chtige Kolonien wurden mittels MALDI-TOF und\/oder Sequenzierung des 16S rRNA-Gens gepr\u00fcft. Zus\u00e4tzlich wurden ausgew\u00e4hlte Isolate ph\u00e4notypisch mithilfe der FT-IR-Spektroskopie und biochemisch mittels VITEK2-compact\u00ae<\/span> untersucht, wobei allerdings keine dieser Methoden eine Unterscheidung der Helcococcus<\/span>-Isolate erm\u00f6glichte. H. ovis<\/span> wurde in absteigender H\u00e4ufigkeit von Rindern, Schafen, Schweinen und einem Pferd gewonnen. H. kunzii<\/span> wurde erstmals von einem Hamster und einem Mesopotamischen Damhirsch isoliert. H. ovis<\/span>-Isolate stammten oftmals von Lungen, unabh\u00e4ngig von der Tierart, und vom Genitaltrakt von Rindern. H. ovis<\/span> wurde in der Mehrzahl der F\u00e4lle zusammen mit Trueperella pyogenes<\/span> und Fusobacterium necrophorum<\/span> und bei Schafen zus\u00e4tzlich zusammen mit Mannheimia haemolytica<\/span> isoliert. Abschlie\u00dfend kann festgestellt werden, dass Helococcus<\/span> verschiedene Organe bei einem breiten Wirtsspektrum befallen kann. Entsprechend der haupts\u00e4chlichen Zielorgane besitzt H. ovis<\/span> pathogenes Potenzial f\u00fcr den Respirationstrakt sowie f\u00fcr den Genitaltrakt bei Rindern. In diesem Zusammenhang und aufgrund der H\u00e4ufigkeit der Isolierung von Helcococcus<\/span> in Mischkulturen sollte dem Nachweis dieses Bakteriums aus diagnostischem Material besondere Aufmerksamkeit zukommen.<\/p>

abszedierende Pneumonie beim Schwein, Pferd, Hamster, Mesopotamischer Damhirsch, Koinfektionen, MALDI-TOF MS, bakteriologische Differenzierung<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Jun 1, 2018 12:12:33 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/pathological-significance-of-helcococcus-ovis-and-helcococcus-kunzii-in-veterinary-medicine\/150\/3130\/108211"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochensch","doiDocumentUri":"https:\/\/vetline.de\/files\/smfiledata\/7\/2\/0\/1\/7\/7\/BMTW_AOP_17106_Sting.pdf","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochensch","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-17106","doiFirstPage":". ","doiLastPage":"..","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Stalb S, Hiller E, Rau J, Eisenberg T, Sting R","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMTW_AOP_17106_Sting.pdf","title":"BMTW_AOP_17106_Sting","description":"Pathological significance of Helcococcus ovis and Helcococcus kunzii in veterinary medicine"},"authors":[{"firstName":"S","middleName":"","lastName":"Stalb"},{"firstName":"E","middleName":"","lastName":"Hiller"},{"firstName":"J","middleName":"","lastName":"Rau"},{"firstName":"T","middleName":"","lastName":"Eisenberg"},{"firstName":"R","middleName":"","lastName":"Sting"}],"contentOptimised":"

Helcococcus (H.) ovis<\/em> and H. kunzii<\/em> have rarely been described as veterinary pathogens. This is the first report of the isolation of H. ovis<\/em> in pure culture from a lung of a piglet suffering from severe abscessed pneumonia, which prompted us to clarify the pathological significance of helcococci in animals. In total, 144 H. ovis<\/em> and eight H. kunzii<\/em> strains were isolated from clinical specimens or from organs during post mortem examinations from 2010 to 2017. Suspicious colonies were verified by MALDI-TOF MS and\/or by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Additionally, selected isolates were compared phenotypically using FT-IR spectroscopy and biochemistry using VITEK2-compact\u00ae, but neither method allowed discrimination of the helcococci isolates. In decreasing order of frequency, H. ovis<\/em> was recovered from cattle, sheep, pigs and one horse. H. kunzii<\/em> was isolated for the first time in a hamster and a Persian fallow deer. H. ovis<\/em> isolates often originated from lungs, independent of the animal species and from reproductive organs of cattle. In the majority of cases, H. ovis<\/em> was recovered together with Trueperella pyogenes<\/em> and Fusobacterium necrophorum<\/em> and in sheep additionally with Mannheimia haemolytica<\/em>. In conclusion, helcococci can affect different organ systems in a broad range of hosts. According to its principal target sites, H. ovis<\/em> has pathogenic potential in respiratory disease in different animal species, as well as for reproductive disorders in cattle. In this context and with its frequent recovery from mixed culture, particular care must be taken to detect helcococci in animal diagnostic specimens.<\/p>

porcine abscessed pneumonia, horse, hamster, Persian fallow deer, co-infections, MALDI-TOF MS, bacteriological differentiation<\/p>

Helcococcus (H.) ovis<\/em> und H. kunzii<\/em> werden selten als tierpathogene Erreger beschrieben. Dies ist der erste Bericht \u00fcber die Isolierung von H. ovis<\/em> in Reinkultur aus der Lunge eines Ferkels, das an einer schweren abszedierenden Pneumonie litt. Dies veranlasste uns, die pathologische Bedeutung von Helcococcus<\/em> bei Tieren abzukl\u00e4ren. Insgesamt wurden 144 H. ovis<\/em>- und acht H. kunzii<\/em>-St\u00e4mme aus klinischem Probenmaterial oder Organen im Rahmen von Sektionen im Zeitraum von 2010 bis 2017 isoliert. Verd\u00e4chtige Kolonien wurden mittels MALDI-TOF und\/oder Sequenzierung des 16S rRNA-Gens gepr\u00fcft. Zus\u00e4tzlich wurden ausgew\u00e4hlte Isolate ph\u00e4notypisch mithilfe der FT-IR-Spektroskopie und biochemisch mittels VITEK2-compact\u00ae untersucht, wobei allerdings keine dieser Methoden eine Unterscheidung der Helcococcus<\/em>-Isolate erm\u00f6glichte. H. ovis<\/em> wurde in absteigender H\u00e4ufigkeit von Rindern, Schafen, Schweinen und einem Pferd gewonnen. H. kunzii<\/em> wurde erstmals von einem Hamster und einem Mesopotamischen Damhirsch isoliert. H. ovis<\/em>-Isolate stammten oftmals von Lungen, unabh\u00e4ngig von der Tierart, und vom Genitaltrakt von Rindern. H. ovis<\/em> wurde in der Mehrzahl der F\u00e4lle zusammen mit Trueperella pyogenes<\/em> und Fusobacterium necrophorum<\/em> und bei Schafen zus\u00e4tzlich zusammen mit Mannheimia haemolytica<\/em> isoliert. Abschlie\u00dfend kann festgestellt werden, dass Helococcus<\/em> verschiedene Organe bei einem breiten Wirtsspektrum befallen kann. Entsprechend der haupts\u00e4chlichen Zielorgane besitzt H. ovis<\/em> pathogenes Potenzial f\u00fcr den Respirationstrakt sowie f\u00fcr den Genitaltrakt bei Rindern. In diesem Zusammenhang und aufgrund der H\u00e4ufigkeit der Isolierung von Helcococcus<\/em> in Mischkulturen sollte dem Nachweis dieses Bakteriums aus diagnostischem Material besondere Aufmerksamkeit zukommen.<\/p>

abszedierende Pneumonie beim Schwein, Pferd, Hamster, Mesopotamischer Damhirsch, Koinfektionen, MALDI-TOF MS, bakteriologische Differenzierung<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Helcococcus (H.) ovis<\/em> and H. kunzii<\/em> have rarely been described as veterinary pathogens. This is the first report of the isolation of H. ovis<\/em> in pure culture from a lung of a piglet suffering from severe abscessed pneumonia, which prompted us to clarify the pathological significance of helcococci in animals. In total, 144 H. ovis<\/em> and eight H. kunzii<\/em> strains were isolated from clinical specimens or from organs during post mortem examinations from 2010 to 2017. Suspicious colonies were verified by MALDI-TOF MS and\/or by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Additionally, selected isolates were compared phenotypically using FT-IR spectroscopy and biochemistry using VITEK2-compact\u00ae, but neither method allowed discrimination of the helcococci isolates. In decreasing order of frequency, H. ovis<\/em> was recovered from cattle, sheep, pigs and one horse. H. kunzii<\/em> was isolated for the first time in a hamster and a Persian fallow deer. H. ovis<\/em> isolates often originated from lungs, independent of the animal species and from reproductive organs of cattle. In the majority of cases, H. ovis<\/em> was recovered together with Trueperella pyogenes<\/em> and Fusobacterium necrophorum<\/em> and in sheep additionally with Mannheimia haemolytica<\/em>. In conclusion, helcococci can affect different organ systems in a broad range of hosts. According to its principal target sites, H. ovis<\/em> has pathogenic potential in respiratory disease in different animal species, as well as for reproductive disorders in cattle. In this context and with its frequent recovery from mixed culture, particular care must be taken to detect helcococci in animal diagnostic specimens.<\/p>

","keywords":["porcine abscessed pneumonia","horse","hamster","Persian fallow deer","co-infections","MALDI-TOF MS","bacteriological differentiation"],"zusammenfassung":"Helcococcus (H.) ovis<\/em> und H. kunzii<\/em> werden selten als tierpathogene Erreger beschrieben. Dies ist der erste Bericht \u00fcber die Isolierung von H. ovis<\/em> in Reinkultur aus der Lunge eines Ferkels, das an einer schweren abszedierenden Pneumonie litt. Dies veranlasste uns, die pathologische Bedeutung von Helcococcus<\/em> bei Tieren abzukl\u00e4ren. Insgesamt wurden 144 H. ovis<\/em>- und acht H. kunzii<\/em>-St\u00e4mme aus klinischem Probenmaterial oder Organen im Rahmen von Sektionen im Zeitraum von 2010 bis 2017 isoliert. Verd\u00e4chtige Kolonien wurden mittels MALDI-TOF und\/oder Sequenzierung des 16S rRNA-Gens gepr\u00fcft. Zus\u00e4tzlich wurden ausgew\u00e4hlte Isolate ph\u00e4notypisch mithilfe der FT-IR-Spektroskopie und biochemisch mittels VITEK2-compact\u00ae untersucht, wobei allerdings keine dieser Methoden eine Unterscheidung der Helcococcus<\/em>-Isolate erm\u00f6glichte. H. ovis<\/em> wurde in absteigender H\u00e4ufigkeit von Rindern, Schafen, Schweinen und einem Pferd gewonnen. H. kunzii<\/em> wurde erstmals von einem Hamster und einem Mesopotamischen Damhirsch isoliert. H. ovis<\/em>-Isolate stammten oftmals von Lungen, unabh\u00e4ngig von der Tierart, und vom Genitaltrakt von Rindern. H. ovis<\/em> wurde in der Mehrzahl der F\u00e4lle zusammen mit Trueperella pyogenes<\/em> und Fusobacterium necrophorum<\/em> und bei Schafen zus\u00e4tzlich zusammen mit Mannheimia haemolytica<\/em> isoliert. Abschlie\u00dfend kann festgestellt werden, dass Helococcus<\/em> verschiedene Organe bei einem breiten Wirtsspektrum befallen kann. Entsprechend der haupts\u00e4chlichen Zielorgane besitzt H. ovis<\/em> pathogenes Potenzial f\u00fcr den Respirationstrakt sowie f\u00fcr den Genitaltrakt bei Rindern. In diesem Zusammenhang und aufgrund der H\u00e4ufigkeit der Isolierung von Helcococcus<\/em> in Mischkulturen sollte dem Nachweis dieses Bakteriums aus diagnostischem Material besondere Aufmerksamkeit zukommen.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["abszedierende Pneumonie beim Schwein","Pferd","Hamster","Mesopotamischer Damhirsch","Koinfektionen","MALDI-TOF MS","bakteriologische Differenzierung"],"translatedTitle":"Pathologische Bedeutung von Helcococcus ovis und Helcococcus kunzii in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin","abstractE":"Helcococcus (H.) ovis and H. kunzii have rarely been described as veterinary pathogens. This is the first report of the isolation of H. ovis in pure culture from a lung of a piglet suffering from severe abscessed pneumonia, which prompted us to clarify the pathological significance of helcococci in animals. In total, 144 H. ovis and eight H. kunzii strains were isolated from clinical specimens or from organs during post mortem examinations from 2010 to 2017. Suspicious colonies were verified by MALDI-TOF MS and\/or by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Additionally, selected isolates were compared phenotypically using FT-IR spectroscopy and biochemistry using VITEK2-compact\u00ae, but neither method allowed discrimination of the helcococci isolates. In decreasing order of frequency, H. ovis was recovered from cattle, sheep, pigs and one horse. H. kunzii was isolated for the first time in a hamster and a Persian fallow deer. H. ovis isolates often originated from lungs, independent of the animal species and from reproductive organs of cattle. In the majority of cases, H. ovis was recovered together with Trueperella pyogenes and Fusobacterium necrophorum and in sheep additionally with Mannheimia haemolytica. In conclusion, helcococci can affect different organ systems in a broad range of hosts. According to its principal target sites, H. ovis has pathogenic potential in respiratory disease in different animal species, as well as for reproductive disorders in cattle. In this context and with its frequent recovery from mixed culture, particular care must be taken to detect helcococci in animal diagnostic specimens.","date":{"year":2018,"date":"06\/2018","accepted":"2018-06-01"},"volume":131,"openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"","redirects":["pathological-significance-of-helcococcus-ovis-and-helcococcus-kunzii-in-veterinary-medicine\/150\/3130\/108211"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 06/2018 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-17106 LA - English N2 - Helcococcus (H.) ovis and H. kunzii have rarely been described as veterinary pathogens. This is the first report of the isolation of H. ovis in pure culture from a lung of a piglet suffering from severe abscessed pneumonia, which prompted us to clarify the pathological significance of helcococci in animals. In total, 144 H. ovis and eight H. kunzii strains were isolated from clinical specimens or from organs during post mortem examinations from 2010 to 2017. Suspicious colonies were verified by MALDI-TOF MS and/or by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Additionally, selected isolates were compared phenotypically using FT-IR spectroscopy and biochemistry using VITEK2-compact®, but neither method allowed discrimination of the helcococci isolates. In decreasing order of frequency, H. ovis was recovered from cattle, sheep, pigs and one horse. H. kunzii was isolated for the first time in a hamster and a Persian fallow deer. H. ovis isolates often originated from lungs, independent of the animal species and from reproductive organs of cattle. In the majority of cases, H. ovis was recovered together with Trueperella pyogenes and Fusobacterium necrophorum and in sheep additionally with Mannheimia haemolytica. In conclusion, helcococci can affect different organ systems in a broad range of hosts. According to its principal target sites, H. ovis has pathogenic potential in respiratory disease in different animal species, as well as for reproductive disorders in cattle. In this context and with its frequent recovery from mixed culture, particular care must be taken to detect helcococci in animal diagnostic specimens. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2018 T1 - Pathological significance of Helcococcus ovis and Helcococcus kunzii in veterinary medicine T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Pathological significance of Helcococcus ovis and Helcococcus kunzii in veterinary medicine TT - Pathologische Bedeutung von Helcococcus ovis und Helcococcus kunzii in der Veterinärmedizin VL - 131 SN - 0005-9366 ER -