TY - JOUR KW - liver enzymes KW - liver substrates KW - lagomorpha KW - correlation KW - significance AU - A Leban-Danzl AU - K Hartmann AU - M Majzoub-Altweck AU - W Hermanns AU - C Sauter-Louis AU - J Hein AB - This retrospective study evaluated the sensitivity and clinical importance of liver parameters (alanine aminotransferase [ALT], alkaline phosphatase [AP], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], glutamate dehydrogenase [GLDH], γ-glutamyltransferase [GGT], glucose, albumin, total protein, bilirubin, and urea) for diagnosing hepatopathies (hepatic lipidosis, inflammation, diseases of the bile duct, neoplasia, cirrhosis, fibrosis, other liver diseases) in rabbits. The laboratory results of 77 rabbits with hepatopathies diagnosed via cytological or histopathological examination were investigated by assessing frequency distributions, associations between liver parameters and different hepatopathies, and intercorrelations between parameters. The most frequent liver disease was hepatic lipidosis (40/77), followed by inflammation (3/77). Aspartate aminotransferase was the parameter most commonly increased (n = 20/77, 70.0% above the reference interval), whereas AP activity never exceeded the reference interval. Significant (p lt; 0.0) associations and high diagnostic sensitivities were found for increased bilirubin concentration in rabbits with neoplasia and reduced urea concentration in rabbits with fibrosis. Significant and high correlations (p ≤ 0.001; r gt; 0.9) were found between AST/ALT, GGT/ALT, GGT/AST, and bilirubin/GGT, and significant but lower correlations (p ≤ 0.001, r = 0.–0.9) were detected for GLDH/ALT, and GLDH/AST. The study showed that AST, GLDH, ALT, and GGT, in contrast to AP, represent suitable parameters for detecting hepatopathies in rabbits. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":99012,"title":"Sensitivity of liver parameters in diagnosing liver diseases in rabbits","topline":"","teaserText":"Sensitivit\u00e4t von Leberparametern in der Diagnostik von Hepatopathien bei Kaninchen","content":"

This retrospective study evaluated the sensitivity and clinical importance of liver parameters (alanine aminotransferase [ALT], alkaline phosphatase [AP], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], glutamate dehydrogenase [GLDH], \u03b3-glutamyltransferase [GGT], glucose, albumin, total protein, bilirubin, and urea) for diagnosing hepatopathies (hepatic lipidosis, inflammation, diseases of the bile duct, neoplasia, cirrhosis, fibrosis, other liver diseases) in rabbits. The laboratory results of 77 rabbits with hepatopathies diagnosed via cytological or histopathological examination were investigated by assessing frequency distributions, associations between liver parameters and different hepatopathies, and intercorrelations between parameters. The most frequent liver disease was hepatic lipidosis (40\/77), followed by inflammation (3\ufeff\/77). Aspartate aminotransferase was the parameter most commonly increased (n = 20\/77, 70.0% above the reference interval), whereas AP activity never exceeded the reference interval. Significant (p lt; 0.0\ufeff) associations and high diagnostic sensitivities were found for increased bilirubin concentration in rabbits with neoplasia and reduced urea concentration in rabbits with fibrosis. Significant and high correlations (p \u2264 0.001; r gt; 0.9) were found between AST\/ALT, GGT\/ALT, GGT\/AST, and bilirubin\/GGT, and significant but lower correlations (p \u2264 0.001, r = 0.\ufeff\u20130.9) were detected for GLDH\/ALT, and GLDH\/AST. The study showed that AST, GLDH, ALT, and GGT, in contrast to AP, represent suitable parameters for detecting hepatopathies in rabbits.<\/p>

liver enzymes, liver substrates, lagomorpha, correlation, significance<\/p>

Ziel dieser Studie war die retrospektive Untersuchung von Sensitivit\u00e4t und klinischer Bedeutung von Leberparametern (Alaninaminotransferase [ALT], Alkalische Phosphatase [AP], Aspartataminotransferase [AST], Glutamatdehydrogenase [GLDH], \u03b3-Glutamyltransferase [GGT], Glukose, Albumin, Gesamteiwei\u00df, Bilirubin und Harnstoff) in der Diagnostik von Hepatopathien (Hepatolipidose, Entz\u00fcndung, Krankheiten des galleabf\u00fchrenden Systems, Neoplasie, Zirrhose, Fibrose, sonstige Leberkrankheiten) beim Kaninchen. Untersucht wurden die Laborbefunde von 77 Kaninchen mit zytologisch oder histopathologisch diagnostizierten Hepatopathien in Hinblick auf H\u00e4ufigkeitsverteilungen, Abh\u00e4ngigkeiten der Leberparameter von den Diagnosen und die Korrelation der Parameter untereinander. Die h\u00e4ufigste Hepatopathie war die Hepatolipidose (40\/77) gefolgt von Entz\u00fcndungen (3\ufeff\/77). Die h\u00e4ufigste Aktivit\u00e4tssteigerung zeigte im Fall einer Messung (20\/77) die AST (70,0 % \u00fcber dem Referenzbereich), w\u00e4hrend eine AP-Aktivit\u00e4t oberhalb des Referenzbereiches in keinem Fall verzeichnet wurde. Signifikante (p lt; 0,0\ufeff) Abh\u00e4ngigkeiten mit hohen Sensitivit\u00e4ten ergaben sich f\u00fcr erh\u00f6hte Bilirubinkonzentrationen bei Kaninchen mit Neoplasie, und erniedrigte Harnstoffkonzentrationen bei Kaninchen mit Fibrose. Signifikante und hohe Korrelationen (p \u2264 0,001; r gt; 0,9) ergaben sich f\u00fcr die Paarungen AST\/ALT, GGT\/ ALT, GGT\/AST und Bilirubin\/GGT, signifikante, jedoch niedrigere Korrelationen (p \u2264 0,001; r = 0,\ufeff\u20130,9) f\u00fcr die Paarungen GLDH\/ALT und GLDH\/AST. Die Studie zeigte, dass AST, GLDH, ALT und GGT im Gegensatz zur AP beim Kaninchen geeignete Leberparameter darstellen, um Hepatopathien zu ermitteln.<\/p>

Leberenzyme, Lebersubstrate, Lagomorpha, Korrelation, Signifikanz<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Nov 11, 2016 11:00:00 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/sensitivity-of-liver-parameters-in-diagnosing-liver-diseases-in-rabbits\/150\/3130\/99012"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift ","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/sensitivity-of-liver-parameters-in-diagnosing-liver-diseases-in-rabbits\/150\/3130\/99012\/","doiSource":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift 129, Heft 11\/12 (2016), Seiten 518\u2013526","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-15108","doiFirstPage":"518","doiLastPage":"526","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Leban-Danzl A, Hartmann K, Majzoub-Altweck M, Hermanns W, Sauter-Louis C, Hein J ","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2016_11_12_0518.pdf","title":"BMW_2016_11_12_0518.pdf","description":"Sensitivity of liver parameters in diagnosing liver diseases in rabbits"},"authors":[{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Leban-Danzl"},{"firstName":"K","middleName":"","lastName":"Hartmann"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Majzoub-Altweck"},{"firstName":"W","middleName":"","lastName":"Hermanns"},{"firstName":"C","middleName":"","lastName":"Sauter-Louis"},{"firstName":"J","middleName":"","lastName":"Hein"}],"contentOptimised":"

This retrospective study evaluated the sensitivity and clinical importance of liver parameters (alanine aminotransferase [ALT], alkaline phosphatase [AP], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], glutamate dehydrogenase [GLDH], \u03b3-glutamyltransferase [GGT], glucose, albumin, total protein, bilirubin, and urea) for diagnosing hepatopathies (hepatic lipidosis, inflammation, diseases of the bile duct, neoplasia, cirrhosis, fibrosis, other liver diseases) in rabbits. The laboratory results of 77 rabbits with hepatopathies diagnosed via cytological or histopathological examination were investigated by assessing frequency distributions, associations between liver parameters and different hepatopathies, and intercorrelations between parameters. The most frequent liver disease was hepatic lipidosis (40\/77), followed by inflammation (3\ufeff\/77). Aspartate aminotransferase was the parameter most commonly increased (n = 20\/77, 70.0% above the reference interval), whereas AP activity never exceeded the reference interval. Significant (p lt; 0.0\ufeff) associations and high diagnostic sensitivities were found for increased bilirubin concentration in rabbits with neoplasia and reduced urea concentration in rabbits with fibrosis. Significant and high correlations (p \u2264 0.001; r gt; 0.9) were found between AST\/ALT, GGT\/ALT, GGT\/AST, and bilirubin\/GGT, and significant but lower correlations (p \u2264 0.001, r = 0.\ufeff\u20130.9) were detected for GLDH\/ALT, and GLDH\/AST. The study showed that AST, GLDH, ALT, and GGT, in contrast to AP, represent suitable parameters for detecting hepatopathies in rabbits.<\/p>

liver enzymes, liver substrates, lagomorpha, correlation, significance<\/p>

Ziel dieser Studie war die retrospektive Untersuchung von Sensitivit\u00e4t und klinischer Bedeutung von Leberparametern (Alaninaminotransferase [ALT], Alkalische Phosphatase [AP], Aspartataminotransferase [AST], Glutamatdehydrogenase [GLDH], \u03b3-Glutamyltransferase [GGT], Glukose, Albumin, Gesamteiwei\u00df, Bilirubin und Harnstoff) in der Diagnostik von Hepatopathien (Hepatolipidose, Entz\u00fcndung, Krankheiten des galleabf\u00fchrenden Systems, Neoplasie, Zirrhose, Fibrose, sonstige Leberkrankheiten) beim Kaninchen. Untersucht wurden die Laborbefunde von 77 Kaninchen mit zytologisch oder histopathologisch diagnostizierten Hepatopathien in Hinblick auf H\u00e4ufigkeitsverteilungen, Abh\u00e4ngigkeiten der Leberparameter von den Diagnosen und die Korrelation der Parameter untereinander. Die h\u00e4ufigste Hepatopathie war die Hepatolipidose (40\/77) gefolgt von Entz\u00fcndungen (3\ufeff\/77). Die h\u00e4ufigste Aktivit\u00e4tssteigerung zeigte im Fall einer Messung (20\/77) die AST (70,0 % \u00fcber dem Referenzbereich), w\u00e4hrend eine AP-Aktivit\u00e4t oberhalb des Referenzbereiches in keinem Fall verzeichnet wurde. Signifikante (p lt; 0,0\ufeff) Abh\u00e4ngigkeiten mit hohen Sensitivit\u00e4ten ergaben sich f\u00fcr erh\u00f6hte Bilirubinkonzentrationen bei Kaninchen mit Neoplasie, und erniedrigte Harnstoffkonzentrationen bei Kaninchen mit Fibrose. Signifikante und hohe Korrelationen (p \u2264 0,001; r gt; 0,9) ergaben sich f\u00fcr die Paarungen AST\/ALT, GGT\/ ALT, GGT\/AST und Bilirubin\/GGT, signifikante, jedoch niedrigere Korrelationen (p \u2264 0,001; r = 0,\ufeff\u20130,9) f\u00fcr die Paarungen GLDH\/ALT und GLDH\/AST. Die Studie zeigte, dass AST, GLDH, ALT und GGT im Gegensatz zur AP beim Kaninchen geeignete Leberparameter darstellen, um Hepatopathien zu ermitteln.<\/p>

Leberenzyme, Lebersubstrate, Lagomorpha, Korrelation, Signifikanz<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"This retrospective study evaluated the sensitivity and clinical importance of liver parameters (alanine aminotransferase [ALT], alkaline phosphatase [AP], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], glutamate dehydrogenase [GLDH], \u03b3-glutamyltransferase [GGT], glucose, albumin, total protein, bilirubin, and urea) for diagnosing hepatopathies (hepatic lipidosis, inflammation, diseases of the bile duct, neoplasia, cirrhosis, fibrosis, other liver diseases) in rabbits. The laboratory results of 77 rabbits with hepatopathies diagnosed via cytological or histopathological examination were investigated by assessing frequency distributions, associations between liver parameters and different hepatopathies, and intercorrelations between parameters. The most frequent liver disease was hepatic lipidosis (40\/77), followed by inflammation (3\ufeff\/77). Aspartate aminotransferase was the parameter most commonly increased (n = 20\/77, 70.0% above the reference interval), whereas AP activity never exceeded the reference interval. Significant (p lt; 0.0\ufeff) associations and high diagnostic sensitivities were found for increased bilirubin concentration in rabbits with neoplasia and reduced urea concentration in rabbits with fibrosis. Significant and high correlations (p \u2264 0.001; r gt; 0.9) were found between AST\/ALT, GGT\/ALT, GGT\/AST, and bilirubin\/GGT, and significant but lower correlations (p \u2264 0.001, r = 0.\ufeff\u20130.9) were detected for GLDH\/ALT, and GLDH\/AST. The study showed that AST, GLDH, ALT, and GGT, in contrast to AP, represent suitable parameters for detecting hepatopathies in rabbits.<\/p>

","keywords":["liver enzymes","liver substrates","lagomorpha","correlation","significance"],"zusammenfassung":"Ziel dieser Studie war die retrospektive Untersuchung von Sensitivit\u00e4t und klinischer Bedeutung von Leberparametern (Alaninaminotransferase [ALT], Alkalische Phosphatase [AP], Aspartataminotransferase [AST], Glutamatdehydrogenase [GLDH], \u03b3-Glutamyltransferase [GGT], Glukose, Albumin, Gesamteiwei\u00df, Bilirubin und Harnstoff) in der Diagnostik von Hepatopathien (Hepatolipidose, Entz\u00fcndung, Krankheiten des galleabf\u00fchrenden Systems, Neoplasie, Zirrhose, Fibrose, sonstige Leberkrankheiten) beim Kaninchen. Untersucht wurden die Laborbefunde von 77 Kaninchen mit zytologisch oder histopathologisch diagnostizierten Hepatopathien in Hinblick auf H\u00e4ufigkeitsverteilungen, Abh\u00e4ngigkeiten der Leberparameter von den Diagnosen und die Korrelation der Parameter untereinander. Die h\u00e4ufigste Hepatopathie war die Hepatolipidose (40\/77) gefolgt von Entz\u00fcndungen (3\ufeff\/77). Die h\u00e4ufigste Aktivit\u00e4tssteigerung zeigte im Fall einer Messung (20\/77) die AST (70,0 % \u00fcber dem Referenzbereich), w\u00e4hrend eine AP-Aktivit\u00e4t oberhalb des Referenzbereiches in keinem Fall verzeichnet wurde. Signifikante (p lt; 0,0\ufeff) Abh\u00e4ngigkeiten mit hohen Sensitivit\u00e4ten ergaben sich f\u00fcr erh\u00f6hte Bilirubinkonzentrationen bei Kaninchen mit Neoplasie, und erniedrigte Harnstoffkonzentrationen bei Kaninchen mit Fibrose. Signifikante und hohe Korrelationen (p \u2264 0,001; r gt; 0,9) ergaben sich f\u00fcr die Paarungen AST\/ALT, GGT\/ ALT, GGT\/AST und Bilirubin\/GGT, signifikante, jedoch niedrigere Korrelationen (p \u2264 0,001; r = 0,\ufeff\u20130,9) f\u00fcr die Paarungen GLDH\/ALT und GLDH\/AST. Die Studie zeigte, dass AST, GLDH, ALT und GGT im Gegensatz zur AP beim Kaninchen geeignete Leberparameter darstellen, um Hepatopathien zu ermitteln.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Leberenzyme","Lebersubstrate","Lagomorpha","Korrelation","Signifikanz"],"translatedTitle":"Sensitivit\u00e4t von Leberparametern in der Diagnostik von Hepatopathien bei Kaninchen","abstractE":"This retrospective study evaluated the sensitivity and clinical importance of liver parameters (alanine aminotransferase [ALT], alkaline phosphatase [AP], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], glutamate dehydrogenase [GLDH], \u03b3-glutamyltransferase [GGT], glucose, albumin, total protein, bilirubin, and urea) for diagnosing hepatopathies (hepatic lipidosis, inflammation, diseases of the bile duct, neoplasia, cirrhosis, fibrosis, other liver diseases) in rabbits. The laboratory results of 77 rabbits with hepatopathies diagnosed via cytological or histopathological examination were investigated by assessing frequency distributions, associations between liver parameters and different hepatopathies, and intercorrelations between parameters. The most frequent liver disease was hepatic lipidosis (40\/77), followed by inflammation (3\ufeff\/77). Aspartate aminotransferase was the parameter most commonly increased (n = 20\/77, 70.0% above the reference interval), whereas AP activity never exceeded the reference interval. Significant (p lt; 0.0\ufeff) associations and high diagnostic sensitivities were found for increased bilirubin concentration in rabbits with neoplasia and reduced urea concentration in rabbits with fibrosis. Significant and high correlations (p \u2264 0.001; r gt; 0.9) were found between AST\/ALT, GGT\/ALT, GGT\/AST, and bilirubin\/GGT, and significant but lower correlations (p \u2264 0.001, r = 0.\ufeff\u20130.9) were detected for GLDH\/ALT, and GLDH\/AST. The study showed that AST, GLDH, ALT, and GGT, in contrast to AP, represent suitable parameters for detecting hepatopathies in rabbits.","date":{"year":2016,"date":"11\/2016","accepted":"2016-11-11"},"volume":"129","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"518-526","redirects":["sensitivity-of-liver-parameters-in-diagnosing-liver-diseases-in-rabbits\/150\/3130\/99012"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 11/2016 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-15108 ET - 11/12 LA - English N2 - This retrospective study evaluated the sensitivity and clinical importance of liver parameters (alanine aminotransferase [ALT], alkaline phosphatase [AP], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], glutamate dehydrogenase [GLDH], γ-glutamyltransferase [GGT], glucose, albumin, total protein, bilirubin, and urea) for diagnosing hepatopathies (hepatic lipidosis, inflammation, diseases of the bile duct, neoplasia, cirrhosis, fibrosis, other liver diseases) in rabbits. The laboratory results of 77 rabbits with hepatopathies diagnosed via cytological or histopathological examination were investigated by assessing frequency distributions, associations between liver parameters and different hepatopathies, and intercorrelations between parameters. The most frequent liver disease was hepatic lipidosis (40/77), followed by inflammation (3/77). Aspartate aminotransferase was the parameter most commonly increased (n = 20/77, 70.0% above the reference interval), whereas AP activity never exceeded the reference interval. Significant (p lt; 0.0) associations and high diagnostic sensitivities were found for increased bilirubin concentration in rabbits with neoplasia and reduced urea concentration in rabbits with fibrosis. Significant and high correlations (p ≤ 0.001; r gt; 0.9) were found between AST/ALT, GGT/ALT, GGT/AST, and bilirubin/GGT, and significant but lower correlations (p ≤ 0.001, r = 0.–0.9) were detected for GLDH/ALT, and GLDH/AST. The study showed that AST, GLDH, ALT, and GGT, in contrast to AP, represent suitable parameters for detecting hepatopathies in rabbits. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2016 SP - 518 EP - 526 T1 - Sensitivity of liver parameters in diagnosing liver diseases in rabbits T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Sensitivity of liver parameters in diagnosing liver diseases in rabbits TT - Sensitivität von Leberparametern in der Diagnostik von Hepatopathien bei Kaninchen VL - 129 SN - 0005-9366 ER -