TY - JOUR KW - beef livestock KW - fattened cattle KW - dairy cows KW - feeders KW - calves KW - death loss KW - transport AU - V Simova AU - E Voslarova AU - A Passantino AU - I Bedanova AU - V Vecerek AB - The death of animals during transport for slaughter is a major factor indicating the standard of welfare in transported animals. The aim of this study was to determine the mortality rate in different categories of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic in the period from 2009 to 2014. In the monitored period, in total 1 552 574 head of cattle were transported for slaughter, out of which 1935 (0.125%) died as a result of this transportation. However, highly significant (p lt; 0.01) differences were found among the transport-related mortality rates of individual categories of cattle. The highest mortality rate was found in calves (0.296%), followed by dairy cows (0.207%) and feeders (0.058%), and the lowest mortality was found in fattened cattle (0.017%). During the monitored period, the overall mortality rate of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic declined from 0.333% in 2009 to 0.030% in 201, which is a positive finding. However, when comparing the 2009–201 period (mortality rate 0.125%) with the 1997–2006 period (mortality rate 0.020%) a rising trend in the mortality of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic was observed. This tendency is disturbing, particularly considering the fact that stricter requirements for the commercial transportation of animals had come into force by means of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 of 22 December 2004 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amending Directives 6/32/EEC and 93/119/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255/97. The results suggest that the detailed legal framework regulating animal protection during commercial transportation itself may not be a guarantee that the welfare of animals transported will reach the required standard in practice. Inadequate investment, particularly in periods of economic recessions, may lead to the increased mortality of animals during transportation despite improving legislation and functioning state supervision in the field of animal protection. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":98962,"title":"Mortality rates in different categories of cattle during transport for slaughter","topline":"","teaserText":"Todesrate einzelner Rinderkategorien bei Transporten zum Schlachthof","content":"

The death of animals during transport for slaughter is a major factor indicating the standard of welfare in transported animals. The aim of this study was to determine the mortality rate in different categories of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic in the period from 2009 to 2014\ufeff. In the monitored period, in total 1 552 57\ufeff4 head of cattle were transported for slaughter, out of which 1935 (0.125%) died as a result of this transportation. However, highly significant (p lt; 0.01) differences were found among the transport-related mortality rates of individual categories of cattle. The highest mortality rate was found in calves (0.296%), followed by dairy cows (0.207%) and feeders (0.058%), and the lowest mortality was found in fattened cattle (0.017%). During the monitored period, the overall mortality rate of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic declined from 0.333% in 2009 to 0.030% in 201\ufeff, which is a positive finding. However, when comparing the 2009\u2013201\ufeff period (mortality rate 0.125%) with the 1997\u20132006 period (mortality rate 0.020%) a rising trend in the mortality of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic was observed. This tendency is disturbing, particularly considering the fact that stricter requirements for the commercial transportation of animals had come into force by means of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1\/2005 of 22 December 2004\ufeff on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amending Directives 6\ufeff\/\ufeff32\/EEC and 93\/119\/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255\/97. The results suggest that the detailed legal framework regulating animal protection during commercial transportation itself may not be a guarantee that the welfare of animals transported will reach the required standard in practice. Inadequate investment, particularly in periods of economic recessions, may lead to the increased mortality of animals during transportation despite improving legislation and functioning state supervision in the field of animal protection.<\/p>

beef livestock, fattened cattle, dairy cows, feeders, calves, death loss, transport<\/p>

Die Mortalit\u00e4t von Tieren bei ihrem Transport zur Schlachtung ist der wichtigste Kennwert bez\u00fcglich Wohlbefinden transportierter Tiere. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Todesraten der einzelnen Rinderkategorien zu bestimmen, die in der Tschechischen Republik im Zeitraum 2009 bis 201\ufeff zu Schlachth\u00f6fen transportiert wurden. Im erfassten Zeitraum wurden insgesamt 1 552 574\ufeff St\u00fcck Rinder zur Schlachtung transportiert, davon verendeten 1935 (0,125 %) St\u00fcck im Zusammenhang mit diesem Transport. Die Todesraten der einzelnen Kategorien differierten gegeneinander in bedeutendem Ma\u00dfe (p lt; 0,01). Die gr\u00f6\u00dfte Mortalit\u00e4t wurde bei K\u00e4lbern festgestellt (0,296 %), gefolgt von Milchk\u00fchen (0,207 %) und Jungtieren (0,058 %). Der kleinste Wert wurde bei Mastrindern festgestellt (0,017 %). Im erfassten Zeitraum sank die Mortalit\u00e4t bei in der Tschechischen Republik zur Schlachtung transportierten Rindern von 0,333 % im Jahr 2009 auf 0,030 % im Jahr 201\ufeff, dies ist eine positive Feststellung. Dennoch, vergleicht man den Zeitraum 2009 bis 2014\ufeff (Mortalit\u00e4t 0,125 %) mit dem Zeitraum 1997 bis 2006 (Mortalit\u00e4t 0,020 %), ist ein ansteigender Trend ersichtlich. Diese Entwicklung ist beunruhigend, insbesondere wenn man in Betracht zieht, dass in Form der EU-Ratsverordnung Nr. 1\/2005 \u00fcber Schutz von Tieren bei Transporten und zusammenh\u00e4ngenden T\u00e4tigkeiten und \u00c4nderung der Richtlinien 6\ufeff\/\ufeff32\/EWG und 93\/119\/EU sowie der EU-Verordnung Nr. 1255\/97 strengere Auflagen f\u00fcr kommerzielle Tiertransporte verabschiedet wurden. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine ausf\u00fchrliche rechtliche Regelung des Tierschutzes bei kommerziellen Transporten an sich noch nicht gew\u00e4hrleistet, dass das Wohlbefinden der Tiere wirklich das gew\u00fcnschte Niveau erreicht. Unzureichende Investitionen, insbesondere in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Rezession, k\u00f6nnen erh\u00f6hte Todesraten der Tiere beim Transport zur Folge haben, trotz immer besserer rechtlicher Tierschutzregelungen und funktionierender staatlicher Aufsicht.<\/p>

Mastrinder, Milchk\u00fche, Jungrinder, K\u00e4lber, Transportverluste<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Nov 11, 2016 11:00:00 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/mortality-rates-in-different-categories-of-cattle-during-transport-for-slaughter\/150\/3130\/98962"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/mortality-rates-in-different-categories-of-cattle-during-transport-for-slaughter\/150\/3130\/98962\/","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschr 129, 462\u2013467 (2016) ","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-15106","doiFirstPage":"462","doiLastPage":"467","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Simova V, Voslarova E, Passantino A, Bedanova I, Vecerek V","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2016_11_12_0462.pdf","title":"BMW_2016_11_12_0462.pdf","description":"Mortality rates in different categories of cattle during transport for slaughter"},"authors":[{"firstName":"V","middleName":"","lastName":"Simova"},{"firstName":"E","middleName":"","lastName":"Voslarova"},{"firstName":"A","middleName":"","lastName":"Passantino"},{"firstName":"I","middleName":"","lastName":"Bedanova"},{"firstName":"V","middleName":"","lastName":"Vecerek"}],"contentOptimised":"

The death of animals during transport for slaughter is a major factor indicating the standard of welfare in transported animals. The aim of this study was to determine the mortality rate in different categories of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic in the period from 2009 to 2014\ufeff. In the monitored period, in total 1 552 57\ufeff4 head of cattle were transported for slaughter, out of which 1935 (0.125%) died as a result of this transportation. However, highly significant (p lt; 0.01) differences were found among the transport-related mortality rates of individual categories of cattle. The highest mortality rate was found in calves (0.296%), followed by dairy cows (0.207%) and feeders (0.058%), and the lowest mortality was found in fattened cattle (0.017%). During the monitored period, the overall mortality rate of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic declined from 0.333% in 2009 to 0.030% in 201\ufeff, which is a positive finding. However, when comparing the 2009\u2013201\ufeff period (mortality rate 0.125%) with the 1997\u20132006 period (mortality rate 0.020%) a rising trend in the mortality of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic was observed. This tendency is disturbing, particularly considering the fact that stricter requirements for the commercial transportation of animals had come into force by means of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1\/2005 of 22 December 2004\ufeff on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amending Directives 6\ufeff\/\ufeff32\/EEC and 93\/119\/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255\/97. The results suggest that the detailed legal framework regulating animal protection during commercial transportation itself may not be a guarantee that the welfare of animals transported will reach the required standard in practice. Inadequate investment, particularly in periods of economic recessions, may lead to the increased mortality of animals during transportation despite improving legislation and functioning state supervision in the field of animal protection.<\/p>

beef livestock, fattened cattle, dairy cows, feeders, calves, death loss, transport<\/p>

Die Mortalit\u00e4t von Tieren bei ihrem Transport zur Schlachtung ist der wichtigste Kennwert bez\u00fcglich Wohlbefinden transportierter Tiere. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Todesraten der einzelnen Rinderkategorien zu bestimmen, die in der Tschechischen Republik im Zeitraum 2009 bis 201\ufeff zu Schlachth\u00f6fen transportiert wurden. Im erfassten Zeitraum wurden insgesamt 1 552 574\ufeff St\u00fcck Rinder zur Schlachtung transportiert, davon verendeten 1935 (0,125 %) St\u00fcck im Zusammenhang mit diesem Transport. Die Todesraten der einzelnen Kategorien differierten gegeneinander in bedeutendem Ma\u00dfe (p lt; 0,01). Die gr\u00f6\u00dfte Mortalit\u00e4t wurde bei K\u00e4lbern festgestellt (0,296 %), gefolgt von Milchk\u00fchen (0,207 %) und Jungtieren (0,058 %). Der kleinste Wert wurde bei Mastrindern festgestellt (0,017 %). Im erfassten Zeitraum sank die Mortalit\u00e4t bei in der Tschechischen Republik zur Schlachtung transportierten Rindern von 0,333 % im Jahr 2009 auf 0,030 % im Jahr 201\ufeff, dies ist eine positive Feststellung. Dennoch, vergleicht man den Zeitraum 2009 bis 2014\ufeff (Mortalit\u00e4t 0,125 %) mit dem Zeitraum 1997 bis 2006 (Mortalit\u00e4t 0,020 %), ist ein ansteigender Trend ersichtlich. Diese Entwicklung ist beunruhigend, insbesondere wenn man in Betracht zieht, dass in Form der EU-Ratsverordnung Nr. 1\/2005 \u00fcber Schutz von Tieren bei Transporten und zusammenh\u00e4ngenden T\u00e4tigkeiten und \u00c4nderung der Richtlinien 6\ufeff\/\ufeff32\/EWG und 93\/119\/EU sowie der EU-Verordnung Nr. 1255\/97 strengere Auflagen f\u00fcr kommerzielle Tiertransporte verabschiedet wurden. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine ausf\u00fchrliche rechtliche Regelung des Tierschutzes bei kommerziellen Transporten an sich noch nicht gew\u00e4hrleistet, dass das Wohlbefinden der Tiere wirklich das gew\u00fcnschte Niveau erreicht. Unzureichende Investitionen, insbesondere in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Rezession, k\u00f6nnen erh\u00f6hte Todesraten der Tiere beim Transport zur Folge haben, trotz immer besserer rechtlicher Tierschutzregelungen und funktionierender staatlicher Aufsicht.<\/p>

Mastrinder, Milchk\u00fche, Jungrinder, K\u00e4lber, Transportverluste<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"The death of animals during transport for slaughter is a major factor indicating the standard of welfare in transported animals. The aim of this study was to determine the mortality rate in different categories of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic in the period from 2009 to 2014\ufeff. In the monitored period, in total 1 552 57\ufeff4 head of cattle were transported for slaughter, out of which 1935 (0.125%) died as a result of this transportation. However, highly significant (p lt; 0.01) differences were found among the transport-related mortality rates of individual categories of cattle. The highest mortality rate was found in calves (0.296%), followed by dairy cows (0.207%) and feeders (0.058%), and the lowest mortality was found in fattened cattle (0.017%). During the monitored period, the overall mortality rate of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic declined from 0.333% in 2009 to 0.030% in 201\ufeff, which is a positive finding. However, when comparing the 2009\u2013201\ufeff period (mortality rate 0.125%) with the 1997\u20132006 period (mortality rate 0.020%) a rising trend in the mortality of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic was observed. This tendency is disturbing, particularly considering the fact that stricter requirements for the commercial transportation of animals had come into force by means of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1\/2005 of 22 December 2004\ufeff on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amending Directives 6\ufeff\/\ufeff32\/EEC and 93\/119\/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255\/97. The results suggest that the detailed legal framework regulating animal protection during commercial transportation itself may not be a guarantee that the welfare of animals transported will reach the required standard in practice. Inadequate investment, particularly in periods of economic recessions, may lead to the increased mortality of animals during transportation despite improving legislation and functioning state supervision in the field of animal protection.<\/p>

","keywords":["beef livestock","fattened cattle","dairy cows","feeders","calves","death loss","transport"],"zusammenfassung":"Die Mortalit\u00e4t von Tieren bei ihrem Transport zur Schlachtung ist der wichtigste Kennwert bez\u00fcglich Wohlbefinden transportierter Tiere. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Todesraten der einzelnen Rinderkategorien zu bestimmen, die in der Tschechischen Republik im Zeitraum 2009 bis 201\ufeff zu Schlachth\u00f6fen transportiert wurden. Im erfassten Zeitraum wurden insgesamt 1 552 574\ufeff St\u00fcck Rinder zur Schlachtung transportiert, davon verendeten 1935 (0,125 %) St\u00fcck im Zusammenhang mit diesem Transport. Die Todesraten der einzelnen Kategorien differierten gegeneinander in bedeutendem Ma\u00dfe (p lt; 0,01). Die gr\u00f6\u00dfte Mortalit\u00e4t wurde bei K\u00e4lbern festgestellt (0,296 %), gefolgt von Milchk\u00fchen (0,207 %) und Jungtieren (0,058 %). Der kleinste Wert wurde bei Mastrindern festgestellt (0,017 %). Im erfassten Zeitraum sank die Mortalit\u00e4t bei in der Tschechischen Republik zur Schlachtung transportierten Rindern von 0,333 % im Jahr 2009 auf 0,030 % im Jahr 201\ufeff, dies ist eine positive Feststellung. Dennoch, vergleicht man den Zeitraum 2009 bis 2014\ufeff (Mortalit\u00e4t 0,125 %) mit dem Zeitraum 1997 bis 2006 (Mortalit\u00e4t 0,020 %), ist ein ansteigender Trend ersichtlich. Diese Entwicklung ist beunruhigend, insbesondere wenn man in Betracht zieht, dass in Form der EU-Ratsverordnung Nr. 1\/2005 \u00fcber Schutz von Tieren bei Transporten und zusammenh\u00e4ngenden T\u00e4tigkeiten und \u00c4nderung der Richtlinien 6\ufeff\/\ufeff32\/EWG und 93\/119\/EU sowie der EU-Verordnung Nr. 1255\/97 strengere Auflagen f\u00fcr kommerzielle Tiertransporte verabschiedet wurden. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine ausf\u00fchrliche rechtliche Regelung des Tierschutzes bei kommerziellen Transporten an sich noch nicht gew\u00e4hrleistet, dass das Wohlbefinden der Tiere wirklich das gew\u00fcnschte Niveau erreicht. Unzureichende Investitionen, insbesondere in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Rezession, k\u00f6nnen erh\u00f6hte Todesraten der Tiere beim Transport zur Folge haben, trotz immer besserer rechtlicher Tierschutzregelungen und funktionierender staatlicher Aufsicht.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Mastrinder","Milchk\u00fche","Jungrinder","K\u00e4lber","Transportverluste"],"translatedTitle":"Todesrate einzelner Rinderkategorien bei Transporten zum Schlachthof","abstractE":"The death of animals during transport for slaughter is a major factor indicating the standard of welfare in transported animals. The aim of this study was to determine the mortality rate in different categories of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic in the period from 2009 to 2014\ufeff. In the monitored period, in total 1 552 57\ufeff4 head of cattle were transported for slaughter, out of which 1935 (0.125%) died as a result of this transportation. However, highly significant (p lt; 0.01) differences were found among the transport-related mortality rates of individual categories of cattle. The highest mortality rate was found in calves (0.296%), followed by dairy cows (0.207%) and feeders (0.058%), and the lowest mortality was found in fattened cattle (0.017%). During the monitored period, the overall mortality rate of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic declined from 0.333% in 2009 to 0.030% in 201\ufeff, which is a positive finding. However, when comparing the 2009\u2013201\ufeff period (mortality rate 0.125%) with the 1997\u20132006 period (mortality rate 0.020%) a rising trend in the mortality of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic was observed. This tendency is disturbing, particularly considering the fact that stricter requirements for the commercial transportation of animals had come into force by means of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1\/2005 of 22 December 2004\ufeff on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amending Directives 6\ufeff\/\ufeff32\/EEC and 93\/119\/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255\/97. The results suggest that the detailed legal framework regulating animal protection during commercial transportation itself may not be a guarantee that the welfare of animals transported will reach the required standard in practice. Inadequate investment, particularly in periods of economic recessions, may lead to the increased mortality of animals during transportation despite improving legislation and functioning state supervision in the field of animal protection.","date":{"year":2016,"date":"11\/2016","accepted":"2016-11-11"},"volume":"129","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"462-467","redirects":["mortality-rates-in-different-categories-of-cattle-during-transport-for-slaughter\/150\/3130\/98962"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 11/2016 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-15106 ET - 11/12 LA - English N2 - The death of animals during transport for slaughter is a major factor indicating the standard of welfare in transported animals. The aim of this study was to determine the mortality rate in different categories of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic in the period from 2009 to 2014. In the monitored period, in total 1 552 574 head of cattle were transported for slaughter, out of which 1935 (0.125%) died as a result of this transportation. However, highly significant (p lt; 0.01) differences were found among the transport-related mortality rates of individual categories of cattle. The highest mortality rate was found in calves (0.296%), followed by dairy cows (0.207%) and feeders (0.058%), and the lowest mortality was found in fattened cattle (0.017%). During the monitored period, the overall mortality rate of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic declined from 0.333% in 2009 to 0.030% in 201, which is a positive finding. However, when comparing the 2009–201 period (mortality rate 0.125%) with the 1997–2006 period (mortality rate 0.020%) a rising trend in the mortality of cattle transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic was observed. This tendency is disturbing, particularly considering the fact that stricter requirements for the commercial transportation of animals had come into force by means of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 of 22 December 2004 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amending Directives 6/32/EEC and 93/119/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255/97. The results suggest that the detailed legal framework regulating animal protection during commercial transportation itself may not be a guarantee that the welfare of animals transported will reach the required standard in practice. Inadequate investment, particularly in periods of economic recessions, may lead to the increased mortality of animals during transportation despite improving legislation and functioning state supervision in the field of animal protection. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2016 SP - 462 EP - 467 T1 - Mortality rates in different categories of cattle during transport for slaughter T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Mortality rates in different categories of cattle during transport for slaughter TT - Todesrate einzelner Rinderkategorien bei Transporten zum Schlachthof VL - 129 SN - 0005-9366 ER -