TY - JOUR KW - multidrug resistance KW - companion animal KW - epidemiology KW - clinical AU - S Müller AU - T Janßen AU - L Wieler AB - The proportion of multidrug resistant bacteria causing infections in animals has continuously been increasing. While the relevance of ESBL (extended spectrum beta-lactamase)-producing Enterobacteriaceae spp. and MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is unquestionable, knowledge about multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in veterinary medicine is scarce. This is a worrisome situation, as A. baumannii are isolated from veterinary clinical specimens with rising frequency. The remarkable ability of A. baumannii to develop multidrug resistance and the high risk of transmission are known in human medicine for years. Despite this, data regarding A. baumannii isolates of animal origin are missing. Due to the changing role of companion animals with closer contact between animal and owner, veterinary intensive care medicine is steadily developing. It can be assumed that the number of “high risk“ patients with an enhanced risk for hospital acquired infections will be rising simultaneously. Thus, development and spread of multidrug resistant pathogens is envisioned to rise. It is possible, that A. baumannii will evolve into a veterinary nosocomial pathogen similar to ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae and MRSA. The lack of attention paid to A. baumannii in veterinary medicine is even more worrying, as first reports indicate a transmission between humans and animals. Essential questions regarding the role of livestock, especially as a potential source of multidrug resistant isolates, remain unanswered. This review summarizes the current knowledge on A. baumannii in veterinary medicine for the first time. It underlines the utmost significance of further investigations of A. baumannii animal isolates, particularly concerning epidemiology and resistance mechanisms. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":82167,"title":"Multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in veterinary medicine \u2013 emergence of an underestimated pathogen?","topline":"Open Access BMTW | Themenheft Antibiotikaresistenzen","teaserText":"Multiresistente Acinetobacter baumannii in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin \u2013 Vormarsch eines untersch\u00e4tzten Krankheitserregers?","content":"

The proportion of multidrug resistant bacteria causing infections in animals has <\/span>continuously been increasing. While the relevance of ESBL (extended spectrum <\/span>beta-lactamase)-producing Enterobacteriaceae spp. and MRSA (methicillin <\/span>resistant Staphylococcus aureus<\/span>) is unquestionable, knowledge about multidrug <\/span>resistant Acinetobacter baumannii <\/span>in veterinary medicine is scarce. This is a <\/span>worrisome situation, as A. baumannii <\/span>are isolated from veterinary clinical specimens <\/span>with rising frequency. The remarkable ability of A. baumannii <\/span>to develop <\/span>multidrug resistance and the high risk of transmission are known in human <\/span>medicine for years. Despite this, data regarding A. baumannii <\/span>isolates of animal <\/span>origin are missing. Due to the changing role of companion animals with closer <\/span>contact between animal and owner, veterinary intensive care medicine is steadily <\/span>developing. It can be assumed that the number of \u201chigh risk\u201c patients with an <\/span>enhanced risk for hospital acquired infections will be rising simultaneously. Thus, <\/span>development and spread of multidrug resistant pathogens is envisioned to rise. It <\/span>is possible, that A. baumannii <\/span>will evolve into a veterinary nosocomial pathogen <\/span>similar to ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae and MRSA. The lack of attention <\/span>paid to A. baumannii <\/span>in veterinary medicine is even more worrying, as first reports <\/span>indicate a transmission between humans and animals. Essential questions regarding <\/span>the role of livestock, especially as a potential source of multidrug resistant <\/span>isolates, remain unanswered. This review summarizes the current knowledge on <\/span>A. baumannii <\/span>in veterinary medicine for the first time. It underlines the utmost <\/span>significance of further investigations of A. baumannii <\/span>animal isolates, particularly <\/span>concerning epidemiology and resistance mechanisms. <\/span><\/p>

multidrug resistance, companion animal, epidemiology, clinical <\/span>impact <\/span><\/p>

In den letzten Jahren stieg der Anteil an Infektionen durch multiresistente <\/span>Bakterien in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin kontinuierlich. W\u00e4hrend die Relevanz von ESBL <\/span>(Extended-Spektrum Beta-Laktamase)-bildenden Enterobakterien und MRSA <\/span>(Methicillin-resistente Staphylococcus aureus<\/span>) au\u00dfer Frage steht, ist das Wissen <\/span>\u00fcber multiresistente Acinetobacter baumannii<\/span>-<\/span>St\u00e4mme in der Tiermedizin gering. <\/span>Tats\u00e4chlich werden A. baumannii <\/span>immer h\u00e4ufiger aus klinischen Proben isoliert. <\/span>Obwohl in der Humanmedizin schon seit Jahren bekannt ist, dass A. baumannii <\/span>in <\/span>besonderem Ma\u00dfe zur Entwicklung von Resistenzen neigt und ein hohes Transmissionsrisiko <\/span>aufweist, fehlen hierzu in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin wichtige Daten. <\/span>Die ver\u00e4nderte Rolle von Begleittieren mit enger werdendem Kontakt zwischen <\/span>Besitzer und Tier f\u00fchrt zu einer stetigen Weiterentwicklung der Veterin\u00e4r-Intensivmedizin <\/span>und einer wachsenden Zahl an Tierkliniken. Es ist davon auszugehen, <\/span>dass dadurch die Zahl sogenannter \u201eHigh risk\u201c-Patienten mit erh\u00f6htem Risiko <\/span>zur Entwicklung nosokomialer Infektionen zunehmen wird, ein Umstand, der die <\/span>Entstehung und Verbreitung multiresistenter Erreger weiter beg\u00fcnstigt. Deshalb <\/span>besteht die berechtigte Sorge, dass sich A. baumannii<\/span>, \u00e4hnlich wie ESBL und <\/span>MRSA, zu einem veterin\u00e4rmedizinischen nosokomialen Erreger entwickeln wird. <\/span>Weiterhin gibt es Hinweise auf eine \u00dcbertragung von A. baumannii <\/span>zwischen <\/span>Mensch und Tier. Umso bedenklicher ist die geringe Aufmerksamkeit, die <\/span>A. baumannii <\/span>in der Tiermedizin bislang zuteil wird. Auch im Bereich der Nutztiere <\/span>sind wesentliche Fragen, wie beispielsweise ihre Bedeutung als m\u00f6gliche Quelle <\/span>multiresistenter St\u00e4mme, nach wie vor ungekl\u00e4rt. Dieser \u00dcbersichtsartikel fasst <\/span>erstmalig den aktuellen Wissensstand zu A. baumannii <\/span>in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin <\/span>zusammen und verdeutlicht, dass weitere Untersuchungen vor allem im Hinblick <\/span>auf Epidemiologie und Resistenzmechanismen animaler A. baumannii <\/span>dringend <\/span>notwendig sind. <\/span><\/p>

Multiresistenz, Begleittier, Epidemiologie, klinische Bedeutung<\/p>","categories":["Open Access","Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel","Abostufe frei"],"fromDate":"Oct 1, 2014 4:06:32 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/multidrug-resistant-acinetobacter-baumannii-in-veterinary-medicine-emergence-of-an-underestimated-pathogen\/150\/3130\/82167","http:\/\/vetline.de\/multidrug-resistant-acinetobacter-baumannii-in-veterinary-medicine-emergence-of-an-underestimated-pathogen\/150\/3216\/82167"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/multidrug-resistant-acinetobacter-baumannii-in-veterinary-medicine-emergence-of-an-underestimated-pathogen\/150\/3130\/82167\/","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschr 127, 435\u2013446 (2014)","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-127-435","doiFirstPage":"435","doiLastPage":"446","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"M\u00fcller S, Jan\u00dfen T, Wieler L","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2014_11_12_0435_onl300.pdf","title":"BMW_2014_11_12_0435.pdf","description":"Multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in veterinary medicine \u2013 emergence of an underestimated pathogen? "},"authors":[{"firstName":"S","middleName":"","lastName":"M\u00fcller"},{"firstName":"T","middleName":"","lastName":"Jan\u00dfen"},{"firstName":"L","middleName":"","lastName":"Wieler"}],"contentOptimised":"

The proportion of multidrug resistant bacteria causing infections in animals has <\/em>continuously been increasing. While the relevance of ESBL (extended spectrum <\/em>beta-lactamase)-producing Enterobacteriaceae spp. and MRSA (methicillin <\/em>resistant Staphylococcus aureus<\/em>) is unquestionable, knowledge about multidrug <\/em>resistant Acinetobacter baumannii <\/em>in veterinary medicine is scarce. This is a <\/em>worrisome situation, as A. baumannii <\/em>are isolated from veterinary clinical specimens <\/em>with rising frequency. The remarkable ability of A. baumannii <\/em>to develop <\/em>multidrug resistance and the high risk of transmission are known in human <\/em>medicine for years. Despite this, data regarding A. baumannii <\/em>isolates of animal <\/em>origin are missing. Due to the changing role of companion animals with closer <\/em>contact between animal and owner, veterinary intensive care medicine is steadily <\/em>developing. It can be assumed that the number of \u201chigh risk\u201c patients with an <\/em>enhanced risk for hospital acquired infections will be rising simultaneously. Thus, <\/em>development and spread of multidrug resistant pathogens is envisioned to rise. It <\/em>is possible, that A. baumannii <\/em>will evolve into a veterinary nosocomial pathogen <\/em>similar to ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae and MRSA. The lack of attention <\/em>paid to A. baumannii <\/em>in veterinary medicine is even more worrying, as first reports <\/em>indicate a transmission between humans and animals. Essential questions regarding <\/em>the role of livestock, especially as a potential source of multidrug resistant <\/em>isolates, remain unanswered. This review summarizes the current knowledge on <\/em>A. baumannii <\/em>in veterinary medicine for the first time. It underlines the utmost <\/em>significance of further investigations of A. baumannii <\/em>animal isolates, particularly <\/em>concerning epidemiology and resistance mechanisms. <\/em><\/p>

multidrug resistance, companion animal, epidemiology, clinical <\/em>impact <\/em><\/p>

In den letzten Jahren stieg der Anteil an Infektionen durch multiresistente <\/em>Bakterien in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin kontinuierlich. W\u00e4hrend die Relevanz von ESBL <\/em>(Extended-Spektrum Beta-Laktamase)-bildenden Enterobakterien und MRSA <\/em>(Methicillin-resistente Staphylococcus aureus<\/em>) au\u00dfer Frage steht, ist das Wissen <\/em>\u00fcber multiresistente Acinetobacter baumannii<\/em>-<\/em>St\u00e4mme in der Tiermedizin gering. <\/em>Tats\u00e4chlich werden A. baumannii <\/em>immer h\u00e4ufiger aus klinischen Proben isoliert. <\/em>Obwohl in der Humanmedizin schon seit Jahren bekannt ist, dass A. baumannii <\/em>in <\/em>besonderem Ma\u00dfe zur Entwicklung von Resistenzen neigt und ein hohes Transmissionsrisiko <\/em>aufweist, fehlen hierzu in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin wichtige Daten. <\/em>Die ver\u00e4nderte Rolle von Begleittieren mit enger werdendem Kontakt zwischen <\/em>Besitzer und Tier f\u00fchrt zu einer stetigen Weiterentwicklung der Veterin\u00e4r-Intensivmedizin <\/em>und einer wachsenden Zahl an Tierkliniken. Es ist davon auszugehen, <\/em>dass dadurch die Zahl sogenannter \u201eHigh risk\u201c-Patienten mit erh\u00f6htem Risiko <\/em>zur Entwicklung nosokomialer Infektionen zunehmen wird, ein Umstand, der die <\/em>Entstehung und Verbreitung multiresistenter Erreger weiter beg\u00fcnstigt. Deshalb <\/em>besteht die berechtigte Sorge, dass sich A. baumannii<\/em>, \u00e4hnlich wie ESBL und <\/em>MRSA, zu einem veterin\u00e4rmedizinischen nosokomialen Erreger entwickeln wird. <\/em>Weiterhin gibt es Hinweise auf eine \u00dcbertragung von A. baumannii <\/em>zwischen <\/em>Mensch und Tier. Umso bedenklicher ist die geringe Aufmerksamkeit, die <\/em>A. baumannii <\/em>in der Tiermedizin bislang zuteil wird. Auch im Bereich der Nutztiere <\/em>sind wesentliche Fragen, wie beispielsweise ihre Bedeutung als m\u00f6gliche Quelle <\/em>multiresistenter St\u00e4mme, nach wie vor ungekl\u00e4rt. Dieser \u00dcbersichtsartikel fasst <\/em>erstmalig den aktuellen Wissensstand zu A. baumannii <\/em>in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin <\/em>zusammen und verdeutlicht, dass weitere Untersuchungen vor allem im Hinblick <\/em>auf Epidemiologie und Resistenzmechanismen animaler A. baumannii <\/em>dringend <\/em>notwendig sind. <\/em><\/p>

Multiresistenz, Begleittier, Epidemiologie, klinische Bedeutung<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"The proportion of multidrug resistant bacteria causing infections in animals has <\/em>continuously been increasing. While the relevance of ESBL (extended spectrum <\/em>beta-lactamase)-producing Enterobacteriaceae spp. and MRSA (methicillin <\/em>resistant Staphylococcus aureus<\/em>) is unquestionable, knowledge about multidrug <\/em>resistant Acinetobacter baumannii <\/em>in veterinary medicine is scarce. This is a <\/em>worrisome situation, as A. baumannii <\/em>are isolated from veterinary clinical specimens <\/em>with rising frequency. The remarkable ability of A. baumannii <\/em>to develop <\/em>multidrug resistance and the high risk of transmission are known in human <\/em>medicine for years. Despite this, data regarding A. baumannii <\/em>isolates of animal <\/em>origin are missing. Due to the changing role of companion animals with closer <\/em>contact between animal and owner, veterinary intensive care medicine is steadily <\/em>developing. It can be assumed that the number of \u201chigh risk\u201c patients with an <\/em>enhanced risk for hospital acquired infections will be rising simultaneously. Thus, <\/em>development and spread of multidrug resistant pathogens is envisioned to rise. It <\/em>is possible, that A. baumannii <\/em>will evolve into a veterinary nosocomial pathogen <\/em>similar to ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae and MRSA. The lack of attention <\/em>paid to A. baumannii <\/em>in veterinary medicine is even more worrying, as first reports <\/em>indicate a transmission between humans and animals. Essential questions regarding <\/em>the role of livestock, especially as a potential source of multidrug resistant <\/em>isolates, remain unanswered. This review summarizes the current knowledge on <\/em>A. baumannii <\/em>in veterinary medicine for the first time. It underlines the utmost <\/em>significance of further investigations of A. baumannii <\/em>animal isolates, particularly <\/em>concerning epidemiology and resistance mechanisms. <\/em><\/p>

","keywords":["multidrug resistance","companion animal","epidemiology","clinical"],"zusammenfassung":"In den letzten Jahren stieg der Anteil an Infektionen durch multiresistente <\/em>Bakterien in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin kontinuierlich. W\u00e4hrend die Relevanz von ESBL <\/em>(Extended-Spektrum Beta-Laktamase)-bildenden Enterobakterien und MRSA <\/em>(Methicillin-resistente Staphylococcus aureus<\/em>) au\u00dfer Frage steht, ist das Wissen <\/em>\u00fcber multiresistente Acinetobacter baumannii<\/em>-<\/em>St\u00e4mme in der Tiermedizin gering. <\/em>Tats\u00e4chlich werden A. baumannii <\/em>immer h\u00e4ufiger aus klinischen Proben isoliert. <\/em>Obwohl in der Humanmedizin schon seit Jahren bekannt ist, dass A. baumannii <\/em>in <\/em>besonderem Ma\u00dfe zur Entwicklung von Resistenzen neigt und ein hohes Transmissionsrisiko <\/em>aufweist, fehlen hierzu in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin wichtige Daten. <\/em>Die ver\u00e4nderte Rolle von Begleittieren mit enger werdendem Kontakt zwischen <\/em>Besitzer und Tier f\u00fchrt zu einer stetigen Weiterentwicklung der Veterin\u00e4r-Intensivmedizin <\/em>und einer wachsenden Zahl an Tierkliniken. Es ist davon auszugehen, <\/em>dass dadurch die Zahl sogenannter \u201eHigh risk\u201c-Patienten mit erh\u00f6htem Risiko <\/em>zur Entwicklung nosokomialer Infektionen zunehmen wird, ein Umstand, der die <\/em>Entstehung und Verbreitung multiresistenter Erreger weiter beg\u00fcnstigt. Deshalb <\/em>besteht die berechtigte Sorge, dass sich A. baumannii<\/em>, \u00e4hnlich wie ESBL und <\/em>MRSA, zu einem veterin\u00e4rmedizinischen nosokomialen Erreger entwickeln wird. <\/em>Weiterhin gibt es Hinweise auf eine \u00dcbertragung von A. baumannii <\/em>zwischen <\/em>Mensch und Tier. Umso bedenklicher ist die geringe Aufmerksamkeit, die <\/em>A. baumannii <\/em>in der Tiermedizin bislang zuteil wird. Auch im Bereich der Nutztiere <\/em>sind wesentliche Fragen, wie beispielsweise ihre Bedeutung als m\u00f6gliche Quelle <\/em>multiresistenter St\u00e4mme, nach wie vor ungekl\u00e4rt. Dieser \u00dcbersichtsartikel fasst <\/em>erstmalig den aktuellen Wissensstand zu A. baumannii <\/em>in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin <\/em>zusammen und verdeutlicht, dass weitere Untersuchungen vor allem im Hinblick <\/em>auf Epidemiologie und Resistenzmechanismen animaler A. baumannii <\/em>dringend <\/em>notwendig sind. <\/em><\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Multiresistenz","Begleittier","Epidemiologie","klinische Bedeutung"],"translatedTitle":"Multiresistente Acinetobacter baumannii in der Veterin\u00e4rmedizin \u2013 Vormarsch eines untersch\u00e4tzten Krankheitserregers?","abstractE":"The proportion of multidrug resistant bacteria causing infections in animals has continuously been increasing. While the relevance of ESBL (extended spectrum beta-lactamase)-producing Enterobacteriaceae spp. and MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is unquestionable, knowledge about multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in veterinary medicine is scarce. This is a worrisome situation, as A. baumannii are isolated from veterinary clinical specimens with rising frequency. The remarkable ability of A. baumannii to develop multidrug resistance and the high risk of transmission are known in human medicine for years. Despite this, data regarding A. baumannii isolates of animal origin are missing. Due to the changing role of companion animals with closer contact between animal and owner, veterinary intensive care medicine is steadily developing. It can be assumed that the number of \u201chigh risk\u201c patients with an enhanced risk for hospital acquired infections will be rising simultaneously. Thus, development and spread of multidrug resistant pathogens is envisioned to rise. It is possible, that A. baumannii will evolve into a veterinary nosocomial pathogen similar to ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae and MRSA. The lack of attention paid to A. baumannii in veterinary medicine is even more worrying, as first reports indicate a transmission between humans and animals. Essential questions regarding the role of livestock, especially as a potential source of multidrug resistant isolates, remain unanswered. This review summarizes the current knowledge on A. baumannii in veterinary medicine for the first time. It underlines the utmost significance of further investigations of A. baumannii animal isolates, particularly concerning epidemiology and resistance mechanisms. ","date":{"year":2014,"date":"10\/2014","accepted":"2014-10-01"},"volume":"127","openAccess":true,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"435-446","redirects":["multidrug-resistant-acinetobacter-baumannii-in-veterinary-medicine-emergence-of-an-underestimated-pathogen\/150\/3130\/82167","multidrug-resistant-acinetobacter-baumannii-in-veterinary-medicine-emergence-of-an-underestimated-pathogen\/150\/3216\/82167"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Open Access","Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel","Abostufe frei"]} CY - Hannover DA - 10/2014 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-127-435 LA - English N2 - The proportion of multidrug resistant bacteria causing infections in animals has continuously been increasing. While the relevance of ESBL (extended spectrum beta-lactamase)-producing Enterobacteriaceae spp. and MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is unquestionable, knowledge about multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in veterinary medicine is scarce. This is a worrisome situation, as A. baumannii are isolated from veterinary clinical specimens with rising frequency. The remarkable ability of A. baumannii to develop multidrug resistance and the high risk of transmission are known in human medicine for years. Despite this, data regarding A. baumannii isolates of animal origin are missing. Due to the changing role of companion animals with closer contact between animal and owner, veterinary intensive care medicine is steadily developing. It can be assumed that the number of “high risk“ patients with an enhanced risk for hospital acquired infections will be rising simultaneously. Thus, development and spread of multidrug resistant pathogens is envisioned to rise. It is possible, that A. baumannii will evolve into a veterinary nosocomial pathogen similar to ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae and MRSA. The lack of attention paid to A. baumannii in veterinary medicine is even more worrying, as first reports indicate a transmission between humans and animals. Essential questions regarding the role of livestock, especially as a potential source of multidrug resistant isolates, remain unanswered. This review summarizes the current knowledge on A. baumannii in veterinary medicine for the first time. It underlines the utmost significance of further investigations of A. baumannii animal isolates, particularly concerning epidemiology and resistance mechanisms. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2014 SP - 435 EP - 446 T1 - Multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in veterinary medicine – emergence of an underestimated pathogen? T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in veterinary medicine – emergence of an underestimated pathogen? TT - Multiresistente Acinetobacter baumannii in der Veterinärmedizin – Vormarsch eines unterschätzten Krankheitserregers? VL - 127 SN - 0005-9366 ER -