@article{3582, author = {M Ottenjann and A Lübke-Becker and H Linzmann and L Brunnberg and B Kohn}, title = {Pyothorax bei 26 Katzen: Klinik, Labordiagnostik und Therapie (2000–2007)}, abstract = {Thoraxerguss, septisches Exsudat, Anaerobier, Thorax-Trokar-Katheter, thoracic effusion, septic exudate, anaerobic bacteria, thoracic chesttube}, year = {2008}, journal = {Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift}, volume = {121}, pages = {365-373}, month = {09/2008}, publisher = {Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG}, address = {Hannover}, issn = {0005-9366}, doi = {10.2376/0005-9366-121-365}, language = {German}, }